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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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3 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Currently in the U.S., Covid kills Trumpers at 3 times the rate as Democrats, a number that will be increasing in the next 4-6 weeks.

You can lead a horse to water...

Unfortunately our friends in the UK are likely to be able to tell us all about it soon as today they're ten times more likely to become infected with Omicron than they were just a week ago. Nasty.

I guess these numbers tend to wane over time so it may be overstated but still. I believe this is from Fred Hutch / UW Virology - not certain.


Edited by Bob Ness
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7 hours ago, Bill Fite said:

meanwhile -- from https://www.blueridgemuse.com/node/62540

With a week left before Christmas, we face a time when COVID-19 is surging again, along with increases in hospitalizations and deaths. Mother Nature is laying waste to parts of America, particularly in the Midwest, and now we are now learning America is closer than ever to civil war.

Say what? Say three retired generals of our armed forces. They warn that the military must prepare for a massive, violent insurrection in 2024.

In a newspaper OpEd, retired Army major generals Paul D. Eaton, Antonio M. Taguva, and brigadier general Steven Anderson write:

As we approach the first anniversary of the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, we — all of us former senior military officials — are increasingly concerned about the aftermath of the 2024 presidential election and the potential for lethal chaos inside our military, which would put all Americans at severe risk.

In short: We are chilled to our bones at the thought of a coup succeeding next time.

They are not alone. Barbara F. Walter, a political science professor at the University of California at San Diego and a member of the CIA’s Political Instability Task Force, says America is dangerously close to civil war.

She adds:

We are closer to civil war than any of us would like to believe. No one wants to believe that their beloved democracy is in decline, or headed toward war, but, if you were an analyst in a foreign country looking at events in America — the same way you’d look at events in Ukraine or the Ivory Coast or Venezuela — you would go down a checklist, assessing each of the conditions that make civil war likely. And what you would find is that the United States, a democracy founded more than two centuries ago, has entered very dangerous territory.

Walter’s book, How Civil Wars Start is considered a “must-read” by those who study and monitor instability around the world. In her career, she has studied conflicts in Syria, Lebanon, Northern Ireland, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Rwanda, Angola, Nicaragua and other hot spots and concludes that the same conditions that brought civil wars there are flourishing in today’s America.

Bill F.

Gadzooks, your commentary is frightening. But perhaps not for the reasons you think.

It sounds like the CIA-national security state is ginning up reasons to declare martial law in the US, and take control of all media!

"Barbara F. Walter, a political science professor at the University of California at San Diego and a member of the CIA’s Political Instability Task Force, says America is dangerously close to civil war."

And what is the upshot of this? Well, obviously, if one contemplates a bona-fide civil war, and deaths to make C19 look like a picnic, then control of the M$M and social media is warranted. And lots of police-state actions and troops on the street. 

And why would there be "lethal chaos" inside the US military, following the 2024 election? If our military can be turned into "lethal chaos" by a national election...egads, we should all move offshore (I already have, but for other reasons). 

I will say this: The conditions that create anger in the US started 50-60 years ago, when the US sold the employee class down the river, with de facto open borders for people and goods.

The goal of the globalists, which was achieved, was to make labor cheap (I love everybody, and understand why desperate people want to come to US.)

Believe me, the same thing happens in Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia. There are huge latex glove factories in Malaysia, where workers live in barracks-dorms and put in 12 hours a day, and are imported from Burma, or Pakistan. 

When C19 hit and borders were closed, the Malaysian factory owners whined "no one wants to do the work."  Globalization is the path to lower wages. 

There are other problems in the US, such as property zoning and consequent housing shortages, or $1.2 trillion annually to pay for a hyper-mobilized, mercenary global guard service for multinationals.

The Biden Administration is going to pass an all-time record high Department of Defense bill. 

You think those 600 half-wits who occupied the Capitol are the problem? That is what M$M wants you to think.  Fine, send the Trumpers packing. 

You will have knocked a pilot fish off the shark....



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9 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

The most up to date I have seen was a 2020 sample. It's correct. People just go silent when you mention it. Even Sir Patrick Vallance, the UK's chief scientific officer, said the virus wasn't a threat to most people in April or May 2020. The government knew very early on. The same guy who had £600,000 of shares in Astra Zeneca, the chosen provider of the vaccines in Britain. The government said there was no conflict of interest. Staggering ... 

Smoking doubles your risk of being in an ICU. 

Maintaining optimal levels of vitamin C, vitamin D and zinc helps maintain a strong immune system, along with a healthy balanced diet. Cut the alcohol consumption to a minimum. Exercise, sleep properly.  We knew all of these things early in the pandemic, it should have been information that was propagated by governments, if they wanted to save every life. 

I cannot recommend Robert F. Kennedy Jr's latest book enough. It's free with an audible trial. 2200 citations. He has written about his own opinion, he has quoted scientists all the way through the book. It was no 1 best seller for 2 weeks in the USA, it spent days as no #1 on Amazon (all books). Look at the ratings and reviews. It's shone a spotlight on the way American health has dived since 1984 since Fauci took over. What is astounding is the corruption. I'd expect him to be getting sued for years on end if what is he is pointing out is untrue. The worst thing by far is that we could have saved most people from this virus, but, blocked the treatment. If people want to argue the contents of the book, they have to read it and understand it first. Not ad hominem attack a bloke, the only consideration is whether what he is saying has merit or not. Unfortunately, it's going shock people. I completely understand why people don't want to see reality. 


Chris B.

I checked your numbers on the median age at death of C19 patients in the UK, and they seem correct.  And you are right---balanced diets, exercise, sensible use of alcohol, and no smoking improve the odds at everything.

BTW, there are some who say if you have had C19, why a forced vaccination?

Professor sues over CA school’s vaccine mandate, says he’s ‘naturally immune’ to COVID

A California professor is suing his school’s officials over a COVID-19 mandate, saying that he already contracted the virus and is “naturally immune.” Aaron Kheriaty, [associate] professor of psychiatry and human behavior at the University of California, Irvine, filed a lawsuit Aug. 18, saying he got sick with COVID-19 in July 2020.


Of course, someone with a degree in psychiatry might be a little loony. 


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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Chris B.

I checked your numbers on the median age at death of C19 patients in the UK, and they seem correct.  And you are right---balanced diets, exercise, sensible use of alcohol, and no smoking improve the odds at everything.

BTW, there are some who say if you have had C19, why a forced vaccination?

Professor sues over CA school’s vaccine mandate, says he’s ‘naturally immune’ to COVID

A California professor is suing his school’s officials over a COVID-19 mandate, saying that he already contracted the virus and is “naturally immune.” Aaron Kheriaty, [associate] professor of psychiatry and human behavior at the University of California, Irvine, filed a lawsuit Aug. 18, saying he got sick with COVID-19 in July 2020.


Of course, someone with a degree in psychiatry might be a little loony. 


They are definitely correct. That alone speaks volumes. If you then compare it to the destruction, stress, anxiety, acceleration of old peoples mortality being either stuck in lockdowns or afraid to go out. People losing livelihoods, the studies showing its harming children's development. There are so many issues being caused, without even looking at the adverse reactions or lives that could have been saved with early treatment or just sound advice. 

I have heard many make the natural immunity argument. It’s what we should have gone for initially. A pal in Switzerland only still has a job because his family have all caught it and tested for antibodies. Two studies were out last week asserting that people with natural immunity have between 6 times and 13 times the level of immunity that the jab provides. You have your fellow American Rand Paul making the case that the immunity is lifelong, like Spanish Flu. Regardless, the virus should get weaker each time. What is worrying about the vaccination program is the enormous pressure that is being put on the virus, we have 200+ variants right now, it’s trying to survive. What can happen if you keep doing this is; you might create a super-strain. If that happens, it’ll be mass deaths on a scale we have never seen. 

With all that said, my father is 76, a bad flu will kill him but, he sees that his nephew needs to have a life, that we need to live. 

I’m afraid people are still playing catchup. They are seeing the obvious financial racket and government lying to them, not the rest of it. The Transhumanism element that was on the world economic forum website the other week is scary.  Once the Nuremburg code is sidestepped, they are gonna put whatever they like in you or your kids. It’s what that class have wanted for almost 100 years, full in eugenics. 
Sure, they use your medical records to make you fearful and neurotic about your genetic frailties and sell you all sorts of upgrades that you don’t need. If you’re not monetisable, you’re worthless to them. That’s where the shady world of Bioethics comes in. This biometric ID (vaccine passport) is integral to all of this. It was a conspiracy theory 2 years ago (despite being on the EU website before covid kicked off). Once you are on that App, it’ll be your permission slip to go anywhere or do anything. It’ll have your medical data, your vaccine status, all access to your money will be there, the state can cut you off anytime. They can even now attach permissions onto digital currency that will forbid you from spending money on things the state doesn’t want you to. They’ll choose what you can and can’t buy according to your status and social credit score. Anybody who is rolling their eyes at that, need only understand what is happening in China right now. They’re the forerunner. 

All this really amounts to the fact that people are focussed on the present and have no idea of the future that is planned for them. The funny thing is; it’s so overt, it’s in plain sight, for anyone who really wants to see. They are not breaking the virus, they’re breaking us, in exactly the same way they break animals or prisoners of war. There are so many books explaining where this is going. It’s funny; Orwell feared books would be banned and Huxley feared that nobody would want to read books, information would be lost in a sea of irrelevance. 

You know this Covid outbreak was simulated in 2012 by the Koch Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation (lock step)? And again in 2019 by the WHO and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Always a Coronavirus in East Asia. They practiced this 3 times, knowing exactly how the public would react. We think our leaders were being reactive and in a tough spot. Now the powers that be are simulating a food shortage and cyber attacks. What do you think that means? Supply chain collapses, chaos, power outages, false flag cyber attacks. 

There are plenty of people sat here thinking they have Cassandra’s curse. It’s the most frustrating thing in the world seeing the obvious while the masses stick their heads in the sand. 

Here is something to think about, before the pandemic what were the two most important things to your average bloke? 
“Most men live lives of quiet desperation.” They hate their lives, they are depressed, miserable but, a couple of things keep them going. They get through their week and suffering, so they can goto a bar or restaurant and escape. Its their small weekly pleasure that makes the suffering at work for low pay tolerable. The other very important thing to singles, couples or families are holidays. They work all year for their 1-2 week holiday, they count the days like its a release from prison. When they get on holiday, they are really living. Suddenly they are upbeat, happy, posting on social media, trying to show a life they can’t afford every day. They are free, like animals who have escaped cages, they feel alive, wonderful. Then it ends, they come home, they get depressed, we call it the holiday blues. What is the only thing that makes life living again? Yep, you guessed it, booking another holiday. And the cycle starts again. Counting the weeks, days, months, until another escape. Downing the beers and glasses of wine on a Friday, just to escape the monotony of work. What are the two things that government took away from us that we love? Yep, socialising and travel. They dangle them like carrots on a stick, ever moving goal posts. 


If you look at the above chart, any similarities? 

If you add "mass psychosis" and "operant conditioning," you have almost a full picture of the psychological side, the delivery methods being government and propaganda. 

Let's assume I am wrong, I am some random conspiracy theorist, with random ideas on a forum. It won't harm anyone to just check, do some reading and question things from the opposite POV. If I am right, and people ignore this, then they've been part of their own demise, part of the problem. 

Watch this, paying attention to the operant conditioning part: 


Edited by Chris Barnard
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       Hard to believe that Chris Barnard is still posting debunked COVID disinformation from the quack Texas cardiologist, Dr. Peter McCulloch, and from Dr. Robert Malone-- while, ironically, accusing "liberals" of being in denial.

       File this one under, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing."

       At least Jake and Ben are enthusiastic about Chris's COVID disinformation-- proving that, "No man is an island," despite living in the U.K... 🤥

       Here are some references documenting the COVID disinformation promoted by Chris's heroes, McCulloch and Malone, during the COVID pandemic.


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3 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


       Hard to believe that Chris Barnard is still posting debunked COVID disinformation from the quack Texas cardiologist, Dr. Peter McCulloch, and from Dr. Robert Malone-- while, ironically, accusing "liberals" of being in denial.

       File this one under, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing."

       At least Jake and Ben are enthusiastic about Chris's COVID disinformation-- proving that, "No man is an island," despite living in the U.K... 🤥

       Here are some references documenting the COVID disinformation promoted by Chris's heroes, McCulloch and Malone, during the COVID pandemic.


@W. Niederhut
As you've addressed me; I am just gonna say this without even getting into this codwash that you keep coming out with. Look at your link sources? The Atlantic? A total rag. Is it normal for Harvard grads to quote gossip mags? Christ! You're the guy who posts about MSM and Mocking Bird living on. Can you see the tremendous hypocrisy? You are the human lyre bird. It's amazing, you take the government as gospel on Covid, but, not on JFK. You'll take the MSM media as gospel on Covid and not on JFK. Come on man! Go and dip head in an ice cold bowl of water. You're a walking contradiction. 
You can recognise a hit piece on Biden, Obama or JFK, but, not on Malone, McCullough etc. 

I am completely baffled at you William, more than anyone else here, you claim to be educated. I have two psychologists who are good friends, and they can see the government use of this psychology, it's happening every day, and you're somehow blind to it? It's unbelievable. There have been books written about it that you can read, breaking it down step by step, the use of psychology isn't a conspiracy, it's happening. Use logic. You just look the other way, or, you haven't been doing the reading. It's astonishing how dim you are being here. It isn't just Covid, it's the Dem/Rep thing, you are completely blind to any opposing view, at ever turn, tribal.

I don't mean this in a harsh way, I am not gaslighting here, you must be under this mass psychosis. It's impairing your critical thinking and capacity to use logic. You're blocking it in your mind, because you don't want to see it, because it challenges your belief system. 


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      Your delusions about the COVID pandemic are disturbing, to say the least.  And delusions are difficult to treat.  I've learned that through many years of clinical practice.  The best approach is honesty and reality-testing.

      Do you really believe that basic public health measures like social distancing during an airborne viral pandemic are part of "communist" style government plot to isolate and brainwash people?  C'mon, man.  That's nuts... 🤥

      Social distancing is about reducing exposure to infectious viral flumes.

     You also share Ben's tendency to overgeneralize about M$M propaganda.  It's a logical fallacy.  As I told Ben more than once, the fact that the M$M promotes disinformation about military and intelligence ops doesn't imply that everything they publish is disinformation.  You're throwing the baby out with the bath water.

     As for the Atlantic, it has some gifted, knowledgeable journalists, including Tom Nichols.  IMO, it's one of the best magazines in the U.S. 

     Did you study the references I posted for you?  What problem do you have with the Annenberg Policy Center?

     McCullough is a quack.  For one thing, he is giving people medical advice in a branch of medicine that is not his area of expertise or board certification.  He's a cardiologist-- not an infectious disease expert.

     As a physician, I know that that is inappropriate.  It's a red flag.

     Malone is, at least, a virologist, but he has been wrong in numerous instances.  I listed a few examples.

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:


      Your delusions about the COVID pandemic are disturbing, to say the least.  And delusions are difficult to treat.  I've learned that through many years of clinical practice.  The best approach is honesty and reality-testing.

      Do you really believe that basic public health measures like social distancing during an airborne viral pandemic are part of "communist" style government plot to isolate and brainwash people?  C'mon, man.  That's nuts... 🤥

      Social distancing is about reducing exposure to infectious viral flumes.

     You also share Ben's tendency to overgeneralize about M$M propaganda.  It's a logical fallacy.  As I told Ben more than once, the fact that the M$M promotes disinformation about military and intelligence ops doesn't imply that everything they publish is disinformation.  You're throwing the baby out with the bath water.

     As for the Atlantic, it has some gifted, knowledgeable journalists, including Tom Nichols.  IMO, it's one of the best magazines in the U.S. 

     Did you study the references I posted for you?  What problem do you have with the Annenberg Policy Center?

     McCullough is a quack.  For one thing, he is giving people medical advice in a branch of medicine that is not his area of expertise or board certification.  He's a cardiologist-- not an infectious disease expert.

     As a physician, I know that that is inappropriate.  It's a red flag.

     Malone is, at least, a virologist, but he has been wrong in numerous instances.  I listed a few examples.

Thanks for the reply, William. 

Delusions eh.... hmmm 
You believe in a 9/11 conspiracy but, not in corrupt government. You're making me laugh here. Just think for a second.

Also, I note the way you try to group people who oppose you. It's very surprising that you can't see the hypocrisy outlined in my previous post, it's so glaring. 

William: The Atlantic is one of the best magazines in the US.
Ok, explains a lot. We are what we read, right?!

Did I study the links you sent me? Of course I didn't extend you that courtesy. Because you don't read anything I send you, and you don't answer anything that is inconvenient for you. You want an echo chamber. It has to be two way traffic. 

Let me just point something out; another glaring double standard. How many medical Dr's who do not have Virology as their field of expertise are telling people that the vaccines are perfectly safe and all kinds of other advice? We could start with your local resident Dr, and work right up to the top. Malone's credentials were fine before the spoke up and said not to give them to kids or the young and healthy. Obviously, something blinds you from seeing the pattern. Speak out, get attacked in the media. I know that for you, corruption and Mocking Bird only exists when your imagination permits it, when your confirmation bias permits it. 

You should be very concerned about what is happening. 

I notice the guys on your side of the argument haven't exactly done a great job. They've done a sterling job or keeping it going and denying early treatment. They've also done amazing job of handing Pfizer record profits ($33bn), whilst wiping out the poor and middle class. That's all the fault of the virus though, right? The one that came from the lab, that had been modified, that didn't jump from bats by itself. Your Dr Fauci can explain how he was sending tens of millions to the Wuhan lab for gain of function research. He's the guy you are trusting over Malone, McCullough, Mercola, Kory etc. Trust the guy costing lives, over the people trying to save lives. Trust the guy who started this over the guys trying to stop it. 

The trouble with this is; when it's a 'fait accompli' in years to come, you'll realise you were wrong, and I was right, and you'll feel a chump. Actually, I won't sit there, revelling in my victory in this childish discussion, I won't even think about it, because the world will be absolutely screwed, and it will be people like you who enabled it. 

I work in PR, I can see very plainly when MSM is propagandising a population, also when government are at it, it's very obvious. Equally, you're a psychiatrist, why can't you see how fear is used as a tool? Why don't you know how that affects the human psyche? It should be obvious to you, perhaps not to everyone else here. 


I’ll say something that might make this real. If this corruption that is sweeping the globe, and ruining economies isn’t stopped quickly, you’re going to lose almost everything you have ever worked for in your life. I don’t want that to happen to you or anybody else, but, it’s coming. That is the trajectory we are on at present. Your country is being pulled apart from within, and you can’t see it. 


Edited by Chris Barnard
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6 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

"US Senate Passes Record-Breaking $770B Defense Bill"

That does not add in the DHS, black budget, the VA, or pro-rated interest on the national debt, which about doubles the bill. 

The Donks control the Senate, btw.


No, the DoD controls the Senate. 

Edited by Jon Pickering
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