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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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"Shinzo Abe was a rare leader. As the longest-serving prime minister in Japan’s history, he was a great leader of his nation. Abe was also a true friend of America. He was an ally to presidents of both parties — to President Barack Obama and President Donald Trump. These three accolades — great leader of a nation, friend to America, bipartisan ally — apply to very few leaders in modern history. The legacy Abe leaves behind is worthy of being honored."---BY MARK R. KENNEDY, OPINION CONTRIBUTOR----The Hill


The NPR version: 

"Shinzo Abe, the former Japanese prime minister and ultranationalist, was killed at a campaign rally on Friday."


“Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, a divisive arch-conservative and one of his nation's most powerful and influential figures, has died....



They say some people cannot order Chicken McNuggets at a McDonalds drive-thru without proclaiming their political biases.... 

There is freedom of speech and democracy in Japan. If Abe is an "ultranationalist," what do you call Xi Jinping? 



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3 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Not RFK. More like Bobby Kennedy Jr. on a good day.

More like Jimmy Carter's little brother Billy Carter?

Relationship with Libya[edit]

In late 1978 and early 1979, Billy Carter visited Libya three times with a contingent from Georgia. He eventually registered as a foreign agent of the Libyan government and received a $220,000 loan. (Edwin P. Wilson claimed he had seen a telegram showing that Libya paid Billy Carter $2 million.[7]) This led to a Senate hearing on alleged influence peddling which the press named Billygate.[8] A Senate sub-committee was called To Investigate Activities of Individuals Representing Interests of Foreign Governments (Billy Carter—Libya Investigation). 

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The deal with CEFC [a China-based energy conglomerate], under Hudson West III LLC, would eventually pay the Bidens $4.8 million over the span of 14 months, The Washington Post reported.

This was after Biden left office.

But then, when Biden is back in office....

Biden Set to Meet With Advisers to Discuss Cutting China Tariffs---Bloomberg


Globalism is great. 

As with the Ukraine situation ($1 million to Hunter, and Ukraine gets the $1 billion in US aid) we are left with the appearance of conflicts of interest. 

The Biden family has received millions of dollars from China enterprises, and every China enterprise is part of the China state. 

No doubt this post will spur some "what about-isms" on Trump. (Although, try to remember, Biden is president now). 

But that is the point: The Washington establishment is soaked in foreign money, collusion and legal corruption. The Trumps, the Bidens, the Clintons, the Bushes, both parties, you name it. 

This is a list of the "top ten influential" US think tanks. 


  • Brookings Institution.
  • The Heritage Foundation.
  • Council on Foreign Relations.
  • Cato Institute.
  • Center for Strategic and International Studies.
  • American Enterprise Institute.
  • RAND Corporation.
  • Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

You notice something? 

They are all globalist outfits, financed by...well, take a guess. 

And what happened to the American middle class while the globalists have been running the show? 

Hey, I have an idea: Let's squabble about abortion, guns, and transexual rights, and ID politics. 

And endlessly defend one party (red or blue) no matter how indefensible.  






Edited by Benjamin Cole
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What caught my eye was this portion of an account of Abe's assassin:


Police at the shooting scene in Nara arrested a former member of Japan’s navy, on suspicion of murder. Police said the suspect used a gun that was obviously homemade – about 15 inches long – and they confiscated similar weapons and his personal computer when they raided his nearby one-room apartment.
Police said Yamagami was responding calmly to questions and had admitted to attacking Abe, telling investigators he had plotted to kill him because he believed rumors about the former leader’s connection to a certain organization that police did not identify.

Anyone have an idea which "certain organization" this might be?

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17 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

"Shinzo Abe was a rare leader. As the longest-serving prime minister in Japan’s history, he was a great leader of his nation. Abe was also a true friend of America. He was an ally to presidents of both parties — to President Barack Obama and President Donald Trump. These three accolades — great leader of a nation, friend to America, bipartisan ally — apply to very few leaders in modern history. The legacy Abe leaves behind is worthy of being honored."---BY MARK R. KENNEDY, OPINION CONTRIBUTOR----The Hill


The NPR version: 

"Shinzo Abe, the former Japanese prime minister and ultranationalist, was killed at a campaign rally on Friday."


“Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, a divisive arch-conservative and one of his nation's most powerful and influential figures, has died....



They say some people cannot order Chicken McNuggets at a McDonalds drive-thru without proclaiming their political biases.... 

There is freedom of speech and democracy in Japan. If Abe is an "ultranationalist," what do you call Xi Jinping? 



I agree. 

There may be an esoteric Kennedy connection:


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Abe would be fairly described as a “nationalist”. He will probably be remembered most for the effort to overturn the “pacifist” clauses in Japan’s post-WW2 constitution to allow offensive capability to Japan’s military. While this was done in concert with the Americans - to focus military pressure on China - Abe was not fully committed to the “international rules-based order” to the extent his predecessor has become, as he also sought to arrive at friendly understandings with Russia, and perhaps see through the yet to be negotiated peace treaty left over from WW2.

Abe’s military officer grandfather participated in war crimes during WW2, and Abe made a controversial visit to a shrine venerating Japan’s military leadership from that era. This was in line with numerous rehabilitations of far right figures and organizations from WW2, kicked off by Reagan’s visit to Bitburg in the 1980s.

The “certain organization” which may have motivated the assassin is the Moonies - the Unification Church.

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The Jan. 6 insurrection showed that performance crime is becoming increasingly popular

By The Conversation July 09, 2022



“To film oneself committing a crime might seem a guileless act of self-incrimination, but it’s becoming increasingly popular. Take the Jan. 6 insurrection as a case in point.

With 874 people arrested on charges from disorderly conduct to seditious conspiracy, many were apprehended because of video or photos shared online. This is considered performance crime: the performance of criminal activity in which filming and sharing it with an audience is intrinsic to the crime itself.”

Ohio teen arrested after vowing to 'kill as many Black people as he can on his way to a Jewish synagogue': police

by Sky Palma July 08, 2022


“A livestream made by the 15-year-old alerted the FBI to the alleged plot. He was later arrested at his home where two handguns and over 100 rounds of ammunition were found.”

How did we become so detached from reality? Life is nothing more than a video game.

Steve Thomas

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19 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

"Shinzo Abe was a rare leader. As the longest-serving prime minister in Japan’s history, he was a great leader of his nation. Abe was also a true friend of America. He was an ally to presidents of both parties — to President Barack Obama and President Donald Trump. These three accolades — great leader of a nation, friend to America, bipartisan ally — apply to very few leaders in modern history. The legacy Abe leaves behind is worthy of being honored."---BY MARK R. KENNEDY, OPINION CONTRIBUTOR----The Hill


The NPR version: 

"Shinzo Abe, the former Japanese prime minister and ultranationalist, was killed at a campaign rally on Friday."


“Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, a divisive arch-conservative and one of his nation's most powerful and influential figures, has died....



They say some people cannot order Chicken McNuggets at a McDonalds drive-thru without proclaiming their political biases.... 

There is freedom of speech and democracy in Japan. If Abe is an "ultranationalist," what do you call Xi Jinping? 



People are talking!!......

Donald Trump

This is just more of the inane polarizing commentary. If you lived in the U.S. Ben, you'd know there's been a lot of good press on Abe, even stories I wonder about, such as Abe being the "Trump whisperer"and a voice of calm moderation to Trump when he was in office. He's continually given kudos  as Japan's longest serving PM. In what is considered left leaning bay area talk radio here locally. He's  has gotten a lot of good talk. This is just another case of one side paraphrasing some comment from the other side, or sometimes even worse, taking some  inane comment made on twitter from the opposing point of view and trying to portray it as the mainstream from the opposing view.

BEN:“Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, a divisive arch-conservative and one of his nation's most powerful and influential figures, has died....

This is your strongest quote Ben, and you didn't even source it.

Then  similarly  Ben, a recurring theme in posts of yours, is that only the left  dare mentioning the possibility of civil war, and you continually reassert that the dreaded left leaning "deep state" is getting us ready for a massive crackdown and suppression. That in itself, is fear mongering.

But then Matt posts this this Facebook commentary from Racheal Wachstien,a Highland Park resident, entitled "Bobby Crimo is no lone wolf" who claims Crimo and his group created a flyer calling her a dangerous Communist with her picture, name, address, and a call to action that she must be stopped. and later she says  Crimo participated in a violent Trump "stop the steal" protests that occurred in Dec. 2020.She fears she must be on a list of people that Crimo may want to kill.,

"I’ve heard on CNN and other news sources that there are only a few photos of the shooter with Trump Flags and that his major motivator was a love of death and destruction. This is blatantly false. There are multiple news articles from the Patch and Chicago Tribune featuring photos of the shooter at these MAGA events. I recognized him right away as part of the group of local angry white young men who had previously waited for me after protests, to threaten and harassed me, and came to a Protect the Results vigil on December 12, 2020 in Highland Park’s Sunset Park where they did the poopoo salute multiple times and screamed the following at our small group through a bullhorn…"


This goes 180 degrees  contrary to Ben's allegation that the msm is suggesting civil war to prepare for a government deep state crackdown, not that that would in any way stop him from repeatedly making that charge in the future. Honestly I think anybody who would attend "stop the steal" rallies in Dec 2020 could be suspect.Though I'm sure very  few would go to these lengths. Of course I would consider all info that Wachstein cited as being very important. If this is true why would the media outlets be sitting on it?

When I first came here, i thought Di Eugenio hyped the early msm complicity in the coverup of the jfka to the present day to such a fever pitch, all of his followers took the ball and ran with it so it seemed  every post included some reference to the msm, and some of them were such "shooting the dark" references. The MSM is a terrible problem to this day, but this is the last place i would ever consider having any nuanced conversation about the msm. It's really like talking about the "deep state." But  to me, it's actually harder.

It's pretty hard to believe the MSM hasn't investigated this. But why would they suppress it.? If It's as bad as Wachstein has said, it would be their duty to report it.

There could be some  reasons for their negligence. One is that Wachstein is not credible , or lying, which seems unlikely. Or maybe just too much of a counter polarizing figure? The other maybe  Matt can probably speak more to this. The truth is, I have a brother who lives in Wisconsin, but I don't live in this area of the country. If I think of an area of the country where violence could break out, It would be here. Are they soft pedaling the real danger because it's commonplace to be living with one another and they fear greater political polarization could lead to a real breaking point?

Still that doesn't explain national entities like CNN or MSNBC, downplaying it. The people who want serious criminal prosecution for 1/6 riots, including the President would be outraged that such critical facts surrounding this shooting have not come out, while if they did come out, others, say like Ben might say that the msm is fomenting a civil war  as a pretext to engage in a massive government "deep state" crackdown.

Again the allegations about the msm are as malleable as the oppressive "deep state!"

 Matt's, Wachstein, FB link again





Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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