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1 hour ago, Joseph McBride said:


The Washington Post article today indicates

Secret Service complicity in the attack on the Capitol,

though the Post doesn't seem to fully grasp that. Since this event allegedly was an inside job, it’s

noteworthy that, as the article points out,
the Secret Service was very slow in getting
Pence out of the chamber. It states that Pence "was not evacuated from the Senate chamber for about 14 minutes after the Capitol Police reported an initial attempted breach of the complex — enough time for the marauders to rush inside the building and approach his location, according to law enforcement officials and video footage from that day. Secret Service officers eventually spirited Pence to a room off the Senate floor with his wife and daughter after rioters began to pour into the Capitol, many loudly denouncing the vice president as a traitor as they marched through the first floor below the Senate chamber." Pence was there with his wife, daughter, brother, and some staffers.

Similar to Dallas — as we know, the
complicity of the Secret Service was necessary
to Kennedy’s murder. There was a whole
series of security-stripping actions in Dallas,
including the car stop before the head shots that was removed
from the Zapruder film (the car stop was described
by dozens of witnesses, including Sen. Ralph
Yarborough to me, as quoted in my book INTO THE NIGHTMARE). If you want to kill a leader, you usually have
to compromise his security. That’s a pattern
long established. Trump tried to kill Pence — the
first US president to attempt to assassinate
his vice president.


Not every agent got the memo, though, as this video apparently shows Secret Service shooting Ashli Babbitt as she attempts to be the first to enter the Speaker's Corridor outside the House Chamber.  Click View to see video.

Capitol Police are right behind her with assault rifles but not taking the initiative.


Edited by David Andrews
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36 minutes ago, David Andrews said:

Not every agent got the memo, though, as this video apparently shows Secret Service shooting Ashli Babbitt as she attempts to be the first to enter the Speaker's Corridor outside the House Chamber.  Click View to see video.

Capitol Police are right behind her with assault rifles but not taking the initiative.


I saw this before but didn't realize.  She/they had to see the guns on the other side and continued to break in.   They were SS guns protecting the VP a minute behind them (?) and the Capitol itself?

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It's turned out just as I said, total protective overkill! Washington is an armed camp with 25,000 troops, more than they ever had in Baghdad!, some sleeping on the Capitol floor! These Trumpies are certainly crazy, but anybody would have to be Jonestown , suicidal crazy to take on Washington this weekend, or even the day of Biden's inauguration.

It could easily be a total non event. But that doesn't preclude separate acts of terrorism. If they were really cunning they might be refocusing on State Capitols. I notice Newsome here in California has called out 1000 National Guardsman.


Despite our Q Anon Shaman Bullhorns guy's afadavit, the DOJ has come out and said that there is no direct evidence of kill/capture teams in the Capitol riot so far.


 But then, there is another Newsweek article about an FBI witness who say the Proud Boys intended to kill Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi. Apparently there's a conflict in public statements between the FBI and DOJ.


Fox News is bashing AOC for alluding to a threatening incident  she can't disclose when she was in sequestration.


I don't think they are going to be able to prove Trump had a direct hand in anything outside of inciting a riot on the Capitol, (which you'd think would be enough, right?) So the way it will stand, unless Mac Connell has the influence to persuade other Senators under the banner to continue the present Republican Party. There's certainly not enough time  to do a proper investigation that would prove complicity and conceivably turn 17 Republican Senators to convict, strip Trump of privileges and ensure he'll never run again, investigate the inside influences, politicians,  police influences throughout the country, and find whoever else is complicit.

I don't know exactly how it works, Maybe the House could withhold the articles, focus on the Covid relief, let the DOJ and this Pelosi appointment Honore do their ongoing  investigation, and give their results to Congress. And they can act then. Don't want to impeach a third time, out of office!    JMO



Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

I saw this before but didn't realize.  She/they had to see the guns on the other side and continued to break in.   They were SS guns protecting the VP a minute behind them (?) and the Capitol itself?

I don't think she could see that guy with the door frame in the way.

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Republicans knew they were making a deal with the devil — now they're paying for it

Sonali Kolhatkar, Independent Media Institute January 16, 2021



“After the Capitol riot, an unnamed senior Trump official appeared shell-shocked, saying to a reporter, "This is confirmation of so much that everyone has said for years now—things that a lot of us thought were hyperbolic. We'd say, 'Trump's not a fascist,' or 'He's not a wannabe dictator.' Now, it's like, 'Well, what do you even say in response to that now?'"

But this late-breaking realization that many Republicans are expressing publicly or feeling privately is not enough to absolve the dirty deal that they made with Trump to further their agenda. The GOP and Trump deserve one another and have maintained a symbiotic relationship that has devastated the nation. Whether leading GOP figures like McConnell try to distance themselves from Trump at this late-breaking hour, or like Cruz, remain loyal to him until the very end, is irrelevant. The party has lost credibility and is lying in a bed of its own making. They have edged us far too close to the abyss of Hitlerism, and like political parties in other nations that have flirted with or enabled fascism, Republicans need to answer for what they have done.”

In two short years, they lost the House, the Senate and the Presidency. Their leader was impeached twice. Their Party has become synonymous with conspiracy-laden Q-Anon madness and white supremacy Aryan race fascism.

Was it worth it?

Steve Thomas

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14 hours ago — Michael McCaul of Texas said on the Yahoo News “Skullduggery” podcast. ... President Trump in a video that day claimed he “immediately ...
I read yesterday that 40 minutes after the violent and even murderous Trump base mob Capital Building seige that Trump finally reacted and made a public statement calling for the standing down by the insurrection terrorists whom he was also referring to regards his sympathetic, cajoling and even praising comments to them:
"I know your pain, I know you are hurting, we had an election that was stolen from us, we love you, you are very special people."
Sounds like Trump was propping them up for his pet "Medal Of Freedom" awarding!
My question is this. Was the "40 minute" time line given for Trump's cajoling speech response 40 minutes after the seige began? Or, 40 minutes after it is was finally quelled.
Either way, as this Mike McCaul is calling for an investigation into, isn't the main question how long did Trump sit and watch this deadly Capital Building insurrection before finally doing anything meaningful in stopping it?
Many are stating that this shocking non-action delay by Trump constituted extreme dereliction of Presidential duty and responsibility to a degree that it should have been included into the Impeachment filing along with the charge of inciting insurrection against our own government.
Edited by Joe Bauer
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6 hours ago — Mary Trump: My Uncle 'Enjoyed Every Second' Of Capitol Riot. “He is a physical coward but he's perfectly happy when other people commit ...
Edited by Joe Bauer
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You are starting to hear about these Trump cult stories from family members and neighbors. It's not exactly the same,as this guy has been a right winger before Trump.

  Paul Gosar, Congressman from Arizona is being investigated as an inside man in the Capitol riots, along with Andy Biggs and Mo Brooks. Their  connection is to Ali Alexander who claims to be the first one to conceive of the Jan. 6th, "Stop the Steal" Capitol Protests.

Some interesting background about Gosar. His re election was opposed in campaign ads from 6 of his siblings! , who in this ad highlighted in this piece, all look like pretty cool people!

Now his siblings are accusing their brother of Treason, they say he has "blood on his hands" and are lobbying Congress for an investigation.

Here his brother makes the case for the investigation. He also says in the past, his brother Paul was a white supremecist, an Obama birther, and accuses George Soros of being a N-z-  sympathizer. Same old stuff.


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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14 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

Trump is asking donors for $2 billion for his Presidential Library.

That's $150K for materials and $1.5 billion to pay off his debts.

Steve Thomas

I thought Trump's entire Presidential library was erased when he got kicked off of Twitter... 🤥

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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:

Trump is asking donors for $2 billion for his Presidential Library.

That's $150K for materials and $1.5 billion to pay off his debts.

Steve Thomas

There will be Trump Presidential Library. The National Archives and Records Administration is out of the brick and mortar presidential library business. Just as there will be no Obama Presidintial Library.


I have no doubt Trump will grift the rubes for millions to build one — and it will be a big obnoxious flashy building with nothing in it except wax figures of the Trump and a giant gift shop. And people will go to it and buy the junk.

But a real repository of presidential records for research it will not be.


Do you think Trump has any desire to have professional archivists handling his records?

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