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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. Mrs. PAINE - He was definitely planning to leave New Orleans after we left.Mr. JENNER - Promptly?Mrs. PAINE - Yes.Mr. JENNER - You had that definite impression?Mrs. PAINE - Yes.Mr. JENNER - And he put it in terms of leaving New Orleans to go to Houston, or what was the other town?Mrs. PAINE - Possibly Philadelphia.Mr. JENNER - Possibly Philadelphia. Now, during all that weekend, was there any discussion of anybody going to Mexico?Mrs. PAINE - No.Mr. JENNER - Was the subject of Mexico discussed at any time and in any respect?Mrs. PAINE - Not at any time nor any respect.Mr. JENNER - On the trip back to Irving, Tex., did Marina say anything on the subject of Mexico?Mrs. PAINE - No.
  2. Hi Ben, It has yet to be proven that a single item of incriminating evidence against the man who did not shoot anyone, is authentic and would be admitted into evidence as REAL; by definition it can't be as he simply did none of the things attributed to him. CE2001 appears to make ce573 a prop in further establishing his guilt I've always had a weird sense that Oswald here may actually know he was being railroaded and fell on his sword as part of the plan... when he is told at that press conference that he had indeed been charged with JFK's killing, he seems aware and resigned to his fate. Only a gut feeling and possibility... his reaction to me says it all. His being charged with JFK was just not a possibility before he is told.
  3. I was looking for any mention of CE2001 in this thread... as it truly makes CE573 kind of moot.. That simply cannot be the Walker bullet
  4. I'd like to believe I shed some light on Oswald not having traveled to Mexico, not even being in Mexico at the time the CIA places him there... and the FBI covering up that fact for them, as best they could. And I don't see any of this as horn tooting... all we did was to find that the Evidence IS the Conspiracy in virtually each and every direction one looks, and bring those facts to light.
  5. Kinda like how they dusted the brass clip in which one places the bullets... how can you even hold that clip and load it without leaving some sort of prints? But under the barrel under the wood... a palm print... no problem. Geez
  6. I post this Steve as the links to that Archive are all broken... they moved all that to the larger Dallas archives. It can still be found of course... but the xl sheet I had with links to all this evidence is now worthless... luckily where they are now is actually a bit easier to search... whether everything made it over as it should, who knows.
  7. Interesting... says Phillips was there 61-64 when I was under the impression he didn't arrive until October 7, 1963... ??? Just in time for the Oct 8th memo to CIA HQ about Oswald... hmmmm In Atlee's personal papers it claims 61-65 for Mexico... can anyone confirm his being there starting in 1961? I thought Cuba was his specific purpose
  8. Nice Job Greg. FWIW, here is a lightened version of the 2 hulls in question and the only marks on them. Barnes, Poe, Jez . I had also come across this in the old version of the Dallas Documents archive. Though you might find it interesting
  9. You mean it was all just coincidence and blind luck? Well, now, that's gonna free up some of my retirement time. How could I have been so blind? Luck I guess .
  10. Pretty sure the fingerprint comes well after the fact.. there would be no way to remove this print after the fact and we've all seen images without the print. This was created using Photoshop's new neural filters.
  11. That's funny Mark.. Fritz was all about closing cases and keeping his conviction rate in the high 90's%. Regardless of the evidence, what the defendant said (he purposefully did not take notes so evidence could be acquired if necessary to help convict. I don't believe he was some doddering old fool but instead a very crafty and successful Captain of Homicide. The wallet(s) would ultimately have to travel thru him. His awareness of these multiple wallets and the manner in which they were disappeared in favor of a single wallet with a combined group of identification AND the Hidell ID must have been either a surprise with which he accepted the implications and ran with it... or he was aware of the need to manufacture the evidence as he was instructed. Fritz provides BOOKOUT with the photos of the official wallet evidence on the 24th, provides Hosty with the actual items on the 27th, he must be aware that there were simply too many wallets, 2 of which his men claim had both Oswald and Hidell ID's yet like the other BYP Negative, they just disappear in favor of a singular wallet shown below which matches the TIPPIT wallet's visual description.. yet is described again as "the wallet from Oswald's home" The FBI's list of 3 photos once again drops the Marine group photo in the wallet found in Irving. Fritz and Westbrook were very close. I found documents where WESTBROOK releases RUBY in 1953 after a concealed gun charge is dropped, 1953! Fritz did not ask Oswald a single question about the Tippit murder although that was what he was supposedly arrested for... Fritz claims he asked him if he shot him and nothing else... claims he was convinced after MARKHAM identified him as the shooter. With Fritz, Westbrook and Croy we see an amazing amount of the activity and incriminating evidence emanating from these men's discoveries... Fritz was just doing what he had always done to close and win cases.. only this time he had the FBI and SS helping him as well. He is way moire culpable than he has been credited, as I see how the evidence of his guilt was developed over the course of a few hours then a couple of days. All that weekend I've shown how the FBI ignored it's own Rifle evidence/investigation to pin the rifle on Oswald and Kleins. FWIW Mr. BALL. And you asked him if he shot Governor Connally?Mr. FRITZ. Yes. sir; he said he didn't do that, he said he didn't shoot Tippit.
  12. And, IMO, most anything by Peter Dale Scott. though it takes effort to get through, the levels of thought provoking concepts and the clarity with which he illuminates it... a real hero with not enough due
  13. Thanks... I'll give it a looksee for sure. Is it a buy or is there a link to a pdf? The following are available as downloads... What Berle writes in the 30's is amazingly eerie and prophetic.. Allen introducing us to Colonel House and his relationship to Woodrow Wilson and the passing of the Fed Res Act is chilling. Two little books which I found compelling: None Dare call it Conspiracy by Gary Allen "IN THE UNITED STATES TODAY WE HAVE IN EFFECT TWO GOVERNMENTS... We have the duly constituted government... Then we have an independent, uncontrolled and uncoordinated government in the Federal Reserve System, operating the money powers reserved to Congress by the Constitution." - Congressman Wright Patman, (former) Chairman of the House Banking Committee and The Modern Corporation and Private Property - by Asst Sec of State AA Berle 1932 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_A._Berle Corporations have ceased to be merely legal devices through which the private business transactions of individuals may be carried on. Though still much used for this purpose, the corporate form has acquired a larger significance. The corporation has, in fact, become both a method of property tenure and a means of organizing economic life. Grown to tremendous proportions, there may be said to have evolved a "corporate system"—as there was once a feudal system—which has attracted to itself a combination of attributes and powers, and has attained a degree of prominence entitling it to be dealt with as a major social institution
  14. One would have to think that this JFKA stuff was not a main priority for Biden... Not trying to protect Trump, Stephen Miller the "advisor" was the spearhead on many of the most egregious activities in his administration... with or without DT's awareness... may be a handful of plutocrats most affected by these document releases are "doing" first and "advising" later? 60 years and same as it every was...
  15. Thanks Ron... glad I waited the 3 years to finally get my share of the pandemic... 4 shots later it really is not hitting too badly so I can only imagine how terrible a worse case of this would have been. Neale Safaty is the DPUK events coordinator who I met in Dallas in 2019... wonderful man, and I do think they post these discussions on their site... I'd have to check as well. It's very hard for me to watch myself... so I don't but probably should, just to learn how to improve. I also had a nice conversation with Robbie from Out of the Blank a couple months back. He is compiling a very interesting array of discussions. Now I'm sure Len Osanic will see this and think I was avoiding him... not the case... I had just taken a bit of a break to research the Ruby and wallet thing with Robbie and Neale catching me as I was finishing. === I actually took a few days and went thru all the related "evidence" photos from the Dallas Archives DPD/JFK collection. Found that studded wallet and the poor images of "items taken from wallet at Oswald's home". with no further description. We only have this Croy signed photo stating the wallet was found there as the only physical proof... The overt disappearance of that wallet - and the arrest wallet from which HILL states the name HIDELL was found (the only two items of evidence with HIDELL supposedly taken from his person) - may be the most obvious smoking guns for a conspiracy to make OSWALD the "patsy". We came to wonder if Fritz had seen the Tippit wallet from Westbrook and knew about the Arrest wallet... he knew something was up either before or afterward... we can't be sure. Fritz appears way more culpable than we have ever imagined, the close one looks.
  16. The USA was founded as a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy. Yet over time, the very same entities you so eloquently describe above used the same powers to establish a "majority of the minority who partakes in the democratic aspects of the republic" so that the rules and laws governing the republic are all skewed in favor of those running the democratic bureaucracy. Key word in the def of the Democracy: "eligible" versus power held by "the people". For as we see, "the people" are rarely adequately represented. As to the initial question of the thread... IMO the responsibility for that day lays in the highest levels of the Military Industrial Congressional Complex where trillions upon trillions have been spent to both accomplish the control and empower these entities. Republic: "A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch." Democracy: "A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives."
  17. OMG - Duh... of course under the barrel. I actually convinced you of something? Least I can do for as much as you've illuminated for me thru your work over the years. I'm very glad we can argue like brothers and return to the respect we have for each other... The depth and breadth of your work will thankfully always be there. In the linked presentation I do go into how much deconstruction of that rifle needs to occur to even get to that part of the barrel. edit: If I remember correctly they never did find any cleaning supplies Can you imagine assembling-disassembling-and/or reassembling this and only leaving a partial print on the barrel or any of the other metal parts one needs to handle to get under the wooden stock? And then not leave a single mark inside the paper bag... Let me ask you... was the blanket supposed to also be in that paper bag or only to wrap the rifle where it lay on the garage floor? (as we know, there never was a rifle at the PAINES. I seem to recall he supposedly takes the rifle from the blanket (assembled? or not?) and puts it in the bag... If Ruth here was supposed to help railroad Oswald, this surely didn't help the cause - or her BS garage light story
  18. I realize this thread is about Moorman yet you bring up this print and I thought I should show you how confused they really were about it. So much so Day can't tell us which side of the trigger guard he found it. Notice the taped section on the RIGHT side of the trigger as he holds it up later that evening. FWIW https://www.kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/the-evidence-is-the-conspiracy-the-carbine-on-the-6th-floor
  19. I believe it was Michael EVICA who introduced us to the concept of SPONSOR, FACILITATOR & MECHANIC (If wrong please forgive my oversight) I doubt very highly the same people who Sponsored it were the same who Facilitated and these not the same as those who actually did it, the Mechanics. I doubt we will ever know the SPONSORS. We do most of our talking here about the FACILITATORS... although I do think the Bundy McGeorge may have had his hand in both the SPONSORS and Facilitators. At this point in the analysis I'd think we'd agree that those pulling the trigger must be from the CIA/MAFIA/Military and given that, I don't feel confident we'd ever know that truth. Both Dulles and 2nd at the DOD Gilpatrick were lawyers from CRAVATH, SWAIN AND MOORE who client list - including United Fruit - was the Fortune 100. One must alos look into TEXTRON and it's dealings in buying a $100 million in the red company in 1960 named BELL HELICOPTER after consulting with the 1st Bank of Boston and General Cabal of the CIA as to the plans in SE Asia and whether BELL had a chance. They bought BELL and within a few years had $2B in gov contracts to supply and maintain the helicopter invasion force in Vietnam... The entire story is quite amazing and is a who's who of those that can be considered SPONSOR candidates on the global commerce stage.
  20. Has everyone seen this image captured within the last few days? Has this been vetted Doug? https://www.tiktok.com/@challengereality_/video/7219157405932850450
  21. We actually got COVID here at my parents... nothing severe but very tiring and a lot of soreness. Luckily DPUK was a great ZOOM discussion last Friday so I had been working on that, then got sick, and just been dealing. Again, thanks for the concern.
  22. Thanks for the concern... I am truly touched. Had a 4 hour talk with DPUK about how Ruby actually got into the basement which John and I worked on for quite some time. He did most the writing Jim so that's why I didn't send to you, it's up on the harveyandlee.net site. And we dovetailed into the conversation about the 5 wallets found but only 2 wallets from IRVING ini inventory. There is no "Tippit wallet" or "Arrest wallet" in evidence. All the items "found" in the wallet are attributed to "a" wallet but not the ones from Irving as there was a Red one and a Brown one with a Marine group photo... Here is the photo and you will notice in the inventory by the 2 FBI men on the 22nd and 23rd... it's not there. This wallet was never mentioned Here is the notebook page listing the only wallet/billfolds And a comparison of the 2 FBI reports... Notice the CLEMENTS reports says "PHOTO of the SSS card". not the card itself while Bookout is only given the photos by Fritz and all of a sudden we have another HIDELL ID shown below. It did not exist on the 22rd for CLEMENTS. Finally, below that is a note from Hosty with the items and the billfold given to him AFTER all the inventory is returned from the FBI. The Tippit wallet, Croy, Westbrook and Fritz sets up Oswald, ties him to Hidell, and as we see it were primarily responsible for bringing Oswald to Ruby at the right time. Biggest oversight in the Ruby analysis was that everyone only considered how Ruby's timing was so perfect... ie how did he/they do it? The see Ruby walking to the side ANNEX door, get the word to Frtiz who ends the interrogations and immediately brings Oswald down to his death... Great stuff!
  23. Agree 100%. And it seems no one likes the common sense approach: only 2 speeds on that camera that matters, 16fps and 48fps with instantaneous switching with the slight movement of a finger. While a 48fps cutdown may work, extra frames excised from a 16fps film creates the need for an increase in frame-rate... I think.. lol.
  24. Having worked for the Lottery for many years, the "/1" is assumed 🙂 If that was what you meant by: ... as ratios can be many things. Ratio's as differences in relation to what? I assumed you meant to a single frame, the /1. the quantitative relation between two amounts showing the number of times one value contains or is contained within the other. e.g. "the ratio of computers to students is now 2 to 1"
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