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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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I've chosen the Guardian as their content often has a bias that agrees with a lot of the audience in this thread. Canadian journalist, Stephen Marche has written an article that discusses a recent topic in this thread, one some of us have been misquoted or misinterpreted on. 


I wonder what people's thoughts are on this? (if any)

Another article from the same outlet in quick succession, different author.


What are your conclusions? 

Do you consider Marche's article as accurate, or definitive? Is there anything you disagree with? If you were to play devil's advocate, is there any other way you could see the situation? 


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Just had my Pfizer booster shot 5 hours ago at our local Rite Aid drug store.

So far, no noticeable reactions outside of my eyes crossing and lower lip drooping.

Seriously, nothing negative yet.

Several people who have gotten the booster have stated to me they felt quite weak and slightly sick the next day so we'll see about that.

I had the first two Pfizer vaccines many months ago.

Kept holding off on the booster though.

I hear even people who have had all 3 shots are getting this new Covid strain.

Many in my own family from one Coast to the other have gotten hit in the last month or so. All different ages as well.

Crazy, anxious and depressing times we live in now. Unlike anything I have seen in my lifetime.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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Mitch McConnell speaking about President Biden's use of language lately, it seems he (Biden) has strayed a long way from his remarks about unity. I just think both parties are as bad as each other. 

Surely, unity is the way out of this turmoil. 

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Joe- glad to hear you got the booster.

The Covid shot is meant to protect the virus from going to your lungs, where it can kill you. It's very, very difficult to completely prevent an infection in your nose, as the nose doesn't have quite the same defenses our immune system provides to our lungs.

Boosted folks have been getting a sore throat for a few days with Omicron. Vaxxed but unboosted folks have had a more unpleasant experience if they catch it.

And unvaxxed folks run the risk of a very nasty result if they catch any strain of Covid.


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2 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Gaslighting, what's that?  I'm not really familiar with these newer terms.  Ah found it!

Sorry, for some reason it's been censored.  After 8 million views.   See dixie chicks, gaslighter.  

Censored? Why? 

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2 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

I've been told by many that in my younger days ( 20's and 30's - see my picture here ) I was somewhat good looking.

6 ft. 1 inch. Athletic. 180 lbs with a 30 inch waist. An easy smile, nice teeth, kind and sensitive eyes, normal size and shape ears, good hair, friendly and easy to talk to, no lisp or stammering, with a clear and soothing tenor/slightly baritone tone of voice.

Ah, but with the ravages of unusually accelerated cellular degeneration over the next 35 years, I now look like ... well ... all white hair, 220 bloated pounds of sagging body, face and rear end H***!

So opposite of youthful attractiveness I decided not to ever post my current real life look to save our forum members the trauma of such a shockingly sad "egads" transformation.

Good luck Joe...we all need it in the final innings....

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4 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

That's the best way to be, Matt. We all have biases, quite often ones we aren't even aware of. We are products of our environments, our experiences shape us. I think another good thing to be partisan about is being open minded. Perhaps that quality made us look at the JFKA closer. 

Transparency (or a lack thereof) moves us closer to truth.

Open mindedness is difficult to achieve when a lack of transparency is involved.



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4 minutes ago, Chris Davidson said:

Transparency (or a lack thereof) moves us closer to truth.

Open mindedness is difficult to achieve when a lack of transparency is involved.



Yep. The murky world of politics and the machinations of power. They ancient Greeks didn’t have it much differently. 

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Seditious conspiracy indictment against the Oath Keepers:


from page 8:

‘Purpose of the Conspiracy ; 16.

"The purpose of the conspiracy was to oppose the lawful transfer of presidential power by force, by preventing, hindering, or delaying by force the execution of the laws governing {the transfer of power, including the Twelfth and Twentieth Amendments to the Constitution and [Title 3, Section 15 of the United States Code."

Steve Thomas

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11 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Just had my Pfizer booster shot 5 hours ago at our local Rite Aid drug store.

So far, no noticeable reactions outside of my eyes crossing and lower lip drooping.

Seriously, nothing negative yet.

Several people who have gotten the booster have stated to me they felt quite weak and slightly sick the next day so we'll see about that.

I had the first two Pfizer vaccines many months ago.

Kept holding off on the booster though.

I hear even people who have had all 3 shots are getting this new Covid strain.

Many in my own family from one Coast to the other have gotten hit in the last month or so. All different ages as well.

Crazy, anxious and depressing times we live in now. Unlike anything I have seen in my lifetime.


My booster shot receiving upper left arm is now "killing" me with pain.

Pain started last night about 7 hours after the shot. 

Really surprised at the pain level. Although I do remember similar but lesser pain in my arm after my first two Pfizer shots.

Have read where this shot location arm pain takes a couple days to wane.

Just a heads up update note to those here who may be considering the booster vac.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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7 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:


My booster shot receiving upper left arm is now "killing" me with pain.

Pain started last night about 7 hours after the shot. 

Really surprised at the pain level. Although I do remember similar but lesser pain in my arm after my first two Pfizer shots.

Have read where this shot location arm pain takes a couple days to wane.

Just a heads up update note to those here who may be considering the booster vac.



I got the booster too, a couple of months ago.

Yes, the pain will wear off after a couple of days.


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14 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

Mitch McConnell speaking about President Biden's use of language lately, it seems he (Biden) has strayed a long way from his remarks about unity. I just think both parties are as bad as each other. 

Surely, unity is the way out of this turmoil. 

Anyone who thinks Mitch McConnell is an honest spokesman for constructive, bipartisan "unity" in the U.S., obviously, knows nothing about American political history during the past decade.

Here are some remedial facts.

1)  Mitch McConnell became the Koch brothers head GOP Senate bellboy after 2009-- during the depths of the Great Bush-Cheney Recession of 2008-10.  He led the GOP opposition to the Affordable Care Act and to Obama's 2009 Stimulus Recovery Act, which played a critical role in America's recovery from the worst recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

2)  In October of 2010, McConnell told GOP donors that the top priority of the GOP-- during the Great Recession(!)-- was to "limit Obama's presidency to a single term."  The top priority, mind you.  Not governing the country through the economic collapse under Bush and Cheney in 2008, or resolving the multi-trillion dollar Bush/Cheney wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.  But "limiting Obama to  single term."  Talk about bipartisan "unity..."

3)  In 2016, McConnell blocked the appointment of Obama nominee Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court for over 300 days, following the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, on the grounds that 2016 was an Election Year.  McConnell abruptly reversed course and appointed Trump nominee Amy Coney Barrett to the SCOTUS just weeks before the 2020 election, following the death of Justic Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  More McConnell "unity," eh?

4)  Also in 2016, Mitch McConnell blocked Obama's efforts to issue an honest, bipartisan warning to the American public about Russian interference in the U.S. elections.  (We now know that "Moscow" Mitch and many other 2016 Republican candidates, including Donald Trump, received campaign funds from Russian oligarchs.  Russian oligarchs funneled $30 million to Trump through the NRA alone.)

5)  As for McConnell's current use of the Jim Crow filibuster to sabotage the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, it's the same sort of good old boy sabotage of Civil Rights and Voting Rights that we have witnessed during the past century in the Congress.  The only difference is that yesteryear's Dixiecrats are today's Trumplicans.

Photo of Mitch McConnell Posing With Confederate Flag Is Circulating Online

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11 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

Yep. The murky world of politics and the machinations of power. They ancient Greeks didn’t have it much differently. 

It's not the source per say, but more importantly, the documentation.

For instance:


I looked for this information on Fox's home page (supposedly Trump has a rally in Arizona scheduled for tomorrow) but did not find it, at least today.









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