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Robert Kennedy jr. about to run for president

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22 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

I'd read a little about the autism aspect.  But I did not know vaccines have not been regulated for decades.  Why the hell not?  As a kid I got shots that left scars on my arm, being given a sugar cube to dissolve in my mouth.  My grandkids are vaccinated (not for covid).  No one has been making sure these are safe for decades?

I have a 13 year-old son. I was horrified as I watched him receive 15 or so vaccinations by the time he was five. Many of these were mandatory. No shot/no public school. By the time he was three it was clear he was on the spectrum. Naturally, I was suspicious of a connection. The number of vaccines skyrocketed. The number of autism cases skyrocketed. The more I looked into it, and the more I observed the parents of other children on the spectrum, moreover, the more I came to realize that the "explosion" of autism was pretty much an illusion. Any child (particularly a boy child) who exhibited what we would have called "weird" or odd behavior when I was growing up, was now designated "autistic" or having ADHD or both. This was so the parents could explain their kids' behavior to others--"He's not poorly behaved--he's autistic!" But also for financial reasons. If your kid is weird and could use some help you are SOL. But if you can get him designated autistic, then you can get your insurance to cover all sorts of costs. As stated, my son's status is pretty obvious. And yet, even so, I have fielded numerous questions from parents of children whose status is far from obvious on how they can get a doctor or school district to sign off on their kid's status. (The school district provided free pre-school for autistic kids but "normal" kids had to pay an arm and a leg to go to a private pre-school.)

In short, then, I came to reject the vaccine/autism connection. I mean, I grew up with some mighty weird kids--I remember one fourth grader who insisted everyone call him "Danny Partridge"--but we didn't call them autistic back then. We just thought they were weird and hoped they would grow out of it. 


Edited by Pat Speer
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First I do believe,  like Michael and Chris, that RFK's speech problem is a big impediment to his getting elected. It will also be difficult for him to win the Presidency just as it was for Ted Kennedy unseating Jimmy Carter, unless Biden decides not to run.
I do applaud that he, IMO has isolated the single greatest problem in the U.S., and that  is the preeminence of the Corporate State. Only 2 other people who have run for office have made that distinction. Ralph Nader in 2000, and Bernie Sanders in 2016 and 2020.
I voted for Ralph Nader in 2000 and came to regret it as a number of people who voted like I did  made it easier for Gore to have the election stolen from him. I'll only say that as a person who doesn't believe in the electoral college and someone who actually believes Gore probably won Florida.
I think there were 2 basic reasons I was mistaken voting for Nader. I think it's important to say that no American politician, Republican or Democrat would have a ghost of chance of being reelected if he passively let 911 pass. The chief difference between Gore and Bush's reaction to 911 would be that Gore wouldn't have launched a major domestic surveillance spy state as Bush did and 2) Gore would never have invaded Iraq. And certainly RFK wouldn't have. These differences are historically huge. And the differences in the 2 parties  perceptions on geopolitcal strategy would not be near as clouded as it is now.
Even though sometimes I think Michael offers a unique perspective,and I did like his link, which does give voice to recent weather anomalies, but says it's within historical precedents and talks of the difficulties of achieving any real consensus politically on climate change goals, between have and have not nations.  I  don't agree with his' putting down of Gore's predictions in "An Inconvenient Truth" as he in fact said in 2006 that if there was no serious action taken to effect climate change in 10 years, you would start seeing very visible effects, and at least from where I live in California. It was right around 2015 that things started getting pretty crazy. As I always understood it, the climate scientists were not predicting greater frequencies of hurricanes and other various extreme weather phenomena but just more extreme incidents, like in Missouri just yesterday! To me it's unquestionable everything's going out of whack. I'm completely in RFK's corner on that, as well as the points made about ensuring clean water, rethinking food supply and the preservation of species on earth etc.. IMO, We need someone who won't just put lip service to climate change, and his anti corporate stance works hand in hand with that.
I don't want to misinterpret RFK's anti vax stance because I frankly don't understand it, and to me,  it's not completely clear. And  that's bad political baggage that he's just going to be continually having to stave off.  He's villainized Faucci as evil, whose not been perfect but the worst you can say with certainty about him is that he's a government bureaucrat /turned in part politician,  living in a Capitalist economic system whose had to maneuver around a President who could  see nothing beyond his desire to get re elected. And despite some people's wishful thinking. There's not going to come a day when RFK Jr.is going to suddenly look brilliant on that issue.
This Banon, Roger Stone connection is new to me. But both those guys are politically very smart. All of  Trump's rhetoric about the issues of protecting the border and Globalism, (which is the closest thing Trump has to an ideological base outside of his Culture War rhetoric) didn't come from Trump, but from Steve Banon. Steve Banon's stated aim is the dismantling of the administrative state, including the nation's safety net. He and Stone are smart enough to know that RFK is diametrically opposed to that. So it's obvious they are just cynically using him trying to stir up more sh-t against the government, and allow an opening for Trump to get the plurality in 2024, because their proximity and influence to Trump was their single politically greatest life achievement, and would like to see it continue.
I think they're grasping at straws, as I don't think there is any more real evidence that RFK will start a third party movement than Ted Kennedy would have in 1980. I think the Kennedy's are smart enough to know they need the Dem Party apparatus. IMO, that possibility of unseating Biden, could have been much more interesting if he didn't have the vaccine baggage.
I was kind of hoping for the next generation of Kennedy's because I wanted to think my generation was someday going to pass the baton, and that this story could be better told now by a younger person. But we will see if some of that Kennedy mystique is left. Either RFK Jr. or someone similar, could have the ideas whose time has come. 
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Did anyone read his book?

Its like a thousand pages so I backed off.

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I'm sure it's obvious to everyone here, but it's worth pointing out once more how brutal it had to have been for RFK Jr (and his brother Joseph) to experience in their late childhood/early teens the violent deaths their father and uncle experienced.

Coming out of that as highly productive members of society is a great accomplishment.

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2 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Did anyone read his book?

Its like a thousand pages so I backed off.

Are you referring to American Values?

question for everyone - did you watch the speech that starts this thread?

Edited by Paul Brancato
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No, I proofread American Values.

I mean his one on Fauci.

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On 3/11/2023 at 4:59 AM, Karl Kinaski said:

. If I run, my top priority will be to end the corrupt merger between state and corporate power that has ruined our economy, shattered the middle class, polluted our landscapes and waters, poisoned our children, and robbed us of our values and freedoms. Together we can restore America's democracy.


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@Jim DiEugenio

 RFK jr about the germ-obsessed superbug creators in the US Military Industrial Complex working hand in hand with China.  





Since  1995, Robert Kadlec  had  been  frothing  about  bioterrorism  to  war  college students and urging the creation of a Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) to warehouse vaccines and other countermeasures. In 2004, with Kadlec now working for Secretary Rumsfeld at the Bush White House, Congress passed the  Public  Health  Security  and  Bioterrorism  Preparedness  Act—which Kadlec  drafted—directing  the  secretary  of  HHS  to  maintain  a  “Strategic National Stockpile (SNS)” managed jointly by DHS and HHS.63The  same  week,  Congress  passed  the  Project  BioShield  Act—which Kadlec  also  helped  draft—launching  the  Biomedical  Advanced  Research and Development Authority (BARDA), a government-operated investment bank that would germinate new technologies for Kadlec’s stockpile. With Kadlec’s guidance, BARDA would become a federal ATM machine for Big Pharma,  biodefense  contractors,  and  gain-of-function  researchers.  Along with Dr. Fauci’s NIAID and the Pentagon’s DARPA, BARDA would be the other  big-league  funder  for  experiments  to  create  pandemic  superbugs  in Wuhan  and  elsewhere.  Kadlec’s  statute  authorized  the  purchase  of  $5 billion of matériel—including vaccines—for the stockpile, creating a gold mine, as we shall see, for Kadlec’s friends the El-Hibris.

Another conspicuous beneficiary of the Stockpile was then-Secretary of State Donald Rumsfeld, and Kadlec’s boss, who made a killing during the 2004  fake  bird  flu  pandemic,  which  Tony  Fauci  ginned  up—with  his
confederate,  an  ambitious  young  British  physician  and  Wellcome  Trust researcher,  Jeremy  Farrar.  Sixteen  years  later,  as  Director  of  Wellcome
Trust,  Farrar  would  play  a  key  role  in  the  2020  Wuhan  cover-up.  The Pentagon, in 200464 and 2005, in response to Farrar’s concocted contagion,
stockpiled  80  million  doses  of  Gilead’s  flu  remedy  Tamiflu.  Secretary Rumsfeld had served on the board of Gilead from 1988 to 2001 and was its chairman  from  1997  until  he  joined  the  Bush  administration  as  defense secretary. He retained stock in the  pharmaceutical company, which netted him  a  $5  million  profit  from  the  Tamiflu  run-up.  George  Shultz,  another PNAC war hawk, also hit the jackpot, cashing in $7 million of Gilead stock during the Tamiflu run-up. The biggest winners, however, were the El-Hibris: the anthrax attacks brought them exoneration, salvation, and extravagant windfalls.

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THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI is IMO worth a (selectiv) read ... 











Edited by Karl Kinaski
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Ir sure looks like Fauci financed the Wuhan lab from which C19 escaped.

Then, the media censored anyone who said so. 

Not sure why Fauci became a Donk hero.

Was that the result of an Operation Mockingbird type effort? 

There has been an unsettling merging of the Donk establishment and the Deep State.....

Now Donk President Biden has deep-sixed the JFK Records in perpetuity---with scarcely a yawn from the M$M, or "New Left" media, the Donks or the 'Phants. 

RFK Jr. runs as a 'Phant? 

Seems like a poor fit. His anti-corporate rhetoric probably not welcome in 'in Phants, but then maybe not in Donks either. 

It will be interesting to watch. 

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I understand that Trump is not the darling of the deep state or the Dems in power which are nothing but a deep state front. 

RFK jr. IMO means "end of deep state" or at least cut down deep state activities to an absolute minimum.

I can imagine a Trump/Kennedy ticket, which would require a swich by Kennedy from donk to phant. ( It is impossible the other way around)

 Why not ... it is all about to get rid of all those cold war dinos   hindering the progress of the US and the world ... one thing is for sure: Another "win" of the US deep state (over Trump and Kennedy for example)  would drag the world into the darkness for another 75 years ...  












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On climate change -- James Hansen et al. pretty accurately predicted what is happening back in 1981.  The predictions of their model is pretty much right on track when corrected for the banning of fluorocarbons which lowers the predictions of global warming.

Additionally there is a discussion of the effects of global warming in the future - the 21st century (which is now) in the original paper.  There are also discussions of effects in following papers from the 80s.

The original 1981 paper is here if anyone is interested -  the assumptions, equations plots and discussion of effects are all there.  https://pubs.giss.nasa.gov/abs/ha04600x.html

Hansen bibliography is here: http://www.columbia.edu/~jeh1/publications.shtml

Model updates & discussion of global warming effects - regional drought, severe storms, oceanic effects are in some of the papers.

There are various reviews of the models by journalists readily available.

Here's one:  https://www.science.org/content/article/even-50-year-old-climate-models-correctly-predicted-global-warming

Dismissing the models by claiming inaccuracy is a mistake.

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48 minutes ago, Karl Kinaski said:

I understand that Trump is not the darling of the deep state or the Dems in power which are nothing but a deep state front. 

RFK jr. IMO means "end of deep state" or at least cut down deep state activities to an absolute minimum.

I can imagine a Trump/Kennedy ticket, which would require a swich by Kennedy from donk to phant. ( It is impossible the other way around)

 Why not ... it is all about to get rid of all those cold war dinos   hindering the progress of the US and the world ... one thing is for sure: Another "win" of the US deep state (over Trump and Kennedy for example)  would drag the world into the darkness for another 75 years ...  












A Trump Kennedy ticket would open my eyes...but Trump appears to be incorrigible and mercurial.  

It's too bad. The populist wing of the 'Phants need a honest, smart leader. 

The establishment parties are coprolite. 

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3 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

RFK Jr. runs as a 'Phant? 

Anyone with any understanding of American politics know that's a pipe dream.

Karl:I can imagine a Trump/Kennedy ticket, which would require a swich by Kennedy from donk to phant. ( It is impossible the other way around) arl

Ho yeah, I get your priorities there Karl. "Imagine" If only RFK Jr. could have the good sense to put the better, more powerful leader above him?  Right?

3 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

r sure looks like Fauci financed the Wuhan lab from which C19 escaped.

Are you saying here that Faucci is personally invested in Wuhan Lab research? That what it sounds like Ben. What facts do you have? If you  mean approved the NIH doing some funding of the Wuhan Lab, that might be more believable. About just the funding, I found this.

The Trump administration kicked in 700k too.

It's hard to conceive but all this is peanuts! It's just something to say they did it!


While it isn't unusual to see international cooperation in the field of virology, this claim stretches the truth.

Unfortunately the idea that there are people throughout the world who are interested in alleviating human suffering and avoiding world pandemics apart from any one's nationality, but just on humanitarian grounds is just inconceivable to some conservatives that any country wouldn't use such information to wipe out the rest of the world if they had a chance. But there are such people. 



3 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Seems like a poor fit. His anti-corporate rhetoric probably not welcome in 'in Phants, but then maybe not in Donks either. 

It will be interesting to watch. 

Now that's interesting though debatable. Though three's no denying  Wasserman Shultz antics in Florida to try to stave off Bernie's election, the truth is, Hilary did  get more votes in the primaries in 2016 than Bernie.

Prior to the Super Tuesday in 2020, there was no doubt Bernie was leading Biden. This was definitely due to the party heads In 2016, in their zeal to defeat Trump at any cost thought Biden was the better choice even though separate polls showed Bernie was a better candidate against Trump. There's no doubt the Democratic establishment party heads  favored Biden, and offered the more centrist candidates backing in the future if they abandoned their failing  campaigns. But i think they did end up making the wisest choice. And i think most independents and non MAGA Republicans agree with that. Although I later voted in the primary for Bernie. I think there is a point of voter appeal that Bernie doesn't have. Just viscerally, I think Americans prefer  strong men,even if they are weak within,to an ethnic, sort of egghead, though Bernie is good at making his message simple.  I'm not  sure he could beat Trump.  I could see where there would  be disagreement about that. But I think it would be great political theater.

I would think the Kennedy name alone does take votes away from Bernie. RFK Jr. seeing Biden's vulnerability to Bernie is a bit like RFK seeing LBJ lose the New Hampshire primary to Eugene Mc Carthy. He also has a head start if Biden doesn't run. Nobody really sees Kamala Harris as the next President.


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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He'll never get the party nomination.

He's OLD SCHOOL Democrat.

He's not far enough to the left.

This is another "Teddy 1980" run. Raise a lot of eyebrows, make a lot of news, bring back some nostalgia but have no chance.

Edited by Gil Jesus
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1 hour ago, Gil Jesus said:

He'll never get the party nomination.

He's OLD SCHOOL Democrat.

He's not far enough to the left.

This is another "Teddy 1980" run. Raise a lot of eyebrows, make a lot of news, bring back some nostalgia but have no chance.

You forget one thing: this new alien-lifeform called internet ...

Edited by Karl Kinaski
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