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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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On 7/2/2022 at 5:46 PM, Benjamin Cole said:

If Manafort is a spy or Russian agent, then have Merrick Garland prosecute him as such. 


They don't prosecute such cases as that would require discovery. The Russians and others would love to have a discovery hearing as such hearings would reveal the sources used. The intel agencies know this of course so unless the prosecution would be beneficial they pass.

As an historical reference Venona had uncovered many spies and sources (some unwitting) but they were left unprosecuted (and never prosecuted) until other information could be developed to cover the original source (intercepted WW2 communications from duplicate one-time pads). Rosenbergs for one example.

Today a lot of information digitally transmitted is scraped, stored and decrypted (God knows what level they're at now - I believe BullRun had cracked 1024 bit twenty years ago) but the NSA and other super-secret agencies aren't going to say "Hey! Our desktops whacked and cracked little Paul's phone at 4096 bit in a week!" Because that would be be stupid and they aren't.

So worry not. Those texts from Donny Jr. from What's App or whatever are cooked off if not today, next year or ten from now. 

Sooooo... FARA charges are commonly used to weed out intelligence assets because the charges don't require a lot of evidence and are fairly vague.

Edited by Bob Ness
Taking a bit out.
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17 hours ago, David Andrews said:

View on Jan 6 from a JCOS insider: We were nearly a "banana republic":


"...but you do need to understand that even Pence was questioning the intent of the Secret Service because he wouldn't get in that car."

It's nice to see someone in government who is aware of the seriousness and experiences my outrage.

It was important  when asked Honore' said he thought ultimately the military would not have sided with Trump. I definitely think that's true. The fact that the military didn't side with Trump would have been used by the Fascists and their kook minions to minimize the danger and preach again that the U.S. is under direct control of the "deep state".  But the truth is, we would have had 48 hours of utter chaos, then there would have been a crackdown nationwide for a few months, and it wouldn't have been pretty. It would have been a great national embarrassment to the "land of the free"to the rest of the world. And I'm sure more people would have died. But at least we'd be further along than we are now.

It's like a family trying to hide their criminal, terrorist teenager because they fear it will embarrass the family, and chooses to not deal with it in some naive hope that  taking the tolerant approach and hoping that the situation corrects itself on it's own, when in this case Trump,  gradually loses popular support and doesn't run again for President. But I don't think there's any guarantee of that at all.  But somebody like Garland has to step forward  and Honore might think Biden should give him another 6 months but that sounds like an eternity to me. JMO


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Full Phone Call: Trump Pressures Georgia Secretary of State

During an hourlong phone call, President Trump pressured Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to overturn the 2020 election results. Trump said, “I ...


How many here have actually taken the time to listen to Trump's infamous 1 hour long intimidation and pressuring telephone call to Georgia election official Brad Raffensberger in it's entirety?

I have.

And here it is if you want to listen to all or just part of it.

Warning - in it's entirety it is exhausting.

Trump's high energy manic pushing of his own reality facts ( versus those Raffensberger cites ) and ever more exaggerated hyperbole of numbers of voter fraud crimes and thousand times repeating of them in the course of this one hour long diatribe leaves you drained.

Trump just pounds and pounds and pounds away with his alternate universe reality Georgia election fraud claims.  Combined with a desperateness so animated it all comes across as irrationally disturbing.

Some thoughts:

If this call isn't as intimidating, pressuring, demeaningly insulting and even humiliating ( "they're laughing at you Brad", They don't like you Brad") and threatening ( "you're taking a big risk here Brad") as a Mafia godfather call to some out-of-line underling needing to be reminded of "who's in charge" like you see in the gangster movies ... what is?

I hadn't listened to this famous Trump pressuring call in it's entirety until yesterday.

I had to take several breaks while doing so because it was so exhaustively charged up manic and repeating and non-stop heavy handed, even oppressively so.

Trump never stops talking! 

I think Trump truly feels he can actually "wear down" others who threaten his standing and self-interests by his hammering, pounding and pounding again force of will.

Which, in his business life before 2016, this bullying tactic by Trump obviously worked so well and often enough that it became hard wired into his obsessively self-absorbed and "never enough"" money obsessed deal making brain.

Good luck sticking with the ranting Trump to Raffensberger call through it's entirety. I'll bet most won't stay with it.

And if this classic "Godfather" type pressuring Trump call to Raffensberger isn't blatant election interference ... what else is?

Commendably, Raffensberger took this one hour hammering call by Trump, and still held his oath honoring ground stance of no election fraud in his state of Georgia. Angering Trump to no end as you can tell by a more and more frustrated Trump insulting Raffensberger near the end of the call. "They are laughing at you Brad." "They don't like you Brad."

Typical Trump intimidation bullying.




Edited by Joe Bauer
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1 minute ago, Douglas Caddy said:


May be a cartoon of one or more people and text

Ginny Thomas is our defacto 10th SCOTUS justice.

In influence for sure.

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Just now, Douglas Caddy said:


Yes, she is. Then there is this:

May be a Twitter screenshot of 1 person and text that says 'Liam Nissan TM @theliamnissan We should probably stop putting people who are prepping for the rapture in charge of anything.'

Oskar Schindler wisdom.


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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

Free to read. It all checks out, IMO


Scary, in two ways:

1. True, and the US is headed for a Civil War. I sure hope not.

2. Not true, but it is fear-mongering propaganda, intended to justify a repressive panopticon. 

The interviewee notes that autocracies---very strong states, with a lot of repression---tend to not have civil wars.  So there is a solution there. 

If a civil war is pending, then surely a lot of censorship and police-state expansion is justifiable to ward it off. 


That America's middle-class has been disenfranchised and is reacting accordingly...I guess not a polite topic of discussion. 



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