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Ron Bulman

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Everything posted by Ron Bulman

  1. Thanks also. I did not know about the 9 doors addressed in part 2. Never realized there was an up and down door to the stairs on each floor. Rushing down the stairs, bursting through a door then opening another on each floor would make more noise and slow an escaping shooter down. I don't remember this being noted in the book.
  2. I meant it tongue in cheek Ron. Never read the book or much about it, just the guns or butter concept. The Library Journal part about LBJ's "hubris...he was consumed and defeated by his own arrogance" seems pretty accurate to me.
  3. I thought it was guns or butter... https://www.amazon.com/Guns-Butter-Presidency-Lyndon-Johnson/dp/0195063120
  4. Thanks for sticking to topic and information on it. Esp the strange as hell part..
  5. Our guy's being shot down on deck by unwilling Israeli pilots, Flags and aircraft insignia clear to both "sides". This was not an accident. It was an attempted provocation of <nuclear> war. A pilot was stopped minutes before deployment of missiles. Because the Men of the USS Liberty Fought Back, some Died, but they didn't give up. Thank you to them.
  6. Chris, you and Jim probably know more but I stumbled across The USS Liberty as chapter 14 of Joan Mellen's Faustian Bargains. The Liberty should be an enraging story to any U S citizen. Sailor Harbardier and Marine Lockwood are Military Hero's if ever there where any even if not officially acknowledged. Knowing the context of the following statement, that it had been attacked by allies on our instruction, "I don't give a damn if the ship sinks" by President Lyndon Baines Johnson, makes it one of the sickest lowest moments by a Commander in Chief in Military History.
  7. If Parkland had been cast and directed by Oliver Stone and it had a storyline of... Jack ruby tugging on Seth Kantor's sleeve and asking... Dr. Crenshaw or McClelland saying there's a hole the size of a grapefruit or softball in the back here... the Secret Service pulling guns to take JFK's body and prevent a Dallas autopsy... LBJ running for Air Force 1, Dr. Malcom Perry saying 3 times that afternoon the throat wound was an entrance wound...LBJ calling for a confession as Oswald was dying. It might have stood a chance of success with a public that still doesn't believe the official government story.
  8. Here's a little deeper thread on Jim Braden. Particularly informative are long posts by Bernice Moore on page1 and Bill Kelly on pages 3, 4, and 5. Two days of closed session testimony before the HSCA is interesting. As well as his living in New Orleans the summer of 63. I thought he sued or threatened to do so over the Noyes book but didn't see that mentioned. Oh yeah, a guy named Dolan is mentioned in there somewhere.
  9. Yesterday morning as I awoke I had an epiphany. Oswald crystalized unto himself as a patsy in front of the shoe store at 1:03 PM 11/22/63.
  10. Most certainly not the one James Files claimed to use. Not that either one Was used in the assassination. Though WerBell could well have been represented in some capacity.
  11. That's a deep video on Mitch WerBell. I've read of him before but not in this depth. He might deserve his own thread. I've still got the copy I printed of "What Jane Roman Said" when I first read it thinking this is the Proof, the CIA was involved in the cover up.
  12. Sandy, you echo some of my own thoughts but even my own conflict on one point. I don't think the Paines where whiting CIA assets in an assassination plot prior to 11/22/63. It is entirely conceivable they knew they were doing work for the Company shepherding the Oswald's in terms of observing their actions and directing some of them. IMHO the letter was presented to them and after the assassination they were fully on board with what they were told to say to save themselves. In addition the FBI figured out that Something was going on, before the assassination, then covered it up afterward to cover their own asses.
  13. Your post before this shows 37 minutes ago something attributed to me that was by paul. Not your fault I understand. Something screwy with the site regarding quotes?
  14. If we want to get back on topic here's some food for thought. http://www.prouty.org/mcadams/ The link to the John Simkin article no longer works.
  15. Off the typewriter but at least still on the Paines. I think the Warren Omission typewriter or stenographer recorded testimony from Ruth that Oswald watched football in the afternoon on tv when he visited on the weekends. He might have enjoyed a high school game in person or maybe even a SMU game as Michael liked to visit the Luby's across the street from campus. What I was trying to get at is I don't see Oswald saying "Mike, I saw in the paper the ACLU's having a meeting, why don't we go check that out?". Given his lack of any known affiliation with any US political organization? I could see Michael saying "Lee, you claim to be not a Communist but a Marxist, let's go see what these leftists have to say". I'll drive. As we're slightly off topic, I haven't seen this in a while. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=lee+harvey+was+a+friend+of+mine&qpvt=lee+harvey+was+a+friend+of+mine&view=detail&mid=81C721AB0420FEC03ACF81C721AB0420FEC03ACF&FORM=VRDGAR
  16. He would have of course realized something was wrong at the TSBD thus his flight to the rooming house. There to the Theater is a quagmire for some (including me). The turning on the lights, search of the theater and apprehension of, at least for Oswald, was for him the realization that he had been abandoned by his handlers. I think it's becoming crystal clear to him as he's being drug out of the Texas Theatre in Oak Cliff in this shot. https://www4.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=biIw6HtU&id=7F9B41CAF5E6C7563373F7FC04FF640428265272&thid=OIP.biIw6HtU2EME2X5UVfl3vgEsDG&q=oswald+arrested+texas+theater+picture&simid=608015646775445725&selectedIndex=6&ajaxhist=0
  17. Crystallization for Oswald himself came in the Oak Cliff theater.
  18. Yes, Michael Paine was no wall flower. He Took Lee Harvey Oswald to a ACLU (left) meeting and he took him to a John Birch Society meeting and/or a General Walker (right) speech I can't remember which at the moment. The point is Oswald didn't drive. Michael Paine Took his new found willing acquaintance to these events. They didn't go watch football or baseball. Why would Michael do this?.
  19. Open mouth and insert foot. I hastily replied to testimony I was not fully familiar with. Chris corrected me. Thank you Chris. Marina and Lee? Fiction. "Slipped out, around the house, I am a sneaky girl she laughs", "could not read English", others say she could at least speak it. Some suspect, with reason, Marina was handed off from Ruth to Priscilla. http://spartacus-educational.com/JFKjohnsonPR.htm And that she was a CIA Operation Mockingbird asset.
  20. Oh! Now I think I get what your saying Sandy! (Communist) Oswald, through Mexico, seeking passage through Cuba Back to the USSR might provoke an attack on either or both of them? Wow, I'm amazed no one has thought of this before. I've never read anything of it in newspapers or magazines or seen anything on TV.
  21. http://www.jsonline.com/story/news/education/2017/05/04/judge-backs-marquette-universitys-suspension-professor-john-mcadams-over-blog-post/101292186/
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