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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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"it is not constructive to a peaceful planet to vilify the Russians as election meddlers if they did not actually meddle."

"don't start a war with China over them sending Covid to the USA if that's not what they did."

These are entirely reasonable positions. Hysterical accusations presented as "established fact" have been driving western foreign policies in a pronounced fashion since 2014. The MSM has fully supported this stance, and is an important participant in the charade utilizing known propaganda techniques to hoodwink the populace. It's important to at least acknowledge this.

re: punk rock. The first generation were all looking for major label record deals. The second generation, which Cliff can speak of first hand, effectively created Do It Yourself (DIY) culture and economies which are widespread across the contemporary landscape.   

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44 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Most of you guys are going to be pretty busy between now and Nov. 3

...The leaked conversation was used by the news media to further the narrative that Trump was somehow too close with the Russians and colluding with them to the detriment of American national security. It was also tied in media reports to the ongoing Russia collusion probe.

The Washington Post for instance suggested in a May 21, 2017 article the meeting might have been an act of obstruction of justice.

Mueller, however, concluded that no American, including neither Trump nor anyone around him, had improperly conspired with Moscow, and the Department of Justice declined to recommend any obstruction of justice charges...




That'd be the Bill Bar-led Justice Department, right?

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On 10/9/2020 at 12:25 PM, Jeff Carter said:


The MSM ( .....................)  is an important participant in the charade utilizing known propaganda techniques to hoodwink the populace. It's important to at least acknowledge this.


I agree, but from a different perspective.

Like so many others I have said and I repeat, the huge meaningful impacting majority MSM has downplayed Trump's abuses to the degree that they have enabled his ability to do this with impunity his entire term.

More than any other single society influencing power group, they are responsible for these abuses going unaddressed imo.

The example of substituting Obama in place of Trump as the perpetrator of these abuses is still the best logical way to see the stark hypocrisy of the false reality MSM manipulation of Trump and his abuses.

Just imagine these Trump digressions being Obama ones:

Trump's "grab em by the pu$$y" comments caught on tape.

Trump proven lying regards sexual trysts with and hush money pay-offs to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal.

Trump's hiding school grade records, sleazy business dealings with sleazy characters, hiding tax records, not paying income taxes 10 out of 15 years or only paying $750 on income in the hundreds of millions.

Filing personal business banruptcies that left thousands of investors losing millions.

Pressuring Ukraine to help him politically.

Firing highly respected long time and highly respected political service members for not going along with his political interest back channel schemes.

Having so many of his personally chosen highest staff members in jail or under indictment.

Stating publically his feeling sorry for Epstein child sex abuse procurer Ghislaine Maxwell instead of the sex trafficked children.

Trump's pushing his own properties for governement use and his own profit.

Trump's placing his own family in $160,000 a year tax payer funded government jobs when they have no experience.

Trump taking the side of a head of state that murdered an American legal journalist and coddling dictators like Kim Jung, Putin, etc. and on and on.

America's main media ( newspapers, radio, internet, etc ) would have had 100 front page headline editorial pronouncements screaming outraged calls for Obama's removal throughout this endless abuse of power and displays of totally self-interested and amoral character actions.

Rush Limbaugh and the other 10 right wing radio propagandists like Hannity, Beck, O'Reilly, Savage, Laura Ingraham, Clyde Lewis, Alex Jones, Mark Levin, Mike Gallagher, etc.  ( democrats and liberals have NONE ) would be screaming for Obama's removal to their 50 million listeners 24/7 this entire last 4 years!

Over 100 major newspapers published "frontpage" outrage editorials calling for the resignation of Bill Clinton during his Monica Lewinsky scandal.

Maybe two or three calling for Trumps?

Clinton's front page newspaper outrage creating behavior looks like a child's candy stealing event compared to Trump's abuses and we all know it.

Why the Trump bias and protection?

My guess is that the majority ownership of our largest corporate media giants are actually Trump supporters in the same way the rest of our 1% most wealthy are.

Their financial wealth, power and influence is their and Trump's number 1 personal and political priority. Hence, keeping his outrageous abuses buried in intentional reporting downplaying.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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2 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Speaking in tongues and deferring to the men on the Supreme Court.  Way more than 56 years to this point.



   Trump, himself, has been speaking in tongues lately-- bragging about the booming "sock rocket," and praising the "YO-Semites," etc.

    He even used th F-word today in his rambling  interview with Rush Limbaugh.

    Meanwhile, the NYT's lead story this afternoon is about a Trump hotel in Vegas deducting a $21 million dollar "expense" that was paid to ...uh... Donald Trump, himself, through a series of shell companies.

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If you can't pay yourself through a shell company then who can you pay? ☺️

There is such polarity in US politics today that one wonders if there is a need for a party that represents those who "are in the middle".  (Comments from a Canadian who has visited 36 states over the years, with relatives and friends in several).


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Salon.com has done several stories on Trump cronies and Trump-supporting political candidates who have gotten PPP emergency business loans.  Some of the loans were unnecessary, and some recipients have diverted part of the money for personal use.  I'm not watching the MSM (NYT, WAPO) daily, so I don't know if these fraud stories are circulating; but even Trump's lowest deplorables might lose faith in the face of such corruption.

An example:


Edited by David Andrews
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18 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


    Meanwhile, the NYT's lead story this afternoon is about a Trump hotel in Vegas deducting a $21 million dollar "expense" that was paid to ...uh... Donald Trump, himself, through a series of shell companies.

Youv'e got to be kidding!

Another head shaking outrageous sleaze deal benefitting DT?

On top of dozens? It never ends!

How...how in the world can this big time crook get re-elected?

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3 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

   Trump, himself, has been speaking in tongues lately-- bragging about the booming "sock rocket," and praising the "YO-Semites," etc.

    He even used th F-word today in his rambling  interview with Rush Limbaugh.

    Meanwhile, the NYT's lead story this afternoon is about a Trump hotel in Vegas deducting a $21 million dollar "expense" that was paid to ...uh... Donald Trump, himself, through a series of shell companies.

Is he possibly a little delirious?  Maybe Peosi is right to question his sanity at the moment, fitness for the job.  Could be interesting how this speech from a white house balcony and Florida rally go.

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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

Is he possibly a little delirious?  Maybe Peosi is right to question his sanity at the moment, fitness for the job.  Could be interesting how this speech from a white house balcony and Florida rally go.


      I suspect that Trump may be delirious.  Hard to know the true facts about his medical condition and treatment, but he is still hoarse, and coughing.   He got a dose of high potency steroids at Walter Reed, and may be on oral doses of Prednisone now to prevent inflammatory lung damage.

      To me, he seems even more erratic and confused than usual.  For example, he was just bragging about his terrific treatment with Regeneron and Remdesivir, (he owns stock in both pharmaceutical companies) then started bragging today about how he doesn't need any drugs to beat COVID! 

     He also flip-flopped 180 degrees on the stimulus deal, and ordered Barr to investigate his political adversaries.

     Perhaps he'll announce tomorrow that he will make his birthday a national holiday. 🤥

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22 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Knew that would strike up a Trumpian twitter storm by CV/KG.  Remember the Gallagher Brothers, the heel team from the wrestling scene of the 1960's, well that is what these guys are.

I guess that makes me Ilio DIPaolo. 

Uh oh, here comes the Gallagher Brothers again!  LOL!  🤮

I did think Jim's attack on Cliff was rehashed and a bit off the wall. As ruled, I would caution him to be aware  of unholy alliances. I tried to be measured, and did find some common ground. I never saw the Gallagher Bros. But for Jim to in part, compare me  to his old my wrestling icons of old is pretty cool!
I remember reading in wrestling magazines about Bruno Sammartino. But wrestling was more regionalized when we were young. We had different National All Star Wrestling heroes on the West Coast, like Ray Stevens, The Shiek, yes, Haystack Calhoun, Bo Bo Brazil,Pepper Gomez, Dick the Bruiser.
Remember the 60's song "Do the Crusher" by the Novas? That voice always reminded me of "Dick the Bruiser". In a lot of Clint Eastwood's recent characters in "Grand Torino""The Mule" Million Dollar Baby", Clint's speaking style reminds me of "Dick the Bruiser."
Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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10 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


     He also flip-flopped 180 degrees on the stimulus deal, and ordered Barr to investigate his political adversaries.


In just "one" 24 hour period Trump went from publicly announcing he was stopping completely all negotiations on any stimulus package until after he was elected, to then saying they were on again and then, in a rambling two hour long spiel with Rush Limbaugh, he went in an even different direction and said he wanted to reverse the Republican "skinny" package deal to one even larger than the Dems have offered!

All within just 24 hours? 

If THAT isn't a sign of steroid instability, what is?

Imagine being one of 40 to 60 million rent, bills and life stressed, job loss Americans who have barely been getting by, especially with the stoppage of the extra supplemental funds at the end of July, and who have been waiting months for needed relief promised by both parties and then seeing and hearing this extreme back and forth position shifting by our drugged up president and in such a brief period of time?

One hour your stomach drops when Trump says no negotiations until after he gets elected, hours later he reverses himself 180 degrees and says they're back on, and just hours after that he says ... let's make this an even bigger give-away!  

What the heck?

Like talking to a manic meth addict before and then after their getting high!

And in between this crazy stimulus seesaw ride he's yelling...listen Billy Boy, go after Obama and Clinton and arrest their asses right now! And if you don't do it ... I'm a gonna be one really mad dude!

Melania ... where's my Prednisone?

Edited by Joe Bauer
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Trump campaign discussing plans to appoint its own state electors, no matter the results: report

A real nightmare scenario: The eight closest battleground states might send competing sets of electors to Congress



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