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Kamala Harris and the RFK assassination

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2 hours ago, David Boylan said:

I thought this was the high point of the evening. Leave the guns. Take the calamari. 😀



Yeah, some points were were definitely better than others.  I thought the states nomination process with some more common people, not convention delegates doing it was refreshing. The hopefully next President being nominated by an elevator operator was way cool.  Tonight Billary might be a good time to go outside for  breath of fresh air and stretch, or take a leak.  But I want to see Warren in particular and like her or not Kamala will make history.  I once saw Geraldine Ferraro shouted down by Reagan supporters live (four more years, four more years).  it's History ya'll, worth witnessing imho.

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On the subject of Kamala Harris and the DNC Convention tonight, I thought Obama's speech was terrific-- an A+.

Elizabeth Warren was an A+ as always. 

Kamala, a B+.   Do I trust this lady?  Not entirely sure.

It's a gestalt, but I was left with a strong vibe that Biden should have put Elizabeth Warren on the ticket as VP.

I knew it wouldn't happen, but I really believe that Warren should be sitting in the Oval Office if Biden kicks the bucket.



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I agree William, outside of a few speeches at some critical times. I've always  thought a lot of Obama's oratory was sort of professorial, like he would never want to be seen as pandering to emotions.Over the years ,there was a couple of times, where I've wanted to shake him! If ever there was a time when he needed to drop that and this sort of tradition of a President not criticizing a standing President, it's now, and he did convey an urgency.

Obama really getting down was a tough act for Kamala Harris to follow. It is an historic moment. A black woman for VP. Let everyone from every background enjoy it for what it is. ,But we have had a Black man as President, a Woman Presidential candidate that popularly won the national election, and  2 women VP candidates.

I liked Elizabeth Warren a lot. I would have preferred her as VP. But she could do a lot of good as Secretary of the Treasury or Commerce though Wall Street would hate it.

i agree with Ron's earlier comment. The Democratic roll call was touching. Every state made a statement. It showed a  diversity of common people.. It felt a lot more spontaneous, (though it was scripted) than hearing some politician say "The great state of Idaho, famous for it's potatoes, pledges it's 13 votes for the next President of the United States, blah blah blah.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

On the subject of Kamala Harris and the DNC Convention tonight, I thought Obama's speech was terrific-- an A+.

Elizabeth Warren was an A+ as always. 

Kamala, a B+.   Do I trust this lady?  Not entirely sure.

It's a gestalt, but I was left with a strong vibe that Biden should have put Elizabeth Warren on the ticket as VP.

I knew it wouldn't happen, but I really believe that Warren should be sitting in the Oval Office if Biden kicks the bucket.



She would have been a stronger debater, longer serving Senator and Harvard  Professor, confronter of Wall Street.   

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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

On the subject of Kamala Harris and the DNC Convention tonight, I thought Obama's speech was terrific-- an A+.

Elizabeth Warren was an A+ as always. 

Kamala, a B+.   Do I trust this lady?  Not entirely sure.

It's a gestalt, but I was left with a strong vibe that Biden should have put Elizabeth Warren on the ticket as VP.

I knew it wouldn't happen, but I really believe that Warren should be sitting in the Oval Office if Biden kicks the bucket.



Absolutely agree WN.

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1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:

When you can't find 30 Kamala Harris fans in a country of 328 million.



Yo, Rob, your Fox News collage reminds me of Trump's struggles to find anyone willing to speak at his RNC Convention.   

The last time I checked, the RNC was scheduling such luminaries as Ted Nugent and Bunny and Clod-- the two St. Louis lawyers who threatened George Floyd protesters with guns.  🤥

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I know Bloomberg is Wall Street but he sounded pretty good at points tonight (taped last night?).


This Senator Tammy Duckworth was almost nasty in her last 1 1/2 minutes.  The whole thing is worth watching.


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46 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


Yo, Rob, your Fox News collage reminds me of Trump's struggles to find anyone willing to speak at his RNC Convention.   

The last time I checked, the RNC was scheduling such luminaries as Ted Nugent and Bunny and Clod-- the two St. Louis lawyers who threatened George Floyd protesters with guns.  🤥

William, I would think several die hard loyal celebrity Trump supporters would speak if asked.

Roseanne Barr, Chumly from Pawn Stars, Gary Busey, Mike Tyson, Kid Rock, Jesse James, Chuck Foolery, Clint Eastwood, etc.

Hope to see and hear Rudy Guiliani again, maybe even accompanied by his Frankenstein lab helpers Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman?

Bunny and Clod will be fun to watch and hear. Will they be brandishing their weapons on stage while they speak?

Could they do a Zoom with close Trump friend Ghislane Maxwell from her cell?


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19 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

William, I would think several die hard loyal celebrity Trump supporters would speak if asked.

Roseanne Barr, Chumly from Pawn Stars, Gary Busey, Mike Tyson, Kid Rock, Jesse James, Chuck Foolery, Clint Eastwood, etc.


Chumly needs a pardon, I hear.

Edited by David Andrews
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On 8/17/2020 at 11:27 AM, Jeff Carter said:

. Wikileaks detractors and now persecutors represent exactly these self-serving elites, with an attendant track record of lies and mendacity. 

Why hasn’t Jeff Carter denounced the Trump Justice Department for its intensified persecution of Julian Assange?


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1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:

It's not a Fox News collage.

It is the DNC's Live Feed Stream during the Harris Speech.



      In a Biblical sense, you and Fox News are really straining a gnat and swallowing a camel here-- perhaps taking a cue from the recent White House photo-shopping of Trump's sparsely attended tarmac rally in Tampa.

      As for Trump's 2020 convention, Ted Nugent and Bunny & Clod McCloskey should put on quite a show for the Fox Nation!

     ( I wonder if they'll be waving their AK-47s on the podium.)


"If you give 'em an inch, honey, they'll want the Porsche and the rugs!"



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The above photo depicts the perfect poster couple representing Trump's base.

Do we really want to continue with this American versus American kind of hate filled anarchy and violence that Trump incites? 

This November 3rd...it's all on the line.


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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:


      In a Biblical sense, you and Fox News are really straining a gnat and swallowing a camel here-- perhaps taking a cue from the recent White House photo-shopping of Trump's sparsely attended tarmac rally in Tampa.

      As for Trump's 2020 convention, Ted Nugent and Bunny & Clod McCloskey should put on quite a show for the Fox Nation!

     ( I wonder if they'll be waving their AK-47s on the podium.)


"If you give 'em an inch, honey, they'll want the Porsche and the rugs!"



Wonder if these two armed and aiming vigilantes above are Christian values preaching church goers.

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As an Brit, I'm pretty surprised the members of this forum are so invested in this election. Don't most people on here believe JFK's death allowed for coup to take place in the US? Why would you have any faith in the system at all, whether it be Republicans or Democrats? Apart from a few good politicians such as Thomas Downing, Richard Schweiker, Gary Hart etc., most in the major parties have not looked to conduct a proper investigation or have actively blocked efforts to do so. 


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