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7 minutes ago, Andrew Prutsok said:

Countdown to Weber claiming Fauci is unaware of the president's gargantuan man-penis which caused the China Plague to quiver in its glorious presence.

I heard Stormy Daniels say something contrary to "gargantuan."

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Trump delays new stimulus package until "after I win" the election.

Because of course he couldn't come out of this a better man:


From Psalm 109, in national observance:

Appoint a wicked man against him;
    let an accuser stand at his right hand.
When he is tried, let him come forth guilty;
    let his prayer be counted as sin!
May his days be few;
    may another take his office!

16 For he did not remember to show kindness,
    but pursued the poor and needy
    and the brokenhearted, to put them to death.
17 He loved to curse; let curses come[b] upon him!
    He did not delight in blessing; may it be far[c] from him!


Edited by David Andrews
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1 hour ago, Jeff Carter said:

Robert W - have you read/ come across Peter Levenda’s “Sinister Forces” trilogy? It digs into many of the topics you refer and does so credibly. I believe it’s a Feral House publication.

Terrific.  Now we too can explore Obama's sinister connection to David Berkowitz-- by way of Obama acquiring a pet dog from the Best Friends Animal Society.  🤕🤪

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21 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

You guys know Herman Cain was a stage 4 cancer survivor, don’t you?

You know Trump’ss a doughy, weak, broke, pussy, imbecile don’t you?

Edited by Andrew Prutsok
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17 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Yeah but he’s not a kid diddler with dementia who’s son was paying Czech prostitutes to round up enough 14 year old Ukranian girls to fill a 40 foot Maersk Container with diplomatic immunity so when it arrived in Dubai a week later the Dynergy contractors had an excuse not to open it, thereby staying in the good graces of the Sheik and his “donation” to Hillary via the Clinton Foundation.

What were you saying again Andrew?

Do you want more?

No “Q” here, so don’t go there. 

He’s like the biggest whiny pussy of a man who’s ever walked the earth. Total sissy, Beta, as hell.

Edited by Andrew Prutsok
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25 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Yeah but he’s not a kid diddler with dementia who’s son was paying Czech prostitutes to round up enough 14 year old Ukranian girls to fill a 40 foot Maersk Container with diplomatic immunity so when it arrived in Dubai a week later the Dynergy contractors had an excuse not to open it, thereby staying in the good graces of the Sheik and his “donation” to Hillary via the Clinton Foundation.

What were you saying again Andrew?

Do you want more?

No “Q” here, so don’t go there. 

Don't touch that, it's my lunch.


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4 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

I've listened to Levenda on a few podcasts but have never read his books.

He is interesting to listen to, but I have heard others accuse him of being either a limited hang-out narrative spinner or a distributor of distraction narratives, like that guy here who lost all credibility after he tried to peddle a yarn about "the Alien Presence."


At least its more believable than Aliens. 


I have bit my tongue lo these many months you have polluted this site with your snotty, ignorant, idiotic, irrelevant, red-herring, fear-mongering swill. But this pushed me over the edge.

Doug Caddy is a witness to history the likes of which I have never heard of. His new memoir, Being There, is aptly, modestly titled. He should call it Being EVERYWHERE. He was at the very beginnings of many important conservative movements. I believe Young Americans for Freedom and the National Review to name just two. (NB: I am going from memory for this comment, so I may be off on some details, but the gist of it is understated. At the moment, I don't have the time to research this to try to educate a dumb bunny like you.)

Then there are the historic Americans he has known well, E Howard Hunt and Billy Sol Estes to name a couple very relevant to the JFKA debate. Doug was living in a New York apartment of a very historic, cultural, non-political figure when our dear Jack had his brains shot out on an American street. I can't remember the name at the moment; some big talent in serious music I believe, not my bag unless it's me Boomer tunesters. He got the news from a tickertape, I believe, and was the first to notify the Rockefeller administration. (Sheese, I'm mangling this.) Lawyer/ lobbyist for General Mills in DC at a very critical time. E H Hunt's lawyer when Watergate broke, defied Judge John Sirica over not IDing someone or other. Sent to jail for it for a little while.

Then there are Doug Caddy's contributions to this site. Just his current/news type links are beyond compare. Nowhere else do I get such a wealth of those.Then there are his other contributions, too extensive to go into here.

Doug's most amazing talent, IMHO, is his ultra-lawyerly skill of speaking off the cuff, which is reflected in his writing. He is as brief as possible, not a wasted word. He cannot be distracted off the subject. He is as colorful as John Barbour but way more informative per minute, and, as I say, completely undistractable. Witness his appearances on Coast to Coast. I have never heard anything like them.

There's much more, but this is running on and I need to say something about this "Alien Presence" that you keep blowing your nose on. One, there are many credible researchers who have amassed evidence of patterns of phenomena that cannot be explained by our science. Charles Berlitz, of the language school family, is about my favorite. Check out his books on the Bermuda Triangle and the Devil's Triangle. He allows readers to draw their own conclusions, for the most part. He has NOTHING about UFOs and other boilerplate ET movie nonsense. I have seen in at least two other topics where you have immediately distracted the debate with your irrelevant sneering at something you saw in some stupid movie. That, to you, is what the Alien Presence is all about. It's snot. There is also a good case to be made that Mother Earth is a sentient organism of some type we don't understand. I believe Berlitz came to a conclusion like that.

Last thing: if you're going to be a supercilious blowhard, can you at least learn simple written English? In the last sentence of yours above, you have "its" when it should be "it's" the contraction of IT IS. In the sentence before that, you have the possessive "its" as "it's" (remember hers, ours, yours does not take an apostrophe - the possessive is in the form) and you have the plural of a family name with the idiotic, WRONG apostrophe, as if it's the possessive. Man, my 6th grade English teacher would have browbeaten us half to death if we wrote at that 3rd grade level. And you do it consistently, repeatedly.

Oh and by the way, that boogeyman Antifa is coming down your chimney dressed as Santa Claus. They're right behind you! Be afraid, be very afraid.

PS: Thank you so much, seriously, for reminding me to order his book. If only to clarify, for me, Doug Caddy's and America's amazing history.

PPS RE there/their/they're, do you EVER use the right one? I mean, if I were to read your garbage, it would take twice as long just to figure out what you're trying to say.

Edited by Roy Wieselquist
PS to HMS Wheeler
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One last thing, Robert. Your logic that, since DC mentions Alien Presence, all his other contributions are worthless, "lost ALL credibility," is one of the most elementary errors. I forget the Latin name at the moment, but it's as bad or worse than ad hoc, ergo propter hoc. (Sp?) It's as if you tried to call someone on the phone, but you misdialed or he didn't answer, so you contend the telephone does not exist. An egregious, though common, error in JFKA research.

I find it incredible that the James DiEugenio/Joan Mellon faction of the research community thinks LBJ was NOT a prime mover in his predecessor's demise. But their other contributions are invaluable; their one blind spot does not obviate that at all.

Edited by Roy Wieselquist
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15 minutes ago, Roy Wieselquist said:

One last thing, Robert. Your logic that, since DC mentions Alien Presence, all his other contributions are worthless, "he's not credible," is one of the most elementary errors. I forget the Latin name at the moment, but it's as bad or worse as ad hoc, ergo propter hoc. (Sp?) It's as if you tried to call someone on the phone, but you misdialed or he didn't answer, so you contend the telephone does not exist. An egregious, though common, error in JFKA research.

I find it incredible that the James DiEugenio/Joan Mellon faction of the research community thinks LBJ was NOT a prime mover in his predecessor's demise. But their other contributions are invaluable; their one blind spot does not obviate that at all.

Bravo on both posts Roy.  I still disagree about LBJ.  I think he had foreknowledge and was used.  

Regarding Antifa Santa Claus, not to distract but attract attention.



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