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Exclusive: Donald Trump's Martial-Law Talk Has Military on Red Alert

By William M. Arkin On 12/24/20 at 5:00 AM EST


“"I've been associated with the military for over 40 years and I've never seen the discussions that are being had right now, the need for such discussions," says a retired flag officer, currently a defense contractor who has mentored and advised his service's senior leaders. He was granted anonymity in order to speak without fear of reprisal.“

“"You've got to recognize an illegal order when it comes your way," says another retired flag officer, saying he has been involved in unprecedented internal discussions going on right now about this subject. The officer, who declined to speak on the record, says that though lawful and unlawful orders are a part of officer training from the beginning, "the principles of loyalty to the Constitution hammered home from the start of every career, ... we've never had the real thing, never someone who occupied the White House who conducted themselves anything like President Trump."”

Steve Thomas

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34 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

Exclusive: Donald Trump's Martial-Law Talk Has Military on Red Alert

By William M. Arkin On 12/24/20 at 5:00 AM EST



"At this point there's no telling what the president might do in the next month," says a former Northern Command (NORTHCOM) commander, one who has been intimately involved in the development of domestic civil planning. "Though I'm confident that the uniformed military leadership has their heads screwed on right,

>>>>>   the craziness is unprecedented <<<<<

and the possibilities are endless." The retired flag officer also requested anonymity because he is actively advising senior officers and is not authorized to speak on the record.

In some ways the military has already gotten dragged into the issue. Retired Lt. General Michael Flynn, President Trump's first national security advisor and a recently pardoned felon, publicly broached the subject of martial law on the conservative channel Newsmax last week, saying that the president should use the military to seize voting boxes and "rerun" the election in certain states.

"He could take military capabilities and he could ... basically rerun an election," Flynn said. "The president has to plan for every eventuality because we cannot allow this election and the integrity of our election to go the way it is.'' Flynn's suggestion has been openly condemned by numerous retired officers. Lt. Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, said on MSNBC that Flynn was a "disgrace to his uniform."

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5 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

"He could take military capabilities and he could ... basically rerun an election," Flynn said. "The president has to plan for every eventuality because we cannot allow this election and the integrity of our election to go the way it is.''

I'm betting that few ranking officers will risk their military careers and a prison term for Trump's "revolution," and that any who might would be rapidly arrested by the majority.  Juan Peron our Donald isn't.

As if even a briefly successful election insurrection wouldn't be dealt with in the courts, and the violators prosecuted under a future admin, even a GOP admin.  Some wicked part of me would like to see Trump and Generalissimo Flynn try it, though.  Maybe they'd get the Allende send-off.

Edited by David Andrews
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Trump's GOP defenders are getting exactly what they deserve now that he has turned on them: columnist

By Matthew Chapman December 24, 2020


"On Thursday, writing for The Washington Post, columnist Greg Sargent argued that after years of defending Donald Trump, Republicans in Congress are getting everything they deserve now that Trump is betraying them and threatening to throw out their stimulus negotiations.

"House Republicans are in a fury with President Trump, now that he is threatening to blow up the carefully negotiated settlement that led to passage of the $900 billion economic rescue package. They are raging that he abandoned them after the White House asked them to support the deal," wrote Sargent. "Oh, dear. Given what a cartoonish farce this has all become, let's let Mr. Krabs of SpongeBob SquarePants do the honors: 'Boo, hoo. Let me play a sad song for you on the world's smallest violin.'"

"Let it not be forgotten that more than 125 of the very same House Republicans now raging at Trump for betrayal just got through betraying our country on his behalf, by joining a lawsuit designed to further his aim of subverting millions of votes in four states to keep him in power illegitimately," wrote Sargent.

In fact, he noted, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), both of whom decried Trump's actions, were among those who joined the suit.

"Republicans ... delivered beyond what should have been Trump's wildest dreams. And this went well beyond their backing for Trump's effort to overturn the election," wrote Sargent. "During impeachment, House Republicans went to extraordinary, farcical lengths to function as dutiful propagandists and literal bodyguards against accountability for Trump. They worked to thwart transparency into Trump's finances, helping to shield his self-dealing from the public they purport to serve." And even in spite of this, Trump is throwing them under the bus in a way that "exposes" they are "the real obstacle to robust assistance to the American people."

"That, after all this, House Republicans feel abandoned and betrayed by Trump — well, it couldn't be happening to a bunch of nicer sycophants, enablers and betrayers of our democracy," concluded Sargent."


Steve Thomas

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Ted Cruz begs for donations to 'keep Georgia RED' — but the money is going into his Senate campaign coffers

by Matthew Chapman December 24, 2020


"Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is sending a new plea to his supporters with Georgia's two Senate runoffs weeks away, asking them to contribute money "to save our Senate majority and keep Georgia RED."

But according to Inside Elections reporter Jacob Rubashkin, there's a catch: the donation link Cruz is giving to his supporters is for Ted Cruz for Senate. Meaning that the money is going to his campaign, and not directed to the campaigns of Georgia Republican Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler."

Will the grift and the graft and the grotesque gross grunge never stop?

"Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?"

Steve Thomas


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1 hour ago, David Andrews said:


Trump's just determined to make this thing end like The Godfather, Part III, isn't he?

Very appropriate analogy.

Trump truly has been like a mob boss most of his adult life. 

He uses their same lingo, uses their same negotiation tactics- make em an offer they can't refuse. Punish them if they do.

He hires a tough talking mob like consigliere to handle his dirty work for 10 years - Michael Cohen.

Then when his right hand man capo Cohen turns on him ( like Sammy "the BULL" Gravano did to John Gotti) Trump publicly labels Cohen with the ultimate Mob threat insult..."RAT!"

There is a remarkable You Tube video of David Letterman interviewing Trump back in October, 2013.

At one point Letterman asks Trump if he has had to deal with members of New York City organized crime. At first Trump makes a joke of the question and says grudingly "maybe one."

Pressed more on the question Trump then admits it was more than just "one"  and adds this incredibly shocking mob complimenting statement.

"i have on occassion met some of those people...and let me tell you, some of them ...are very nice people."

Think about Trump's mob complimenting comment for a few seconds.

A future president of the United States saying some ( let alone any) members of America's violent organized crime syndicates "are very nice people." ???

Check out this mob compliment interview below. Trump's "very nice people" proclamation comments begin at the 6 minute, 50 second mark.

The entire interview is revelatory. Trump admits to being a "brat" his whole childhood and claims he made very good grades in school.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:


Thank you WN for posting this.

My wife and I had 3 to 4 minutes of barrel laughs reading all the hilarious contents. 

Nice to start off our covid lockdown stressed day with something so funny and which made us laugh so hard.

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Donald Trump is destroying the lives of tens of millions of people with his Covid Relief shenanigans, denied service members their pay by vetoing the Defense Production Act, pardoned a bunch of crooks, and shut down the government denying government employees their pay.

He then skipped town and went to Florida to play golf.

He should be impeached this afternoon. He needs to be told to just stay down there in Florida and we'll pack up his belongings and ship them to him in a moving van.

Steve Thomas

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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:

He should be impeached this afternoon. He needs to be told to just stay down there in Florida and we'll pack up his belongings and ship them to him in a moving van.

Steve Thomas

I would add to that - send them C.O.D., no credit cards accepted, no checks or crypto currencies, only CASH!

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3 hours ago, Richard Price said:

I would add to that - send them C.O.D., no credit cards accepted, no checks or crypto currencies, only CASH!

Speaking of cash... 🤥

Trump Back At Mar-A-Lago, Raising Taxpayer Golf Tab To $151.5 Million

This marks Trump’s 31st golf trip to his Palm Beach resort as POTUS

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12 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Speaking of cash... 🤥

Trump Back At Mar-A-Lago, Raising Taxpayer Golf Tab To $151.5 Million

This marks Trump’s 31st golf trip to his Palm Beach resort as POTUS

This fella says he learned the game of golf in Florida.  No wonder the prez likes it there.


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Explosion in downtown Nashville.

So it begins? Militia attacks in cities so Trump can declare martial law? It's predictable.

Nashville PD is saying it was "intentional." 





Edited by Ron Ecker
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