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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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5 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
News flash! Get this, My the tables have turned!  Previous Putinites (and Ben idols) Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald are now claiming that Ukraine hawks (like Ben) are calling them "treasonists and traitors" because they don't want the U.S. to get directly involved in a "hot war" with Russia in Ukraine!
I'm more  or less in the same "restraint mode" about U.S. involvement in Ukraine as them. And that's actually the majority point of view! So bottom line is even though Carlson and Greenwald  are now actually in the majority, they are crying wolf that they're being persecuted as "traitors". Am I old school?  Or are these guys just 2 whiny little privileged wimps! Listen to them commiserate!
I can understand where people don't want to get in involved with these Greenwald bottom feeding twitter wars. But there's more to this. Both Carlson and Greenwald urged restraint on the reports of civilian killings in Bucha. And what Greenwald is reacting to is one twitter comment from Rick Wilson, (who he calls a Liberal icon,but Glenn didn't know in reality, he's a Republican media strategist). who  responded satirically .\
Wilson tweets:
Greenwald: See they tied their hands behind their backs, and shot themselves in the  backs of their heads. Vladimir Putin's brave, strong, morally upright men were merely trying to liberate them.In fact, I'm sure it's a neocon plot to make Putin look bad.
To this Glenn responds!
Liberal icon
fabricated a quote, attributed it to me, and now his drooling Dem fans are saying this is proof I'm a traitor! They should transfer more of their paycheck to his account to satiate their rage. *Fake quotes are fine with Twitter if for the right cause!
It's called satire! The fact that people fall for satire and parody — even when it’s obvious — doesn’t make it not satire or parody. That’s the point. Someone said all satire is a joke between the writer and reader at the expense of a hypothetical third party who takes it seriously.
Only the most humorless, self absorbed person like Greenwald couldn't see that, as the only Glenn I've seen is a guy whose hair is perpetually on fire and has never uttered anything near what I would consider a joke in anything I've read from him.
Bottom line, don't fall for Greenwald's self victimization!

I’m annoyed with Greenwald and have been for many years. But Kirk, he wouldn’t even be invited on CNN or the like. And he is only one journalist. The others probably wouldn’t get invited on FOX either. I heard a long interview with Chris Hedges the other day on KPFA’s Project Censored’ program. He talked about RT. His take was that he and other alternative left American voices had no where else to go. Hedges pulled no punches about Putin, and says that if YouTube hadn’t blocked RT the Russians would have. The US calls RT Russian propaganda without putting in perspective that our media is also propaganda. Meanwhile YouTube also disappeared 6 years of Hedges’ interviews. We are facing a censorship crisis which has worsened recently first because of Trump, now because of Ukraine. Another point is that calling Twitter a private enterprise doesn’t change anything. NYT is private too. It’s media, and the billionaires control most of it.

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2 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

I’m annoyed with Greenwald and have been for many years. But Kirk, he wouldn’t even be invited on CNN or the like. And he is only one journalist. The others probably wouldn’t get invited on FOX either. I heard a long interview with Chris Hedges the other day on KPFA’s Project Censored’ program. He talked about RT. His take was that he and other alternative left American voices had no where else to go. Hedges pulled no punches about Putin, and says that if YouTube hadn’t blocked RT the Russians would have. The US calls RT Russian propaganda without putting in perspective that our media is also propaganda. Meanwhile YouTube also disappeared 6 years of Hedges’ interviews. We are facing a censorship crisis which has worsened recently first because of Trump, now because of Ukraine. Another point is that calling Twitter a private enterprise doesn’t change anything. NYT is private too. It’s media, and the billionaires control most of it.


Largely agree, although I regard Greenwald as a superb journalist, who like anyone (possibly including you and me!), can make mistakes. At least when Greenwald makes mistakes, they are made in earnest, and he does not engage in censorship. 

My view is that the media landscape has changed in the last 30 years, and the "town square" and roads leading to it are the Googles, Facebooks, twitters, and Youtubes. When the social media giants decide to ban a topic, that is like banning someone from speaking in the town square. All the social media giants banned the "China lab leak" story, and the true Hunter Biden laptop story, which is a gigantic story in itself, when one ponders the reasons why. 

Of course, the social media giants do not have to be so clumsy as banning a topic. They can color the news through selective AI that pushes approved narratives forward. 

Even more concerning, the modern-day Donk Party has wholeheartedly aligned itself with the national security state and M$M, joining the establishment 'Phants in this regard.  If you have a non-white Secretary of Defense, then the panopticon is OK and drink that blue kool aid. 

Today you can find Donks chortling they have cancelled other points of view.  The ACLU says it will not defend even mild right-wing speech. (Although the ACLU has taken up the cudgels to defend the property rights of Russian oligarchs). 

American needs a new party but I doubt the M$M will let that happen. You think Jen Psaki will give lots of air time to an emergent third party? 





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6 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

I’m annoyed with Greenwald and have been for many years. But Kirk, he wouldn’t even be invited on CNN or the like. And he is only one journalist. The others probably wouldn’t get invited on FOX either. I heard a long interview with Chris Hedges the other day on KPFA’s Project Censored’ program. He talked about RT. His take was that he and other alternative left American voices had no where else to go. Hedges pulled no punches about Putin, and says that if YouTube hadn’t blocked RT the Russians would have. The US calls RT Russian propaganda without putting in perspective that our media is also propaganda. Meanwhile YouTube also disappeared 6 years of Hedges’ interviews. We are facing a censorship crisis which has worsened recently first because of Trump, now because of Ukraine. Another point is that calling Twitter a private enterprise doesn’t change anything. NYT is private too. It’s media, and the billionaires control most of it.

I agree with you about Chris Hedges, that is absurd. I think in part it's because he worked for the NYT and is one of them.

RT always had some good stuff you wouldn't see on our MSM. I was watching their coverage for a few weeks before the they shut it off, just to see what they reported. But their lead story for many weeks had been the Trucker's convoy in Canada. Then they'd repeat a story of a young passenger in a U.S. airliner wearing a "Let's go Brandon" T shirt and matching cap making a fuss when the attendants asked him to put on a jacket, as if such dissent is regularly tolerated in Russia. Just before they invaded they showed film of people the Russian Army were evacuating from East Ukraine over the border to Russia. But it wasn't clear if there was really a danger or the Russians just told them they are better off going, probably because they were about to invade.

Part of it is that during war, all countries have restricted speech. I understand the global town square but if things got heavy enough, could we really trust the government? Why wouldn't that also eventually turn out to be the fox guarding the hen house? It would then be up to the  legislators. Has there ever really been such a thing as unlimited free speech anywhere? Or is it just like "liberty and  justice for all."

Above everything, MSM is really about money. Trump was a boon for for ratings. MSNBC and CNN decided they boost ratings by going anti Trump, and Fox was pro.  It was kind of absurd that CNN was for a long while still trying to act like they were just "reporting the news", when it became so Trump dominated, Then MSNBC  decided they can broaden their base by pulling in neocons for no other reason than they're anti Trump. The closest thing they got to an anti U.S. imperialist, anti defense spending person is say a Michael Moore, whose not really treated as one of their pundits, but mostly an entertainer.

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8 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

I’m annoyed with Greenwald and have been for many years. But Kirk, he wouldn’t even be invited on CNN or the like. And he is only one journalist. The others probably wouldn’t get invited on FOX either. I heard a long interview with Chris Hedges the other day on KPFA’s Project Censored’ program. He talked about RT. His take was that he and other alternative left American voices had no where else to go. Hedges pulled no punches about Putin, and says that if YouTube hadn’t blocked RT the Russians would have. The US calls RT Russian propaganda without putting in perspective that our media is also propaganda. Meanwhile YouTube also disappeared 6 years of Hedges’ interviews. We are facing a censorship crisis which has worsened recently first because of Trump, now because of Ukraine. Another point is that calling Twitter a private enterprise doesn’t change anything. NYT is private too. It’s media, and the billionaires control most of it.

Hedges talks a hell of a lot of sense, I watch a fair bit of him on YouTube, always via third party channels. 

Edited by Chris Barnard
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"Ukraine’s Zelenskyy says tens of thousands killed in Mariupol; Austrian leader to meet Putin."-CNBC

Biden 'doesn't currently have any plans' to travel to Ukraine despite Boris Johnson visit, WH says-Fox


Tens of thousands?  Atrocities in the wake of Russian retreats?  What will it take for Nato intervention? 

Maybe Trump was right. Nato is useless. Zelensky says he wants 1% of Nato's armor and airplanes, and Nato says no. Biden appears to have no insights or plans. 

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A note about RT. I watched it for a bit and noticed that it was totally biased and obviously propaganda. Propaganda doesn't mean that it was all false. Some, perhaps the majority, of what it reported was true. But it focused on the negatives in America and never reported on the negatives in Russia. Which is quite odd when you think of it for a channel called Russia Today.

A few years back I was approached via email by a Russian news service that wanted to interview me about the JFK assassination. I said I was interested. I then asked them if they actually understood my arguments or simply thought my arguments could be used to smear the U.S.' reputation. At that point I was ghosted. 

I'd be willing to bet there's a file in Russia of Americans who went on RT to in effect bash their country. They might even call it "The Useful Idiot" file. There might even be a similar file at the FBI. 

But the difference is this. While there might be a file of Americans who trashed America on RT, these people were not harassed and/or arrested after their appearances. When the same would not be true of Russians who went on RT and criticized Putin. 

I mean, can you imagine Kasparov on RT? It would be like Salmon Rushdie being interviewed on Iranian TV.

No country is 100% free. But some are more free than others. 



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21 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Well, yeah. The Republican Party is the party of throw stones at others at a rapid pace so no one can fire back at your big glass house on the hill. Virtually every complaint about Biden and the Dems--the corruption, irresponsibility with money, taking orders from a minority of loudmouths, etc--was true of Trump and his cronies. Times a hundred. But as long as the lapdogs blather on about Hunter's laptop no one on the right will notice. Trump's a football fan. Sometimes the best defense is an extremely aggressive offense. 

The obvious nature of the playbook is offensive. It shouldn't work but it does. 

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24 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

No country is 100% free. But some are more free than others. 

Important political and social perspective to keep in mind. 


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5 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

"Ukraine’s Zelenskyy says tens of thousands killed in Mariupol; Austrian leader to meet Putin."-CNBC

Biden 'doesn't currently have any plans' to travel to Ukraine despite Boris Johnson visit, WH says-Fox


Tens of thousands?  Atrocities in the wake of Russian retreats?  What will it take for Nato intervention? 

Maybe Trump was right. Nato is useless. Zelensky says he wants 1% of Nato's armor and airplanes, and Nato says no. Biden appears to have no insights or plans. 


     It's time for your daily reality check.

    The U.S., U.K., and NATO have played a critical role in Ukraine's surprisingly successful resistance to the Russian ground invasion.

    And Putin's puppet, Donald Trump, was dead wrong about NATO.

    Take a break from Glenn Greenwald and study this brief analysis by Trump's own former Russian policy advisor, Dr. Fiona Hill.

Former top Trump Russia adviser details the sharp contrast between Trump and Biden


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