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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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Don't know who is more sadly pathetic;

Trump in his mental prison world of insecure, paranoid, self-centered and delusional grandeur madness  ... or his blindly idolizing followers who view him as a living God savior come to allay their fears and frustrations and to give them purpose, direction and self-worth.

The following of a false God is always sad in it's eventual unfulfilling waste and emptiness.

Trump's one term turn as President turned out to be a pretty good gig though.

Over 300 days golfing? That's what ... 75 days a year? 

All expenses paid with tens of millions of "tax paying" little people's money covering massive security and airfare costs and even including free perfect photo op self-promotion of your own properties.

Plenty of free time to lay in bed watching TV and tweeting thousands of poor grammer and punctuation obsessive personal thought tweets which have nothing to do with the every day needs, struggles and challenges of his 325 million fellow Americans.

Time for 100 huge extra taxpayer paid costs rallies which get him out of the White House (which he considers a confining dump and exasperating to his extreme ADD condition ) and that satisfy his desperate need to perform stand up comedy in front of a cheering adulation crowd audience ( WE LOVE YOU ) and who even laugh at his bad jokes!

You get to place your immediate family in highly influencing and responsible positions close to you regardless of their total lack of experience, qualifications and even security clearance credentials.

You get to be surrounded by beautiful women at work like Hope Hicks, Kellyanne Conway, Kayleigh McAnaney, Kimberly Guilfoyle, etc.

You get to play the Wizard Of OZ and drape big importance sounding medals around people's necks, especially your own friends like Rush Limbaugh.

You get to host and pal around with championship winning sports teams and indulge them with lavish fast food banquet spreads and act as if you paid the bill for these.

You get to have tanning gel, hair dye and who knows what other personal make up and grooming fawning sessions almost daily that cost little people "tax payers" another extra $100, 000 a year as well.

You and your wife never have to wash your own underwear, cook a meal, wash a dish, clean a toilet, vacuum a rug, worry about the bills or deal with job and income loss and stress like all the little people.

And all you can do and say after being so indulged in this royal life style is complain and whine how the Democrats and liberals cheated you out of another 4 years of this pampered golfing, rally, TV watching and tweeting, medal handing out good life?

Well, like insult comedian Don Rickles would constantly say to his aging Hollywood star targets ... "IT'S OVER!" 

" Oh, you think you still have years ... but face it ... IT'S OVER!"





Edited by Joe Bauer
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2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

First of all McBride, you don't get to suddenly appear in hear and call my links BS, when collectively, you and your associated travelers here collectively quote from the same five sources; and have been collectively wrong on:

  • the original Russiagate investigation.
  • the prosecution of General Flynn,
  • the  impeachment of Trump's Ukraine conversation,


Huh???  🤥


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If Rod Serling himself had come up with a future time story like this Trump presidency, it would have been censured by his network as too unbelievable and disturbing and Serling would have been asked to be checked out by a psychiatrist.

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1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

Don't know who is more sadly pathetic;

Trump in his mental prison world of insecure, paranoid, self-centered and delusional grandeur madness  ... or his blindly idolizing followers who view him as a living God savior come to allay their fears and frustrations and to give them purpose, direction and self-worth.

The following of a false God is always sad in it's eventual unfulfilling waste and emptiness.


You can feel some measure of sympathy for Trump himself, because he has a mental illness.

I wonder how the people felt when Moses destroyed their golden calf.

Steve Thomas

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What happens when a narcissist loses? Expect "rage" and "terror," psychologists warn

"A truly significant loss… may trigger not only a reign of terror but destruction without limit," one expert says

By Matthew Rozsa October 28, 2020



“If Trump loses, Durvasula says it will be like watching a three-year-old refuse to go to bed.

"They will just stand there, poignantly in their Superman pajamas and say NO, I am NOT going to bed, and drop to the ground and scream," she explained. "Plan on an adult version of that. As is often the case when a difficult personality style like this faces disappointment we tend to see a cascade of reactions – oppositionality, denial, rage, despair, paranoia, more rage, entitlement, victimhood, and vindictiveness."

“The next question, then, is what Trump could actually do in his vindictive rage to punish an America which he may believe has consigned him to "loser" status. (Indeed, one-term presidents are usually regarded as failures — and Trump would be the first one-termer in 28 years).”

“Trump could also pick winners and losers in terms of who receives federal help during the pandemic and recession, helping those who sided with him and exacting vengeance against those who did not. He could egg on his supporters into committing acts of violence or, at the very least, do everything in his power to make sure they do not accept the legitimacy of a Biden presidency.”

(Remember what Trump said about everyone getting the vaccine except New York State and California not getting Federal Disaster Relief Aid for its wildfires because Governor Gavin Newsome had been mean to him.)

“Most ominous of all, a narcissist like Trump could simply refuse to leave office when his term ends on January 20, 2021.”

Steve Thomas

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Politics makes for strange bedfellows.

Azerbaijan delays takeover, denounces fleeing Armenians

By JIM HEINTZ 11/15/20


MOSCOW (AP) — “Azerbaijan on Sunday postponed taking control of a territory ceded by Armenian forces in a cease-fire agreement, but denounced civilians leaving the area for burning houses and committing what it called “ecological terror.”

The cease-fire ended six weeks of intense fighting between Azerbaijan and Armenia over the Nagorno-Karabakh region and territories outside its formal borders that had been under the control of Armenian forces since 1994. The agreement calls for Azerbaijan to take control of the outlying territories. The first, Kelbajar, was to be turned over on Sunday.

After the agreement was announced early Tuesday, many distraught residents preparing to evacuate set their houses ablaze to make them unusable to Azerbaijanis who would move in.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev assured Russian President Vladimir Putin, who negotiated the cease-fire and is sending about 2,000 peacekeeping troops, that Christian churches would be protected.

“Christians of Azerbaijan will have access to these churches,” Aliyev’s office said in statement Sunday.

Azerbaijan is about 95% Muslim and Armenia is overwhelmingly Christian. Azerbaijan accuses Armenians of desecrating Muslim sites during their decades of control of Nagorno-Karabakh and surrounding territories, including housing livestock in mosques.”

Let's see... A Moslem President assuring a Communist leader that Christian churches will be protected...

Steve Thomas

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18 hours ago, Robert Burrows said:

🤣 Did you create this, Kirk? If so, I'd ask your permission to post it on my Facebook page. 

No Robert, I didn't create it, but I wish I did. It's just going around and I'm sure you can use it.

That was an Axios interview with Jonathan Swan and the papers that Trump was pulling out in that interview were bogus evidence that they were "turning the corner against the virus", which prompted the disbelieving look in Swan. 

The best frame is the final one as that is the look Trump gives when he's really trying to pull a con.

I appreciated you and Mark's posts that I would call "Living in Trump Country".  I don't and it's good  information for us in blue states or metro areas to be aware of.

You might like this too.




Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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12 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Interesting photo going around the Interwebs.



Ha! Yes, don't let this lady fool you with that RED dress she's wearing. You see that little BLUE animal on the table? What a deviously clever message.

And God, those ugly tattoos on her legs! There's no telling where else she's tattooed. The more people who know it the better: Stay away from this woman!


Edited by Ron Ecker
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A RAND Initiative to Restore the Role of Facts and Analysis in Public Life

RAND is studying ‘Truth Decay’—the diminishing role of facts and analysis in American public life. As a nonpartisan institution that seeks to advance the public good through research and analysis, RAND is concerned about the threat Truth Decay poses to evidence-based policymaking. We invite fellow researchers and engaged stakeholders to join our efforts to find solutions.”




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42 minutes ago, Ron Ecker said:


Ha! Yes, don't let this lady fool you with that RED dress she's wearing. You see that little BLUE animal on the table? What a deviously clever message.

And God, those ugly tattoos are on her legs! There's no telling where else she's tattooed. The more people who know it the better: Stay away from this woman!


Thank you for explaining that to me, Ron. Now I can finally stop beating my head against the wall while trying to figure out what Mr. Wheeler found interesting about this picture. 

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"Another Vaccine just announced. This time by Moderna, 95% effective. For those great “historians”, please remember that these great discoveries, which will end the China Plague, all took place on my watch!"

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 16, 2020

Historians looking back on your watch, huh?


Steve Thomas

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Are you  saying that Trump's vote count went down by 17,000 votes and no one noticed?

And no judge in the state considered that factor?

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Giuliani’s fantasy parade of false voter-fraud claims

by Glenn Kessler
November 16, 2020
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