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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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22 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

During a debate, Biden said that his hero while going to law school was RFK.

That's interesting.  He graduated Syracuse Law in New York, where RFK was a Senator in 1968.  RFK was the Attorney General when he started at the University of Delaware.

I wonder if RFK's renewed pursuit of politics, to revive JFK's policies and maybe seek justice in his death, inspired Biden to seek public office.  In spite of RFK's assassination a month after his graduation, or because of it.

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I have to admit somewhere, I went juvenile yesterday.  Sitting in traffic at a stop light, across it in the turn lane coming toward me I could see flags flying, in the back of a pickup.  Like the one I was driving.  Grumbled to the wife about continued crap, which she couldn't see through traffic.  One was obvious t-2020.  As we passed through the intersection the second came clear, F Biden.  It was a pretty day, 70, window down.  I leveled a fully extended one finger salute.  Just couldn't resist. 

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I thought Trump's out of control TV debate performance with Biden was so bad that nothing could be worse and I was sure millions of Americans watching Trump's meltdown that night would also see and feel this and finally acknowledge the man is seriously emotionally unstable.

I just watched these two 2016 Republican primary debate You Tube videos with Trump going off the emotional control rails just as manically as he did in the debate with Biden last year. I had forgotten that Trump was like this all through the Republican primary debates in 2016.

And I once again ask the obvious question. How could 75 million Americans watch Trump's out-of-control, WWF type shouting, insulting and talking over behavior in these debates ( which usually descended into audience laughing chaos ) and not understand the obvious. This emotionally unstable man was unfit for the office?

A fact bore out in spades the last four chaotic presidential term years.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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23 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

I have to admit somewhere, I went juvenile yesterday.  Sitting in traffic at a stop light, across it in the turn lane coming toward me I could see flags flying, in the back of a pickup.  Like the one I was driving.  Grumbled to the wife about continued crap, which she couldn't see through traffic.  One was obvious t-2020.  As we passed through the intersection the second came clear, F Biden.  It was a pretty day, 70, window down.  I leveled a fully extended one finger salute.  Just couldn't resist. 


      Don't get yourself shot.  There are a lot of angry, delusional guys out there with guns these days.



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Navalny's statement to Putin after sentencing:


The reason why it all happened is one man’s hatred and fear — one man hiding in a bunker. I mortally offended him by surviving an attempt at my life he ordered. … I mortally offended him by surviving, thanks to good people, thanks to pilots and doctors. And then I committed an even more serious offense: I didn’t go into hiding, didn’t start living under protection in a smaller bunker I could afford.

Then something truly terrifying happened … I participated in the investigation of my own poisoning, and we showed and proved, that it was Putin who, using Russia’s Federal Security Service, exercised this attempted murder. … And that’s driving this thieving little man in his bunker out of his mind. The fact that it all came to light.

There’s no popularity ratings. No massive support. There’s none of that. Because it turns out that dealing with a political opponent who has no access to television and no political party merely requires trying to kill him with a chemical weapon. So, of course, he’s losing his mind over this. Because everyone was convinced that he’s just a petty bureaucrat who was accidentally appointed to his position.

He’s never participated in any debates or campaigned in an election. Murder is the only way he knows how to fight. … He’ll go down in history as nothing but a poisoner. We all remember Alexander the Liberator [Alexander II] and Yaroslav the Wise [Yaroslav I]. Well, now we’ll have Vladimir the Poisoner of Underpants — that’s how he will go down in history. …

I’m standing here, guarded by the police, and the National Guard is out there with half of Moscow cordoned off. All this because that small man in a bunker is losing his mind. He’s losing his mind because we proved and demonstrated that he isn’t buried in geopolitics; he’s busy holding meetings where he decides how to steal opponents’ underpants and smear them with chemical weapons.


Dramatic stuff, the entire text is here:





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12 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Yow! it looks like the Dems are playing hardball and asking Trump to testify on Monday, a day before the impeachment trial starts!



This is typical Dem softball BS again. I don't know why they don't set up a commission and make the idiot testify as evidence comes in over the transom and let the trial play for a while. In my way of thinking a blizzard of evidence of all the various scams and lies as well as the conspiracy to commit a coup d'etat with all his little ass buddies should be painted all over the scum republicans in congress. Punching the trial out in a couple weeks with the attendant acquittal is a big mistake, regardless of Biden's wishes.

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On 1/30/2021 at 1:27 PM, Kirk Gallaway said:

Unfortunately, it looks like the Democrats are just going to rush through this thing and fail for a second time, when new evidence could be coming in after it's finished. If there's an eventual goal of prohibiting Trump from running again,  I don't know what the hurry is.  They've got a few years, but realistically it should be done this year.

They could just postpone the start,  lie low, continue with their legislative agenda, and let the DOJ investigation take it's course, and then proceed, and continue to let Vance and the New York courts and whatever other state courts prosecute Trump. 

Couldn't agree more Bob!

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10 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Just couldn't resist.

Ron, speaking from a state of insanity (Georgia), like W. said, be careful out there.  Everywhere I go I see Trump 2020 yard signs, posters and flags.  I try to just roll my eyes shake my head and go on (because in my home state guns can be legally carried in your car).  I would say these people are evidence of the lack of teaching history & citizenship in our schools, but many of them are my age or older, so I know better.  No offense meant here, but they are like the crazy "rasslin" folks who get all worked up over "steel cage match".  I used to watch wrestling on TV, but always found it funny and tried to figure out how they were pulling off the "stunt" punches, throw downs and "sleeper" holds.  Unfortunately some (many) have went through the looking glass and look at it as real even though deep down they know it's not.  Unfortunately I think many in the Trump world look at him and see someone expressing their deeply felt loss of hope and position and see what they think is a successful man who feels like they do.  That, to me is why the follow him like little sheep.  They think the system is rigged against him (like it is for them), but he prevailed, and if he can prevail, they can too!  (If they don't let their great white hope get beat down.)

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No, AOC Didn't Make Up Her Capitol Riots Experience


Feb. 4, 2021, 6:58 p.m. ET

The New York Times

Since Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the New York Democrat, took to Instagram Live on Monday to describe what the Jan. 6 riot was like from inside the Capitol complex, critics have claimed that she wasn’t where she said she was, or that she couldn’t have experienced what she described from her location.

While Ms. Ocasio-Cortez was not in the main, domed Capitol building when the rioters breached it, she never said she was. She accurately described being in the Cannon House Office Building, which is part of the Capitol complex and is connected to the main building by tunnels.

In her livestream, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez recalled hiding in a bathroom and thinking she was going to die as unknown people entered her office and shouted, “Where is she?” They turned out to be Capitol Police officers who had not clearly identified themselves, and Ms. Ocasio-Cortez said so on Instagram. She did not claim that they were rioters — only that, from her hiding spot, she initially thought they were.

During the riot, reporters wrote on Twitter that the Cannon building was being evacuated because of credible threats, and that Capitol Police officers were running through the hallways and entering offices just as Ms. Ocasio-Cortez described.

Edited by Douglas Caddy
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4 hours ago, Richard Price said:

Ron, speaking from a state of insanity (Georgia), like W. said, be careful out there.  Everywhere I go I see Trump 2020 yard signs, posters and flags.  I try to just roll my eyes shake my head and go on (because in my home state guns can be legally carried in your car).  I would say these people are evidence of the lack of teaching history & citizenship in our schools, but many of them are my age or older, so I know better.  No offense meant here, but they are like the crazy "rasslin" folks who get all worked up over "steel cage match".  I used to watch wrestling on TV, but always found it funny and tried to figure out how they were pulling off the "stunt" punches, throw downs and "sleeper" holds.  Unfortunately some (many) have went through the looking glass and look at it as real even though deep down they know it's not.  Unfortunately I think many in the Trump world look at him and see someone expressing their deeply felt loss of hope and position and see what they think is a successful man who feels like they do.  That, to me is why the follow him like little sheep.  They think the system is rigged against him (like it is for them), but he prevailed, and if he can prevail, they can too!  (If they don't let their great white hope get beat down.)

That's pretty insightful Richard. I've thought of that, everything becomes like National All Star Wrestling from our childhood.  They really want to believe it, but deep inside they know it's fake.

Richard said: Unfortunately I think many in the Trump world look at him and see someone expressing their deeply felt loss of hope and position and see what they think is a successful man who feels like they do.  That, to me is why the follow him like little sheep. 

and similarly, the sad thing is, too many of his followers, it doesn't matter if he's a total fraud. He's 'smart' enough to live like a billionaire even if he doesn't have a cent to his name. Many would all imitate him and let the rest of the world burn if they could.


Ron, I think you better be careful about flipping off those Trumpie trucksters. It's not exactly the same, but you don't want to have happen to you what happened in real life to Jan Berry!

You should of heard the whine from my screamin' machine, dude!

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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Ron and I both live in "Cowboys-for-Trump" states.  

Meanwhile, back at the ranch... 🤥

Fearing violence and political uncertainty, Americans are buying millions more firearms

More than 2 million guns were sold in January, an 80% jump and the third-highest monthly total on record.

Gun sales surged 80 percent in January, data shows - The Washington Post

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