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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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Exactly W.  That was missing in Jeff's  article. It was a trade off of free men. Which was a big omission in the article. I noticed the author, in the end quoted Fareed Zakaria, who did a piece on the very same subject,for support.  Which I thought was a little weird.


I think Trump is torn about looking defiant for his base, while some Republican leaders  are trying to convince him he's better off, should he choose to run in 24, if he  concedes now. Obviously Trump is also personally weighing his own fate, whether to pardon himself. Does he think he can escape jail.. etc


Did Rob Reiner write that Steve?

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21 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Did Rob Reiner write that Steve?


According to Wikipedia, although Rob Reiner was the producer, the screenwriter was a man named

Aaron Sorkin


He also wrote, A Few Good Men, and West Wing.

Good writer, I think.

Steve Thomas

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1 hour ago, Jeff Carter said:

Fair enough. Trump telegraphed a challenge to mail-in votes back in September so I hope extra care was taken to ensure the integrity of the ballots stand up to scrutiny. 

Jeff, September was when you noticed that Trump challenged the integrity of mail-in votes. 

For us long-time Trump watchers it's par for the course -- anytime Trump loses he claims the vote was rigged.

Fail to win an Emmy three years in a row -- Emmys rigged.

Lose the Iowa caucus in '16 -- rigged.  Wisconsin primary '16 -- rigged.  He won the Presidency in '16 and still claimed the popular vote was rigged.

All year long Trump has claimed that any loss is rigged.

The integrity of mail-in voting cannot be seriously challenged.

1 hour ago, Jeff Carter said:

During the summer the Dem-linked Transition Integrity Project analyzed a scenario whereby a tight Trump Electoral College lead on election night gradually withered away through the ensuing counting of mail-in ballots. This was essentially Scenario One of four possible scenarios gamed out by the project. See here starting page 15:


Looking at the TIP scenarios, it is fairly evident that the anticipated levels of chaos and crisis are not at all in play. And whereas the scenario hinged on a single state, the multiple states which ended up in Biden column similar to the scenario should be too much to overcome. But its interesting that TIP also invokes the disputed 1876 election as a likely template - its not difficult to predict that the legal dispute will continue through the Georgia run-off, which result will inform the strength of bargaining power for the backroom negotiation which will ultimately decide the terms by which Biden is sworn in.

What legal dispute?

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I do remember KGO from its liberal heyday.  That station was legendary in its influence and how smart it was in its dialogue. And yes i recall Ray T also. 

Cumulus is, I think, the third biggest radio chain holder in America.  After Clear Channel (now called I heart) and Entercom, which merged with CBS radio in 2017.

i was aware of how rightwing Cumulus is, similar to Clear Channel, I was not aware of how they bought KGO in order to destroy it.

All three of these companies were allowed to grow and prosper as a result of the changes in ownership rules the FCC did under Clinton.  It was one thing to get an homogenized product tossed together by people like Cronkite and Howard K Smith and then have a critic show why it was biased.  But with what has happened since the FCC rules were changed, is that the radio broadcast industry is now designed to simply and deliberately convey a combination of grey and black propaganda done to  inflame the masses.  The CIA calls it polarization.  Scott Walker called it divide and conquer.  The idea is to use cultural issues, including race, to get people to vote against their own interests. 

When you have over 1000 radio stations to get that message across, it works. The privately held radio industry has become a massive propaganda oligarchy. IMO, its not what the public wants.  Its what they are getting whether they like it or not.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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6 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Bunk.  We've had mail-in voting here in Colorado for several years.   It works very well, and there has been no evidence of voter fraud.

Trump and his RNC goons are simply trying to create a false pretext for contesting the election results-- after sabotaging the USPS deliveries of ballots, and (in Pennsylvania) passing a ridiculous law that prevented the counting of mail-in ballots until 7 A.M. on November 3rd.

As always with Trump, it's a sales scam based on smoke, mirrors, and mass disinformation.

Correct. I think 18 states do this but I don't remember exactly.

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Top cybersecurity agency demolishes Trump campaign conspiracy theories about the vote count



On Thursday, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency issued a statement on the 2020 election, directly contradicting President Donald Trump’s efforts to delegitimize the results.

“The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history,” said the statement. “Right now, across the country, election officials are reviewing and double checking the entire election process prior to finalizing the result … There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.”

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38 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

If you have an hour and ten minutes, this video describes how the code in Dominion Voting Software was used to delete Trump votes or switch them to Biden in Michigan. The guy doing the presentation invented email, so presumably he has some technical expertise. Watch it before Youtube censors it!


Here's The Truth: Shiva Ayyadurai Didn't Invent Email


The Guy Who Claims He Invented Email Just Lost His Bogus Lawsuit


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I hope I am just paranoid over the events of the last 4 years, but I am seeing ominous signs about the voting certification in my lovely home state of Georgia.  It appears the Sherrif (Sec. of State Raffensperger) is leaving town right before the big showdown.  His wife has contracted COVID-19 and he is "quarantining".  I may be reading way too much into it, but machinations may be at work to upset the apple cart, so to speak.  We shall see if it's as bad as it looks for those of us who still hope to live in an open and democratic society.  We have 69 days and some few hours yet to go before we will know if our hopes will live on or be quashed by the fascists who "think" they are patriots.

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I think Biden should offer Trump a get out of jail free card  - future pardon - and an IRS deal in return for Trump behaving himself, accepting defeat graciously, agreeing never to run for office again.

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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

I think Biden should offer Trump a get out of jail free card  - future pardon - and an IRS deal in return for Trump behaving himself, accepting defeat graciously, agreeing never to run for office again.

Paul, I had thoughts somewhat along the same line.  I think he should give him a free trip anywhere in the world (but it has to be a one way ticket).  On the back of the ticket it should give sage advice - "Pick any country, but be careful to pick one with a non extradition treaty!  For what he has put the sane people of this country through for 4 years, he doesn't deserve any better deal and even this one would be last on my list.  I would love to see him and some of his family & friends modeling orange jump suits.

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5 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


I do remember KGO from its liberal heyday.  That station was legendary in its influence and how smart it was in its dialogue. And yes i recall Ray T also. 

Cumulus is, I think, the third biggest radio chain holder in America.  After Clear Channel (now called I heart) and Entercom, which merged with CBS radio in 2017.

i was aware of how rightwing Cumulus is, similar to Clear Channel, I was not aware of how they bought KGO in order to destroy it.

All three of these companies were allowed to grow and prosper as a result of the changes in ownership rules the FCC did under Clinton.  It was one thing to get an homogenized product tossed together by people like Cronkite and Howard K Smith and then have a critic show why it was biased.  But with what has happened since the FCC rules were changed, is that the radio broadcast industry is now designed to simply and deliberately convey a combination of grey and black propaganda done to  inflame the masses.  The CIA calls it polarization.  Scott Walker called it divide and conquer.  The idea is to use cultural issues, including race, to get people to vote against their own interests. 

When you have over 1000 radio stations to get that message across, it works.


>>> The privately held radio industry has become a massive propaganda oligarchy. <<<


IMO, its not what the public wants.  Its what they are getting whether they like it or not.



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1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:

All the raw voting data that went through Dominion Voting Systems servers has been made public and there are literally a few hundred code monkeys going through each ward in each county in each state where the Dominion System was used.

False claims spread online about election tech firm Dominion Voting Systems


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11 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


According to Wikipedia, although Rob Reiner was the producer, the screenwriter was a man named

Aaron Sorkin


He also wrote, A Few Good Men, and West Wing.

Good writer, I think.

Steve Thomas

Thanks Steve, Check out "The Trial of the Chicago 7" on Netflix.


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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