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Attorney's file on Roger Stone, LaRouche and Russia influencing the 2016 presidential election

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A redaction of classified information in the 400 page report could easily be completed in one week.

And your restriction of Roswell disclosures in critiques of your synopsis is illogically unfair imo.

Since both JFK and Trump ( and probably Mueller himself ) believed the incident was a true ET vehicle crash with bodies and the recovery and study of this vehicle enhanced even more the power grip of our military industrial complex since then with huge technical advancements they could control and monetize ... this reality could add some understanding regards Mueller and his true intentions in creating and ending the report with it's finding.

I kiddingly protest this Roswell disclosure restriction.  



Edited by Joe Bauer
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12 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


Well you said a lot. But you didn't show me where my statement is wrong.


I get it: the events in question should be understood with a minimum of context and maximum literalness.

I don’t share the politics of Trump or his supporters, but as I said when this topic came up previously: the level of media and legal onslaught on the Trump campaign is what can be expected to be directed at any unvetted non-establishment political campaign which is popular enough to achieve electoral success. 

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23 minutes ago, Jeff Carter said:

I get it: the events in question should be understood with a minimum of context and maximum literalness.

I don’t share the politics of Trump or his supporters, but as I said when this topic came up previously: the level of media and legal onslaught on the Trump campaign is what can be expected to be directed at any unvetted non-establishment political campaign which is popular enough to achieve electoral success. 

Trump isn't "non-establishment."  Theological fascism has been deeply embedded in the American establishment since Reagan.

Theological fascism animated the New York office of the FBI went they sat on Anthony Weiner's possession of Clinton's duplicate e-mails until two weeks before the election, then forwarded them to FBI chief James Comey who was happy to help rig the 2016 election by re-opening the e-mail investigation.

The "media and legal onslaught" on the Clinton campaign was unprecedented.  But you're more than okay with that, right, Jeff?

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Some on Mueller’s Team See Their Findings as More Damaging for Trump Than Barr Revealed




[What? Is Barr engaged in a cover-up? Has he engaged in obstruction of justice? The bell begins to toll.]

Edited by Douglas Caddy
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Talk about addressing the "Forgotten man" President Trump addresses the "least of the least of us". Is there any question Russiagate is a fraud. They always like to kill US Presidents that are acting on behalf of the "common good". A few days ago Trump announced a 5 year plan to return to the moon and from there space travel to Mars. That brings JFK's legacy back to life overnight. 



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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

What would Lyndon say?

Lyin Lyndon?  He's pretty well obliterated from the internet now.  Googling him gets one reference that givesyou this.


LBJ had no friends at Texas State but he kissed up to the University president there as an errand boy and fixer using the president's name.  Lived in an apartment or room on the president's premises.  Sucked up.  Learned to do it well. Became known to the rest of the campus as Lyin Lyndon.  As was printed in yearbook references his Sr. year.  He discovered this, managed to corral the copies before distribution and somehow expunge the "Lyin" part.  Or so I've read, if memory serves, depending on what/who you believe. 

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2 hours ago, Jim Harwood said:

Talk about addressing the "Forgotten man" President Trump addresses the "least of the least of us". Is there any question Russiagate is a fraud. They always like to kill US Presidents that are acting on behalf of the "common good".

How is giving trillions of dollars to the most wealthy a part of the common good?

Depriving people of health care?

Cutting food stamps?

Trump Delusion Syndrome in effect here, it appears.

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20 hours ago, Cory Santos said:

Agree with Kirk, what is your point?  How can you say it was ignored? Everyone covered it.  A whole lot.  Were you watching tv at the time or out fishing for a month?

Why bother with a response at the rate it get's buried on this thread by some posters?  Potential president pussy grabber was not ignored, That was grabbed upon and exploited, gaining the "reality" star more exposure.  The bigger picture was ignored or suppressed, paying off porn stars, screwing one while his wife's pregnant.  Getting his second wife pregnant before leaving the first.  All cardinal sins for a Christian Right supported former Democrat, but forgiven.  He's a flip flopper.  No party till 87, republican. 2001-09 Democrat. 

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Ron says:

The bigger picture was ignored or suppressed, paying off porn stars, screwing one while his wife's pregnant.


Suppressed?  So you're saying that story wasn't wasn't splattered everywhere in the MSM?  Everybody knows the Stormy Daniel story Ron. She actually had a lawyer who was on every major network every day (where were you?, Do you own a TV ?) exploiting the story with such success , he actually was considering running for President as a Democrat in 2020 but just last week got indicted for trying to extort Nike.

I find it ironic that somebody so completely out of touch with what was going on would be continually opining about, of all things,  the MSM.

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14 hours ago, Jeff Carter said:
On 4/3/2019 at 1:50 AM, Sandy Larsen said:

Well you said a lot. But you didn't show me where my statement is wrong.

I get it: the events in question should be understood with a minimum of context and maximum literalness.

Well, no. It wasn't the "events in question" that we were disputing. (Well, maybe you were, but I wasn't.) It was a simple statement I'd made, asking whether it was true or not. Since you seemed to disagree with it, I wanted to know specifically what your objection was.


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6 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

How is giving trillions of dollars to the most wealthy a part of the common good?

Depriving people of health care?

Cutting food stamps?

Trump Delusion Syndrome in effect here, it appears.

Your'e wrong. I agree totally with your identification of T-3 as being a game stopper but I cannot go along with this lynching of President Trump. The last time we had a serious President he was the son of a major bootlegger Nazi sympathizer and organized criminal and worst of all a rabid Anglophile that married his daughter off to British Royalty, the notorious Cecil family. And yet with all that baggage that President decided to turn over the chess board and act as an American President should act. Now we have a Real Estate Developer and Casino Operator who used boast mob lawyer and Gay Edgar Hoover pal Roy Cohn as his attorney and now he's turning over the chess board. It's a beautiful irony. 

For years JFK buffs claimed the media was rotten "Oh it's Operation Mockingbird and the damn CIA again. You can"t believe a word they say" and yet when you have  President that calls them out , calls them "Fake News" and identifies them as a threat to the population many of the JFK buffs don't support him.  They swallow Russiagate whole.  I just don't get it. 

Trump likes to fight. Traditional American revolutionaries (like the founding father not the synthetic New Left of the 1960's created by the enemy) speak to power using truth and in a very uncompromised way. President Trump seems to do this well and he will fight. I think folks ought to be happy that we finally got a Prez that will fight after nearly 60 years of agents and p-ssies. What a bunch of losers in the WH from 11/23/63 to 1/1/2017. 

Edited by Jim Harwood
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Paul, that is only on the one score about anti Semitism.  Joe Kennedy was trying to save the Jews of Europe at an earlier date than almost anyone.

Bob also does a lot of negation of the whole bootlegger angle, which people like Mark Shaw are still using.  But this has been discredited and I will go over this in my review of Shaw's latest, Denial of Justice.

But there is simply no way anyone can do anything with what Joseph Kennedy did in London as ambassador.  The best one can say is that FDR and Cordell Hull should have never let him have that job.  He simply did not have any prior diplomatic experience, did not have the right temperament, and was to used to running the show himself.  After reading Nasaw's book about him, which goes into remarkable length and depth about this, Joe Kennedy did not even want to use England as the hammer against the Nazis. Which would have made a lot of sense. Especially after Hitler made a grave military error and called off Operation Sea Lion--the invasion of the British Isles. Once Hitler called that off, the logical military option for the USA was to give Churchill all the means and money he needed to counter Germany's northward advance.  But it appears that Joe Kennedy did not even want to do that.  He wanted to wait for the Axis to attack the USA.

Hull and FDR did not agree with that. They wanted to do the destroyers for bases deal with Churchill.  At this point of disagreement, either Joe Kennedy should have resigned, or FDR should have recalled him. But Roosevelt wanted him around for the 1940 election since Wilkie looked like a real challenger.  

In reading through all of these hundred or so pages, Joe Kennedy should have never been assigned that position.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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