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1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:

After spending a decent amount of time on this forum, I completely understand why no one has figured out who killed JFK.

Huh?  Do you and Ben ever get anything right?

You've got the glib, self-assured jive talking down, but all of your half-baked "theories" are nothing burgers-- usually based on obscure marital records and islands (Gibson, Epstein, etc.)

In Ben's case, most of his daily spam comes straight from the MAGA-verse-- like his absurd notion that the Congressional J6 Committee hasn't come up with any damning evidence about Trump's coup plot!

Ben's daily talking points here directly mirror things I hear from Trumplicons on less scholarly forums-- like the false Trumplicon memes about "hearsay" evidence and "theatrics."


Edited by W. Niederhut
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As I was cruising around the MAGA-verse, wearing my "Trump" hat that I borrowed by Ray Epps, and I was reading the MAGA-paper, The New York Times.

Some columnist (Bret Stephens) at the MAGA-stronghold The New York Times wrote two days ago "the Steele dossier and all the bogus allegations, credulously parroted in the mainstream media, that flowed from it" was an "elaborate hoax" and that "there’s just no other word for it".


OK, so Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, Aaron Mate and now Bret Stephens call the whole Russiagate smear a "hoax."

Our own Jim DiEugenio says he has serious reservations about the Russiagate story, and never bought it. 

I am just a wag, but I also dismiss the Russiagate follies as a hoax. 

So...some in this forum evidently still have faith in the Russiagate narrative, and subsequent sequential narratives regarding Trump. 

At what point does one become skeptical of M$M narratives? After the Wuhan Lab Leak Debunked  headlines? How about Hunter Biden's Laptop is Russian Disinformation 

In my view, there has been a melding of the shadow state, the M$M, and the establishment wings of both parties. Sorry, friends, the Donks are in on it. 

Stay skeptical, my friends. 

And remember, commission reports (9/11, WC) and committee hearings (HUAC, HSCA, 1/6)...are like prosecutions and narratives without a defense or alternative view. 


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2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

After spending a decent amount of time on this forum, I completely understand why no one has figured out who killed JFK.

Well, many of us here understand why you've not figured any of it out.  You've never looked.  You're not here over the JFKA.  You never post in other threads about it.  You seem to have a different agenda.  

This thread as the title implies was originally about how we got from the JFKA to now, 2022.  RFK, MLK, Watergate, Iran Contra, Iraq, Gore-SC-2000-Bush, 9/11, Iraq, and yes, January 6th 2021.  I commend the administrators for not shutting it down for the distractions I've often commented on myself.  It is a rare place on the internet where sometimes objective comments occur, on the JFKA and other related subjects.  I realize it's as well the most active/viewed thread on the forum.

Some of us here are looking for the Truth as Mark Knight recently alluded to.  You sir I believe are here for a different purpose and are not fooling some of us.  

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9 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

4. Why is Ray Epps free, but Mr. Buffalo Horns in prison for four years?


Ray Epps cannot be arrested for something there is no evidence for. He claims he didn't enter the Capitol on 1/6 and no video clips of him inside the Capitol have been discovered.

While it is true that Epps encouraged others to enter the Capitol (he did so prior to the riot), that it not  an offense that the authorities have pursued.

Please remove him from your list. And stop reading fake news sites.


Edited by Sandy Larsen
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Let us start with what Orbeez balls are before we get to the challenge and its consequences.

Orbeez balls are super-absorbent polymer beads that grow over 100 times their volume when placed in water.

They are soft and bouncy and are advertised as a children’s product by their manufacturer, Spin Master.

The latest TikTok trend that many are dreading involves shooting the Orbeez balls at strangers and filming their reactions simultaneously."

Some people are freezing the pellets so their impact is greater, and doing drive-by shootings.

This is a recipe for disaster.

Steve Thomas

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5 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


Ray Epps cannot be arrested for something there is no evidence for. He claims he didn't enter the Capitol on 1/6 and no video clips of him inside the Capitol have been discovered.

While it is true that Epps encouraged others to enter the Capitol before the riot, that it not  an offense that the authorities have pursued.

Please remove him from your list.


Not sure about your statement.

The federal government is pursuing some individuals who were not inside the Capitol on 1/6, but belong to certain groups, such as the Proud Boys. 

Enrique Tarrio, the Afro-Cubano leader of the Proud Boys, is facing charges, and evidently was not in DC on 1/6. 

"By November 2021, at least two dozen Proud Boys members and affiliates had been indicted for their alleged roles in the in the 2021 United States Capitol attack.[57][58][59] Tarrio and the Proud Boys were subpoenaed by the House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack in November 2021 relating to the organization's alleged involvement.[60] In March 2022, Tarrio was indicted on a conspiracy charge by the Justice Department for his involvement in organizing the January 6 attack.[61] On June 6, 2022, the Justice Department announced that Tarrio and four other members had been indicted on more serious seditious conspiracy charges.[62][63]"---Wikipedia


Not sure if the Proud Boys ever testified before the 1/6 committee. Nothing googles up, but I may stand corrected. 

The 1/6 committee looked at certain groups, such as Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, but seems to have dropped those issues, or the M$M decided not to play them up.  As far as the 1/6 committee goes, those two groups seemed to have dropped down the rabbit hole. 

My guess is that if there were any connections between Trump officials and the Proud Boys of the Oath Keepers, the 1/6 committee would have highlighted it. In the age of smartphones, smartphone geolocation abilities, and trackable banking details, it is almost impossible to hide connections between people. 

"Last week, Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes offered to testify under oath before the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6  assault on the Capitol. Rhodes, who founded the far-right Oath Keepers group in 2009, said he would only participate in the hearing if it was live on national television." ---CBS news. 

But the 1/6 committee declined to have Steward Rhodes testify. Rhodes is a Yale Lw School grad and a former Army paratrooper. 

The 1/6 committee may have concerns about federal assets within both those groups--what do you think? 


Edited by Benjamin Cole
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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:
4 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

Ray Epps cannot be arrested for something there is no evidence for. He claims he didn't enter the Capitol on 1/6 and no video clips of him inside the Capitol have been discovered.


1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Not sure about your statement.

The federal government is pursuing some individuals who were not inside the Capitol on 1/6, but belong to certain groups, such as the Proud Boys.


Several of those guys were charged with seditious conspiracy for planning the 1/6 attack. Ray Epps apparently wasn't involved in that.


Edited by Sandy Larsen
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      I probably need to chill out about this, but is anyone else around here really fed up with this pervasive Trumplicon dishonesty and denial about January 6th?  It seems to go hand-in-hand with the incessant anti-Biden smear campaign in the right wing media.

     The anti-Biden smear campaign reminds me of the incessant Fox News smear campaign against Obama from 2008-17.

      In Obama's case, the smear was about being black, Kenyan, an alleged Muslim, Marxist, etc.

      In Biden's case, it's about being elderly, allegedly demented, having a bicycle accident, allegedly being a pedophile, etc.  It's Karl Rovian slime.

‘It’s a kangaroo court’: in key state, Trump backers dismiss January 6 hearings | Wisconsin | The Guardian

Edited by W. Niederhut
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1 minute ago, W. Niederhut said:

      I probably need to chill out about this, but is anyone else around here really fed up with this pervasive Trumplicon dishonesty and denial about January 6th?  It seems to go hand-in-hand with the incessant anti-Biden smear campaign in the right wing MAGA-verse media.

     The anti-Biden smear campaign reminds me of the incessant Fox News smear campaign against Obama from 2008-17.

      In Obama's case, the smear was about being black, Kenyan, an alleged Muslim, Marxist, etc.

      In Biden's case, it's about being elderly, demented, having a bicycle accident, allegedly being a pedophile, etc.

‘It’s a kangaroo court’: in key state, Trump backers dismiss January 6 hearings | Wisconsin | The Guardian

The Republicans were aggressively trying to sabotage everything Obama did from the second he took office until the second he left office.

If Obama accomplished any progressive agenda goal during his 8 years the history books should include an asterisk highlighting the extraordinary fact that he did this while under constant obstructive attack by the Republican members of Congress.

Same thing with Biden.

This inflation crisis is nothing that Biden had or has any control over.

And it was occurring well before he took office with the exception of gas prices going up 100% higher since he took office.

And what is Biden supposed to do, tell the oil company monopoly to just roll back their charges 50% effective immediately...because the cost of gas is killing 200+ million  Americans who make less than $100,000 a year? 85% of the adult population?

Grocery prices, utility prices, medical insurance and other costs, clothing, car repair, insurance and even new car prices have been exploding for years now.

I went into a 7-11 convenience store two days ago to get a hot dog.

I do this maybe once or twice a year when I just have to eat something that I know is the most unhealthy food yet I just have a craving for it.

For years their dinky dogs were about $1.50 cents. Now...they are $3!

And even the cheese and chili sauce machines are gone as well. A clerk told me this was just another cost cutting move.

Our dollar store just became the $1.25 cents store. That's a huge instant 25% increase in costs. Hey, our small fixed social security monthly checks only go up 1.5% a year!

I went to our local chain grocery store yesterday as well as my wife was ill and couldn't do this. I have been sick about the cost of groceries going up non-stop the last 5 years, but I was stunned what they cost now.

One of our indulgences is raisin bread for toasting. 

One SMALL loaf was ...$6.50 cents! Just 3 years ago it was $3!

And our gas here in California is still $6+ a gallon.

This price gouging insanity has been building for years and has nothing to do with Biden and / or the Democrats.


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21 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


      In Biden's case, it's about being elderly, allegedly demented, having a bicycle accident, allegedly being a pedophile, etc.  It's Karl Rovian slime.



I've been a member of this Forum for the better part of 18 years now. I've seen people come, and people go.

Some people I agree with, and some people I don't. When I find someone who gets too churlish or boring, I put them on Ignore and go on about my business.

This morning, I filed the first complaint against another member in all the time in the 18 years I have been a member of the Forum. He accused the President of the United States of raping children.

For me, that goes beyond all boundaries of civility and decorum, and I just couldn't sit by any more. He shouldn't be a member of this or any other public space.

Steve Thomas


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3 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

My guess is that if there were any connections between Trump officials and the Proud Boys of the Oath Keepers, the 1/6 committee would have highlighted it. In the age of smartphones, smartphone geolocation abilities, and trackable banking details, it is almost impossible to hide connections between people. 






A court document filed by an accused Proud Boy included '1776 Returns,' a detailed plan for the Capitol riot.


Ahead of Jan. 6, Willard hotel in downtown D.C. was a Trump team 'command center' for effort to deny Biden the presidency.

Bannon, Stone, Powell, Flynn among others.

Why is Bannon going to prison? He can't spill the beans on this aspect of the operation.

So, believe what you must, relating to the connection between "Don the Con" and these low life thugs, but you're wasting your time trying to convince anyone who has paid the least bit of attention to those 99% of Trump Republicans who have testified before the committee.

In this instance, there is no value engaging in a discussion with those that choose naivety.









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