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Hickey might have fired his AR15 -- members survey.

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2 hours ago, Sean Coleman said:

Marjan, you give me the confidence to voice my theories of Mr.Z shooting JFK with a weapon concealed in his camera, the triple overpass train driver shooting JFK with an ice bullet and Jackie O shooting JFK with a pistol concealed in a lamb chop puppet….keep up the good work! Rock n roll!!

I believe that Oswald acted alone, with a suspicion of a plan to get to mexico, but otherwise it was a suicide mission.

Re conspiracies, the only one that i know for sure is the conspiracy (from many directions) to hide Hickey's accidental negligent homicide.

There was no shooter behind the paling fence.

However the almost endless accidental & non-accidental stuff-ups (postmortem)(ruby) will be an eternal sideshow.

So, LNers are partly correct -- & CTers are partly correct. And Hickeyists are partly correct (they reckon on only one AR15 shot) -- which leaves me alone (so far) as fully correct (at least 3 AR15 shots).

SSA Floyd Boring was partly correct too -- he said that a squeeze of that AR15 on auto would probably fire 3 shots. And we know that that AR15-601 could fire at only a third of the rate of some later AR15s.

So, what are your theories?

Edited by Marjan Rynkiewicz
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I dare not expand on said theories for fear of ridicule and esteemed members taking me less seriously than they already do….🤡

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On 8/7/2022 at 4:59 PM, Chris Davidson said:

I'll make the assumption that the rifle was pointed downward toward the QueenMary floor, before it was ever raised, as I have never seen any photos/films besides the one supplied, that exposed the rifle.

How does one raise a rifle pointed downward, up, so when the rifle barrel end reaches a certain height above the windshield, the angle from rifle barrel end to JFK's head is at approx 2.86°?

In the stabilized gif I provided, I do not see Hickey previous to extant z313, getting up/moving from his seated position.

His armpit was not high enough to allow windshield clearance and a 2.86° rifle angle to Jfk's head.

The suitcases shown appear to be approx 15" (9" + 6") total in height.

The Queen Mary was 10" higher in the rear seat than the Limo. Was the windshield proportionately higher too?

I don't know what the windshield height was for the QueenMary, only the SS100.

If Hickey was the approx height of JFK at 72.5" then he was 25" higher while both were seated if he was sitting on the suitcases.

I am 6ft tall. The bottom of my armpit is 18" down from the top of my head. The rifle barrel end would have been even lower.

25"- 18" = 7"

52.78" + 7" = 59.78"




Armpits don't create 2.9° angle holders for rifles.




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4 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

Armpits don't create 2.9° angle holders for rifles.




If Hickey had the AR15 under his armpit then he would have to be fully standing for the shot to clear the windshield. Bronson frame B07 shows Hickey a little more than a halfhead higher than his usual half-standing half-sitting level, & the AR15 if under his armpit would not be high enuff. I have drawn a new drawing showing his new head-height as seen ins B07, & i will post it when permitted (probly tomorrow)(i might put it on flickr today). Here is link the drawing/photo in flickr.......

hickeys AR15 plus nosedive 2


Anyhow, if Hickey is a halfhead higher than when sitting then the AR15 duznt have to be up near his chin, it can be a halfhead below his chin. And, with the benefit of braking nosedive, it might still do the dirty deed if an inch lower than that. In my posting on 7 Aug 2022 i showed that the center of the AR15 need be only 1.3" higher than the windshield -- with nosedive that 1.3" might come down to 0.3" (just guessing) -- & this level is not much higher than chest level when Hickey is at his new height of a halfhead higher than when sitting. B06 & B05 are blurry -- praps he was at max even higher at that time.

Edited by Marjan Rynkiewicz
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On 7/31/2022 at 5:15 PM, Marjan Rynkiewicz said:

I reckon that Hickey fired an accidental auto burst of 4 or 5 or 6 shots with his AR15, & that the last shot hit jfk in the head at Z313, & (say) the first shot bloodied Tague. 

I am wondering which members agree that .....

1. Hickey fired at least one shot.

2. Hickey fired the fatal shot at Z313.

Anyone not agreeing with (1) or (2) need not answer -- a no answer is a no vote -- but comments & insults are welcome.

You're talking about Howard Donahue's theory, a theory that is now championed, with some modifications, by Denise Hazelwood. Donahue, a firearms expert, recognized that the ammo that hit Kennedy's head did not behave like the ammo that Oswald allegedly used. He also recognized that the 6.5 mm object on the skull x-rays could not have come from Oswald's alleged ammo (full-metal-jacketed ammo).

I got to know Donahue a little bit in the 1990s, a few years before he died. We exchanged several letters. He was a very nice, sincere guy, but he simply could not tolerate the idea that a conspiracy killed JFK. So, he went looking for an alternative explanation for the fact that the ammo that hit Kennedy's head did not behave like Oswald's alleged ammo, and he came up with the theory that Hickey shot JFK in the head and that the 6.5 mm object was a ricochet fragment from a miss.

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2 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

You're talking about Howard Donahue's theory, a theory that is now championed, with some modifications, by Denise Hazelwood. Donahue, a firearms expert, recognized that the ammo that hit Kennedy's head did not behave like the ammo that Oswald allegedly used. He also recognized that the 6.5 mm object on the skull x-rays could not have come from Oswald's alleged ammo (full-metal-jacketed ammo).

I got to know Donahue a little bit in the 1990s, a few years before he died. We exchanged several letters. He was a very nice, sincere guy, but he simply could not tolerate the idea that a conspiracy killed JFK. So, he went looking for an alternative explanation for the fact that the ammo that hit Kennedy's head did not behave like Oswald's alleged ammo, and he came up with the theory that Hickey shot JFK in the head and that the 6.5 mm object was a ricochet fragment from a miss.

How are u with survey  question (1 & (2).

Re the 6.5 mm object i think that it might have been a plant.

But Donahue & Co were stuck on the AR15 firing just one shot.

And Oswald's first shot, the ricochet, is a stuff-up.


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20 hours ago, Marjan Rynkiewicz said:

How are u with survey  question (1 & (2).

Re the 6.5 mm object i think that it might have been a plant.

But Donahue & Co were stuck on the AR15 firing just one shot.

And Oswald's first shot, the ricochet, is a stuff-up.


I answer No to both survey questions.

We now know the 6.5 object was planted. It is a ghosted image, created by double exposure. Dr. Mantik has duplicated how it was done. Dr. Mantik has also established this via optical density measurements and high-magnification analysis.

There is a small amount of metal inside the 6.5 mm object, and that metal must have come from a ricochet shot. 

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3 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

I answer No to both survey questions.

We now know the 6.5 object was planted. It is a ghosted image, created by double exposure. Dr. Mantik has duplicated how it was done. Dr. Mantik has also established this via optical density measurements and high-magnification analysis.

There is a small amount of metal inside the 6.5 mm object, and that metal must have come from a ricochet shot. 

(23) Michael Griffith -- (1) NO....... (2) NO.......

There cant be anything inside JFK's skull from the (Oswald's shot-1) ricochet -- but there were small bits of lead on the back of the skull (Xray).

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  • 4 months later...
On 7/31/2022 at 6:55 PM, Marjan Rynkiewicz said:

Yes, if u can show me in Bronson that Hickey is sitting at Z313 then that would prove that Hickey did not fire at Z313. The drawing shows the situation nicely.

Notice that clearing over the jfk-divider is a problem, ie to make the bullet mark on the chrome trim above the mirror on the jfklimo.

The drawing shows the bullet clearing the windshield by 100 mm -- the bullet had to clear by only 1mm.

The drawing shows Hickey standing on the seat -- no he didnt have to stand on the seat.

I forget my calculations -- but the AR15 had to be only say 75 mm higher than the windshield -- not a problem for the headshot.

A minor point -- Donahue did not draw that drawing to show that Hickey could clear the windshield -- he drew that drawing to illustrate his wordage re the angle of the bullet in jfk's skull. By drawing the bullet traject well above the windshield i suggest that that made his theory more difficult. He could have drawn the traject grazing the windshield, but he preferred his (angle) theory to have to clear a higher bar. No, had he drawn that drawing to see if the headshot was possible he would have drawn it grazing the windshield, not clearing it by 100 mm.


There is no one there buddy....  Hickey is not standing up...  Maybe take a few days and read thru this forum... give you a much better idea of what occurred than wild speculation...



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7 hours ago, David Josephs said:


There is no one there buddy....  Hickey is not standing up...  Maybe take a few days and read thru this forum... give you a much better idea of what occurred than wild speculation...



I had a quick look at my postings on this thread & i am happy with what i wrote & drew.

Hickey if in his half standing half sitting pozzy had to have the AR15 at about chin level to do the accidental dirty deed, or a little below chin level if we take into consideration that Kinney braked (front of Queen Mary sinks, back rizes). However, i have shown that in Bronson frame B07 (my numbering) we can see Hickey a half head higher than when sitting (ie a half head lower than the SSAs standing on the running boards). And, i have shown that B07 corresponds to Z312 (Z312 was nearnuff the time of the fatal headshot)(JFK was hit in the head just before Z313).

So, the Bronson footage supports Hickeyists, rather than disproving Hickeyists.

What Hickeyists want (at least what this little Hickeyist wants) is for the museum to make public their superior 2019 copy of the Bronson footage (at present all we have is the poor quality 2017 footage).

Hickey fired an accidental burst of at least 4 shots of his AR15, & the final shot hit JFK in the head.

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MEMBER SURVEY ----------- I reckon that Hickey fired an accidental auto burst of 4 or 5 or 6 shots with his AR15, & that the last shot hit jfk in the head at Z313, & (say) the first shot bloodied Tague. I am wondering which members agree that .....

1. Hickey fired at least one shot.

2. Hickey fired the fatal shot at Z313.

Anyone not agreeing with (1) or (2) need not answer -- a no answer is a no vote -- but comments & insults are welcome.


SURVEY RESULT TO DATE ---------- I think that 25 members voted No & No (see below).

Plus one possible YES & NO (Jamey Flanagan).

Plus one possible YES & YES (Denise Hazelwood).



1. Vince Palamara –---- obscene dumb theory.


2. Pat Speer –----------- Hickey would have to be standing at Z313, not seen in Bronson.


3. Micah Mileto -------- its stuff like this that makes me seriously worry that one day…..


4. Larry Hancock ------- a truly bogus shooting scenario -- needs to be buried.


5. Lawrence Schnapf -– stupid – needs to be buried.


6. Ken Davies ------------ fantasy – no basis in fact – no evidence supports it.


7. Michael Davidson --- a shot or shots came from Daltex (Michael originally thort the book was ok, but now thinks there is a lack of support from witnesses).


8. Jeremy Bojczuk ------ ridiculous nonsense.


9. Joseph McBride ------ preposterous – a distraction.


10. Mark Knight ----------- no insider has ever come forward.


11. Denny Zartman ------- the Smoking Gun doc is naturally satisfying to lots of folks.


12. Tom Gram --------------  complete waste of time – should be allowed to die.


13. David Von Pein -------- absurd – the theory is bogus.


14. Chris Davidson -------- shows giff of Bronson showing Hickey seated.


15. Ty Carpenter ----------- Hickey theory is trash.


16. Pete Mellor ------------- just to get a reaction – the book Moral Error should be avoided.


17. Gerry Down ------------- did not vote – commented re Hickey's high seating pozzy.


18. Ron Bulman -------------- this thread was a Mortal Error.


19. Karl Hilliard --------------- a strange poll.


20. Sean Coleman ----------- not convinced marj.


21. Derek Thibeault ------------- I don't believe he fired anything.


22. Jamey Flanagan ------------- (1) possible YES ………….(2) NO.

While I certainly don't think Hickey was responsible for the headshot, I do think it is a more plausible explanation than the magic bullet theory, lol! If I were the FBI or CIA, as soon as Hickey died I woulda took that theory and ran with it and wrote it all up as a big accident as kind of a limited hangout. I woulda been like, hey, you got us, we've been covering up but here's why and it's this innocent explanation and we had to lie about it to save this man's reputation. And many conspiracy guys woulda bought that and fell for it. Several would not have but many would.


23. Chris Davidson ------------- Too many variables --------- I am predicting that Hickey doesn't do what you imagine him doing. It's not too difficult following his movements from the beginning, especially after he turns from looking in Z's direction to straight ahead. The flesh/face tone is quite obvious. Maybe enlarging/rotating the film will help.


24. Sean Coleman ----------- Marjan, you give me the confidence to voice my theories of Mr.Z shooting JFK with a weapon concealed in his camera, the triple overpass train driver shooting JFK with an ice bullet and Jackie O shooting JFK with a pistol concealed in a lamb chop puppet….keep up the good work! Rock n roll!!


25. Michael Griffith ---------- I answer No to both survey questions --- You're talking about Howard Donahue's theory, a theory that is now championed, with some modifications, by Denise Hazelwood. Donahue, a firearms expert, recognized that the ammo that hit Kennedy's head did not behave like the ammo that Oswald allegedly used.


26. Denise Hazelwood ------- I am putting Denise down as a YES & YES (based on 25).


27. David Josephs ------------ There is no one there buddy....  Hickey is not standing up...  Maybe take a few days and read thru this forum... give you a much better idea of what occurred than wild speculation...

Edited by Marjan Rynkiewicz
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Off topic, but for those who posted videos: perhaps the greatest JFKA song before Dylan, The Ballad of Peter Pumpkinhead by XTC.  I'm convinced the "pumpkinhead" reference was inspired by Z-313.

Peter Pumpkinhead came to town
Spreading wisdom and cash around
Fed the starving and housed the poor
Showed the Vatican what gold's for
But he made too many enemies
Of the people who would keep us on our knees
Hooray for Peter Pumpkin
Who'll pray for Peter Pumpkinhead?
Peter Pumpkinhead pulled them all
Emptied churches and shopping malls
Where he spoke, it would raise the roof
Peter Pumpkinhead told the truth
But he made too many enemies...
Peter Pumpkinhead put to shame
Governments who would slur his name
Plots and sex scandals failed outright
Peter merely said, Any kind of love is alright
But he made too many enemies...
Peter Pumpkinhead was too good
Had him nailed to a chunk of wood
He died grinning on live TV
Hanging there he looked a lot like you
And an awful lot like me!
But he made too many enemies...
Hooray for Peter Pumpkin--
Who'll pray for Peter Pumpkin--
Hooray for Peter Pumpkinhead
Don't it make you want to cry, oh?
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