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Good-bye, Education Forum!

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I am sorry to say this, but I cannot continue on this platform.


Anyplace that tolerates fascist rhetoric over hard research and bans someone for calling out said hate speech is no place for me (and I refuse to play dumb like COL. Prouty's relationship with Noontide Press & the Liberty Lobby).


I am thirty-one years old and have spent a third of my life in the United States Army—I do not need any extra stress.


I am going to continue my research elsewhere, just not in this viper's nest...


...God-speed and good-luck to the real researchers here, but I am tired.


With that said, I will leave you all with a song, that best sums up my feelings:





To quote the late, great Groucho Marx, "...If I stay here, I'll go nuts..."




Edited by Robert Montenegro
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2 hours ago, Michael Crane said:

Is there any,and I mean anyway,that you could take Jonathan Cohen with you pretty please?

Young hopeful woman begging for help, clenching hands together and looking  desperate at camera, pleading for something, standing over white background  Stock Photo - Alamy


LOL, 😀

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….sniff…..so highbrow…and only 31….

Edited by Sean Coleman
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31  ... and you are tired?

Try 72 with typical numerous "Golden Years" physical degeneration issues!

As "Dragnet" L.A. PD Sergeant Joe Friday would say...

"Count your blessings fella!"

Just a little brevity here.

I read "everybody's" postings here. Always have. My feeling is to be open-minded enough to realize sometimes other people's JFKA research findings (no matter how contrary to my own) may have enough validity to give me a challenge in testing them against my own.

And I never take JFKA debate arguments here personally.

I will admit however, I very often drifted from that impersonal civility mind set when our discussions here were really going off on today's current political wars.

But that issue has been corrected. 

Despite my many disagreements with Montenegro's JFKA related postulations ( often strongly felt ) I am very often pulled into reading his postings because I find them generally quite interesting as well as your career background.

And I think you are damn good writer.

Don't take the critical argument responses to your postings here too personally RM!

Just let em slide off of you. 

Your passion for the JFKA truth is obvious, commendable, worthy and appreciated.

The credibility of your JFKA findings, conclusions and opinions will be established over time through the test of debate even if they sometimes get heated and even personal.

This JFKA education and "debate" forum is STILL the best one on the internet. Imo anyways.

One good thing about living to old geezers age is you learn to not take criticism of yourself as seriously as when you were younger.

Every person that has laid such on me has more than enough of their own faults and failures, enough to write a book.

Through your postings I have learned some things about Fletcher Prouty to make me take a more thorough look at him and his writings and reevaluate their credibility ( at least some of them ) with more serious questions than I allowed myself to ponder previously.




Edited by Joe Bauer
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I'm still waiting for Col. Fletcher Prouty's government-employed detractors on this forum to respond to Sandy Larsen's question by posting some actual examples of Prouty's alleged anti-Semitic statements or commentaries.

It is no small thing to impugn someone's reputation by falsely accusing them of anti-Semitism.

It's a serious allegation.

In Prouty's case, this has been done, IMO, by CIA-affiliated propagandists for the purpose of discrediting Prouty's revelations about CIA special ops.

As for Montenegro's important research on CIA special ops involving Nazis, my impression is that Prouty was involved only as a U.S. military liaison to the CIA-- to furnish transportation and supplies.

He wasn't making CIA policy decisions about these ops.

Nor was he deliberately "hiding" things-- as opposed to being tight-lipped about classified material.

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9 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

31  ... and you are tired?

Try 72 with a million physical ailments that will never get better, over-weight, life time depression and PTSD anxiety, not enough money to pay the rent, guilt over wife still having to work to get us by, major boredom issues compounded by obsessive watching of old time TV reruns like Dragnet, Perry Mason, Beverly Hillbillies, Gunsmoke, etc ..................

This forum board is the only thing keeping me and my intellectual mind going!

As "Dragnet" L.A. PD Sergeant Joe Friday would say...

"Count your blessings fella!"

Just a little brevity here.

I read "everybody's" postings here. Always have. My feeling is to be open-minded enough to realize sometimes other people's JFKA research findings (no matter how contrary to my own) may have enough validity to give me a challenge in testing them against my own.

And I never take JFKA debate arguments here personally.

I will admit however, I very often drifted from that impersonal civility mind set when our discussions here were really going off on today's current political wars.

But that issue has been corrected. 

Despite my many disagreements with Montenegro's JFKA related postulations ( often strongly felt ) I am very often pulled into reading his postings because I find them generally quite interesting as well as your career background.

And I think you are damn good writer.

Don't take the critical argument responses to your postings here too personally RM!

Just let em slide off of you. 

Your passion for the JFKA truth is obvious, commendable, worthy and appreciated.

The credibility of your JFKA findings, conclusions and opinions will be established over time through the test of debate even if they sometimes get heated and even personal.

This JFKA education and "debate" forum is STILL the best one on the internet. Imo anyways.

One good thing about living to old geezers age is you learn to not take criticism of yourself as seriously as when you were younger.

Every person that has laid such on me has more than enough of their own faults and failures, enough to write a book.

Through your postings I have learned some things about Fletcher Prouty to make me take a more thorough look at him and his writings and reevaluate their credibility ( at least some of them ) with more serious questions than I allowed myself to ponder previously.




Exactly right JB. 

Beyond that, guilt by association is not always fair, and usually isn't. 

Mark Lane defended Liberty Lobby in court in a libel suit. You can dislike Liberty Lobby, but where was establishment media in exposing the truth about the JFKA? And is Mark Lane therefore a tainted individual? 

The same thing happens today, regarding RFK2, the only hope we have for opening up the JFKA Records.  Neo-libs smear RFK2 for talking to perceived "right wing" media outlets, thus asserting RFK2 is in bed with white supremacists. 

Prouty probably made some bad choices, on the other hand, did CBS ever do an open-minded one-hour special featuring Prouty?  

Should Prouty, and the entire CIA, have exposed and eschewed the Nazis? I believe so. 

BTW, the CIA did the same thing in Japan. The warlords and enablers were re-installed into power, to fight communism, including inside Japan. 

So it goes. At the time, the globalist-defense establishment believed beating communism was the only priority. 

BTW, the same globalist establishment is still running Washington, and more powerful than ever.

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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LMAO!! One man's "Hate speech" is another man's Times of Israel!

Robert think this through.. if you leave, who will point out the dog whistles that people can't hear?!? lol

FWIW.. You weren't banned for calling out "Hate Speech" you were suspended for calling me a scumbag, remember? (*Added context* I used adhom language toward Robert for which I received the same punishment you can follow the link for citation) 

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21 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

I'm still waiting for Col. Fletcher Prouty's government-employed detractors on this forum to respond to Sandy Larsen's question by posting some actual examples of Prouty's alleged anti-Semitic statements or commentaries.

This evidence has already been documented and presented, e.g., Prouty's glowing letter to the Holocaust-denying IHR journal, his written expression of concern about Jewish sergeants manning military targeting systems, his bizarre charge that Israel was responsible for high oil prices, his refusal to condemn Carto's Holocaust denial, his decision to allow a Holocaust-denying publisher to publish one of his books, his recommendation that people read the anti-Semitic journal The Spotlight, etc., etc., etc.

Robert's departure should tell us that posting fringe material in this forum turns off rational, educated people. I can only guess how many people have browsed this forum as guests and were turned off after reading defenses of nutty, fringe claims ranging from 9/11 Truther claims, Prouty's embarrassing claims and associations, and nutty theories such as the John Lennon and Princess Diana conspiracy theories that have been posted and defended in this forum. 

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