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Mark Zaid, JFK and Trump

James DiEugenio

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Andrew Cuomo just outlawed single-use plastic grocery bags in New York State, which affects my cat litter situation.  They can send him to Washington for all I care.

He can't wait to see me suffer...more.  [Cat picture deleted for space]


Edited by David Andrews
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I came in late. So Robert the "Q" sloppily tried to hand us another fake video, and is now backpedaling screaming "corporate media": and is trying hard to convince us that in  the last video  he looks even "more impaired" when while it could have been said more smoothly, it's very obvious what Biden was trying to say?

The differences between the last 2 clips are  like day and night! The concept of the "Circular firing squad"is everything!

Anyone can physically see the edits after  "campaign" and "for".

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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29 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

I see Kirk showed up.

What are there like four professionals here and three or four volunteers now to keep the narrative on track?

Is it an all hands on deck situation now with Biden bumbling his way to the Convention, then his eventual "health" issues?

Doug and Joe should be here any minute with their cut and paste "wall of text" from Raw Story or the WaPo.

Cliff, I miss Cliff. I'll call myself a fascist for old time sake.

I've got Cliff and Kirk on ignore.

Why can't some of you put me on ignore?

What's the big deal, just ignore me, I won't be offended.

Is there some reason you can't?




Too bad for Robert. I think he’d appreciate this, but he’ll never see it, alas...


Edited by Cliff Varnell
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4 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

You don't understand me, a Trump supporter, but Trump supporters are manipulated.

Can you square that?



I know I'm the wrong Ron.  We are all manipulated to some extent, some more than others.  Some even promulgate or regurgitate what they ate.  If you can't understand how you are manipulated yourself there's not much point in trying to explain it.

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3 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Now he's just sad to watch.

But Trump has the "mental" issues.

They both have mental issues whether this video was tampered with or not.  Biden's seem more benign.  Given the choice of one or the other by the powers that be I'll go with benign over the potential for catastrophic. 


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Here I am with my cut and paste "wall of text" RW.

The following is a CNBC reported reality notice ( today's numbers ) that Mr. Stock Market bragging Trump will find upsetting:

6 hours ago - Dow futures tumble more than 1,200 points, Treasury yields plunge amid oil ... from the spreading coronavirus, while a shocking all-out oil price war ... an emergency rate cut last week to combat the economic impact from the ...




Investors brace for the economic fallout from the spreading coronavirus, while a shocking all-out oil price war added to the anxiety.

Investors brace for the economic fallout from the spreading coronavirus, while a shocking all-out oil price war added to the anxiety.

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22 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:


Ron, I understand your point but to be clear you're using Robert's original clip which is the  dirtiest, most deceptive, of the clips shown, edited in at least 4 places. The most accurate version was the last one of two, which isn't smooth but perfectly understandable.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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Interesting segment on What's Eating America on MSNBC re the Florida felons.

There is no path to the Presidency for the Republicans without Florida (or at least very little chance) bc they make up a significant minority of the population in the US.

The Republicans could lose the Presidency in April for all practical purposes (depending on the outcome of the District Court). Expect furious efforts to cheat beyond what we already know of.

Edited by Bob Ness
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4 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

That's what CNN is trying to say.

Here is a 31 second version.


And the plot winds on, This is very curious,

When Jim Di first challenged Robert as to the authenticity of his clip, Robert had no choice but to reveal (above)that CNN had already exposed Robert's phony clip, but all the while like Trump, Robert disavowed it as "Corporate media fake news".

Initially Robert posted 2 versions with full video pictures above. But as you can see now, (above)the link now has been "scrubbed clean" of pictures and leave only links without pictures that can't be opened.  Try opening them. The 31 second version that was once there, shows the Biden clip in it's totality, which settles beyond a doubt how egregiously  Robert's  version was tampered with. But of course now we can no longer open it.

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The stories are coming out but there's also a  pressure to present a united front.  With several hundred deaths,it will probably tank him. And that's not even mentioning the fall of the stock market. There was a period in the opening months when this all could have been mitigated greatly. Trump actually overode cdc protocol and ordered Federal workers to meet quarantined Americans in California without proper medical training or protective gear, then returned to the general population. Some of these workers were previously working processing immigrants  at the Southern border. But there have been  numerous incidents on different fronts.


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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28 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

And the plot winds on, This is very curious,

When Jim Di first challenged Robert as to the authenticity of his clip, Robert had no choice but to reveal (above)that CNN had already exposed Robert's phony clip, but all the while like Trump, Robert disavowed it as "Corporate media fake news".

Initially Robert posted 2 versions with full video pictures above. But as you can see now, (above)the link now has been "scrubbed clean" of pictures and leave only links without pictures that can't be opened.  Try opening them. The 31 second version that was once there, shows the Biden clip in it's totality, which settles beyond a doubt how egregiously  Robert's  version was tampered with. But of course now we can no longer open it.

Very curious indeed.

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33 minutes ago, David Andrews said:

I suggested some time ago that the economy might tank on Trump's watch.  Is lack of confidence in his Coronavirus control going to decisive?

So far yes.

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A month ago I was thinking that Trump could win reelection because of the economy... plenty of jobs and rising wages. But now I see him losing because it's beginning to look like the economy is about to tank. With all the event cancellations, schools closing, flight restrictions, etc. the economy cannot continue to hum. And it's going to get worse as the virus spreads.

Congress and the president had better be doing everything the government can possibly do to slow down the spread and speed up development of a vaccine. Otherwise we could be headed for another global recession / great depression.

There are two pieces of good news, as I see it. First, summertime is on it's way and we all know that viruses spread much more slowly in the warmer months. This will give more time to develop a vaccine. Second, it looks like the virus isn't very dangerous for a large majority of the population... those below retirement age. Younger people might lose their fear of the virus and get on with their lives. (Good for the economy, though detrimental to older Americans.)

I know it's frightening for me. As an older person I already have one strike against me. But with having chronic respiratory failure, I have several additional strikes against me.  I'm pretty sure I'm a goner if I catch the bug.


Edited by Sandy Larsen
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Gee, whiz, Sandy, take care.

I've been a nigh unto a hermit for the past nearly seven years. I was just on the point of going out into the world again. D'oh!

A scientist-type posted the following, information and informed speculation specific to reducing the likelihood of pneumonia-level infection: a thread posted on a pro-Bernie reddit, but having next to no connection to any politics; kind of like this thread!


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