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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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11 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

From 4 years ago on the Deep Politics Forum...I tried to tell 'em but they didn't believe me about Trump...Four years feels like twenty...



Your post back then was incredibly right on predictive with the Trump today and the last  3 and 2/3rd's years of his obsessive conflict creating rule.

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Here is my question:


Where is the right wing Proud Boys types?  Aren't they supposed to be against this kind of thing? But when its against the left and done by their boy Trump, its ok?


My other question:  instead of issuing press releases, why don't the 4-5 leading Democrats call a press a conference outside, in the open air, and challenge  the DHS to harass and arrest them, while questioning their authority to do so? To me. that is what democracy and the Democrats should be about.

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From the Associated Press:


WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is refusing to publicly commit to accepting the results of the upcoming White House election, recalling a similar threat he made weeks before the 2016 vote, as he scoffs at polls showing him lagging behind Democrat Joe Biden. Trump says it’s too early to make such an ironclad guarantee.

“I have to see. Look ... I have to see,” Trump told moderator Chris Wallace during a wide-ranging interview on ”Fox News Sunday.” “No, I’m not going to just say yes. I’m not going to say no, and I didn’t last time either.” The Biden campaign responded: “The American people will decide this election. And the United States government is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the White House.”

Steve Thomas

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4 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

I've seen Mary Trump in several, interviews now. She is very smart woman who handles the shades of questions asked of her very adroitly. She comes off as a very savvy psychologist, much more so then then a lot the MSM's  psychologist darlings that are called to weigh in from time to time, who I often feel I could offer a better answer.


I haven't seen her book, and I've seen part of one interview, with Chris Cuomo. I thought it was pretty well established, based on what everyone can see and  what I've read by psychologists and psychiatrists (including our resident psychiatrist here) that Trump suffers from narcissistic personality disorder (with America suffering as a result). But in the part of the interview I saw, Cuomo brought up the word "narcissist" (saying that others have used the word), but she did nothing with it. She blames Trump's father for psychological damage to her son, but I wasn't able to discern exactly what damage she's talking about. But she didn't seem to be talking about narcissistic personality disorder at all. Of course it could have been discussed earlier in the interview and I just missed it.






Edited by Ron Ecker
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29 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Trump is going to peel off more Black voters than anyone here can possibly conceive.

You say this a lot, but I can't fathom this being true, and based on my own personal experiences it is not.

I don't want to be that guy who refers to "black friends...," but in any event I have never met a black person who supported Trump. I'm not saying absolutely no black people support Trump, I think you though are inflating the reality though.

Previously I posted a video (it was comedy, but nonetheless) where a similar statement is made, and when they pan out over the crowd and ask the person making the claim to point out the black people, there clearly are none.

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26 minutes ago, Mark Stevens said:

I'm not saying absolutely no black people support Trump, I think you though are inflating the reality though.

Previously I posted a video (it was comedy, but nonetheless) where a similar statement is made, and when they pan out over the crowd and ask the person making the claim to point out the black people, there clearly are none.

Didn't you see that big crowd on TV two or three years ago when Trump pointed to a black person in the crowd and said, "Look at my African American!"?


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30 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Trump improved over Romney by roughly 4% to 12%, among blacks, men and women. It’s probably why Trump won PA.

If Trump gets close to 20% the Dems are finished for a long time. It’s a function of Blacks being a solid 90% block for Democrats Traditionally. 


92 Percent of Black Americans Support Biden Over Trump, Poll Says

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Wheeler just  got his marching orders from Trump. (below) Trump said today  he won't necessarily accept the election results,

Wheeler actually said this before. I pointed out to him, Trump's  only improvement over Romney is because he wasn't running against the black candidate, Barack Obama. Gaining at all with blacks is a popular vote thing anyway. It doesn't help with electoral politics.

Wheeler says his classiest neighbors are stocking up on guns. And apparently, he's so unhappy with his life, it's worth it  to turn his neighborhood and his family?(can you imagine that?) into Fallujah, New Joisey!

I could definitely see Wheeler being very a desperate person, but it's all just the usual BS. He'd never have the courage to be involved, because if he did, why would he be spending all his time talking with us?


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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8 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:


Your post back then was incredibly right on predictive with the Trump today and the last  3 and 2/3rd's years of his obsessive conflict creating rule.

Thank you, Joe.  Even though he mocked my “luridly dystopian vision”, Paul Rigby got off the best prediction — 

“Christian Gauleiters, festooned in neo-Nazi regalia...bestride by torch light a land beset by famine and pestilence"

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28% of Hispanic ethnicity identified voters supported Trump in the 2016 election.

That, to me, is an astounding number.

I was shocked it was that high.

I didn't think Hispanics would vote for Trump to a 90+% percentile.

Based on Trump's truly aggressive Central America focused anti - immigration policies and his hyperbolic enemy hoard and worst element invading mongering, I think most Americans assumed anyone with a Hispanic family name in this country would hate the guy.

But obviously, it isn't that cut and dry.

My theory as to this number being much higher than I had expected is that there are millions of Hispanic Americans who "themselves" want to slow the massive and never ending tide of illegals into the U.S. from their original heritage countries.

Who are not as sympathetic towards the illegals and their desperate goals and plight as one would think or even as much a many liberal/progressive minded Caucasian Americans. 

Millions of Hispanic surname Americans are 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation now and have assimilated completely and well into our society, even including a growing number of intermarriage unions.

I think the longer U.S. residency Hispanics, to a surprising degree, feel the millions of poor Hispanics still trying to get into our country are not to their benefit.

These established Hispanic/Americans have made it, and might feel that millions more poor illegals is over-kill and dilutes and threatens the opportunities they found here when things weren't so over extended and crowded.

They simply don't have the sympathy for the new illegals as assumed ( even though they share the same ethnic blood and are from their homelands) and a surprising number actually support Trump's hard line immigration policy. Again, my theory.

Maybe this next election those 28% of Hispanic Trump voters might re-consider their self-interested Trump votes for reasons beyond just his hard line immigration stance.

Black Americans are pressuring Biden to pick a black female vice president running mate with more aggressiveness than I have ever seen. All out it seems.

If Biden doesn't pick a black female VP running mate, will they threaten to not vote at all?

As a Democratic party voter, I sure hope not.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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