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8 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


You know, that's something I've never understood. Everybody keeps talking about how we need an infrastructure plan. Our roads and bridges and airports and dykes need fixing.

And here we have millions of people who need work and are just looking for something to do.

Why not put the two together? It seems like it would be a win/win situation for everybody.

I guess we need to build more aircraft carriers and D-35 fighter jets though.

Steve Thomas

Exactly Steve.

What better way to make Americans feel better about their country when they are directly physically involved in rebuilding and improving it?

And outdoor work might be a little easier in controlling the virus spread as well.

Housing on big projects and even smaller ones could be small separate portable units which would probably be better regards virus spread versus dorm type ?

These are the kinds of re-energizing and hope instilling ideas we need to seriously consider to give us "all" some feeling of real recovery through this economic and pandemic nightmare.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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6 hours ago, Bob Ness said:

Hoax? My wife doesn't think so. Are you that stupid? Or are you just gas lighting? Both?

Maybe you should go work in a COVID ward. Take your larvae with you.

No, Bob, the folks in that COVID ward are just "crisis actors" (your wife doesn't know?), like the ones used in that hoax at Sandy Hook.


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I heard a presentation by a University of California professor who explained that because of the New Deal and the right wing reaction to it afterwards (and likewise disagreement with the New Deal prior to it) the official position of the neoliberal/Southern strategy is that the government should not take on the role of providing jobs. In their opinion job creation is the province of private industry. One can see the extreme adherence to this, even among old school Democrats, in the fact that during the first two years of the first Obama Administration when Democrats controlled both houses of Congress and the Oval Office they did not create a public works infrastructure program. This is I believe the ugly truth underlying the lack of a government run infrastructure plan. 

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I’ve read many discussions about whether Covid is a hoax, or whether the reaction to it is overblown, it’s just another flu, death rate no worse, etc. what these discussions omit is that evidence is emerging that it is not just another cold, that immediate death rate aside there are longer term health issues showing up in recovered patients, such as heart damage. I’m increasingly concerned that we are underestimating the long term effects of Covid. 

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Dr. Osterholm: Americans will be living with the coronavirus for decades

Published: July 31, 2020 at 6:08 a.m. ET

Dr. Michael Osterholm, epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota, recognized the coronavirus would become a pandemic as early as January




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2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

.. I have been using zinc for my colds for years. I use the OTC brand Zicam, which you either squirt or swab up your nose. If I use Zicam at the first sign of a scratch in the throat or slight post nasal drip, it will cut the length of my typical colds from 7 days to 4 days.


Not to go totally off-topic, but you can kill colds, sore throats, earaches and flu at the first symptom by drinking a small amount of both oil of oregano and oil of olive leaf, each separately in about an ounce of water (plus another ounce of water each as a rinse).  I've done it several times now.  They've been touted to me as good preventatives also, taken when you can predict heading into an infectious environment (a hospital, etc.), and based on my curative experiences, I wouldn't doubt it. 

I've also had good results using olive leaf powder capsules as an antibiotic for an infected wound.  That would seem to contradict its anti-viral properties, but I still use olive leaf to back up oil of oregano as a cold curative/preventative.  If you're only going with one, go with oil of oregano.

Online you can find a reputable study showing that omega-3 oil stops Covid's  internal organ damage phase in older people.  The study and the omega-3 were actually recommended to me privately by an MD who's dosing daily with omega-3. 

Unlike our president, I wouldn't be online pimping even these benign substances without some positive experiences to refer to.  The worst that could happen with these is that your chances of contracting Covid might only be lowered, and your health improved in other ways.

Edited by David Andrews
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11 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:



Who wants to live in a country where videos of the President’s husband having his way with younger than legal woman have been sold to foreign intel agencies?


Who wants to live in a country where the President self congratulates himself on grabbing women by their pussies?

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2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Too many people are using the term "gas lighting" in the wrong context.

Gas lighting is more of a slow effort by one person to convince someone they are losing their mind, like in the movie Gaslight, where the term originates.

Me, calling the Covid pandemic a hoax, is more "triggering" than "gas-lighting." (Some people would call it "tr-o-lling", but I think a "t-r-oll" is someone would just says something controversial to trigger a reaction whether the "t-r-oll" believes what they wrote or not.  "Richard Nixon was the best President of the 20th Century.")

I am not under the impression that you are the lightly "triggered" type Bob. That is, you are not going to berate some one for using the wrong gender neutral pronoun or accuse me of raping mother Earth for using two paper plates to hold my hamburger and baked beans at the company picnic.

To clarify, the virus is real, the over reaction, such as the shut down of the economy, shut down of schools, and apoplectic reactions to the use of Zinc and HCQ, etc.. I have been using zinc for my colds for years. I use the OTC brand Zicam, which you either squirt or swab up your nose. If I use Zicam at the first sign of a scratch in the throat or slight post nasal drip, it will cut the length of my typical colds from 7 days to 4 days. There is no conceivable reason why Youtube and Facebook should feel the need to censor any evidence or attestations as to the effectiveness of Zinc. If it does not work for some people, it is not going to kill them for trying. I have been good for at least one cold per winter since I was 5, and when the kids were young, as many as three per winter. There are plenty of scientific studies that show the use of Zinc is effective at shortening the severity and duration of common colds.

If there is any gas lighting going on, it is on the part of the Mainstream Media and the social media platforms that will not mention zinc, or allow Zincs effectiveness to be mentioned.

So, when I see MSM gas lighting, and not-highly-triggerable-types react to suggestions the public is being played, it ads to my confidence that an agenda is being pushed. The over-reaction is the giveaway. The social media management component is massive and is of course not limited to just censoring, as obviously a fiew here are intimately aware. 

As far as your wife not thinking Covid is a hoax, my wife's pediatrician friend does think it is a hoax.


Let's be clear, Wheeler called it the "Covid Hoax". In this statement he's "backing down" and "qualifying " to hide his original intention of "trolling".
Wheeler Wildwood, New Jersey Armed Insurrection              CANCELLED                                    ? BIGGEST SH-THOLE   I COULD FIND        

2020 Jets football                                                                          CANCELLED

Wheeler pleas to "please put me  on "ignore"                             CANCELLED                                     NOT EVEN CONSIDERED

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2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

As far as your wife not thinking Covid is a hoax, my wife's pediatrician friend does think it is a hoax.


I assume you don't use her. I wouldn't. She's stupid. It's not a hoax. And my wife isn't a pediatrician. She can fairly be described as authoritative on the subject. Triple board certified and 3 years at Penn State immunology and virology as her residency. Wear a mask. Sorta like when mommy and daddy told you to cover your mouth when you sneeze and wipe after going potty. I assume you still do that. Maybe not.

Edited by Bob Ness
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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

I’ve read many discussions about whether Covid is a hoax, or whether the reaction to it is overblown, it’s just another flu, death rate no worse, etc. what these discussions omit is that evidence is emerging that it is not just another cold, that immediate death rate aside there are longer term health issues showing up in recovered patients, such as heart damage. I’m increasingly concerned that we are underestimating the long term effects of Covid. 

Yeah the people who are saying this would lower the IQ of a cage full of chimps if they were added to it. Having to deal with idiots like this as part of the daily routine while they force others to stay in quarantine and away from health care facilities because of the risk they pose is irritating. My wife has over a thousand patients who can't be seen because dumb asses can't be bothered to wear a mask at the grocery store for a bit. Very frustrating. She's in touch with the state COVID head every day and so far has been able to keep the practice 3-4 weeks ahead of the game but the area is starting to sky rocket in infections.

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HYGIENE tips for Wheeler, his friends and the unmasked. Including now 2 new Titan Texas politicians, Gohmert and Hunt.

1) First defecate

2)Clean yourself up before leaving the toilet. It's a good idea to be well stocked with toilet paper, but I wouldn't presume to infringe on your freedom., that's only if you choose.

3)Flush and leave the toilet area,  THEN ... WASH YOUR HANDS!   It must be in that order! You see , it's sort of self defeating to wash your hands first, because....well........I don't want to confuse you guys with a bunch of details. Just do it in this order,  EVERY TIME!

I didn't think I would have had to have said this but, get your wife to do it too. Tell her it's because you love her!


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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2 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

I’ve read many discussions about whether Covid is a hoax, or whether the reaction to it is overblown, it’s just another flu, death rate no worse, etc. what these discussions omit is that evidence is emerging that it is not just another cold, that immediate death rate aside there are longer term health issues showing up in recovered patients, such as heart damage. I’m increasingly concerned that we are underestimating the long term effects of Covid. 

HOLLISTER, Calif. (KION) Tiffany Wyrick said April and May passed by in a blur as she fought for her life in a hospital.

“Is this really happening? I’m going to die in the hospital alone,” Wyrick said.

Before Wyrick was diagnosed with COVID-19, she thought the virus would be like a regular flu.

Wyrick considers herself a healthy and active 47-year-old, but said her fight with the virus shows it can bring anyone down.

“This isn’t a one person fight or a political agenda. This is a virus, and it can take anybody,” the Hollister woman said.

Her symptoms started mild in late March, and then very quickly Tiffany was so exhausted she couldn’t even get out of bed.

“Couldn’t get up to go to the bathroom, had to wear diapers and couldn’t roll over to throw up.”

In the hospital, the 47-year-old had multiple seizures and even neurological problems to go along with serous chest pain.

“I don’t look like a person who could drop dead tomorrow, but I almost did because of coronavirus,” Wyrick said.

In a San Jose intensive care unit, Wyrick remembers seeing a woman near her die of COVID-19.

“She passed away, and then I watched them bag up her body and take her away,” Wyrick said.

Those are the horror stories here and across the country, as hospitals like Hazel Hawkins have worked on expanding intensive care units for the worst case scenario.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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3 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:


To clarify, the virus is real, the over reaction, such as the shut down of the economy, shut down of schools, and apoplectic reactions to the use of Zinc and HCQ, etc.. I have been using zinc for my colds for years. I use the OTC brand Zicam, which you either squirt or swab up your nose. If I use Zicam at the first sign of a scratch in the throat or slight post nasal drip, it will cut the length of my typical colds from 7 days to 4 days. There is no conceivable reason why Youtube and Facebook should feel the need to censor any evidence or attestations as to the effectiveness of Zinc. If it does not work for some people, it is not going to kill them for trying. I have been good for at least one cold per winter since I was 5, and when the kids were young, as many as three per winter. There are plenty of scientific studies that show the use of Zinc is effective at shortening the severity and duration of common colds.



      FYI.  Zicam can cause anosmia-- the loss of the sense of smell.   The company selling it (Matrixx) was successfully sued in 2006 for big bucks.

      And the FDA advised the public against the use of Zicam in 2009, (after Obama appointed my former medical school classmate, Dr. Margaret "Peg" Hamburg, to run the FDA.)

F.D.A. Warns Against Use of Popular Cold Remedy


Edited by W. Niederhut
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How Jared Kushner’s Secret Testing Plan “Went Poof Into Thin Air”

By Katherine Eban July 30, 2020


"Against that background, the prospect of launching a large-scale national plan was losing favor, said one public health expert in frequent contact with the White House’s official coronavirus task force.

Most troubling of all, perhaps, was a sentiment the expert said a member of Kushner’s team expressed: that because the virus had hit blue states hardest, a national plan was unnecessary and would not make sense politically. “The political folks believed that because it was going to be relegated to Democratic states, that they could blame those governors, and that would be an effective political strategy,” said the expert.

That logic may have swayed Kushner. “It was very clear that Jared was ultimately the decision maker as to what [plan] was going to come out,” the expert said.

On April 27, Trump stepped to a podium in the Rose Garden, flanked by members of his coronavirus task force and leaders of America’s big commercial testing laboratories, Quest Diagnostics and LabCorp, and finally announced a testing plan: It bore almost no resemblance to the one that had been forged in late March, and shifted the problem of diagnostic testing almost entirely to individual states."

Steve Thomas

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