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Jeffrey Epstein Dies By Suicide Under Suicide Watch? Comparisons To Oswald's Death In Dallas Police Custody Inevitable.

Joe Bauer

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This link provided by Chris Davidson in the "Conspiracy theories a threat" thread was shocking to me.  There was only one comment on it and I wonder if others took time to read it.  Keep in mind Chris posted it before Epstein "committed suicide", and, the complaint itself was filed in U S District Court in April 2016, before Trump was even nominated or taken seriously by most.

What ever happened with this case.  Was it dropped?  The plaintiff's attorney(s) had to have believed pretty strongly in her veracity for it to have gotten that far.  Was it settled out of court?  Were the plaintiff and material witness discredited?  I don't recall seeing anything about it in the news at the time.  I guess the MSM wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole.

Based on other accusers/victims/witness statements about Epstein it's not hard to believe him being involved in it.  I'm sure the prez doesn't want this being discussed in the news.  Cohen going to jail in part for paying off Stormy McDaniel and Karen McDougal was bad enough along with the list of other women accusing him of various forms of sexual harassment.  It almost makes "golden showers" look like peanuts.  If true despicable and disgusting.


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7 hours ago, Lance Payette said:

I will peep out of my hole just long enough to offer some real-world perspective.  For 15 years, one of my clients was a rural county sheriff's department.  Even in this small-time environment, they averaged at least one jail suicide per year.

When an inmate "hangs" himself, it is seldom what you picture.  Inmates hang themselves sitting on the floor or sitting on their bunks.  The last straw was an inmate who hung himself from his toothbrush.  It sounded so absurd that I challenged it and received an eye-opening education into the creative ways that inmates hang themselves.

Our protocol for routine inmates required each cell to be observed every 15 minutes.  Every observation was logged.  If the log showed 21 minutes between observations, we knew we would be settling an expensive lawsuit.  There are lawyers who are literally "jail suicide chasers," and they seldom miss an opportunity.

The jail "pods" (groups of cells) were under 24-hour video observation from a central desk manned by three people.  To enter a pod, you had to pass through two locked doors that could only be opened from the central desk.  And this was just a small-time county facility, not a federal detention facility in NYC.

Epstein's death is indeed bizarre and suspicious - almost a perfect storm for conspiracy theorizing, even by me - but if he died in his cell and was the only inmate in that cell then it's a 99.9% certainty it was indeed a suicide assisted by gross negligence on the part of the staff.  If he died from poisoning or some "sudden illness," of course, then that's a different story.  Regardless of how clear the evidence turns out to be, the over-under that I'm offering on conspiracy theories by the end of the year is 15.

Until we see the inside of Epstein's cell it's tough to speculate on his ability to strangulate himself

People have succeeded in self asphyxiation suicides sitting on their bunks or the floor or even with a toothbrush?

Going to be fun trying to figure out Epstein's method. Hopefully his true method won't be falsely altered.

Half our society knew about and cared about Epstein and his criminal charges.  Probably hundreds of millions world wide.

More so because of the possible involvement of others from the highest stations of politics, business, academia, law and celebrity.

Isn't it typical of federal law enforcement to house suspects of the most egregious and high profile crimes to be separated and observed much more closely than other inmates?

Right after Jack Ruby whacked Oswald he was watched 24/7 very closely for a very long time.

This was done for reasons of suicide intent as much as any other.

This whole scenario with Epstein killing himself without any extra observation versus other inmates in cells next to him...stinks.


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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

What ever happened with this case.  Was it dropped?  The plaintiff's attorney(s) had to have believed pretty strongly in her veracity for it to have gotten that far.  Was it settled out of court?  Were the plaintiff and material witness discredited?  I don't recall seeing anything about it in the news at the time.  I guess the MSM wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole.

The plaintiff was supposed to give a press conference the Saturday before the 2016 election -- and then called it off.  No follow thru.  It was a savage disappointment.  The MSM had been totally obsessed with Clinton's e-mails for more than a week at that point, and the air was seeping out of her campaign.  A press conference accusing Trump of pedophile rape would have changed the news cycle, but it was not to be, alas.  The young woman was paid off or scared off or both.

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Kellyanne Conway was asked on Fox News about Trump retweeting conspiratorial Twitter posts about the Clintons and Epstein's death. She brushed the question away fairly artfully.

Meanwhile, Trey Gowdy was just interviewed on Fox News about Epstein's death.

At 1.55 into the video, Gowdy and interviewer Neil Cavuto have the following exchange.



CAVUTO: You know he was under this suicide watch, congressman. A lot of people are still scratching their heads how he could have committed suicide in the first place. Assuming he was under 24/7 surveillance, either in person or via security cam? How could that happen?

GOWDY: Well some of us are still scratching our heads at how Jack Ruby could shoot Lee Harvey Oswald. I think that may have been at a police station, wasn't it?



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The guy had so much money he had the sidewalk in front of his house heated!

There could be foul play, but just imagine having everything he wanted, getting away with everything, and then facing the fact that he's been irretrievably exposed and the rest of his life will be  behind these 4 miserable walls. If ever there was a cause for suicide.That's quite a fall from grace.

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31 minutes ago, Anthony Thorne said:

Kellyanne Conway was asked on Fox News about Trump retweeting conspiratorial Twitter posts about the Clintons and Epstein's death. She brushed the question away fairly artfully.

Meanwhile, Trey Gowdy was just interviewed on Fox News about Epstein's death.

At 1.55 into the video, Gowdy and interviewer Neil Cavuto have the following exchange.


Oswald's murder inside a police department building still shocks the senses.

Trey Gowdy wasn't even born when Ruby whacked Oswald.

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So much for doing her job honestly: From the New York Times: "The city’s chief medical examiner, Dr. Barbara Sampson, announced on Sunday night that her office had conducted an autopsy of Mr. Epstein, but she declined to release a determination about the cause of death. She said a private pathologist, Dr. Michael Baden, who was hired by Mr. Epstein’s lawyers, had observed the autopsy examination. The medical examiner is confident the cause of death is suicide by hanging, but she wants more information from law enforcement before releasing her determination, a city official said."

Edited by Joseph McBride
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19 minutes ago, Joseph McBride said:

So much for doing her job honestly: From the New York Times: "The city’s chief medical examiner, Dr. Barbara Sampson, announced on Sunday night that her office had conducted an autopsy of Mr. Epstein, but she declined to release a determination about the cause of death. She said a private pathologist, Dr. Michael Baden, who was hired by Mr. Epstein’s lawyers, had observed the autopsy examination. The medical examiner is confident the cause of death is suicide by hanging, but she wants more information from law enforcement before releasing her determination, a city official said."

Ho Lee sxxt.  Not this Michael Baden ???


Edited by Ron Bulman
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Well spotted Ron.

The first Youtube comment under Baden here says "Wow! This guy did a great job memorizing his lines!".

And the second says "Well well well. Add Epstein to this list."

Baden would only be brought in if things are fishy and they need someone to carry a particular line. So this already tells you something about the state of things with Epstein's death.



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On 8/12/2019 at 2:08 AM, Ron Bulman said:

Nice work Joseph McBride.

Great book, sitting right here on my JFK shelf.

We can rest assured that Dr Baden will go along with the "Magic Hanging" theory.

I just passed this along to Tom Jackman at the Washington Post. Maybe he can get someone there interested in it.

Edited by Rob Couteau
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3 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Ho Lee sxxt.  Not this Michael Baden ???


Talk about thickening the suspicion soup!

If this is THAT Michael Baden ... you've got to be kidding me.

Sandy Larsen, your thoughts?

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Oh no, with Baden you know the fix is in.

Baden flipped once Tanenbaum left the HSCA.  And Bob will tell you that openly and ridicule what he did after.  As Speer showed, this is the guy who did not even know how to orient the rear skull photo.  He then said the FBI took pics that night at Bethesda. He then advised Ido Dox how to draw raised edges around that drop of blood on Kennedy's hair to make it look more like a wound in the crown of the head.  We actually have that in his writing now thanks to the ARRB.

Mili Cranor left him without a leg to stand on when she demolished his book.



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