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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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The only way I see Trump escaping this trap that he, in part, set for himself is through DeJoy.

Which is probably why he brought him in at the last minute when he saw the poll numbers.

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Isn't it kind of amazing that most guys from the Baby Boom generation know the entire Goldfinger screenplay by heart?


Bond:  You must have been playing the wrong ball, Mr. Goldfinger.  I'm afraid that you forfeit the hole and the match.

Goldfinger:  Fake news, Mr. Bond!  I own this golf course, and everyone knows I have the best balls.


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28 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Isn't it kind of amazing that most guys from the Baby Boom generation know the entire Goldfinger screenplay by heart?


Bond:  You must have been playing the wrong ball, Mr. Goldfinger.  I'm afraid that you forfeit the hole and the match.

Goldfinger:  Fake news, Mr. Bond!  I own this golf course, and everyone knows I have the best balls.


Best thing I have seen this week 🙂

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If Trump gets re-elected I am going into internet posting hiding.

I wouldn't be surprised that a new internet police force would be created to corral those who they feel are posting subversive messages that threaten the security of the Trump police state.

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1 minute ago, Chris Barnard said:

I am calling this, feel free to berate me if I am wrong. Trump gets re-elected ... 

Only in America ☺️

Well yeah, probably. But - this won’t be a fair election, it’s being rigged. And the biggest problem is that the Democrats are just barely worthy of voting for, which makes them an easy target. I’m voting for Biden, but it’s really the down ballot candidates, and the newbies from the 2018 midterms, that have my attention. Endless wars are still endless. Trump didn’t have to start any new ones - there are plenty to go around. With the already existing lack of enthusiasm in the Democratic base it’s relatively easy to convince the Bernie supporters to sit this out. What’s more insidious, and largely unknown by most, is the effect of QAnon on the New Age community. Some of them are buying into the concept of Trump being the ‘lightbringer’, sent to disrupt the old order. This resonates, because the Old Order deserves to be disrupted. It’s easy to see how the wedges are being driven into the left, and combine that with copious amounts of voter suppression, dirty Agent Provocateur tricks, a corrupted corporate media, shenanigans with voting by mail, and sure, Trump will ‘win’ . Does any rational person expect a winner to be announced on Election Day? Or the results contested? This is all pertinent to the reason why we have this Forum. We all know that a Deep State exists. We know they killed our leaders in the 1960’s, and we did nothing. So here we are. 

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29 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Well yeah, probably. But - this won’t be a fair election, it’s being rigged. And the biggest problem is that the Democrats are just barely worthy of voting for, which makes them an easy target. I’m voting for Biden, but it’s really the down ballot candidates, and the newbies from the 2018 midterms, that have my attention. Endless wars are still endless. Trump didn’t have to start any new ones - there are plenty to go around. With the already existing lack of enthusiasm in the Democratic base it’s relatively easy to convince the Bernie supporters to sit this out. What’s more insidious, and largely unknown by most, is the effect of QAnon on the New Age community. Some of them are buying into the concept of Trump being the ‘lightbringer’, sent to disrupt the old order. This resonates, because the Old Order deserves to be disrupted. It’s easy to see how the wedges are being driven into the left, and combine that with copious amounts of voter suppression, dirty Agent Provocateur tricks, a corrupted corporate media, shenanigans with voting by mail, and sure, Trump will ‘win’ . Does any rational person expect a winner to be announced on Election Day? Or the results contested? This is all pertinent to the reason why we have this Forum. We all know that a Deep State exists. We know they killed our leaders in the 1960’s, and we did nothing. So here we are. 

When I look at Trump and Biden, I just see devolution. I don’t know whether we are all here for the same reasons but, this is a leader of men:

We’re seeing devolution. 

I would say its rigged too but, only in the way its a two party system that provides a predetermined outcome or continuity regardless of the candidate or party.  Any rational human being could see a rational, remotely honest, centrist who can speak well beats Trump and takes his votes. Apathy toward toppling statues, burning cities and abolition of law enforcement isn’t palatable amongst moderately educated people. Nor is attempted coups by tying the president up in impeachment hearings. 



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1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:

...and that is when your credibility started to go where Caddy's already went.

How long have you been at this?

Anyone knows that people like Raddatz, Stahl, and Holt do not constitute the Power Elite.

If you don't know that then you have been reading Breibart and Quillette too much and listening to Ben Shapiro.  

The Power Elite is much bigger, much more powerful than the face of the MSM.  

But you know that Bob.  So I conclude you are just playing games with me as part of your allegiance to Trump.  Therefore I will drop this conversation.


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1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

If Trump gets re-elected I am going into internet posting hiding.

I wouldn't be surprised that a new internet police force would be created to corral those who they feel are posting subversive messages that threaten the security of the Trump police state.

No, don’t do that .... just say, ok I got it wrong 🤷‍♂️. I’ll do it in Nov 4th if I am wrong. 

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7 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Allegiance to Trump?

Is that the best you can do Jim. I only voted for him because he was not Hillary. 

Whatever one thinks about Trump, the chances of him being a puppet of the "Power Elite", is always going to be less than the chances of Biden/Harris.

Unless you believe the "Power Elite" approve of Trump declining to get into more foreign conflicts, or extracting the USA from existing ones. 

The Power Elite is much bigger, much more powerful than the face of the MSM. 

This sounds like you are conceding that the MSM is the face of the Power Elite.

Of course its bigger, but we usually only see the face, and hear from it's mouth. There is therefore nothing controversial or even novel about rejecting the MSM's utterances if we acknowledge the original thoughts are the Power Elites.

Seriously though, you are twisting yourself into a pretzel trying to rationalize why anyone should look at Time Magazine's Covid cover without laughing, when you already told us that Time Magazine tried to destroy the JFK film 30 years ago. 

I'll keep it simple.

Do we trust Time now, but not 30 years ago?

Does the "Power Elite" want Trump or Biden?

“Does the power elite want Trump or Biden” 

Both .... but, probably less so Trump, as he is less controllable or predictable, his eyes will be installing his offspring or in-laws in positions of influence to continue a legacy long after he is gone. Biden is like a puppy who has been dropped on his head. 

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That in your face cover story told me that they want Biden.

Trump has made such a mess of things domestically, resulting in a polarization that is really extreme, that they want him out.

You know what else is an indication of this? James Murdoch quit the board of Fox.  And he and his wife donated 120,000 to a group called blackpac, which is giving all kinds of money to promote Harris.

Trump is getting blackballed.




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I am all for free speech, but this is why Alex Jones is essentially a demagogue, and in reality is a danger to the republic:


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