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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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1 hour ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Cruz Office’s Contact Info Written In Note Found In Indicted Pro-Trump Rioter’s Truck


Cruz Office’s Contact Info Written In Note Found In Indicted Pro-Trump Rioter’s Truck (talkingpointsmemo.com)

Now THERE's a direct guilty party smoking gun.

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I'm a little confused here.

I am checking into the CNN internet news site off and on to keep abreast of the impeachment proceedings.

In their split screen video feed, they show a "Yea and Nay" vote tally number listing by political party. There is also a listing for "NV" or "no vote" numbers.

Is this just some procedural vote or the "actual vote" to go forward or not go forward with the impeachment process as described in the Pelosi/Schumer filing?

Whatever this vote is for...the Republican "nay" vote numbers are well above the Democratic members "yea" votes. However, in the 3rd column to the right of these vote numbers is a listing of NV or "no vote" numbers which are showing well over 200!

What the heck?

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1 minute ago, Joe Bauer said:

I'm a little confused here.

I am checking into the CNN internet news site off and on to keep abreast of the impeachment proceedings.

In their split screen video feed, they show a "Yea and Nay" vote tally number listing by political party. There is also a listing for "NV" or "no vote" numbers.

Is this just some procedural vote or the "actual vote" to go forward or not go forward with the impeachment process as described in the Pelosi/Schumer filing?

Whatever this vote is for...the Republican "nay" vote numbers are well above the Democratic members "yea" votes. However, in the 3rd column to the right of these vote numbers is a listing of NV or "no vote" numbers which are showing well over 200!

What the heck?

Just means they haven’t voted yet.

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3 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Someone pointed out the irony of Donald Trump's presidency ending the way it began, with a reference to female genitalia.

It started out with him claiming he could grab women's (female genitalia) whenever he wanted and he's ending it by telling Mike Pence that he could go down in history as either a hero or a (female genitalia).

Poor Donald. Brought down by his own sexual obsessions.

Steve Thomas

Speaking of such, notice that the articles about the infamous Moscow hotel video and the Michael Cohen book describe Trump taking pleasure in watching people urinate on each other. 

Not on him, on each other, for money. 

A metaphor for the administration right there...like something out of Jonathan Swift.

Edited by David Andrews
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2 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Someone pointed out the irony of Donald Trump's presidency ending the way it began, with a reference to female genitalia.

It started out with him claiming he could grab women's (female genitalia) whenever he wanted and he's ending it by telling Mike Pence that he could go down in history as either a hero or a (female genitalia).

Poor Donald. Brought down by his own sexual obsessions.

Steve Thomas

I kind of hate to admit that Donald Trump is correct about anything but, in truth, Mike Pence is a p*ssy. 🤥

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Trump telling his Capital Building defecators and urinaters " You're very special people" and "We love you" ???  OMG!   

Sadism personified.

This Trump theater of the absurd has evolved into Freuding madness.

The sexual identity conflicted dreams Trump and his violent followers must have. 

LBJ had a similar fixation with defecation and using this to humiliate others by making them hear his dumping through a left open bathroom door.





Edited by Joe Bauer
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2 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Cruz Office’s Contact Info Written In Note Found In Indicted Pro-Trump Rioter’s Truck


Cruz Office’s Contact Info Written In Note Found In Indicted Pro-Trump Rioter’s Truck (talkingpointsmemo.com)


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It may be worse than that.

There are two congress people who now say that certain House members let the thugs in the day before to show them where particular offices were. Is this how they knew where Clyburn's third floor office was?  If this is true, its aiding and abetting an insurrection.


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The Washington Post reports "Stop the Steal" Ali Alexander, a right-wing activist that has repeated President Donald Trump’s baseless claims of widespread election fraud, said in a since-deleted video on Periscope that Reps. Andy Biggs of Arizona, Mo Brooks of Alabama, and Paul A. Gosar of Arizona helped organize the Jan. 6 event during Congress’ vote to certify the Electoral College votes in favor of President-elect Joe Biden.

"We four schemed up of putting maximum pressure on Congress while they were voting,” Alexander said, adding that they planned to “change the hearts and the minds of Republicans who were in that body, hearing our loud roar from outside.”


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Twitter blocks account of Congresswoman who twitted Pelosi's location during the mob's insurgence. This is the same Congresswoman who tried to carry a pistol onto the House floor yesterday but was bused by the Capitol cops,



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There is a sizable Fifth Column in our country today that favors the overthrow of our government. Authorities now realize that such persons can be found in the military and police. Maybe 20% of the GOP favors this.

I wonder if on the way out of exiting the White House Trump will start a fire in Lincoln's bedroom to burn the building down.

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Pompeo just moved to designate the Houthis as a terrorist organization.

In other words, until the very end, this administration is backing MBS and the Saudis. (BTW, Trump almost boasted about how he rehabbed MBS in the wake of his murder of Khashoggi to Woodward.)

No wonder no one wants to meet with Pompeo.

It is not going to be easy to to get that designation removed. As i noted in my article on Kennedy and Nasser, the Saudis want no republican and/or even power sharing governments in the Middle East.  And Pompeo is going along. 

That was some peace plan by Jared.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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