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4 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Since you asked, I think Trump should condemn police brutality in the U.S., say, "Black Lives Matter," and tear down the stupid fence.

But he won't . . .

Ha, ha!  You want/expect a "woke" Donald Trump. Of course he won't.

What are the odds that there will be nobody in the crowd, right or left, with evil intentions who might see this as an opportunity?   Which will, of course, require a response.  Then what?  Nothing good, that's what. 

Let's hope for another peaceful night.

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9 minutes ago, Kirk Ross said:

Ha, ha!  You want/expect a "woke" Donald Trump. Of course he won't.

What are the odds that there will be nobody in the crowd, right or left, with evil intentions who might see this as an opportunity?   Which will, of course, require a response.  Then what?  Nothing good, that's what. 

Let's hope for another peaceful night.

When the protesters quash the violence themselves we all win.

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21 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

See my Snopes post from about a week ago. 14 year olds go to Snopes to find out if smoking Doritos soaked in vodka will get them high. Middle aged men who cite Snopes demonstrates low effort. Jeb Bush makes fun of your low effort.

I could have also cited the FBI report downplaying Antifa involvement in violence —but you’re not worth the extra effort.

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33 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Down goes Buffalo man narrative.


Excerpt. Full story linked above.

Martin Gugino is a 75-year-old professional agitator and Antifa provocateur who brags on his blog about the number of times he can get arrested and escape prosecution. Gugino’s Twitter Account is also filled with anti-cop sentiment [SEE HERE].  Last Thursday Gugino traveled from his home in Amherst, New York, to Buffalo to agitate a protest crowd.

During his effort Gugino was attempting to capture the radio communications signature of Buffalo police officers. CTH noted what he was attempting on Thursday night as soon as the now viral video was being used by media to sell a police brutality narrative. [Thread Here] Today, a more clear video has emerged that shows exactly what he was attempting.

In this slow motion video, you will see Gugino using a phone as a capture scanner.  You might have heard the term “skimming”; it’s essentially the same.  Watch him use his right hand to first scan the mic of officer one (top left of chest).  Then Gugino moves his hand to the communications belt of the second officer....

...For which there are laws that could have been used to arrest him, instead of violence to crack his head.

If he was found skimming, there could have been further charges, 

I mean, who shows up at these things?  Cop-lovers?  Maybe he was carrying some impacted stools as well.

The cops were ordered by the deputy police commissioner to "clear the square."  (See e-mail in story below.)   Instead, they junked it up with ambulances and news trucks.



Edited by David Andrews
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33 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Down goes Buffalo man narrative.


Excerpt. Full story linked above.

Martin Gugino is a 75-year-old professional agitator and Antifa provocateur who brags on his blog about the number of times he can get arrested and escape prosecution. Gugino’s Twitter Account is also filled with anti-cop sentiment [SEE HERE].  Last Thursday Gugino traveled from his home in Amherst, New York, to Buffalo to agitate a protest crowd.

During his effort Gugino was attempting to capture the radio communications signature of Buffalo police officers. CTH noted what he was attempting on Thursday night as soon as the now viral video was being used by media to sell a police brutality narrative. [Thread Here] Today, a more clear video has emerged that shows exactly what he was attempting.

In this slow motion video, you will see Gugino using a phone as a capture scanner.  You might have heard the term “skimming”; it’s essentially the same.  Watch him use his right hand to first scan the mic of officer one (top left of chest).  Then Gugino moves his hand to the communications belt of the second officer....

There is No excuse for walking into him and shoving him to the ground, bouncing his head off the concrete, walking on by.  Nor for the others who ignored him bleeding out the ear on concrete.  Zoom in on that.  75 year old Dangerous antifa protestor one of two in the video, reportedly 20 total with 50 or better cops in riot gear order to clear the square?  Arrest him.  Don't bust his head on the concrete and walk on by leaving him bleeding out the ear.  Rob you don't Get It any better than the militarized cops who quit in support  of the perp's do you.

Want a conservative (not treehouse) perspective?  WAPO and NYT require you to subscribe for their stories but here ya go.


What brings us to this point?  From MLK to say his name, George Floyd.

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4 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Is this a metaphor for Rob Wheeler's posts?  🤥

Correct William,

Whatever he may say. Wheeler's greatest aspiration for this new online blogging career he set off on is to actually have somebody pay enough attention to one of his fabrications that they start a fact check on it in Snopes.  Wheeler has actually alluded to being part of another online research community. Can you even imagine how lame a research community that would be? Just watching their interactions dredging up the most outrageous unsubstantiated garbage to one another and actually impressing one another?
I don't believe it. Then why is he always here? We are the classiest, most cultured people he's ever associated with. You can tell by his cultural contributions. Wheeler knows his  greatest hope for improvement is that when we wisk by, he might absorb our dust. But unfortunately  for him, our cumulative dusting has made no improvement whatsoever.
heh heh heh heh heh heh heh
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11 hours ago, David Andrews said:

I used the phrase that Trump will be "leaving the place [America] as he expected to find it," which might have been a bit obscure.  It's from an old cartoon in the National Lampoon magazine, which I can't find on the web:

Panel 1: *Man walks into a sparkling clean restroom, with a sign that says, Please leave this place as you would expect to find it*

Panel 2: *Man leaves the restroom.  The sign is torn, the mirrors are smashed, and there's crap smeared on the walls.*

Ha ha. I may use the panels too, on this group.

Do you remember the National Lampoon album "That's not funny, it's sick!"  I'm not trying to undue all the good karma around now about Mr. Rogers.

Mr. Rogers interviewing the bass player?  They say this Christopher Guest and Bill Murray. But i think  I'm pretty good at picking out voices and even though the bass player character is a good Bill Murray character, I'm not for sure it's him.


Do you remember Fred's encounter with a neighbor?


Monolithic oil



Do you remember the TV game show give away.  With the same  bass player character. Name 4 famous Micky's?.


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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For a time when I was young I had an extremely naïve delusion about wealth, power, and patriotism. In my own strong belief in the American republic, I had this notion that wealthy Americans would not use their power to corrupt our republican form of government, to steal elections, assassinate presidents, etc., because they knew as well as anyone possibly could how precious how republican form of government is. Pretty naïve, eh? I took Miss Boyd’s Civics class in high school far too seriously. IOW I was brainwashed.

Now in my sunset years, and specifically during the Trump presidency, I had an equally naïve delusion, which made it hard to understand what is going on in America. I had this notion that Americans would naturally not want to give up the republican form of government they’ve enjoyed for over 200 years. But the scales have just recently fallen from my eyes, in a kind of enlightenment. I don’t know exactly when the light came on, but there really are Americans today, and I mean as many as almost half of them, who are willing to follow someone like Trump all the way into an American dictatorship if it comes to that. They’re perfectly willing to give up the republic that Franklin challenged us to keep. Like the oft covered song from the 70s goes, “I Can See Clearly Now.” I don’t like what I see, but at least I am no longer deluded, no longer at a loss to understand what is happening. Reality bites. And it’s less stressful just to know something than to naively try to figure it out.


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8 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Do you remember [...]


Yeah, I've gone back and listened to the records and radio shows.  Those were good days, seemingly before everything was carved in stone and covered in sheeee...

Edited by David Andrews
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2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

You do realize that President Obama allowed the FBI/DOJ and other agencies to spy on the incoming guy and dirty-up his appointees with false criminal charges?



Foremost in my mind right now about the administration previous to Trump's is that there was a peaceful and Constitutional transition of power in January 2017. I just hope to see another one.



Edited by Ron Ecker
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46 minutes ago, Ron Ecker said:

Foremost in my mind right now about the administration previous to Trump's is that there was a peaceful and Constitutional transition of power in January 2017. I just hope to see another one.


I don't think you will.

Here is my take at the moment.

Trump will declare the election to be invalid due to massive voter fraud and will barricade himself inside his newly established fortress and refuse to leave.

The issue will go to the Supreme Court. The Court will dither until January 20th and a Contingent Election will be held.

A Contingent Election is provided for in the XXth and XIIth Amendments to the Constitution.


"The Twentieth Amendment (Amendment XX) to the United States Constitution moved the beginning and ending of the terms of the president and vice president from March 4 to January 20, and of members of Congress from March 4 to January 3. It also has provisions that determine what is to be done when there is no president-elect. The Twentieth Amendment was adopted on January 23, 1933.[1]

The amendment was designed largely to limit the "lame duck" period, the period served by Congress and the president after an election but before the end of the terms of those who were not re-elected. Because under the amendment Congressional terms begin before presidential terms, it is now the incoming Congress, rather than the outgoing one, that would hold a contingent election in the event that no candidate wins a majority of the electoral vote in a presidential election. The amendment also establishes procedures in the case that a president-elect dies, is not chosen, or otherwise fails to qualify prior to the start of a new presidential term.

Section 3. If, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term of the President, the President elect shall have died, the Vice President elect shall become President. If a President shall not have been chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his term, or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified; and the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be selected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have qualified.


In the United States, a contingent election is the procedure used in presidential elections in the case where no candidate wins an absolute majority of votes in the Electoral College, the constitutional mechanism for electing the president and the vice president of the United States. A contingent election for the president is decided by a vote of the United States House of Representatives, and the contingent election for the vice president is decided by a vote of the United States Senate. The contingent election procedure, along with the other parts of the presidential election process, was first established in Article Two, Section 1, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution, and then modified by the 12th Amendment in 1804.

Contingent elections are extremely rare, having occurred only three times in American history, all in the early 19th century."


It's going to be a mess.

Steve Thomas

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42 minutes ago, Ron Ecker said:
2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

You do realize that President Obama allowed the FBI/DOJ and other agencies to spy on the incoming guy and dirty-up his appointees with false criminal charges?


Foremost in my mind right now about the administration previous to Trump's is that there was a peaceful and Constitutional transition of power in January 2017. I just hope to see another one.



What Wheeler said is true only in mythical Trumpland. In the real world, the FBI investigated (not "spied on") Trump's campaign to see if it was illegally dealing with the Russians. In the real world, Trump appointees were convicted of federal crimes (not "dirtied up with false criminal charges").


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8 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:


I don't think you will.

Here is my take at the moment.

Trump will declare the election to be invalid due to massive voter fraud and will barricade himself inside his newly established fortress and refuse to leave.

The issue will go to the Supreme Court. The Court will dither until January 20th and a Contingent Election will be held.

A Contingent Election is provided for in the XXth and XIIth Amendments to the Constitution.


"The Twentieth Amendment (Amendment XX) to the United States Constitution moved the beginning and ending of the terms of the president and vice president from March 4 to January 20, and of members of Congress from March 4 to January 3. It also has provisions that determine what is to be done when there is no president-elect. The Twentieth Amendment was adopted on January 23, 1933.[1]

The amendment was designed largely to limit the "lame duck" period, the period served by Congress and the president after an election but before the end of the terms of those who were not re-elected. Because under the amendment Congressional terms begin before presidential terms, it is now the incoming Congress, rather than the outgoing one, that would hold a contingent election in the event that no candidate wins a majority of the electoral vote in a presidential election. The amendment also establishes procedures in the case that a president-elect dies, is not chosen, or otherwise fails to qualify prior to the start of a new presidential term.

Section 3. If, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term of the President, the President elect shall have died, the Vice President elect shall become President. If a President shall not have been chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his term, or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified; and the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be selected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have qualified.


In the United States, a contingent election is the procedure used in presidential elections in the case where no candidate wins an absolute majority of votes in the Electoral College, the constitutional mechanism for electing the president and the vice president of the United States. A contingent election for the president is decided by a vote of the United States House of Representatives, and the contingent election for the vice president is decided by a vote of the United States Senate. The contingent election procedure, along with the other parts of the presidential election process, was first established in Article Two, Section 1, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution, and then modified by the 12th Amendment in 1804.

Contingent elections are extremely rare, having occurred only three times in American history, all in the early 19th century."


It's going to be a mess.

Steve Thomas

I support President Trump and will vote for him this year. I also don't think he has the balls to pull a move like you have described. He talks a lot of smack at  times, but it is usually just talk. He has let me down countless times with his promises that don't come to fruition.

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