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Pete Mellor

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Everything posted by Pete Mellor

  1. Correct Ron, CIA's human vulture...,landing on the ground immediately after someone's demise. Not just looking for Mary Meyer's diary, but the thing was never seen again as per Scott's files & Hoover's 'Private & Confidential' collection.
  2. Michael, Jamey, Denny & Gary have said it all. Vince, I did write a short review of some of the most important books on the JFK case that were published in 2021 for the 'Dealey Plaza Echo', a recent e-mail from that journals editor indicates that the piece, which includes 'Honest Answers', is on its way to press.
  3. Interesting two hours CSPAN American Uni video. Thanks for posting. (Recorded on my 39th birthday.) 🥳 Think above quote from Joe which I agree with. However, Judge did not challenge Dan Moldea's charge of Garrison "being on Marcello's payroll" and "being caught by IRS with marked money". No mention of CIA's support for Shaw's trial defence or the infiltration of Garrison's office by its Confidential Correspondents Group in New Orleans, or the likes of Bill Gurvich and others.
  4. I think it was in Curt Gentry's book 'J. Edgar Hoover: The Man & the Secrets' that included a statement from one of Hoover's next door neighbours that told of a man at the rear of Hoover's property shortly after the Director's death who was carrying boxes of files and loading them into a car. The neighbour identified this man as James Angleton.
  5. W, My copy has a quote on the back sleeve, "To live now and not to know this work is to be a kind of historical fool missing a crucial part of the consciousness of the age." & it makes me smile when the news reports from Moscow state that Ukraine is historically Russian. It's no wonder that Ukraine, Finland, Poland, Latvia, Moldova, Estonia, Lithuania, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Czech Republic etc., are all turning West to democracy and looking to Nato for protection from the bear.
  6. 'There was no section in Article 58 which was interpreted as broadly and with so ardent a revolutionary conscience as Section 10. Its definition was: "Propaganda or agitation, containing an appeal for the overthrow, subverting, or weakening of the Soviet power...and, equally, the dissemination or preparation or possession of literary materials of similar content." For this section in peacetime a minimum penalty only was set (not any less! not too light!); no upper limit was set for the maximum penalty. The Gulag Archipelago 1918-56 Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
  7. Disappeared, but I don't think I will be hunting for this. Amazon's only review from 'Interested Researcher' reads as though written by the self publicist herself, Vary Baker. Camper's age in '63 is a final nail in the book's coffin for me.
  8. Ron, Don't want to hijack this thread on West, but a co-reader on 'Goodreads' recently made me aware of this book:-'The MK/Ultra Secret' by Frank Camper. 'For more than thirty years the controversy over the assassination of John F. Kennedy has raged. Former military intelligence agent & CIA operative Frank Camper knows the truth of that assassination. The story is spine chilling & dramatic. It answers many of the questions which have plagued Americans about the loss of their most charismatic leader. Did Lee Harvey Oswald pull the trigger or was he simply a patsy in a game of mind control & CIA diversion? Could Lee Harvey Oswald have become such a risk to certain government agencies that he became expendable & as a result was used as a sacrificial lamb to divert attention & suspicion from the real assassins? THE MK\ULTRA SECRET will be released as a motion picture through Greystone Films in the early part of 1997.' I have no idea of this book or the above mentioned motion picture, although Goodreads readers give the book a high rating. Always dubious of any CIA operative who "knows the truth of that assassination." Has anyone read this book? (Not listed on Amazon U.K.) Published 1997.
  9. Thanks for posting this Micah, certainly not my field of expertise, but seems to be scientifically sound. Mark Johnson inferred that their work was going to produce some startling results. As this Faro Tech video is already 12 months old it is worth chasing Visual Law for updates. Mr Johnson's e-mail address = mark@visuallaw.com to be kept in the loop.
  10. Not in the above list, among others is Teresa Norton who, like Rose Cherami & Delilah Walle was another dancer/worker at Ruby's club. She was found shot to death in a Dallas motel in August '64. Penn Jones Jr recorded more than 50 deaths by the end of 1975.
  11. Not read the book, but have been aware of Richard's work for quite a few years.
  12. 😅 Well, it's somewhat reassuring to me that others have snippets of info in the back of their minds, or needles in haystacks, that they have misplaced or forgotten where they originally came across said piece of information. I'm certain that I read somewhere that a D.P.D. patrol cop encountered some suspicious person in the early hours of Fri 22nd around the TSBD, but have not come across it since & cannot recall in what publication it is in. I'm thinking that this incident could have been involved in getting the 6th floor accoutrements in place. Anyway, thanks for the reply. Your posts contain many fascinating details provoking much food for thought.
  13. Yes, pages 285-291 'The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy' Tim Tate & Brad Johnson. So, I think I'm mixing the two books. Elaine Neal's husband was with CIA. You wait ages then two come along at once!
  14. Greg, once again, many thanks for your logical and detailed synopsis in this and previous threads. I'm a little confused (some may say a lot) age related, but can you clarify your thinking regarding previous posts where you propose Oswald sold his Carcano after the Ryder scope fix repair. If I recall correctly from these vast posts the rifle was sold to Crafard at Dobbs House and via Yates' hitch hiker to the TSBD on Thurs 21st. This theory is a little far out for me, but that isn't unusual in this case. I wonder how Oswald would have transported the Carcano from Irving to Beckley without it being noticed by any witnesses in & out of the rooming house etc. (Jeez, my head isn't on straight regarding Oswald owning the rifle in the first place!) However, as previously stated, your posts are certainly food for thought.
  15. W, There are so many witnesses from the Ambassador, in the pantry, in the bar, + Serrano, many who saw the polka-dot dress girl with Sirhan that night & who witnesses her escape after the shooting with words "We shot him" or "We got him". It is some years back that I read 'The Polka Dot File' written by late L.A. based journalist Fernando Faura. In the book he names the polka dot dress girl as one Gilda or Gildeen Oppenheimer who he links with Anna Chennault a.k.a. Anna Chan. Faura's investigation for 'Life' magazine was linking Chennault to V.P. Spiro Agnew & presidential candidate Richard Nixon as well as Texan senator John Tower...until higher forces closed down Life's investigation for reasons of 'National Security'. I cannot recall if I learned from Faura's book, or another source, that Oppenheimer was married to a CIA guy, who would never allow her to wear the said dress. Apologies for the vague memory, as John Lennon said, "As you get a little bit older you get a little bit slower." I'm sure other Forum contributors can furnish further details.
  16. Chapman's background was weird in that as a low income worker he was able to afford a whole lot of globe trotting, prior to his expensive stalking of Lennon from Hawaii to New York, via Chicago and his New York hotel bills etc. His world travels involved Russia & China and a strange stay in Lebanon, at the time a sort of war zone in Beirut. A strange stay for a supposed Christian, when he failed to visit the Holy Land. Bresler writes in his book that CIA had a base in Beirut, as well as Peter Dale Scott suspecting some programming in Hawaii. For me, the strangest theory in Lennon's killing has been that of the Dakota doorman Jose Perdomo, who is supposed CIA Bay of Pigs Operation 40 chief.....then there is 'The Catcher in the Rye'. You plug Lennon with five dum-dum bullet shots, then just take out your Salinger novel.
  17. Pat, I'm sure the public viewing 313 with the backward head snap were seeing horrific images that didn't add up with the Warren conclusion. It is impossible to know just what happened to the original film. As for frame 313 Brugioni's recall states:- “…I remember all of us being shocked…it was straight up [gesturing high above his own head]…in the sky…There should have been more than one frame…I thought the spray was, say, three or four feet from his head…what I saw was more than that [than frame 313 in today’s film]…it wasn’t low [as in frame 313], it was high…there was more than that in the original…It was way high off of his head…and I can’t imagine that there would only be one frame. What I saw was more than you have there [in frame 313].” He also described a white spray. I sometimes wonder if the original film had images of JFK being hit from the front PRIOR to disappearing behind the Stemmons sign, and 'jumping up' as some witnesses described. & as Benjamin conjectures or as Doug Horne thinks, 'the blob on the side of JFK's head was painted in to fit actions at Bethesda. Whatever went on, it does seem we have missing images, the Elm turn and the limo stop and the obvious conclusion being dark arts were being practiced.
  18. Rick/Larry I agree with Larry's post, I never gave the Vinson story any credence, the idea that a four engine aircraft could land in central Dallas in the dusty Trinity riverbed and in the decades since have no witnesses to comment on such a strange event, closely following the assassination of the POTUS. Never made any sense to me. Whereas Mathew Smith's work on Redbird and January was always interesting. I was at Lancer with Mathew in 2003, although at a DPUK meet back in England years later, Mathew swore blind he was not there in 2003. I think the years were catching up on him by then, but we spoke for hours in York....loved the man & I got all his books signed.
  19. Gil, Doug Horne's 5 volume set 'Inside the A.R.R.B.' counts among the top reads on the JFKA & Vol.IV contains his work on Zapruder's film over the assassination weekend. The testimonies of Brugioni, McMahon & Hunter along with the chain of custody of the camera original & its Dallas copies are to me the 'rosetta stone' of JFKA conspiracy. Why a sophisticated conjurers trick involving CIA/Kodak 'Hawkeyeworks in Rochester, New York and NPIC in D.C. over two nights with two independent film teams, ignorant of each other, and a copy 8mm film returning to its original out-of-camera 16mm 'double 8' film, delivered by the never identified Secret Service agent 'Bill Smith'. (Unless Mr. Palamara knows different.) I doubt Hollywood could devise such a cynical, dastardly and devious plot line, yet these actions were completed within hours of the Dallas killing. All for what? A lone nut!
  20. You're not alone Bill. The vast majority of Joe Public have no idea of the tangled web of links in these cases. Linking the RFK case back to the JFKA....Mickey Cohen was also a friend to Jack Ruby's defence attorney Melvin Belli, as well as having links to Ruby himself.
  21. Cheers Chris, 'The Real Manchurian Candidate' vid is full of interesting info, much of it covered in 'A Lie Too Big To Fail'. As this thread looks at MK/Ultra & CIA links to Sirhan, it is also interesting the mention of "Mafia connections left & right". Dr. Brown mentions Frank Donneroumas alias Henry Ramistella who was Sirhan's handler at Santa Anita & Corona. Ramistella, a mobster from New Jersey who had been working in California under an alias because as Henry Ramistella he had been banned from most of the racetracks in the country. In addition both Ramistella & Sirhan had links to Corona ranch owner Desi Arnaz (I Love Lucy) a mob-connected entertainer who also had links to Cuban exiles & a known associate of Mickey Cohen. A Jew, Cohen who practically lived at Santa Anita may well have become aware of the Palestinian. RFK's Ambassador security guard Cesar had ties to mobster John Alessio, another friend of Mickey Cohen. We know Cesar was only called to the Ambassador at the last minute to provide 'security' on the evening of June 5th. Cohen was also friends with Kennedy enemies Carlos Marcello and Jimmy Hoffa. Even the Ambassador Hotel itself was part owned by organised crime investors. After the assassination Sirhan's defence lawyer was Grant Cooper who coincidently was also representing mobster Johnny Roselli. Sirhan's other defence lawyer Russell Parsons was a noted mob attorney who had once been investigated by RFK back in the McClennan Rackets Committee days. This same Committee in March '59 smelled a rat in the relationship between the LAPD & Mickey Cohen. Little wonder that Sirhan's original defence team never questioned LAPD's claim that Sirhan shot RFK & never used the autopsy/ballistic/eye-witness evidence in court to challenge the charges. Like the JFKA the RFK plot has strong indications of elements of intelligence and Mafia involvements. A perfect arrangement for plausible deniability.
  22. John, Denis has this image in a photograph on the top of page 3 of this thread. Looks like him to me.
  23. Certainly frozen peas David. Too much sugar in tinned peas.
  24. David, I'm viewing this from the U.K. so I'm ignorant as to U.S. procedures both now & back sixty years. Yet DPD weren't interviewing just a witness, they had charged the guy with assassinating the POTUS in a confusing and highly visible case with the world media watching developments etc. Assuming Sunday morning was a surprise event to Fritz & Co., surely the fully transcribed interview sessions from taped records would have been most important in a trial...even with a Dallas D.A. like Wade. LHO was interrogated in sessions on Friday, Saturday & Sunday morning. How many hours in all? The Fritz/Bookhout/Hosty notes could only cover an hour or two, if that. What was covered in the full time periods? As I posted, this lost info has resulted in all the guessing, surmising, theorising of the 'so called evidence'.
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