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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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  • Benjamin Cole


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  • W. Niederhut


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8 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
That's where your heartaches begin,
Ben: My take on US politics these days is exhausted resignation, I am disappointed that the first US political movement to challenge to national security state-foreign policy Deep State prerogatives in 50 years...is the regrettable Trumpers
Yes, and that's why you were always doomed to failure.  Mostly because you're initial premise is wrong.
Ben:My take is Liz Cheney loathes, detests and reviles Trumpers most of all for...not their domestic politics, but their "isolationist" foreign policy 
Trump js not, and never been  an isolationist, he's personally more a globalist with global interests throughout the world than any previous President. He is absolutely not an ideologue at all. But reacts internationally mostly from the perspective of how it effects his personal interests. Similarly the rank and file people who follow him are not at all ideological other than some,misplaced anger against  the "government" or authority that you've sort of glomed on to as ideology. .. There was never anything more to it. Whatever sort of anti globalist populist rhetoric Trump had in speeches was not from Trump himself but was given to him by Steve Banon.
Though I do have some sympathy for your misdirection,  I've tried to dialog with you about a world without globalism and the U.K."s role in it , and history without it , but you choose not to.. The same condition to the prospect of anti globalism doesn't really exist as much  in the U.S. as the U.S. is this biggest world consumer bubble that foreign countries cutthroat vie for a piece of, but few can compete for. Just sayin"
As for your lead character, Liz Cheney and now endless speculation about her sympathy to some role her father had in 911, I won't even address. But your previous assertions that she's become a kingpin in the Democratic Party was honestly wacko.
Liz Cheney is a politician, without a political party, whose operating under the present illusion that she can bring her party back. Her chief antipathy to Trump is not that Trump pulled off any coup in world anti globalism, though regarding U.S. foreign intervention, it's true that she was more concerned about Trump's rhetoric then the eventual reality,  but far more than either of those is her anger toward Trump for destroying the Republican Party.

Liz Cheney sits on the House Armed Services Committee, and its Intelligence and Special Operations subcommittee.

What are the odds that someone so well-placed, and with her family background, is unaware that 9/11 was the work of her father and the Bush Administration? She never heard anything? 

You believe she will get to the bottom of the Jan. 6 plot to overthrow the US government? 



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On 9/4/2021 at 12:27 AM, W. Niederhut said:

This is pure bunk-- a type of straw man-- written and published to discredit the evidence of explosive demolitions, and to conceal the identities of the people who blew up the WTC on 9/11.

As propaganda, I would liken it to the forged letter that was used to discredit Dan Rather's attempts to expose George W. Bush's history of going AWOL from the Texas National Guard.

Liz Cheney sits on the House Armed Services Committee, and its Intelligence and Special Operations subcommittee.

What are the odds that someone so well-placed, and with her family background, is unaware that 9/11 was the work of her father and the Bush Administration? She never heard anything? 

You have divined the truth, but Liz Cheney, with every conceivable advantage, has not? 

You believe she will earnestly and fairly get to the bottom of the Jan. 6 event?

Is it possible your faith is misplaced? 


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16 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Liz Cheney sits on the House Armed Services Committee, and its Intelligence and Special Operations subcommittee.

What are the odds that someone so well-placed, and with her family background, is unaware that 9/11 was the work of her father and the Bush Administration? She never heard anything? 

You have divined the truth, but Liz Cheney, with every conceivable advantage, has not? 

You believe she will earnestly and fairly get to the bottom of the Jan. 6 event?

Is it possible your faith is misplaced? 


Ben, I like that appeal to W. as far as Liz Cheney exhibiting "earnestness and fairness" at the hearings! As if she has "super woman" powers and going to run the table. If you've seen any of these hearings, they're all permitted about 5 minutes. It's mostly just a show trial. She'll be intense in her questioning and make the nightly news, but she'll be pursuing questions any of us would have. In the end, whether she was there or not, I'm not sure it matters much.

As for the hearings, I have no idea effective they'll be, but I have my doubts. In the last impeachment trial they didn't call a key witness John Bolton, it seems because they didn't want to play spoiler for his upcoming book.. They're certainly talking tough like giving subpoenas to the Trump family, Kevin Mc Carthy, Jim Jordan,and also getting extensive phone records from Boebert, Greene, Gaetz, Gohmert and Biggs, Gosar and Mo Brooks who I'm particularly curious about.. I'd expect at least that, otherwise it's a  joke. But of course, they'll either fight it, or they can just take he witness stand  and lie about their communications anyway.

But even if they couldn't prove there was extensive planning, if the President was revealed to be dragging in his response to stop an insurrection he started, to most Americans that is a big deal. I know you're worried about the national security state, as we all are,  but I have no idea what an individual, including a President, could possibly do to   upset you Ben.
In The America I grew up in, if you were a crook, you better be good at it, or you lose! But there was at least a quest for excellence.Now a President can foment an uprising to nullify a legitimate election and we forgive him because he's so inept at it.
heh heh
Re congress: It's like a third of the country's in a grade school that's been taken over by a bully, and even the janitors are fleeing.  Then we should send a message out to the Republican  Trumpies, that we don't care how absurd you are, BS walks straight into a jail, but I don't think the hearings are designed to do that.
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7 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
Ben, I like that appeal to W. as far as Liz Cheney exhibiting "earnestness and fairness" at the hearings! As if she has "super woman" powers and going to run the table. If you've seen any of these hearings, they're all permitted about 5 minutes. It's mostly just a show trial. She'll be intense in her questioning and make the nightly news, but she'll be pursuing questions any of us would have. In the end, whether she was there or not, I'm not sure it matters much.

As for the hearings, I have no idea effective they'll be, but I have my doubts. In the last impeachment trial they didn't call a key witness John Bolton, it seems because they didn't want to play spoiler for his upcoming book.. They're certainly talking tough like giving subpoenas to the Trump family, Kevin Mc Carthy, Jim Jordan,and also getting extensive phone records from Boebert, Greene, Gaetz, Gohmert and Biggs, Gosar and Mo Brooks who I'm particularly curious about.. I'd expect at least that, otherwise it's a  joke. But of course, they'll either fight it, or they can just take he witness stand  and lie about their communications anyway.

But even if they couldn't prove there was extensive planning, if the President was revealed to be dragging in his response to stop an insurrection he started, to most Americans that is a big deal. I know you're worried about the national security state, as we all are,  but I have no idea what an individual, including a President, could possibly do to   upset you Ben.
In The America I grew up in, if you were a crook, you better be good at it, or you lose! But there was at least a quest for excellence.Now a President can foment an uprising to nullify a legitimate election and we forgive him because he's so inept at it.
heh heh
Re congress: It's like a third of the country's in a grade school that's been taken over by a bully, and even the janitors are fleeing.  Then we should send a message out to the Republican  Trumpies, that we don't care how absurd you are, BS walks straight into a jail, but I don't think the hearings are designed to do that.


I regarded Brett Kavanaugh as a hack GOP-minion lawyer, and worse, someone who helped squelch JFK records. 

The Donks turned the confirmation hearings into a laughable spectacle about whether at a high-school beer party  Kavanaugh might have groped Ms Ford, thus ruining her whole life, and leaving her sniveling and crying on the testimony stand 35 years later. 

Rank theater, and my apologies to thespians. 

Now the Donks have teamed up with Liz Cheney to bring you hearings on Jan. 6. 

You expect what? 




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On 9/6/2021 at 9:02 AM, Steve Thomas said:

Aaron Rupar


Trump, on Newsmax, claims the recall election in California is "probably rigged" (as if Democrats can't win elections there fair and square)




See, I told ya.

Steve Thomas

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Another Failed Presidency at Hand

Sept. 7, 2021



Credit...Kenny Holston for The New York Times

Opinion Columnist


This Sept. 11, a diminished president will preside over a diminished nation.

We are a country that could not keep a demagogue from the White House; could not stop an insurrectionist mob from storming the Capitol; could not win (or at least avoid losing) a war against a morally and technologically retrograde enemy; cannot conquer a disease for which there are safe and effective vaccines; and cannot bring itself to trust the government, the news media, the scientific establishment, the police or any other institution meant to operate for the common good.

A civilization “is born stoic and dies epicurean,” wrote historian Will Durant about the Babylonians. Our civilization was born optimistic and enlightened, at least by the standards of the day. Now it feels as if it’s fading into paranoid senility.

Joe Biden was supposed to be the man of the hour: a calming presence exuding decency, moderation and trust. As a candidate, he sold himself as a transitional president, a fatherly figure in the mold of George H.W. Bush who would restore dignity and prudence to the Oval Office after the mendacity and chaos that came before. It’s why I voted for him, as did so many others who once tipped red.

Instead, Biden has become the emblem of the hour: headstrong but shaky, ambitious but inept. He seems to be the last person in America to realize that, whatever the theoretical merits of the decision to withdraw our remaining troops from Afghanistan, the military and intelligence assumptions on which it was built were deeply flawed, the manner in which it was executed was a national humiliation and a moral betrayal, and the timing was catastrophic.

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3 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Aaron Rupar


Trump, on Newsmax, claims the recall election in California is "probably rigged" (as if Democrats can't win elections there fair and square)




See, I told ya.

Steve Thomas

Tomi Lahren slammed after claiming only ‘voter fraud’ will save Gavin Newsom from recall

By Roxanne Cooper September 08, 2021



The drumbeat has started. If the Republicans have their way, there won't be any more elections.


Steve Thomas

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8 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Another Failed Presidency at Hand

Sept. 7, 2021



Credit...Kenny Holston for The New York Times

Opinion Columnist


This Sept. 11, a diminished president will preside over a diminished nation.

We are a country that could not keep a demagogue from the White House; could not stop an insurrectionist mob from storming the Capitol; could not win (or at least avoid losing) a war against a morally and technologically retrograde enemy; cannot conquer a disease for which there are safe and effective vaccines; and cannot bring itself to trust the government, the news media, the scientific establishment, the police or any other institution meant to operate for the common good.

A civilization “is born stoic and dies epicurean,” wrote historian Will Durant about the Babylonians. Our civilization was born optimistic and enlightened, at least by the standards of the day. Now it feels as if it’s fading into paranoid senility.

Joe Biden was supposed to be the man of the hour: a calming presence exuding decency, moderation and trust. As a candidate, he sold himself as a transitional president, a fatherly figure in the mold of George H.W. Bush who would restore dignity and prudence to the Oval Office after the mendacity and chaos that came before. It’s why I voted for him, as did so many others who once tipped red.

Instead, Biden has become the emblem of the hour: headstrong but shaky, ambitious but inept. He seems to be the last person in America to realize that, whatever the theoretical merits of the decision to withdraw our remaining troops from Afghanistan, the military and intelligence assumptions on which it was built were deeply flawed, the manner in which it was executed was a national humiliation and a moral betrayal, and the timing was catastrophic.


Bret Stephens has always been a shameless NYT spokesman for the Neocons who got us into Afghanistan and Iraq, so it's not surprising that he is now jumping on the Republican's blame-Biden-for-Afghanistan propaganda bandwagon.

But where was Bret Stephens when Trump and Pompeo surrendered to the Taliban last year, and even invited them to Camp David on 9/11-- while excluding the Afghan government from the negotiations?  What kind of message did Trump and Pompeo send to the Afghan Army?

Where was Bret Stephens when Trump reduced U.S. forces in Afghanistan to 2,500 in January-- even as Afghan Army troops were actively surrendering to the Taliban throughout the country?  (And recall that Trump and Chris Miller refused to share Pentagon intel with Biden's transition team in December and January.)

Where was Stephens when Trump bragged in June of this year that the Biden administration "couldn't stop" Trump's "withdrawal process" from Afghanistan?

After 20 years and $2 trillion wasted U.S. taxpayer dollars, Neocon propagandists like Bret Stephens and Rupert Murdoch are suddenly interested in Afghanistan, in a game of Pin the Blame on the Donkey.

Let's not forget that they were major cheerleaders for our misguided invasions and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq.


Edited by W. Niederhut
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