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Kamala Harris and the RFK assassination

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2 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Not to deride BLM or Michelle in any shape form or fashion but I thought Bernie and Kasich stole the show as far as powerful messages.  Multiple moving statements from common people.  Jmo for the few people who might have watched.

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On 8/15/2020 at 12:17 PM, Jeff Carter said:

There is no "proven collusion" and this continues to stand as a pathetic smear. Assange is being slowly killed in prison because he helped reveal serious war crimes during his practice of an admittedly radical journalistic practice. Other senior Wikileaks personnel are now also being targeted. Any pretence to progressive or enlightened standing by CV has been cancelled due to his repeated citation of this key Russiagate lie.

A primary purpose of the Russiagate hoax was to steer domestic opposition towards exactly the sort of lame centrist Democrat ticket seen today. This after Trump’s election kicked open the biggest opportunity for true progressive change in the Party seen in decades. An opportunity completely squandered after the energies were redirected into a phoney “meddling” and “collusion” narrative.

Next up will be an intensification of censorship and surveillance directed at true progressives and other political opposition, based on false or exaggerated allegations, as proposed in the UK but reflecting the stance of Congressional Democrats and supported by the legacy media in the US.

“It calls expressly and repeatedly for the security services to be actively involved in “policing the democratic space” and castigates the security services for their unwillingness to interfere in democratic process. It calls for tough government action against social media companies who refuse to censor and remove from the internet material it believes to be inspired by foreign states.”

The Russian Interference Report, Without Laughing


Geez, Jeff,  let's see how you spin this one...

(I'll get some popcorn.)   🤥


Trump’s 2016 campaign chair was a ‘grave counterintelligence threat,’ had repeated contact with Russian intelligence, Senate panel finds



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Wonder where Biden and Harris stand on Edward Snowden?

Regard's Trump's wag the dog announcement dangle of a possible pardon for Snowden, I wondered if maybe Putin got word to Trump that they were tired of paying Snowden's living and security expenses?

Donaldsky malyshka, please, save us some rubles and get this nakhlebnik out of our hair.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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5 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Geez, Jeff,  let's see how you spin this one...

(I'll get some popcorn.)   🤥


Trump’s 2016 campaign chair was a ‘grave counterintelligence threat,’ had repeated contact with Russian intelligence, Senate panel finds



First, this is the wrong thread.

Second, the sensationalist headline does not accurately reflect the article’s collection of conflicting partisan opinions.

Third, the Committee appears to have portrayed both the FBI and CIA as hopelessly and utterly inept and incompetent, which seems a far greater scandal than the alleged Russian meddling.

I believe the information will prove current circa 2018, but long since eclipsed and/or revised.

Take this to the Zaid thread if you wish.

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1 hour ago, Jeff Carter said:

First, this is the wrong thread.

Second, the sensationalist headline does not accurately reflect the article’s collection of conflicting partisan opinions.

Third, the Committee appears to have portrayed both the FBI and CIA as hopelessly and utterly inept and incompetent, which seems a far greater scandal than the alleged Russian meddling.

I believe the information will prove current circa 2018, but long since eclipsed and/or revised.

Take this to the Zaid thread if you wish.

With all due respect, Jeff, you were just reiterating your "no collusion" Russia-gate spiel on this very thread.

As for our debates on the Mark Zaid thread, you claimed that Konstantin Kilimnik was not a GRU agent.

The Senate concluded that he is, indeed, GRU.

The Manafort-Kilimnik relationship seems to be central to the "collusion" issue, and Manafort stonewalled Mueller to the bitter end on it.

As for claiming that this is a "partisan" Report, nonsense.  Richard Burr and the GOP controlled the Senate Intel Committee from start to finish.

My only suspicion about this Report is that it is being released now, before the election.  Not sure why the Republicans did that.

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2 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Wonder where Biden and Harris stand on Edward Snowden?

Regard's Trump's wag the dog announcement dangle of a possible pardon for Snowden, I wondered if maybe Putin got word to Trump that they were tired of paying this Snowden's living and security expenses?

Donaldsky malyshka, please, save us some rubles and get this nakhlebnik out of our hair.

Even if pardoned, I doubt Snowden will ever return to the US.

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36 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

With all due respect, Jeff, you were just reiterating your "no collusion" Russia-gate spiel on this very thread.

As for our debates on the Mark Zaid thread, you claimed that Konstantin Kilimnik was not a GRU agent.

The Senate concluded that he is, indeed, GRU.

The Manafort-Kilimnik relationship seems to be central to the "collusion" issue, and Manafort stonewalled Mueller to the bitter end on it.

As for claiming that this is a "partisan" Report, nonsense.  Richard Burr and the GOP controlled the Senate Intel Committee from start to finish.

My only suspicion about this Report is that it is being released now, before the election.  Not sure why the Republicans did that.

enjoy a triumphalist victory dance on the Zaid thread and I’ll provide the popcorn fodder there

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So the world meet's Kamala tomorrow.  Don't know if anyone else watch tonight.  A mixed bag.  The nominating process was unique to say the least but kind of cool, hearing Bernie getting votes.  With that and his speech last night it may persuade a few.  Bill's getting old, losing his voice.  Kerry was surprisingly strong.   So was Powell and Mrs. McCain.  The diversity and personal stories were the high points to me.  

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12 hours ago, Jeff Carter said:

enjoy a triumphalist victory dance on the Zaid thread and I’ll provide the popcorn fodder there

And, this morning, Jennifer Rubin lands the incapacitating groin kick... 

OUCH, Jeff...   Henceforth, you'll be singing soprano.  🤥

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        In light of the latest U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee Report confirming the 2016 Trump campaign's collusion with Russia, I would like to dedicate this poignant old cowboy song to Jeff Carter...  🤪


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17 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

So the world meet's Kamala tomorrow.  Don't know if anyone else watch tonight.  A mixed bag.  The nominating process was unique to say the least but kind of cool, hearing Bernie getting votes.  With that and his speech last night it may persuade a few.  Bill's getting old, losing his voice.  Kerry was surprisingly strong.   So was Powell and Mrs. McCain.  The diversity and personal stories were the high points to me.  

I thought this was the high point of the evening. Leave the guns. Take the calamari. 😀



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5 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

        In light of the latest U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee Report confirming the 2016 Trump campaign's collusion with Russia, I would like to dedicate this poignant old cowboy song to Jeff Carter...  🤪


This came up after your Riders In the Sky link.  As you mentioned the ZZ Top documentary in another thread I though you or others might enjoy.  Plus if the moderators don't mind I'd like to park it here so I can watch the whole thing after watching Kamala (and Warren) in a bit.


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On 8/17/2020 at 11:27 AM, Jeff Carter said:

The Wikileaks project established a radical non-violent direct action platform designed to level the playing field between the people at large and self-serving elite interests. It has been, in other words, a rather “punk rock” activity.

Which is why it’s so disappointing to see those who pretend to champion Assange slander, libel and defame him when they claim Seth Rich leaked the DNC e-mails.

Is there a more egregious smear of a journalist than to claim they revealed the name of a confidential source?

We can rule out Seth Rich as the source for the e-mails.  No way does Assange offer up the name of his sources, or anyone at the DNC since Assange would never reveal the methods by which the material was obtained.

Assange has stated he received the material from “non-State actors.”  Damn straight!  Roger Stone and his merry band.


Wikileaks detractors and now persecutors represent exactly these self-serving elites, with an attendant track record of lies and mendacity.

Yes!  The self-serving elites in this case are the Theological Fascists behind Trump.  The Trump DOJ piled on 17 counts in its persecution of Assange.


It is therefore disappointing that you have, by choosing to endorse the narratives of Assange’s persecutors,  allied yourself with such retrograde evidence-free positions.

You have allied yourself with Fascism, sir.



Edited by Cliff Varnell
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