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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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  • Benjamin Cole


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  • W. Niederhut


  • Steve Thomas


Here's a trivia question for the forum.

(Not that Republicans currently have a Senate majority per se-- although Manchin and Sinema certainly gave them one in the cases of Build Back Better and the John Lewis Freedom to Vote bill.)

Q.  When was the last time that a Republican-controlled U.S. Senate approved a Democratic President's nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court?

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3 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:


Apply that belief to Trump's tax returns, womanizing, election results, 1-6 involvement, racism, backstabbing his pseudo friends, etc, etc. 

I mentioned before, that, without&with-holding "transparency" will lead you to your Machiavelli quote.

He is a rich narcissist(too many blind followers) who will throw all under the bus for absolute power.

That is my definition of a tyrant.

Are there others from all sides of the political spectrum, surely.

We are dealing with the here and now.

Personally, I wasn't a blind follower of the pro-vaccination crowd. Read the available literature both pro/con before making the decision. Realized the possible downsides of the vaccine. But weighed that against the chance of a full blown infection(possibility of spending hospital time on a ventilator) and chose the alternative.

Granted, the odds were quite low of ending up that way.

But, since my niece's "brother in law" who was my age (mid 50's) and had zero health problems in April 2020, spent four weeks on a ventilator and then passed away, I felt receiving the vaccine gave me more piece of mind.













Hi Chris, 

Apply it to him, and any other politician who strays from the law, or the constitution. You mentioned transparency before, if you educate society properly, you'll have a lot less people being misled. 

I can see how you think Trump fits the archetype of a tyrant. He is so uncouth, brash, rude and not like the statesman you are used to. If we look at British or American leaders in recent history, we have plenty that are tyrants, ie they have used power unjustly. The simple fact is they outwardly appear as statesman, they have PR training, and coaching to make them seem sincere and caring. What do we know about LBJ or GHW Bush, Bill Clinton or even Nixon, privately and publicly. They are portrayed very different characters to be elected into office, their true characters' lurked behind the scenes. I would say: "beware a wolf in sheep's clothing." You've had plenty of leaders who have done more harm, who have been less of a sensation or distraction. 

Tis very unfortunate a relative of yours has passed from this virus. I don't wish to be insensitive but, we do hear a lot of anecdotal evidence, I have plenty of my own regarding friends health issues from adverse reactions to the treatments, they were all healthy before the treatment, that too is anecdotal. One big issue is that VAERS is not capturing 90% + of the reactions including deaths. There is a lack of transparency which I think you and I desire. I am not knocking anyone who makes the best health decision for themselves based on the information available. However, I think every increasingly there is information coming out that was known at the time of the V launch and shortly after that the public should have known and been informed about before making a decision. Were those right who suggested 88% could have been saved with a different treatment program (early treatment)? Ultimately, we could only make an informed cost benefit analysis with more information, we just made a guess. One thing I would point out is that lots of people die all of the time with zero known health problems, it doesn't mean frailties don't exist. That doesn't diminish the value of a human life or the tragedy your family has felt in this equation. One of my grandfathers died in his early 40's of Pneumonia, a boss I had whilst working in Brazil in 2005 died in his 40's, the bloke ran every day and got a cold that became pneumonia and his heart gave out. He was there on a Friday at work and gone by the Tuesday. You like maths, you seem very skilled at it, I am sure you crunched even the inflated numbers and made a decision. Some of the strongest advocates against this narrative or response to the virus are people who have had 2 x V's. If you ask me, from all I have seen, we'd be insane to give children this V, as the cost benefit analysis is too severe. I could post all sorts of stuff on this topic that I am certain most of you wouldn't have seen but, I am also conscious that many people are of a certain age and have had the treatments, and I don't want them to be neurotic, or me to have added to health issues. Thats not my intention. What I would say, is; that in years to come, nobody will understand why we did what we did, as the cost aside from the virus is so great, and will continue to be. 



PS. I almost forgot, I would speculate that the reason you haven't seen Trumps taxes is because he has a very clever accountant that has exploited loopholes, ensuring he pays zero, or close to zero tax. I suspect there will be nothing illegal in that but, should his taxes be released, it will scupper his future election hopes, as people will be appalled that someone so rich paid little or nothing. There is another reason (potentially) and it's that other wealthy people exploit the same loopholes and they don't want them closed, and they don't want to be investigated, and publicly shamed. Trump is the kind of guy who'd drag everyone into a hole with him. 


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"CNN is now accusing CNN of spreading war propaganda on CNN. This is where we're at on the Ukraine call leak"---Jack Posobiec

Biden tells Zelensky "The Russians Are Coming".

Zelensky thinks not.  

If the Biden-intel state and CNN try hard enough, maybe they can bungle the US into another war...

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

"CNN is now accusing CNN of spreading war propaganda on CNN. This is where we're at on the Ukraine call leak"---Jack Posobiec

Biden tells Zelensky "The Russians Are Coming".

Zelensky thinks not.  

If the Biden-intel state and CNN try hard enough, maybe they can bungle the US into another war...

Thanks for the large bold print Ben.  My eye's are not what they used to be.  Maybe we should all do this all the time, though I can read what I'm writing right now just fine . . . ?

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5 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Here's a trivia question for the forum.

(Not that Republicans currently have a Senate majority per se-- although Manchin and Sinema certainly gave them one in the cases of Build Back Better and the John Lewis Freedom to Vote bill.)

Q.  When was the last time that a Republican-controlled U.S. Senate approved a Democratic President's nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court?

O.K., Education Forum history buffs, don't everyone answer at once... 🤥

This one requires a little research.

Answer:   December 3, 1895 !!

     December of 1895 was the last time a Republican majority U.S. Senate confirmed a Democratic Presidential nominee to the SCOTUS.  It was Justice Rufus Peckham, nominated by President Grover Cleveland.

File:1895 De La Vergne 6-pass Motor Trap.jpg - Wikimedia Commons


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On 1/25/2022 at 12:20 AM, Benjamin Cole said:

I am not sure how you disagree with the CNN article above. 

1. US Congress can seize all records, travel records (including GPS by smartphone), phone calls, texts, e-mails, mail,  business documents etc. without a warrant.  

2. Congress can directly, or through the Justice Department, imprison anyone who does not comply. Yes, you can take the Fifth, and that will be broadcast on TV. 

3. The Congress can easily control the narrative through public hearings, and who is invited to appear, the timing and topic of sessions, and through agile manipulation of complicit media. 

4. As with HUAC, the Warren Commission, the Select Committee on Benghazi or 1/6 Gong Shows...there really is no defense of the "accused." The "accused" do not control sessions, topics, length of hearings etc.  Sometimes the accused can mount a counter-PR campaign, but that is about it. 

What are you disagreeing about? 

The thing I'm disagreeing about is the idea that congress is a judicial body, clearly stated in the headline and they are not. They are authorized to secure records and so forth but that isn't anything to be up in arms about.

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2 hours ago, Bob Ness said:

The thing I'm disagreeing about is the idea that congress is a judicial body, clearly stated in the headline and they are not. They are authorized to secure records and so forth but that isn't anything to be up in arms about.

OK, fair enough.

Still, one can have concerns that any Congressional inquiry, with such lopsided ground rules, is prone to become a witch-hunt, misdirection, or political theater. 

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On page 574, Chris Barnard writes:


beware a wolf in sheep's clothing

Back on page 569, Chris wrote:


Often wisdom comes at the end of the day ... the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree ... Beware a wolf in sheep's clothing.

In a nutshell, when all's said and done, Chris has hit the nail on the head and no mistake. He knows those clichés like the back of his hand!

As a wise old Hungarian doppelganger once observed: "He who speaks in clichés, thinks in clichés." *

At the end of the day, when you put two and two together, you can't say fairer than that. It's as plain as the nose on your face!

It was Alex Wilson who first spotted Chris's fondness for clichés. Alex also points out a problem with all the anti-vaxxer and other nonsense on this forum, the stuff that's liable to repel those who have watched the new Oliver Stone film and want to find out whether the JFK assassination is a serious subject after all, or whether it's just something to keep the tin-foil-hat types busy, as the newspapers claim:



* Actually, I made that one up.

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9 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Thanks for the large bold print Ben.  My eye's are not what they used to be.  Maybe we should all do this all the time, though I can read what I'm writing right now just fine . . . ?

Ron B--

There is a lot of drama in this section. I thought I would join in.

I understand the worst internet faux pas is to use all caps, and I have refrained from that. 

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19 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:



Dear Members, Donors & Supporters, 

“We are writing to let you know the National Butterfly Center will be closed Friday, Jan. 28 - Sunday, Jan. 30, due to credible threats we have received from a former state official, regarding activities planned by the We Stand America event, taking place in McAllen, TX, this weekend. 

This MAGA, mid-term election rally, hosted by Trump's former National Security Advisor and pardoned-criminal, retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, is the national, kick-off event for what they are calling their "Take Action Tour." “



My God!


Have these people no shame?

Steve Thomas


a message from the children's museum

The Museum is closed January 26 - February 4.
All reservations for this time period have been cancelled.

For nearly 50 years, the Children’s Museum of Denver at Marsico Campus has been a community gathering place where families can share moments of wonder and joy. Our staff takes this mission seriously, and strives to help your family create memories in a safe and welcoming environment.

Lately, this has been increasingly challenging. The Museum carefully follows public health guidelines, including mask wearing. We know the stress of the last two years has taken a toll on everyone in our community, but regrettably, some guests who object to the Museum’s mask policy have been inappropriately directing their anger toward our staff.

Therefore, we have made the decision to close our doors to the public January 26 through February 4 so that we can support our staff and bolster our policies with the hope of preventing this type of behavior in the future.

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Jeremy, Haven't you heard that athletes are dropping dead from the covid vaccine? It's here in this sports exclusive!

As Chris  D. has said, there's always risks involved in everything you do in life.


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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