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10 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

It almost makes you wonder does it not?

Scott Atlas is clearly Trump's go to guy on this issue today.

He is not an epidemiologist.  He is a radiologist.

But he advocates for herd immunity.  I think Trump might be moving for this without actually saying it.  And I  wish Biden had addressed the issue last night.  Because if that is what the Trump/Atlas agenda really is , they should say it.


Absolutely.  Trump and Atlas have been implicitly promoting the herd immunity policy without clarifying the implications.

IMO, the worst Trump double-speak incident in the third debate occurred when Kirsten Welker asked Trump about calling Dr. Fauci a "disaster" and an "idiot," and Trump replied that he "respected" Dr. Fauci.

I was waiting for Biden to say, "So, President Trump respects Dr. Fauci, by telling everyone that Fauci is a disaster and an idiot?  Makes a lot of sense."

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I wonder if by 86, depending on my health I guess I might not prefer taking my chances in the basement of my heaven on earth home.  As opposed to being high risk, anywhere I go facing covid.

I camped one night at lake Granby back in the early 80's.  Woke to a dead battery.


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85,000 new cases a day.  This is getting out of hand and many are ignoring it.  Including the msm to a certain extent.


They post an article, then 30 minutes later it's gone.  Like this one from 2 hours ago, that was a headline on msn a half hour ago.


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In other coronavirus news...

I had a positive test today. I have had mild symptoms at best, but I lost my taste and smell and felt that was something to check on.

So far I haven't felt bad other than a headache.

Here's to hoping the next 10 days pass without any real excitement.

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47 minutes ago, Mark Stevens said:

In other coronavirus news...

I had a positive test today. I have had mild symptoms at best, but I lost my taste and smell and felt that was something to check on.

So far I haven't felt bad other than a headache.

Here's to hoping the next 10 days pass without any real excitement.

Sorry to hear that and good luck with your recovery. Any idea how you may have picked up the virus?

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49 minutes ago, Ty Carpenter said:

Sorry to hear that and good luck with your recovery. Any idea how you may have picked up the virus?


I was exposed to a co-worker. He flew down and could have gotten on the flight, or in the hotel he was staying in. We were both pretty diligent about mask wearing and only removed them when we went out to lunch. I'm not sure what his diligence was like after-hours though.

He worked closely with me and two others, neither of those have developed any symptoms. One had a test last week and was negative.

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1 hour ago, Mark Stevens said:

In other coronavirus news...

I had a positive test today. I have had mild symptoms at best, but I lost my taste and smell and felt that was something to check on.

So far I haven't felt bad other than a headache.

Here's to hoping the next 10 days pass without any real excitement.

Good luck, Mark, hope you have a speedy recovery.

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2 hours ago, Mark Stevens said:

In other coronavirus news...

I had a positive test today. I have had mild symptoms at best, but I lost my taste and smell and felt that was something to check on.

So far I haven't felt bad other than a headache.

Here's to hoping the next 10 days pass without any real excitement.

So sorry to hear about this, Mark.

Wishing you a speedy recovery.

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We don't feel the same about Giuliani but I'll go with you on that Dave. Pelosi should take the deal and get relief out, at least in the House now. The Republicans have no reason after the election to put forth a stimulus. But the matter is urgent!

But actually it's all bogus posturing anyway. Because it would throw the ball in the court of Mitch Mc Connell, and he won't go for it anyway, but at least he'll be on record as denying the stimulus. There are sizable amount of Repubs in the Senate that do gauge the recovery  on the stock market performance and as long as that's not collapsing, they are not going to spend any money at all. So it's a lot of BS, and the poor little guy gets stuck in the middle without any funds to pay his rent, or to salvage his business, or even to live off of.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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On 10/27/2020 at 11:07 AM, David Andrews said:

Orangeface got his packed Court, but stimulus aid on indefinite hold.  If I were Wheeler, I'd say the Democrats were colluding in delaying the aid bill.



The Democrats have been fighting to get DOUBLE the financial help to hurting Americans. The cheap "skinny" help package Repubs won't allow this to happen. It's that simple.

And how much help will another measly $1,200 be to most of our job loss  Americans?

How much will this actually stimulate the economy?

Tens of MILLIONS of Americans have been without full incomes for 7 or 8 months now ( less than half get 1/2 reduced unemployment insurance income ) with many of them falling months behind in their home payments, rents, car payments and on and on.

$1,200 won't touch the 6 months worth of fallen behind amounts they now owe.

The day after I received my $1,200 stimulus check last April, my 2007 used car quit running.

We had it towed to our regular repair service and by the end of the day our repairs added up to just under  $1,400. Yes, the stimulus check covered most of that bill and was appreciated.

Since July however, our main family income job was lost due to the Covid. We are now living on unemployment. Less than half of the lost job income.

50 to 60 million Americans ( when you include the families of the jobless ) for sure now desperately need way WAY more financial help than that and with millions more probably needing at least some financial help as well.

The great majority of these help needing Americans are hard working and who held jobs before the pandemic.

Trump's Republican enablers holding back "any" help to this massive amount of hurting Americans for 6  MONTHS ( by trying to keep it half as much as the Democrats have been offering ) is a Hoover Depression neglecting crime imo.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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This is ridiculous.  These counties are huge, size and population wise.  Blatant voter suppression. 


Force people to interact more and spread the virus further.


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11 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Never thought I'd see the day when life in Fargo would be even creepier than it is in the Coen brothers' screenplays.

The first season of Fargo was set in Bemidji, Minnesota-- where Trump recently complimented his Nordic rally goers on their "good genes." 

Sadly, their good Nordic genes did not protect them from a COVID outbreak in the wake of Trump's rally.

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