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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. http://www.civildefensemuseum.com/fallout/dallaseoc.html A New colonel? Charles McCoy.... assistant civil defense director for Dallas
  2. Ain't gonna learn what you don't wanna know.... As we continue to see, Murder, Inc and beyond was no joke.... Years and years with complete impunity and they'd be worried about anything? Add to this the Madmen mentality of business... i.e. selling tobacco as healthy etc... Mix in the biggest businesses and richest human owners in history.... Talk about your iron curtain...
  3. One almost always stands on the shoulders of those before... Hopefully with a sense of that history and acknowledgement. If one can find a new way to present for greater comprehension, mission accomplished. It's rare when a new path is forged... Math Rules would be a great current example... Unraveling Shaneyfelt and Eisenberg is revealing quite a lot. IMO, Holmes was winging it knowing he/they could fix most anything.... The men who retrieved it are the most likely suspects in the creation of it... We recall these actions are now 8 hours after Holmes finds the non existent stub. ----------- The PMO is ALSO FOUND at 9:35. In the same Secret Service document only 25 pages or so further in, we are told that the Secret Service, a Postal Office Department Finance Officer and a Federal Records Center Management Analyst were responsible for firing up the Records Facility computers on a Saturday evening. In reality the "reporting agent SA’s BURKE, PARKER and/or GRIMES, JR state they, “THEY” experienced difficulty in bringing up these computers at the Federal Records Center... the Finance Manager tells these SS agents (even though it is “THEY” who already have someone on the inside firing up computers) that they will need an employee of the facility to physically obtain the PMO. (WCD 87, p118-121) This process begins, according to the report, between 8:30 and 9:00pm DC time when Postal Inspector Verant makes contact with the aforementioned Finance Officer, J. Harold Marks. Marks in turn tells Verant that he had already been contacted an hour earlier (7:30-8:00pm DC time) by DONALD DUGGINS, Deputy Chief, Postal Inspection Service and that a search had already been initiated. - The Kleins Rifle.
  4. Jason.... The last person Walton speaks for is me.... I'd be suspect of anyone telling others what anyone but themselves think....
  5. Pretty well convinced it was military run.... CIA was first line of their defense.... The ACSI data is pretty compelling.
  6. I'm curious Jason... have you ever heard of this guy? FBI SA Nat Pinkston... the man who claims he was on the 6th floor even before Ellsworth, it seems. Funny that Hill, Mooneyham or any of the other early arrivers don't say anything about Pinkston.... Considering the rifle was not in Day's hands until the Alyea film and is surrounded by other men... what is he talking about here?
  7. Not what I was talking about Chris... At the point of BELL I posted you can align the limo and determine its location... it's not AT position A, it's south of it... So I am wondering how they pulled that off cinematically... I am looking again at TOWNER - I made this GIF to illustrate my point... Isn't it impossible for the foreground to get smaller while the background gets bigger? edit - and if she walked toward the limo, we'd see that at the bottom of the frame, we don't lose anything so there was no zoom either... ??
  8. Very magnanimous buddy.... Believe? no... I see concrete evidence there existed two men using that name concurrently with the larger one of them working with the same characters involved with the anti-Castro situation... There is concrete evidence that THE Oswald was in the US while THAT Oswald was in Russia.... It's taken years to scratch the surface of understanding those records... As for the razor... which of those two processes insures the evidence fits the exact need and which leaves it up to a wild variable in the equation? Who has some of the greatest forgers in the world? US Intelligence maybe? There is a distinct SCRIPT v HANDWRITING difference between the two men as well... but we needn't get into that here...... except for one little nagging question The real LEE got letters from his mother in the Marine VERY often... and he wrote his mother - and brother - as well: Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald August 3 8 3 1961 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald October 2 10 2 1961 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald October 22 10 22 1961 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald November 8 11 8 1961 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald December 13 12 13 1961 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald January 2 1 2 1962 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald January 20 1 20 1962 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald January 23 1 23 1962 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald February 1 2 1 1962 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald February 9 2 9 1962 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald February 15 2 15 1962 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald February 24 2 24 1962 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald March 28 3 28 1962 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald April 22 4 22 1962 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald May 30 5 30 1962 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald November 8 11 8 1959 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald November 26 11 26 1959 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald December 17 12 17 1959 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald May 5 5 5 1961 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald May 31 5 31 1961 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald July 14 7 14 1961 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald August 21 8 21 1961 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald September 10 9 10 1961 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald October 22 10 22 1961 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald November 1 11 1 1961 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald November 20 11 20 1961 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald November 30 11 30 1961 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald December 14 12 14 1961 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald December 20 12 20 1961 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald January 5 1 5 1962 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald January 30 1 30 1962 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald February 15 2 15 1962 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald April 12 4 12 1962 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald June 26 6 26 1962 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald March 16 3 16 1963 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald November 17. 11 17 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald December 20 12 20 but do you know that in the entire 26 volumes there is not a single letter from his mother from the man who appeared to keep everything. This is his first letter to "mom" "Received your letter today...." just another brick in the wall.... No doubt he was both creating bona fides and incriminating himself with his actions.... what happens to all that junk if JFK is shot in Tampa; or in Chicago where VALLEE = Oswald? If we are not even on the same page in our understanding that Oswald was not a shooter in this tragic play - then you're right... we can respectfully toddle off... We must remember that Oswald did not do this so by definition the evidence which points to his guilt needs extreme authentication - and we find in every case that the evidence is simply not authentic, it was altered, created, replaced, lost, etc... so that our man Oswald is guilty.... In matters of politics and murder... Occam's may not apply anymore ============== Could you do me a favor and answer the question please Jason.... What EVIDENCE do you offer that supports that PMO being purchased by Oswald on the 12th of March? If this is Oswald's writing... seems he was at work all morning... or is this a fake?
  9. My pleasure Jason... let's see if I can address some of your thoughts I'd like to take this slowly... #1 - a money order was purchased, a rifle was ordered, Klein's shipped the rifle to Oswald's PO box in the spring of 1963 "a money order was purchased," OK Jason... let's start with this. What proof of this do we have? In the real world, when a PMO is purchased there remains a stub... there is a copy for the customer, and then the PMO for the recipient - I posted a mock-up of what that would look like BEFORE torn from the book... the PMO was purchased at the (G)eneral (P)ost (O)ffice in Dallas... yet the envelope with the coupon and this PMO are mailed elsewhere... rather than just drop it in the mail at the GPO in which he is supposedly standing. No matter. Despite HOLMES lying thru his teeth, the BOOK and STUB would still exist if a real PMO was purchased on that date from the GPO... So, despite all the tangential bs.... what is the real proof THAT item was involved in a real transaction on March 12th? Well one way to prove it was real - other than just show us the book and stubs - is to match the transaction to the Federal Reserve processing... Mr. J HAROLD MARKS - one of the men at the USPS location who helps "secure" this document tells us about the process... This comes from the transcripts on the House of Reps session related to HR 9507 and 9514: March 30, 1960. STATEMENT OF LOUIS J. DOYLE, ASSOCIATE GENERAL COUNSEL, AND J. HAROLD MARKS, FINANCE OFFICER. BUREAU OF FINANCE. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT Processing of money orders "AS PAID THRU THE FED RESERVE" should put an end to whether these items are indeed processed by the FED and whether we should see that on the PMO... For it to be processed by the FED it would need to be deposited by KLEINS... agree? For that to happen KLEINS stamps the back - in essence signing the back of a check - with their bank account number... And there it is... 50 91144 is the KLEINS ACCOUNT NUMBER.... This would have been a stamp they use - agree? WALDMAN was asked about this stamp so WALDMAN EXH 9 was created.... While it is a very close match... it does not appear to be "identical"... also n the WALDMAN exhibits are the deposits related to that Money Order.... The discussion with a Mr. WILMOUTH from the Fed Res touches on the specific data on that specific deposit... except the FED's info does not match WALDMAN's "two items in the amount of $21.45" I found 8 items of 21.45 in this deposit, not 2. And none of the rest of WILMOUTH's totals match the deposit.... So basically I am stuck at "a money order was purchased".... Unlike DVP - I cannot pretend that the existence of the item is PROOF the item is authentic... the Chain of events related to that item or the declaration of uniqueness give the item authenticity... (i.e. that the rifle was found on the sixth floor does not prove Oswald bought it) Jason - why aren't the most basic rules of evidence authentication applied? If it came from a book that left stubs.... and a USP Inspector claims they found the PMO based on finding that stub... why isn't that book/stub in evidence? If there were only 2 $21.45's... then this is not the correct deposit to prove anything related to that PMO - let alone that it was mailed from Dallas to Chicago (airmail), then received, opened, processed and deposited in less than 24 hours. And then there's the fact the deposit is dated FEBRUATY 15 not March.... If the PMO was created from a different book (analysis of the numbering of the PMO reveals a problem) that evening at the USPS center very few things would be needed for this item to come alive... the ONLY thing that could not exist would be the book/stub from where it came as that would prove the deception. And Finally the PMO #2,202,130,461.... Books of these blank PMOs are sent all over the country... On Nov 14, 1962 Oswald uses PMO# 1,158,380,709 to send $10 to Uncle Sam to pay off his loan... Is it really conceivable that between Dec 1962 and March 1963 over 1 billion PMOs would be used ? So before we move on to "a rifle was ordered" let's find some evidence which proves it was ever bought in the real world.

    Need you help - is the 2nd half of TOWNER a matte?  As the limo moves away, the background gets bigger without any change in  depth of field...


    1. David G. Healy

      David G. Healy

      DJ, the lower image above appears to be further up Elm St than the other frame. The upper image and all it entails should be getting smaller, unless of course the camera had a "zoom" lens. I seriously doubt matte effects was used in this film clip, at least this upper portion of the clip. Tree leaves and sky a bad combination for matte work...

      Keep up the good work btw!



  11. Look at BELL... We see the limo, Willis running with another lady in blue with a camera... The car labeled "Bell limo" replicates the location of the limo in the frame grab below it... from BELL the corner of the TSBD opening is in line with that concrete opening. How do we reconcile this with this image showing the turn in TOWNER... Is it possible that there were well more than 7 frames removed? Hughes cuts as the Queen Mary's turn is halfway done... Just trying to see how it actually happened... take a close look at TOWNER again.... the FLV file you posted. Chris... the limo gets smaller as it moves away - at the same time the background gets bigger? The bottom image is an earlier frame than the top one... In the top one the limo has gotten farther away from TOWNER, therefore the subject gets smaller... but as the limo moves away, the column gets bigger in the frame while we do not lose any depth of field for the motorcycles and the road... if the camera zoomed in we'd lose the street and these cops would get bigger too.... Calling DAVID HEALY.... Help please. This looks to me like the matte job you spoke of related to Zapruder....
  12. CD75 also plainly says that Waldman made available the microfilm "from a safe in his control", which perfectly aligns with the earlier FBI FD-302 report we find in CD7. Let's look at this microfilm and SAFE situation shall we? This is the report from CD75 he refers to: see in the first paragraph where it says "from a safe in his control..." THIS report is signed by only 1 FBI agent, DOLAN. This is FROM 11/23 and signed on 11/26 by DOLAN... It also states that "WALDMAN was furnished a receipt for the above identified microfilm" dated 11/23 to paraphrase: Waldman went to the safe and provided a roll of microfilm to SA DOLAN who takes it, giving Waldman a receipt. This gives us the impression Waldman et al found the order on the film and put it aside for the FBI.... Now, let's go back just one page in CD75: A surprisingly similar report, from the same date and event yet something is different? Yes, this is page 666. you see above is page 667... except there is another page to THIS report.... and it appears as if the 2 other FBI agents who went to Kleins with DOLAN are also involved: this time the report states that WALDMAN "made available for review records of his firm" the Microfilm... only no safe this time, and no impression that any record was found BEFORE the FBI arrives. So it goes on to state what was on the reel... including the famous scans of the envelope and coupon, just not the Money Order... what a surprise. yet as I said before DVP will not reveal what he certainly knows about these reports... the one signed by all three has a 2nd page Except in CD75 - the 2nd page is missing. So yes the first report with only DOLAN suggests that DOLAN TAKES THE FILM... we go to CD7 p189 we find a match https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10408#relPageId=196&tab=page DOLAN alone and a "safe in his control" BUT WAIT.... go back 2 pages to 187 and we find the same page 1 from CD75 p666... but the real clincher here is this OTHER REPORT from the same event only this time we have 3 agents: DOLAN, TOEDT & MAHAN and we also have a page 2 And what page 2 tells us is that WALDMAN KEEPS THE MICROFILM... That DOLAN did not take it and give him a receipt.... that if need be WALDMAN is the proper man to be subpoenaed (despite his not knowing a single thing about that rifle, that order, or the process) So why is this such a big deal? While 1 report with only 1 Agent claims to have taken the film, another with 3 agents says they didn't.... Wonder why the DOLAN ALONE VERSION of this memo contradicts with the one from all 3 men? Well... It's because over the next 2 weeks the FBI does what they do to virtually every item of evidence... they duplicate it. Which means that despite the microfilm at the archives missing, there should be another copy to corroborate this "order blank".... And finally... what remains yet another great mystery in this case... we have NEVER seen a rifle with any of the serial numbers from that famous shipment of 100 rifles... NEVER. Waldman claims that any of the remaining stock was removed - none are available.... hoe convenient, right? Other than C2766, there is only 1 item of evidence which connects Kleins to these rifles directly - Michael Scibor's inventory sheet which assigns VC#'s to Serial #'s I've studied these pages very closely and have to say they are obviously a creation after the fact.... you can see where the background of the serial numbers was removed to place the new ones... furthermore, this sheet is supposed to have been used as cartons are unpacked... one would expect to see 10 serial numbers in a row for each box opened being given a VC #... Except they are all over the place as if they were simply written in any order Does no one here find it a bit odd that although those 100 rifles had been advertised for months on end, there is not a single rifle bearing any of the other 99 serial numbers in existence...? That there is no mention of how the rest of the inventory was "removed" is also a bit strange.... and finally this little blurb from Waldman... he had "Senator Dodd's committee on my back"....
  13. Let's use Occam's Razor... Reports dated Jan, Feb, March and April 1963 are written by FBI agents tasked with maintaining a file and observing the activities of Lee Oswald Which magazines he reads, what letters he writes and sends... Here's one from March 25, 1963... this is the Monday of the week he supposedly picks up the rifle from his PO Box... So obviously it's been ordered and shipped... or at least in that process... My question remains the same... Why do we not see a single FBI report (using the extensive USPS informant network they have) mentioning the shipment and receipt of the rifle and pistol? I can understand the pistol went REA so that has its own set of conflicts... But the rifle, in a 5 foot carton shipped to Ozzie in early spring 1963 wouldn't be reported... ?? --- this is yet another and probably one of the best examples of the cover-up... Reports on key items which appear after 11/22 are in conflict with the reporting process in real time. The USPS informants would surely know about an envelope sent to Klein's Sporting Goods.... and if not, then when the 5' carton shows up in Dallas at least? (let alone how he was supposed to have gotten this 5' rifle home... did he keep the box like he kept everything? why wouldn't he keep the Box to store and move the rifle since they move so often?) Song remains the same.... I claim he was at Odio... from Sept 24 until Oct 31 the FBI reports think he's moving to Dallas/Irving as well.... and then silence until the CIA report of Oct 10. He was working at Klein's for over 2 weeks before a report claims to have found him... IMHO, these reports were either removed or are somewhere related to Oswald the FBI asset/informant charges and realities... Let me leave you with just one thing re: the Postal Money Order... Harry Holmes lies his behind off... The SS claims to find it in Kansas City while a clandestine operation is in process to "secure this PMO"... Harry claims they found a stub with the correct amount (despite not knowing the actual amount) ============== http://www.kenrahn.com/JFK/History/The_deed/Sneed/Holmes.html It wasn’t but a couple of minutes that one of the girls hollered, “Here it is!” So I looked at it and down at the bottom of the ad it said that that particular rifle was such and such amount. But if it could not be carried on a person, such as a pistol, like a shotgun or a rifle, then it was $1.25 or $1.37 extra. Shipping charges were also added, so I added those together, took that figure and called around to all the different stations and the main office where these crews were checking stubs. It wasn’t ten minutes that they hollered, “Eureka!” They had the stub! Mr. BELIN. So what happened?Mr. HOLMES. So in about an hour Postal Inspector McGee of Chicago called back then and said that the correct amount was $21.95---$21.45 excuse me, and that the shipping---they had received this money order on March the 13th, whereas I had been looking for March 20.So then I passed the information to the men who were looking for this money order stub to show which would designate, which would show the number of the money order, and that is the only way you could find one.I relayed this information to them and told them to start on the 13th because he could have bought it that morning and that he could have gotten it by airmail that afternoon, so they began to search and within 10 minutes they called back and said they had a money order in that amount issued on, I don't know that I show, but it was that money order in an amount issued at the main post office, which is the same place as this post office box was at that time, box 2915 and the money order had been issued early on the morning of March the 12th, 1963. ============== One would think that this book of STUBS with the one showing the correct amount (determined by adding $1.25 or $1.37 to $19.95? fail) would be a prime piece of evidence... Something that HOLMES would be especially proud to have been part of finding... I even created an image of what it should have looked like before separation: But we don't get any evidence like that - https://statick2k-5f2f.kxcdn.com/images/pdf/JosephsMOTimeline.pdf will help put things in perspective All I can ask is that you read the work and decide for yourself - https://statick2k-5f2f.kxcdn.com/images/pdf/JosephsRiflePart1.pdf https://statick2k-5f2f.kxcdn.com/images/pdf/JosephsRifle.pdf https://statick2k-5f2f.kxcdn.com/images/pdf/JosephsPistol.pdf It's too bad DVP doesn't take the time to look thru these... From the time he/they returned in June 1962 he was "looked after" with reports generated consistently along the way. Sept 1962, March 1963, April 1963, June 1963..... Mr. BELIN. And do you know in what kind of a container it would have been shipped? Mr. WALDMAN. It was customary for us to ship these rifles with scopes attached in a corrugated cardboard carton made for us by the Rudd Container Corporation of Chicago. Mr. BELIN. About how long would that carton be in size, if you know? Mr. WALDMAN. Approximately 60 inches. http://www.cameronpackaging.com/gun_boxes.html Only that they are aware Ozzie beats Marina (another lie) and of a couple other addresses for the little family.
  14. Seems most of the doc page counts are wrong... I sorted the index on the largest to smallest based on pages and only 1 out of 10 has the correct count... There were also quite a few duplicate doc #'s as well...
  15. Photoshop... the angles are not all correct but I did best I could to get the entire scene... 5 or 6 photos in that... Something to notice please... Altgens 7 was either cropped or covered up when copies were made... you can see the grey-ish color where the image begins at the top left... I added contrast and darkness Seems to me, there were people at that end... The Cabluck image I used to fill it was taken well afterward.... Here's the Dillard image with people on the overpass... The policemen there were WHITE and FOSTER... With FOSTER the one seeing the manhole cover bullet hit and be taken away... and here's BELL also with an overpass view... Many people rushed to the top right of that bridge - where Altgens is cropped...
  16. Ok Keyvan, you will do yourself some good by reading the articles I posted... I get very in-depth about all this... Here is a small piece of why I feel this way ---To be clear, you are stating that there was a Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico, but it was not LHO who is accused of shooting at JFK and Connally. I am stating that there was a story about an Oswald starting with a visit to the Cuban Consulate on Sept 27... That LHO was with Cubans who traveled from New Orleans thru Austin to Dallas, visit Odio and goes to the Sport Drome that weekend.... he winds up at the Dallas YMCA for the night of Oct 3rd... when he calls Marina asking that she ask Ruth to come get him... they get him on the 4th yet bring him back to Dallas a day later to start looking for work.. From my vantage point there is too much evidence which places Oswald at Odio and in Dallas during that time. The real question remains... was this the work of an imposter - a real physical person playing the part - or was it all fabricated? I am starting to get the sense that it was indeed entirely fabricated event. But let's explore the reasoning a second.... Ruth picks Marina up to drive her to Irving on the 23rd... Oswald supposedly has told her he's going to Mexico, taking a bus, staying in a hotel.. pretty big deal I'd think... not only does Marina neglect to mention the Mexico trip when asked the first couple times by the FBI and SS... she doesn't say a single word about the trip to anyone.... not even her multi-day car companion... it is not until months later that she flips her answer.... JENNER here is asking Ruth what Oswald said he was going to do after they left New Orleans (Sept 23): ..... Mr. JENNER - And he put it in terms of leaving New Orleans to go to Houston, or what was the other town? Mrs. PAINE - Possibly Philadelphia. Mr. JENNER - Possibly Philadelphia. Now, during all that weekend, was there any discussion of anybody going to Mexico? Mrs. PAINE - No. Mr. JENNER - Was the subject of Mexico discussed at any time and in any respect? Mrs. PAINE - Not at any time nor any respect. Mr. JENNER - On the trip back to Irving, Tex., did Marina say anything on the subject of Mexico? Mrs. PAINE - No. The calls themselves are very suspect... they happen when the offices are closed to the public on Friday the 27th and Sat the 28th... Nothing - literally nothing happens on Monday the 30th of Sept... All this terrible importance (he supposedly gets from the bus to the hotel to the Cuban Embassy in lass than 30 minutes),all this importance and Oswald completely skips any follow-up on the 30th... So let's look at the other supporting evidence for Oswald not being involved with Mexico. The reports from ACSI place Oswald in Dallas with 2 Cubans and NEVER in Mexico, until after 11/22 These ACSI associations could just be their basic intrusion into the situation of the day, and not an indicator of any sinister involvement except for the other extensions of their tentacles, including ACSI officer Col. Sam Kail debriefing the accused assassin’s good friend George deMohrenschildt before he traveled to Haiti, and “Our Man in Acapulco,” – Colonel Frank Maryan “Brandy” Brandstetter, the head of the Hilton Hotel in Havana where Castro stayed in the early days of his reign. Brandy was from Dallas, and reported directly to General Rose at ACSI at the Pentagon. One of Brandy’s employees at the Havana Hilton, Manalo Ray, co-founded an anti-Castro Cuban group JURE with the father of Sylvia Odio, who Oswald and two Cubans visited after Oswald left New Orleans. Analysis of the 9/27 calls suggest strongly that caller was NOT Oswald. Mr. CORNWELL. Was the first visit of this man that you have just described to us during the normal working hours at the consulate? Senor AZCUE. Yes, without a doubt. The consulate opened at 10 in the Morning and closed at 2. The calls from Sept 27 are at 1605 (4:05pm) and again at 1626 (4:26pm) and supposedly from the Soviet Consulate - with Oswald there in front of her! I cold go on, but it's all in the 5-6 chapters at kennedysandking ================= ---The LHO in Mexico was a plant by somebody in the intelligence community to put blame on Cuba and Russia for the assassination of JFK. I honestly do not know, nor do I have a sense that we could ever know such a thing.... in terms of WHO... the "somebody" could have been from a variety of intelligence outfits... all we know for sure was no connection between MYSTERY MAN and Oswald - The most obvious of these Phase 1 to 2 changes is with ALVARADO who claims to have seen Oswald get $6500 from a red-headed negro on Sept 17/18.... at the Cuban Embassy. Part of this change was the recanting of this story under duress... and the "taking care of the asset" by giving him something harmless to do for a while... The WHAT - blame on Cuba/Russia - is classic Peter Dale Scott Phase 1 reporting In Deep Politics and the Death of JFK, I called these "Phase-One" reports, part of To this day both Phase-One and Phase-Two stories have dominated the treatment of 11/22 in the governing media, to the virtual exclusion of non-establishment analyses treating 11/22 as a deep event. https://apjjf.org/2012/10/39/Peter-Dale-Scott/3835/article.html
  17. I appreciate what you are saying Chris... but please point out TOWNER in the Zapruder frames
  18. I hear you buddy... yet from the reread it is obvious that this analysis assumes the limo and JFK passes thru POSITION A and is then at 133 with the Queen Mary directly behind it. Not sure why Truly is the only one to mention it yet we see no one really asking about it either. But let's make the assumption that JFK passes thru POS A - how do we explain these frames? Can you answer me a question about the TOWNER image you posted and I include here but from a fraction later... Where is TOWNER while filming this? (edit - and we see there is no one in the line of sight....)
  19. I should also mention that I seem to remember there was a sewer access on the south knoll just like the north that evidently was cemented over at some point.... A fast and easy getaway from way over there.... Here's a composite I did showing the entire view
  20. After reading Sherry's work many, many years ago... I produced this graphic to give some sense of where JFK was facing at the time of the Z313 shots... The yellow line is the center of JFK's head pointing in the direction he's facing... Mr. ALTGENS - Yes. What made me almost certain that the shot came from behind was because at the time I was looking at the President, just as he was struck, it caused him to move a bit forward. He seemed as if at the time----well, he was in a position-- sort of immobile. He wasn't upright. He was at an angle but when it hit him, it seemed to have just lodged--it seemed as if he were hung up on a seat button or something like that. It knocked him just enough forward that he came right on down. There was flesh particles that flew out of the side of his head in my direction from where I was standing, so much so that it indicated to me that the shot came out of the left side of his head. From where Altgens was (you can see his name just below the yellow line as it reaches the curb) with a car moving left to right and physical proof that at least one or more shots occurs but 15 feet from his location... the shooter would seem to need to be much further WEST than the east corner of the TSBD pr even the WEST corner of that building... And any time the South Knoll comes up, we should give a shout out to Tosh and this diagram... believe or not, there is good indication that at least 1 shot comes from the south knoll area... FWIW DJ
  21. Colorizing it helps delineate the people....(see below) Wesley simply must be to Shelley's left behind the yellow... as he says below... he was deep enough that the sun was blocked by the roof I found the almanac for that day in Dallas to place the sun in the correct spot.... does anyone else find it interesting that the tree's shadow doesn't appear to extend towards the doorway... Mr. BALL - Then let's see, there was Billy Lovelady and you were there. Mr. FRAZIER - Right. Mr. BALL - Anybody else you can remember? Mr. FRAZIER - There was a lady there, a heavy-set lady who worked upstairs there whose name is Sarah something, I don't know her last name. Mr. BALL - Were you near the steps? Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; I was, I was standing about, I believe, one step down from the top there. Mr. BALL - One step down from the top of the steps? Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; standing there by the rail. Mr. BALL - By steps we are talking about the steps of the entrance to the Building? Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir. Mr. BALL - Shown in this picture? Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir. Mr. BALL - Which is Commission's Exhibit No. 362. Can you come over here and show us about where you were standing? Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir. Like I told you this was an entrance right here. Mr. BALL - Yes, sir. Mr. FRAZIER - We have a bar rail running about half way up here. This was the first step and I was standing right around there. Mr. BALL - Put a mark there. Your name is Frazier, put an "F" there for Frazier. Mr. FRAZIER - O.K. Mr. BALL - In the picture that would show you about there, would it? Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; you can see, just see, the top, about the top rail there, was standing right in there. Mr. BALL - Right in there? Mr. FRAZIER - To be frank with you, I say, shadow from the roof there knocked the sun from out our eyes, you wouldn't have any glare in the eyes standing there. Mr. BALL - There was a roof over your head, was there? Mr. FRAZIER - Right. Mr. BALL - When you stood out on the front looking at the parade, where was Shelley standing and where was Lovelady standing with reference to you? Mr. FRAZIER - Well, see, I was standing, like I say, one step down from the top, and Mr. Shelley was standing, you know, back from the top step and over toward the side of the wall there. See, he was standing right over there, and then Billy was a couple of steps down from me over toward more the wall also. ================= CE362 - where Frazier puts himself... the shade would not yet have gotten there... He should be in full sun like the rest and should be towering over Lovelady if he was actually on a lower step... Even SHELLEY is in the sun Why is Frazier fibbing about this? Shouldn't we be seeing FRAZIER then in this image as I've placed him? There is not another step up into the building so the landing IS the top step... As I asked - is there ANY image of Frazier on the steps prior to Darnell?
  22. Here is one of the un-redacted confirmations that our little Oswald was not in Mexico City during this charade... There is confirmation in the Army reporting of the event as well as by the Army reservist who interviewed the 2 CUBANS who visited ODIO with Oswald Lester Logue. - Met with Gerry Patrick Hemming, as well as with the Cubans who visited Sylvia Odio with Oswald, who the Warren Commission Report wrongfully identified (as Seymore and Hall). 20) The CIA conduit Catherwood Fund financed the Catholic Welfare and their Cuban refuge medical clinnics in Florida, Louisiana and Texas, as well as providing spiritual guidence, such as that given by Father Walter Machann, patron of the Dallas Cuban community. As Sylvia Odio's confessor, he knew of the visit by Oswald and two Cubans. The Catholic Welfare in New Orleans also loaned the laundry truck to those who burglarized the munitions from the Houma bunker. http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2018/04/covert-ops-related-to-dealey-plaza.html As time passes Keyvan, more and more is released which supports the conclusion that Oswald was not there - whether or not ANYONE calling themselves Oswald was actually there is more in line with your "who knows" response, than what you think was on Oswald's mind at the time... --------- I've posted the unredacted evidence.... The man Ruby killed was not in Mexico...#1 in the list is a non starter... Keyvan>> Nobody knows. Oswald did have a motive to kill JFK and Governor Connally. The governor was the Secretary of the Navy and changed his honorable discharge to dishonorable discharge from the Marine Corp when Oswald went to Russia and said he would share USA secrets with the Russians. Oswald even wrote a letter to John Connally - “I shall employ all means to right this gross mistake or injustice to a bonified U.S. citizen and ex-serviceman.” He asked Connally personally to “repair the damage done to me and my family”... Connally brushed him off! ============================= Please sir... while you discuss FACTS you add assumptions and speculation to render your facts secondary. JC did not "brush him off" he replied to him and forwarded the letter to the actual Sec of the Navy Fred Korth.... Keyvan... how can you write "Nobody knows" then tell me that Oswald had motive to kill them? No, JC was not the Sec of the Navy at the time. The Sec of the Navy did not have any direct input in the change of Oswald's discharge. Oswald discharged was changed on Aug 17 1960. Connally becomes Sec of the Navy Jan 25, 1961 at LBJ's request (it would seem JC said publically that JFK would not make it thru 1st term due to Addison's... was the LGJ recommended appointment a way to buy his silence?). If the Sec of the Navy had anything to do with Oswald, it would be William Franke. On January 30, 1961 Oswald writes the letter to Connally... (wonder how he finds out so fast that Connally is made Sec of Navy only 5 days before... while in Minsk) On Feb 23, 1962 Connally replies (see below) that he is no longer Sec'y but will forward the letter to FRED KORTH - the current Sec of the Navy KORTH supposedly was involved with the young Oswald as well as being EKDAHL's attorney in his divorce form Marge... one wonders why the letter was not to his "friend" KORTH to help him fix the situation... WHY do you supposed Oswald does not follow up with his friend FRED? What follow-up actions are you aware of that leads to Oswald being serious in his letter... he wants to RIGHT THIS WRONG but then what? Nothing, that's what. Nothing happens. There is no follow-up, no more threats and no more thoughts about RIGHTING anything... It truly requires more than a passing remark to account for FACT, Keyvan. If you are going to cherry-pick a threat... first thing you might try is corroborating it... Given the massive amount of forgery going on to create evidence, one might ask first - does this sound like Oswald and 2, what becomes of it.... #2... They created the messages, not intercepted... And then try were attached to mystery man as Oswald thanks to Goodpasture who worked for Phillips.... Keyvan>> Are any of those documents available for viewing? Keyvan... I spent a couple years and wrote a number of articles discussing this. https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/the-evidence-is-the-conspiracy-index (part 6 is in process) Bill Simpich wrote STATE SECRET which delves more deeply into what MAY have happened during those few days... It was GOODPASTURE who changes the date of the MYSTERY MAN photo to match the faked phone call of Oct 1. It was GOODPASTURE as RIGGS who claims the tapes are erases It was GOODPASTURE who would have brought the transcripts and photos to Win Scott within a day... not a week. LADILLINGER is the Soviet desk at CIA station in Mexico where GOODPASTURE PHILLIPS HUNT and SCOTT are.... RIGGS aka GOODPASTURE = PHILLIPS = COUNTERINTELLIGENCE = ANGLETON
  23. Mr. TRULY. That is right.And the President's car following close behind came along at an average speed of 10 or 15 miles an hour. It wasn't that much, because they were getting ready to turn. And the driver of the Presidential car swung out too far to the right, and he came almost within an inch of running into this little abutment here, between Elm and the Parkway. And he slowed down perceptibly and pulled back to the left to get over into the middle lane of the parkway. Not being familiar with the street, he came too far out this way when he made his turn. Mr. BELIN. He came too far to the north before he made his curve, and as he curved--as he made his left turn from Houston onto the street leading to the expressway, he almost hit this north curb? Mr. TRULY. That is right. Just before he got to it, he had to almost stop, to pull over to the left. If he had maintained his speed, he would probably have hit this little section here. So Chris... the 33 frames are for both the time and Distance? Since your white limo path is what it "appears" to be while my black limo is more suggestive of what actually happened.. Mr. David Healy (calling D Healy) - how in the world did they remove that from the TOWNER FILM and still make it look like a normal speed turn??? The car in Weigman is pointing more North and at the little curb... while the limo appears not to even come close... ?? No mention at all of TOWNER or the film so the establishment of POSITION A is undertaken with the ASSUMPTION that the limo carrying JFK traveled thru that position... To repeat.. the FBI's SHANEYFELT confirms for us via a SPECTER question that the limo and by association JFK MUST PASS THRU POSITION A on this journey... Mr. SPECTER. When you say that position A is the first position at which President Kennedy was in view of the marksman from the southeast window on the sixth floor of the School Book Depository Building, you mean by that the first position where the marksman saw the rear of the President's stand-in? Mr. SHANEYFELT. That is correct. To recap... at a spot that is all but impossible to pass thru unless TRULY's account is correct, is the location from where a marksman could FIRST hit a spot on the back of the POTUS stand-in. Yet it is obvious that the limo could roll back quite a bit before the crosshairs cannot see the back of the stand-in... yet the stand-in in 10" higher than where JFK was... To place a crosshair at that spot on JFK he'd need to be 10" lower in elevation which means he was 15.25 feet further down Elm than what we see in the photo at the top right. As we've learned, those 10" were moved to the window sill to further complicate matters... Mr. SHANEYFELT. Yes. Since it was not practical to stop the projector when using the original of the Zapruder film, because of the possibility of damage to the film, Mr. Orth volunteered to prepare 35-mm. color slides directly from the original movie of all of the pertinent frames of the assassination which were determined to be frames 171 through 434. Mr. SPECTER. What other movies have been examined by you in the course of this analysis? Mr. SHANEYFELT. An amateur 8-mm. motion picture film made by a Mr. Orville Nix of Dallas, Tex., has been examined (DJ: starts well after 161) Mr. SPECTER. Did you analyze any other film in connection with this inquiry? Mr. SHANEYFELT. Yes. I analyzed a film that was 8-mm. motion picture film taken by Mrs. Mary Muchmore of Dallas, Tex. Except Muchmore claims she did not film any assassination scenes... Mr. Shaneyfelt: .....Since she did not remember taking the pictures, we then, in the same manner we established Mr. Nix's position, by checking the photograph in relation to objects in the background, established her position along this structure that is marked on the map and found that she had come from the curb over to this point---- Mr. SPECTER. I now hand you an album which has been marked as Commission Exhibit No. 885. (The document referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 885 for identification.) Mr. SPECTER. I ask you to state what that album depicts. Mr. SHANEYFELT. This is an album that I prepared of black and white photographs made of the majority of the frames in the Zapruder film---- Mr. SPECTER. Starting with what frame number? Mr. SHANEYFELT. Starting with frame 171, going through frame 334. Mr. SPECTER. And why did you start with frame 171? Mr. SHANEYFELT. This is the frame that the slides start from. This was an arbitrary frame number that was decided on as being far enough back to include the area that we wanted to study. --------------------- Mr. SHANEYFELT. The first position we established that morning was frame 161. How does one start with frame 171 and then establish frame 161's position... when one assumes that frame 161 actually existed in sequence on the Zapruder film... ------------------------ Mr. SHANEYFELT. Life magazine was reluctant to release the original because of the value. So he brought it down personally and projected it for us and allowed us to run through it several times, studying the original. Mr. SPECTER. Was that because the copies were not distinct on certain important particulars? Mr. SHANEYFELT. That is correct. The original had considerably more detail and more there to study than any of the copies, since in the photographic process each time you copy you lose some detail. Mr. SPECTER. And subsequently, were slides made from the original of the Zapruder film? Mr. SHANEYFELT. Yes. Since it was not practical to stop the projector when using the original of the Zapruder film, because of the possibility of damage to the film, Mr. Orth volunteered to prepare 35-mm. color slides directly from the original movie of all of the pertinent frames of the assassination which were determined to be frames 171 through 434. (and back to the top - and round and round we go)
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