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The problem I have had with Garland is the same problem that other attorneys have had:  you do not have to conduct a conspiracy inquiry solely from the bottom up and stay there for months.

You can have a dual edged investigation.

That is what the congressional committee has done.

I think they kind of shamed him into action.

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1 minute ago, James DiEugenio said:

I think they kind of shamed him into action.

Nah, we found out this level of investigation has been going on since February; they subpoenaed Meadows' phone records back in April, well before the public hearings began.

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5 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

The problem I have had with Garland is the same problem that other attorneys have had:  you do not have to conduct a conspiracy inquiry solely from the bottom up and stay there for months.

You can have a dual edged investigation.

That is what the congressional committee has done.

I think they kind of shamed him into action.


1. Keep in mind, when the federal government prosecuted the Whitmer kidnapping defendants, the identities of federal informants and plants became public---so much so that The Intercept said the kidnapping plot only matured under federal instigation and money. 

I am not conversant enough in such cases to know if that will be the case in the 1/6 trial---in other words, the defendants will say, "We didn't start any riot. We suspect the riot was instigated by federal assets. Ergo, the federal government must reveal all assets and plants in the 1/6 crowd or in the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys." 

That's called "the defense"---something we have not seen yet at the 1/6 hearings.  

It seems to me the federal government will then have to reveal information on relevant informants, plants and assets. For Garland, that could be an ugly case to prosecute.  

It seems very likely the federal government had assets in the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, and also in the crowd in 1/6. There is still the mysterious Ray Epps. 

2. The connection between Trump and the 1/6 riot is still rather vaporous. Take Trump out of the picture---before you send someone to jail for inciting a riot, you would want something like texts to instigators, or the defendant explicitly egging the crowd on through a bullhorn, that sort of thing. There is none of that in this case. (In fact, Ray Epps should likely be arrested for inciting a riot....). As much as we may dislike Trump, U.S. prosecutors should have a strong case before going to court. Politicized or malicious prosecution...never a good idea. 

3. On the Georgia stuff you have mentioned, I think there may be a case against Trump. That seems rather concrete, with recorded phone calls and so on.  I do not know the law in such situations, but in Georgia there at least is a clear record. 





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This thread is not only back from exile, it is now pinned. An epic, whirlwind trip. No one even had to update the title to say "Fifty-Eight."

When the conversation here steers towards the question was January 6, 2021 a real coup, or a Sears coup, that's JFK assassination territory. So, once again, welcome back, TIEROOLFY. No end to fodder for this thread.


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12 minutes ago, George Govus said:

This thread is not only back from exile, it is now pinned. An epic, whirlwind trip. No one even had to update the title to say "Fifty-Eight."

When the conversation here steers towards the question was January 6, 2021 a real coup, or a Sears coup, that's JFK assassination territory. So, once again, welcome back, TIEROOLFY. No end to fodder for this thread.


As this is the JFKA forum, I will say it again. The Shadow Government has about 1000 times the budget, experience, assets and skill of the dubious Trump & Co. 

See the JFKA. See the RFKA. See any numbers of coups globally. Maybe even Watergate. See the Russiagate Hoax. 

You don't have to like Trump (and I don't) to ponder if the events of 1/6 are not as seen in the M$M or the 1/6 show, but rather a horse of a different color. 

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5 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

The problem I have had with Garland is the same problem that other attorneys have had:  you do not have to conduct a conspiracy inquiry solely from the bottom up and stay there for months.


On several occasions during Garland's interview with Lester Holt, he said that the focus of the DOJ investigation is the "interference with the peaceful transfer of power".

That sort of wraps everything up together in one package - the fake electors, the mob, etc.

I look for that to be the charge.in any criminal indictment.

Steve Thomas

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I am curious how Rudy Guiliani is going to come out in the end through all this.

His personal and public reputations have already been practically ruined after years of being Trump's lap dog.

Enthusiastically obeying his boss's fetching orders no matter how crazy and illegal they were or just plain dumb.

So goes Trump ( and Trump is going off the rails ) so goes Rudy.

What is interesting is why and how far RG chose to go with and stay with the Trump grifting and carnival barking circus and for so long.

It's a perverse and even pathetic loyalty. 

A huge gamble that lost.


Why did you risk so much latching onto Trump's delusional ego bandwagon?

In the end I believe it's possible Guiliani will be forever linked to Trump in a way like bumbling old book and 20th century radio, TV and film comedy teams ... Laurel and Hardy, Abbott and Costello, Cramden and Norton, Danny Dravot and Peachy Carnehan?










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"Good afternoon. I want to welcome these leaders for coming in to have this very important discussion about some of the most pressing issues of our time. I am Kamala Harris, my pronouns are she and her. I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit," a masked Harris said while introducing herself.


Who knows, she and her may be the next president, and she and her may not have to wait until 2024 (technically, 2025). 

Is describing your clothing a "thing" now, or a PC-ritual in some way?




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5 hours ago, George Govus said:

This thread is not only back from exile, it is now pinned. An epic, whirlwind trip. No one even had to update the title to say "Fifty-Eight."

When the conversation here steers towards the question was January 6, 2021 a real coup, or a Sears coup, that's JFK assassination territory. So, once again, welcome back, TIEROOLFY. No end to fodder for this thread.


And we also get multiple nightly servings of spam from Ben's MAGA-verse on this thread.

It's a convenient way to stay up-to-date on MAGA-verse tropes about Hunter Biden's laptop, Ray Epps, alleged "hearsay" theatrics in Congress, and "nasty women" like Hillary, Liz Cheney, and Kamala Harris.

Some of Ben's 1,000+ posts remind me of that old line by Kinky Friedman and the Texas Jew Boys--

"Get your biscuits in the oven and your buns in the bed-- women's liberation is a-going to your head!"

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Who are the little green men working "security" at Trump's events? (not so little)

Does Trump have his own brownshirts now?

Exclusive: Hired 'goons' assaulted SEIU conference attendees at the same hotel as Trump's speech

by Sarah K. Burris 7/26/22



Footage sent to Raw Story by 26-year-old Mackenzie N. @Kenzington96, who works at the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) showed a group of protesters being attacked by a group of men. The protesters were shouting "No Trump! No KKK! No fascist-USA!" and unfurled a banner reading "Indict Trump" on it.


"At least two white men in green shirts, beards and man-buns grabbed the "Indict Trump" banner and stormed off while hotel security also ran toward the scene. The videos sent by Mackenzie showed a third man in the Army green shirt with a quasi-military-looking insignia on the left breast of his shirt and an American flag on the left arm.

Mackenzie described the men as "hired goons" of Trump's, but SEIU was able to confirm from the hotel that the "security" were actually hired by the America First nonprofit group to run "security" for their event."

"The group has been seen previously at Trump events working as "security."



Steve Thomas

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If Freedom of Speech is so important, why are people attacking libraries?

As Maeve Higgins, columnist for The Guardian put it, "Libraries help us to think. That is why they are powerful, and that is why they are under attack. That is also why we must protect them."

Fascists don't want you to think. As Marjorie Taylor Greene put it, they want you to conform.

Steve Thomas

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23 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Name a single a factual narrative you've propagated here. Go ahead. Just one.

I’ll chuck you a bone, Matt. I do think Rob is right when he suggested you are like a version 1 google bot, regurgitating MSM. 

Here is one:

It was me who was asserting that the vaccinated were spreading the virus, catching the virus and dying of the virus, while the senile president you are cheerleading was telling the public:

“You’re not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations.” 

And CDC director Wakely was saying:

“Vaccinated people do not carry the virus.... don’t get sick.”

And Fauci was saying:

“When people are vaccinated, they can safe they will not be infected.” 

It wasn’t my own original thought, I don’t have a crystal ball, I was listening to scientists / Dr’s whistleblowing. Of course you ignored it, and preferred to naively listen to the XXXXX. 




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