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I guess Merrick Garland is coming after everyone who rubs the establishment the wrong way, not just Proud Boys, Oathkeepers and Nazis.




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State university faculty, students to be surveyed on beliefs

“Gov. Ron DeSantis suggested that budget cuts could be looming if universities and colleges are found to be “indoctrinating” students.”

By Ana Ceballos 06/23/21



TALLAHASSEE — “In his continued push against the “indoctrination” of students, Gov. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday signed legislation that will require public universities and colleges to survey students, faculty and staff about their beliefs and viewpoints to support “intellectual diversity.”

The survey will discern “the extent to which competing ideas and perspectives are presented” in public universities and colleges, and seeks to find whether students, faculty and staff “feel free to express beliefs and viewpoints on campus and in the classroom,” according to the bill.

The measure, which goes into effect July 1, does not specify what will be done with the survey results. But DeSantis and Sen. Ray Rodrigues, the sponsor of the bill, suggested on Tuesday that budget cuts could be looming if universities and colleges are found to be “indoctrinating” students.”

Shades of Mao Tse-Tung

Steve Thomas


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21 hours ago, Andrew Prutsok said:

I guess Merrick Garland is coming after everyone who rubs the establishment the wrong way, not just Proud Boys, Oathkeepers and Nazis.




Well, this story apparently fell apart pretty quickly. This has apparently been out there for years and is not a part of the training program. The poster regrets the error.

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On 6/22/2021 at 3:00 PM, Douglas Caddy said:

From the article: “Since time began,” Ike reminded his comfortable corporate listeners, “opulence has too often paved for a nation the way to depravity and ultimate destruction.”


Well, we've got the depravity and destruction still, but where's the American opulence today?

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2 hours ago, David Andrews said:

Well, we've got the depravity and destruction still, but where's the American opulence today?

Huh?  The opulence?  According to Thomas Piketty, it never trickled down... 🤥







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On 6/22/2021 at 12:00 PM, Douglas Caddy said:

From the article: “Since time began,” Ike reminded his comfortable corporate listeners, “opulence has too often paved for a nation the way to depravity and ultimate destruction.”

That depravity, Eisenhower’s remarks went on to suggest, could also destroy us — if we foolishly chose to let the rich “contribute far less than they should in taxes.”


Our political elite, sadly, refused to follow Ike’s advice. His successor in the White House, John Kennedy, asked Congress to drop the tax rate on top-bracket income from 91 to 65 percent. That rate would drop, soon after Kennedy’s death to 70 percent and then, under Ronald Reagan, to as low as 28 percent. The current top rate: 37 percent.




It was dropped to 72 per cent in the eventual tax bill, from 91 per cent.

I personally do not see anything wrong with that myself. Neither does Thomas Piketty. Especially since Kennedy's overall bill was oriented toward the middle class and working class. 

The serious problems with inequity began under Reagan.  By the end of his regime, the top rate was 28 Per cent. Supply side was nothing but a fraud since the alleged impact of trickle down, as seen in the above chart, never happened. The main reason being the rich would rather invest money in stocks and bonds than in the economy. If one reads Donald GIbson, who did the best analysis of this, that is what Kennedy's policies were designed to avoid,



That is what helped produce the wild inequities we have today. The other problem was the relaxation of bank and stock market regulations under Clinton.  Yes I mean derivatives.



Edited by James DiEugenio
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Giuliani's law license suspended in New York.


Rudy Giuliani's adult son rushes to his father's defense following law license suspension

...I guess Trump truly did find his Roy Cohn.


Trump issued a statement calling Giuliani a 'great American patriot' and the 'Eliot Ness' of his generation


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Permit me to recommend, to like-minded persons, the South Korean assassination drama The Man Standing Next (2021), an ambitious, Oscar-submitted film about the inglorious 1979 KCIA coup against SK president Park Chung-hee.  We should make 'em this good over here - films and coups:



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Criminal charges against Trump Organization announced as "possible" in New York:


Let's hope criminal prosecutions do what any Congressional committee won't do, and put Trump where they put Wilhelm Reich.  (God rest the latter and his largely harmless extremities.)


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Perhaps we could reconsider the possibility of WTC 1 and 2 pancaking and collapsing due to the rupturing  of the integrity of  the load-bearing walls and center support columns (which included the elevators) due to the damage inflicted on them from the planes that were deliberately crashed into them (not a 'bomb' inside the buildings) as a result of the collapse this week of the Surfside, FL condo building...


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28 minutes ago, Pamela Brown said:

Perhaps we could reconsider the possibility of WTC 1 and 2 pancaking and collapsing due to the rupturing  of the integrity of  the load-bearing walls and center support columns (which included the elevators) due to the damage inflicted on them from the planes that were deliberately crashed into them (not a 'bomb' inside the buildings) as a result of the collapse this week of the Surfside, FL condo building...



The "pancake" theory of the collapse of WTC1 and WTC2 has been thoroughly debunked.

There was no gravitational pancaking of the floors in WTC1 and WTC2.  Study the film.

Instead, the towers both abruptly collapsed into their own footprints at near free fall acceleration, with high velocity, explosive ejection of steel girders and pulverized concrete.

What obliterated the massive steel sub-structures of the towers?  Pancaking of floors would have caused only partial, gradual collapse against the resistance of the steel sub-structures-- but only after the steel girders had burned for a day or more, if then.  (This is evident from a study of fires in comparable steel skyscrapers in history.)

Instead, the massive steel girders of the WTC towers were rapidly melted, and 900,000 tons of concrete in each tower was explosively pulverized into the atmosphere of lower Manhattan.  NYFD survivors described molten steel at Ground Zero that was flowing "like a foundry."

The official government explanation was that burning jet fuel had melted the steel girders, but there wasn't nearly enough jet fuel to trickle down and melt all of those steel girders-- over 100 floors of solid steel.  Nor does jet fuel burn at temperatures sufficient to liquefy steel.

Additionally, you can actual observe (and hear) the serial explosions that destroyed the steel girders on existing video and audio recordings.

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IMO, the 'pancake theory' you mention has only been 'debunked' by those who do not take into account the unusual structure of WTC 1 and 2.  Or, they may not understand the implications of the structure.  

Here is a brief summary...


And to also mention that OBL was trained as an architect and could have figured out this design flaw in the twin towers...as in, 'if you take a widebody jet, fill it full of fuel for a transcontinental flight and then direct it toward the midsection of one of these buildings, the structural integrity could be catastrophically compromised and it will fall...the fuel will accelerate the process..."

And let's add into that the 1993 WTC bombing, which did threaten the integrity of WTC1 with the bomb going off in the basement not far from the slurry wall that kept the Hudson River out...


Edited by Pamela Brown
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