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2 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:


You can say that again, Cliff 🤥

Amazing that this disinformation about COVID deaths in the U.S. is still making the rounds.

As Dr. Fauci and numerous epidemiologists have explained, in the absence of COVID infections these deceased, COVID-positive Americans with co-morbidities would not have died.

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Internet, Covid, Trump misinformation: I've already seen so much of these fallacies about the pandemic on another site.

Rand Paul was the the first Senator to get a covid infection. He used the Senate gym, and a lot of facilities while he was waiting for his covid test results, thoroughly sure that he wasn't infected, and it turned out he was. After quarantining, and returning he's been reprimanded for not wearing a mask in the Senate Chamber but he can claim he now has an immunity.

Today he tries to grill Fauci and Fauci finally fights back. Paul claims that NYC has obtained herd immunity at 22%, and is corrected by Fauci. Even someone like me, whose not a physician like Paul, who just reads about the covid pandemic, knows better than that. 


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10 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Dennis, I'm confused (easily sometimes according to my wife).  The changes in the CDC reporting would take covid deaths down from 200K to 20K?  So they have been over reporting covid deaths attributable to other sources?  Do I misunderstand?

Thank you Ron for your reasonable reaction to this, many people have been programmed to respond rather violently to this issue. There is a Part A and Part B for death certificates, typically Part B is not counted for statistical reporting purposes. When someone has more than one health issue, it used to be the doctor's opinion as to what the primary cause was and he would list it in an order of his best guess. The change made it so if covid was part of the list of health issues a deceased patient had, it was automatically included in part A. Even if covid was suspected, it could be written in Part A. About two weeks ago the CDC released a report saying that 94% of "covid" deaths involved an average of 2.6 co-morbidity. It is possible to speculate therefore, that if the change had not occurred, we may not be talking about deaths in the same way, the people would still have died of course, but the listed reason would be different. The point is, this change guaranteed a large death count number. Within the last five years we had over 60k deaths from flu under the old counting system used since 2003. If they had made the change for flu reporting in 2017, we may have been talking about 200-400k deaths from flu, its not scientific in my opinion, but if you have a political agenda, those numbers might help you. In Massachusetts, where I live, there have only been 82 deaths from covid alone and about 9,000 overall. Considering the average age of death (in MA at least) is 82, and the average 82 year old has roughly 2.6 serious health issues besides covid, how many of those same people would die if they caught influenza under those conditions?


10 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

I'm not familiar with RFK Jr's work on this.  Love his book on American Values.  Don't understand where he's coming from regarding what I've read on his stance regarding vaccines.  Do you know of a link on anything about his "work on this" (CDC/counting covid deaths) that might help me understand better?

The best source would be his website https://childrenshealthdefense.org/.

Regarding vaccines, there is a big story that more and more people are waking up to. Big Pharma is massive and in many ways is similar to the military industrial complex. To be brief as possible, as I'm not sure this is the appropriate place for all of this, the vaccine manufacturers are immune from any type of lawsuit for their products. A law signed by Reagan in 1986 created a vaccine boom by 1989, the same year that the EPA identified as the "take off" year for neurological problems in children. The industry does not have to conduct real inert placebo testing in their products (the covid 19 vaccines being the one exception due to pressure brought by vaccine safety advocates and apparently Trump's agreement?). They will usually test another vaccine or adjuvant (toxin designed to stimulate immune response) as a placebo in order to then make their product appear safe, even though it most certainly isn't. There is much more to this story. You can see in the responses of others to my statement what the corporate Big Pharma lines are on this issues. They own major US media on this topic and during non-election years can form 70% of ad revenue for certain networks. By the way, the US is one of only 2 countries (1998 law change, New Zealand is the other) in the world that allow direct to consumer marketing of pharma drugs, AND THEY GET A TAX WRITE OFF FOR IT! Censorship has been happening on this issue for many years and now has taken more aggressive forms. Dr. Sanjay Gupta recently talked a Moderna vaccine volunteer into hiding his adverse reaction (he felt worse than at any other point in his life, passed out, his gf took him to the emergency room), he is essentially a paid agent of Big Pharma.

RFK Jr and his team is currently suing Facebook, Merck, state governments and more and has the absolute best information on this topic that I have seen. I would highly recommend Andrew Wakefield's recent documentary, 1986: The Act if your interested in this topic. Wakefield was one of the first to statistically link certain vaccines to autism and paid a hell of a price for it (similar to Jim Garrison in some ways), but his research has been duplicated by others and is solid. Also, a CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson who was one of the lead authors of a CDC study that was designed to discredit Wakefield, came out in 2014 and said that the CDC manipulated data and did find a link, especially in young African American boys. He has still not been called to testify in front of Congress. Then there's the whole Simpsonwood conference where the industry knew the connection and buried it...

For my Democrat-or-die friends, RBG was a vaccine safety advocate and voted against a 2015 decision that basically removed even the tort process from the vaccine manufactures and thus the discovery process as well. Sotomayor was the other dissenter on this horrible decision, Bruesewitz vs. Wyeth. Trump actually had RFK Jr and Del Bigtree (vaccine safety advocate) come into a room with Faucci and Offit. He almost set up a commission with RFK Jr on the issue but scrapped it for reasons I am still not aware of. Faucci is a Big Pharma guy through and through. The inventor of the widely used PCR test, Kary Mullis, railed against Faucci in the 90's and said his test should not be used for diagnostic purposes (as we do for covid).

It must also be said that Trump was absolutely correct about Hydroxychloroquine. Many doctors have used it with much success against covid and the Lancet study used to largely ban its use was retracted and fraudulent. The WHO and Europe then conducted fraudulent studies of it (gave 4x the recommended dose, poisoning people, giving it far too late to be effective, etc..). Switzerland was using it, then banned it after Lancet, the deaths went up, then Lancet retracted, Switzerland removed the ban, deaths then dropped again. Many studies have proven it safe and effective when given in the right doses and given as early as possible after covid diagnosis. But the conflict of interests of the press and WHO (Gates Foundation is a huge funder and according to some WHO employees, nothing gets done without a Gates agent knowing or perhaps even approving) turned Hydroxychloroquine into a political identity and successfully thwarted that non-patented drug. They even censored a press conference held in Washington by a large group of doctors a few months ago regarding this issue.

My state, MA, just recently mandated two vaccines, flu and Meningococcal, for kids to go to school. Among the 4-5 different flu shots out there right now, at least 2 of them still have mercury in them (which is how RFK Jr got involved in all of this, he was studying mercury emissions from coal and other polluters and the effect on the population). Vaccines only need to show an anti-body response to get FDA approval and they rarely test them for safety past two weeks. We now know there are different types of anti-bodies, some of which actually increase the infect ability of the patient, its called pathogenic priming and is very real.  How many covid deaths had received the flu shot this year? I haven't seen any data on that at all, and I don't think we will.

Again, the story is much bigger than the few tid bits here, but it is critical to understand during this "covid" crisis. There is definitely a movement among certain circles to vaccine everyone in the world without giving them an option, this would be unacceptable to free living people for many reasons. Not to mention, that coincides with what Gates said at a TED talk "If we are good about vaccination, we can REDUCE the world's population by 10-15% over the coming years". Nice guy right?

In summary, if you find yourself quoting a mainstream media source for information regarding anything related to Big Pharma/vaccines, you should probably take a step back.

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How COVID-19 Deaths Are Counted

Assigning a cause of death is never straightforward, but data on excess deaths suggest coronavirus death tolls are likely an underestimate



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47 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:

. Not to mention, that coincides with what Gates said at a TED talk "If we are good about vaccination, we can REDUCE the world's population by 10-15% over the coming years". Nice guy right?

I’ve never thought of Bill Gates as a “nice guy” since he made billions off the same business model as Donald Trump — Go Ahead And Sue Me.

But it’s important to keep our facts straight even when it’s about people we don’t like.

Did Bill Gates ‘Admit’ Vaccinations Are Designed So Governments Can ‘Depopulate’ the World?


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10 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

But it’s important to keep our facts straight even when it’s about people we don’t like.

Sure is Cliff. First, you made it sound like I said something I didn't. Secondly, here is exactly what Gates said. Also, please don't post Snopes anything, "fact-checkers" are modern form of censorship and again falls into the mainstream bucket. Just look at their "work" on the JFK case and 9/11. Similar to the Scientific American that you posted. If you read that article, they do their best to present one side of the issue, but even still they cannot close the door on the counting issue as they mentioned the Colorado reporting. Please read this much lengthier and more detailed article regarding the CDC counting change and other related issues.




Edited by Dennis Berube
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Why the Trump Campaign Is Returning Donations to These Superfans

By Daniel Newhauser Sep. 24, 2020


“President Donald Trump won’t be able to count on his most loyal donors, just when he needs them the most.

Hundreds of supporters who have consistently emptied their pockets for the Trump campaign have already reached the maximum legally allowable donation as of the end of July, and hundreds more are dangerously close to the limit, according to Federal Election Commission records.

In a letter to Trump’s campaign last month, the FEC flagged more than 35,000 donations totaling $4.56 million from 1,045 donors—including one of Trump’s own ambassadors, a Chinese philanthropist and, apparently, a used car dealership in Memphis.

Though the campaign has raised some $1.1 billion, it has already spent more than $800 million, blowing through cash on fundraising operations, highly paid staff and facilities, and even magnetic phone pouches to keep donors from recording and leaking private meetings, according to a recent New York Times report.

Brett Kappel, a campaign finance expert and lawyer at the D.C. firm Harmon Curran, said the letter, including 855 pages of donations deemed excessive by the FEC, is unprecedented in scale at this point in a campaign and is likely a result of Trump’s unprecedented decision to start his re-election campaign the same day he was sworn into office.

“One of the problems with starting your re-election campaign on Inauguration Day is that your most loyal small donors—the ones who have signed up to give $50 or $100 every week—will hit the $5,600 limit long before the next election,” Kappel said.”

Steve Thomas



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1 hour ago, Cliff Varnell said:


How COVID-19 Deaths Are Counted

Assigning a cause of death is never straightforward, but data on excess deaths suggest coronavirus death tolls are likely an underestimate




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28 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:

Sure is Cliff. First, you made it sound like I said something I didn't.

I quoted you directly. I didn’t “make” you sound like anything.


Secondly, here is exactly what Gates said. Also, please don't post Snopes anything, "fact-checkers" are modern form of censorship and again falls into the mainstream bucket.

How is Snopes “censorship”? Who says that fact-checkers can’t be fact-checked?


Just look at their "work" on the JFK case and 9/11.

Okay. Cite what Snopes or Politifact have written about JFK or 9/11.


Similar to the Scientific American that you posted. If you read that article, they do their best to present one side of the issue, but even still they cannot close the door on the counting issue as they mentioned the Colorado reporting.

Ah. So they only present one side of the issue except when they present both sides?


Please read this much lengthier and more detailed article regarding the CDC counting change and other related issues.


RFK Jr (emphasis added):

As we have demonstrated in our first 2 research articles, ‘Are Children Really Recovering 99.9584% of the Time From COVID-19,’ and ‘COVID-19…Have You Heard? There Is Good News!there is a very real concern for Americans over the age 50 and especially over 65 years of age. Risk of fatality increases substantially for Americans over age 50 with at least 1 of the following comorbidities: Hypertension, Diabetes, Elevated Cholesterol, Kidney Disease, Dementia, Heart Disease. </q>

The “very real concern” is old folks catching COVID from asymptomatic young folks.




It would be nice to have an un-edited clip so that Gates’ initial comments in this video are given full context.

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1 minute ago, Cliff Varnell said:

It would be nice to have an un-edited clip so that Gates’ initial comments in this video are given full context.

? If you want to, click back to the start of the talk, its not edited at all Cliff, I just put a start time on the part relevant to our discussion.


Your cherry picked quote from that article is fine, but that wasn't relevant to our counting discussion. Did you read that entire article already? Well done, it took me awhile to go through even a portion of the 72 references. But it is a clear view of our covid deaths are not counted the same way as we have counted since 2003.

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18 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:

? If you want to, click back to the start of the talk, its not edited at all Cliff, I just put a start time on the part relevant to our discussion.

Ah. I stand corrected. Yes, from the beginning of the TED it’s clear that Gates is talking about the dangers of climate change from CO2 emissions.  As the Snopes article indicates, you’ve taken Gates’ remarks out of context.



Your cherry picked quote from that article is fine, but that wasn't relevant to our counting discussion. Did you read that entire article already? Well done, it took me awhile to go through even a portion of the 72 references. But it is a clear view of our covid deaths are not counted the same way as we have counted since 2003.

I’m waiting for your point-by-point rebuttal of the Scientific American article.

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27 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:


Biden supporters are mostly an unhinged bunch.


And the Trump knuckle draggers aren't? You would  have to be unhinged to support a lying, fornicating, misogynistic, cheating braggart.  What planet are you living on?

Edited by Ray Mitcham
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5 minutes ago, Ray Mitcham said:

And the Trump knuckle draggers aren't? You would  have to be unhinged to support a lying, fornicating, misogynistic, cheating braggart.  What planet are you living on?


"People of Praise"

The alternative name for "Cult of Trump" supporters.


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