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Ruth Ben-Ghiat on Trump and the bitter American truth: "We do not have a real democracy"

NYU fascism expert explains the next moves in Trump's "authoritarian playbook" — and says it's almost too late



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Trump is getting HAMMERED over this reported slander of fallen American soldiers.


Retired Capt. Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger, America’s favorite airline pilot, is “disgusted” by the “current occupant of the White House,” he tweeted Friday in an uncharacteristic attack on President Donald Trump.

The easygoing pilot, who safely landed a crippled commercial airliner in the Hudson River 11 years ago to save every one of his 155 passengers, erupted over a report Thursday in The Atlantic about Trump’s shocking insults labeling fallen service members as “losers” and “suckers.”

As part of his nine-tweet attack, Sullenberger began by honoring his father, who, like him, was a war veteran. “His generation saved the world from fascism,” he wrote. Sullenberger, an Air Force veteran, volunteered for military service during the Vietnam War.


“I have long known that serving a cause greater than oneself is the highest calling, whether in the military or in civilian life,” he added in a following tweet. “And I have always tried to be a voice of reason and to speak in a measured way.”

But “this situation calls for a much more direct approach. It is time to call out egregious behavior for what it is,” he flatly stated.

“For the first time in American history, a president has repeatedly shown utter and vulgar contempt and disrespect for those who have served and died serving our country,” Sullenberger noted.


“While I am not surprised, I am disgusted by the current occupant of the Oval Office. He has repeatedly and consistently shown himself to be completely unfit for and to have no respect for the office he holds,” Sullenberger added.

“He cannot understand selflessness because he is selfish. He cannot conceive of courage because he is a coward.”

He concluded: “We owe it not only to those who have served and sacrificed for our nation, but to ourselves and to succeeding generations to vote him out.”

Sullenberger is a registered Republican who was approached by the GOP in 2009 about running for Congress. He endorsed Democratic nominee Joe Biden for president earlier this year.

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Expert on the radical right warns that vigilantes are preparing ‘to launch a coup’

 Published4 hours ago on September 5, 2020


 From the article:Reid warns that Portland, the right-wing vigilante killings in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and the hundreds of other attacks by right-wing extremists on Black Lives Matter protesters is just a preview of the massive violence that Donald Trump and his movement may unleash before and after Election Day — perhaps including the arrest or imprisonment of prominent Democrats, journalists, and others deemed to be enemies of the state.”


[Isn’t this what Mr. Wheeler has been talking about in this topic, indicating that he has advance knowledge of the plan of the radical right?]



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1 hour ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Expert on the radical right warns that vigilantes are preparing ‘to launch a coup’

 Published4 hours ago on September 5, 2020


 From the article:Reid warns that Portland, the right-wing vigilante killings in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and the hundreds of other attacks by right-wing extremists on Black Lives Matter protesters is just a preview of the massive violence that Donald Trump and his movement may unleash before and after Election Day — perhaps including the arrest or imprisonment of prominent Democrats, journalists, and others deemed to be enemies of the state.”


From the article:

Trump’s “law and order” politics, and its inherent racism and violence, are believed by many to be his path back to the White House.

I mean, what is this about, anyway?  Turning the country to sh*t and bringing out Americans' worst impulses, so the GOP can have four more years in the Executive and Legislative, plus install some right-wing federal judges?  Except for the judges, everything that's trending so painfully now will be reduced or quashed under eight succeeding years of Democratic rule.  And any successes in social engineering were coming gradually anyway, without riding in on so much death and misery.  It's why I call this administration an insult and a calamity. 

Edited by David Andrews
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Armed showdown at Churchill Downs?

Have you seen the reports ( with images) of opposing black and white heavily armed militia looking political protest groups both converging on Kentucky's Churchill Downs race track during the Kentucky derby today?

It's almost surreal in it's ominous threat connotations!

Look at the full military combat dress and weaponry these groups have adorned themselves with!

High powered automatic rifles, bullet proof vests, fatigues, waiters, gloves...???

It looks like a movie set scene where a full military civil war type confrontation is about to take place.

How much closer to actual violence is this meet up encouraging? With all that deadly and powerful weaponry facing each other...one nut case firing could trigger a battle with hundreds dead and wounded?

The feds should stop this buildup immediately. They should be sending troops in to calm and disburse such a battle ready and risky situation like this?

Trump obviously doesn't think stopping these build ups before they explode is necessary. But he is wrong. It is not irrational to wonder if he wants this kind of confrontation to occur to scare tens of millions of citizens into such fear, they will blindly vote for the most law and order claiming party and candidates, which is always the Republicans.

What crazy, chaotic, dangerous times we are in...TRUMP times.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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20 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

I read an article today that said that this military flap will not change any of Trumps base.

The article said that since the military is 43% black; if given the choice of preserving the power structure that comes with the white Christian heritage that settled this country, or supporting the troops, Trump's base will turn their back on the military.

God, guns and Trump, you know.


Steve Thomas

The picture reminds me of the song that Paul Newman sang in the movie Cool Hand Luke: 


Plastic Jesus shelters me,

For His head comes off, you see

He's hollow, and I use Him for a flask.

Plastic Jesus plastic Jesus,
Riding on the dashboard of my car ...
Ride with me and have a dram
Of the blood of the Lamb -
Plastic Jesus is a holy bar.


Edited by Robert Burrows
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18 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

I read an article today that said that this military flap will not change any of Trumps base.

The article said that since the military is 43% black; if given the choice of preserving the power structure that comes with the white Christian heritage that settled this country, or supporting the troops, Trump's base will turn their back on the military.


Right.  Because too few of Trump's "patriots" actually served, over the last few generations.  If they had, they might have learned some respect for other races.  Still, one had counted on some militaristic support among them.

Edited by David Andrews
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Another Trump action that is slipping by while we're talking about the confrontation between fascist and anti fascists is that I assume people are counting on either continuing to collect social security or to some day collect it. Trump's now proposing the elimination of the payroll tax that will make the Social Security trust fund run out in 3 years -2023!  As it stands right now, it stands to run out in 2029, but at least there's plenty of time to save it and put that date off. 


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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43 % of our military enlisted ranks are black?


It's that high versus white, Hispanic and Asian?

That's a remarkable number.

Especially considering blacks only make up 13.4 % of our population.

Hispanic 18% and white 60.1%.


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31 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

43 % of our military enlisted ranks are black?


It's that high versus white, Hispanic and Asian?

That's a remarkable number.

Especially considering blacks only make up 13.4 % of our population.

Hispanic 18% and white 60.1%.

2018 Military Demographics


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