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Liberty University the lone holdout after every other college strips Trump of honorary degrees

By Bob Brigham January 09, 2021


"Donald Trump has been granted five honorary degrees in his lifetime - from Lehigh University in 1988, from Wagner College in 2004, from Robert Gordon University in Scotland in 2010, and from Liberty University, which granted honorary degrees to Mr. Trump on two occasions - 2012 and 2017," Forbes reported Saturday. "But as of today, only one of those institutions - Liberty University - has not revoked the honorary degrees originally granted to Mr. Trump."

"Robert Gordon rescinded the degree it awarded in 2015, after determining that Trump had "made a number of statements that are wholly incompatible with the ethos and values of the university," Forbes noted. "Yesterday, both Lehigh and Wagner followed suit, after the storming and siege at the nation's Capitol on Wednesday which followed a speech by the president that many saw as inciting the violence."

Steve Thomas

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The Trump base intimidation tactics of creating traffic slowing, horn blowing, auto and big wheeled Trump flag adorned pickup truck drive trains all across the country including the dangerously close following and boxing in of the Biden campaign bus in Texas.

The scary outlaw motorcycle gang looking vigilante groups like the Proud Boys and the Michigan mountain back woods boys plotting to kidnap Trump critic Michigan's Governer Gretchen Whitmer.  

The gun weilding Trump supporters in the St Louis suburb, Mark and Patty McCloskey, waving and aiming their guns at law abiding BLM protesters walking on their street.

The 17 year old taking an automatic weapon to a protest movement in Kenosha, Wisconsin and thrusting himself with his held up rifle within feet of worked up protesters and when they confronted and even hit him, he blasts away killing two.

The nut case, van living, rally attending Trump supporter sending pipe bomb packages all across the country.

Countless other armed Trump supporters staging intimidating show up rallies all across the country. Threatening Trump critics.

What do you see here folks?   Only Trump's followers are doing all of this!

Trump is the opposite of a law and order respecting person and President.

The message Trump has always sent to his base no matter how nutty they are is one of constant confrontation and bullying of his critics. And Trump knows this will inspire many to violence.

Trump has ripped apart the Republican party and installed his own brand of confrontation and conflict ideology ( a Mafia Don one more than anything ) with willing brainwashed robot followers to carry out his bullying and intimidating threats and agendas.


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Paul said:Helicopters, what sounded to him like explosions, etc. Don’t fool yourself. There have been noisy Trump supporters outside the Capitol for a month. 

Helicopters indicate the state. I would hope Newsome is preparing Paul. If he has higher aspirations, he better not blow it this time after attending that dinner in Napa!


One thing that bothers me. Did Antifa name themselves "antifa?"  If they did , it was a mistake. I really hate that name, with the "i" making the long "e" sound as in Spanish. It makes a typical Fox viewer think It's some Third World Leftist Guerrilla movement!

Every time they're mentioned, It should be called what it is, naming the people they're against.


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From my understanding Alex Jones and Roger Stone were  major parts of this.

In fact, they were directing some of the shock troops on their way to DC and telling them to stop off in certain state capitols.


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You'd think golf legend Jack Nicklaus would be wanting to keep an embarrassed, self conscious low profile right about now.

Especially after the Trump base mob Capital building seige with his buddy Trump's encouraging this band of his worked up nutcase followers to march down to that Capital building and show them who's boss! And don't be weak!

This guy Jack Nicklaus made a nationally covered syrupy praising Trump tweet endorsement a month before the election. 

Nicklaus's bragging of Trump's "Patriotism" was gaggingly and perversely wrong and even ignorant.

Proven in spades by Trump's constant inciting of divisive confrontation and conflict and mistrust and even hate among us.

And now with this most unpatriotic crowning glory Capital building Trump base mob insurrection, Nicklaus's glowing endorsement of Trump is actually disturbing in it's seemingly purposeful blindness to these dark realities regards his golfing and business buddy DT.

Read the following article. Nicklaus warns of the "socialist threat" that his hero Trump will counter. Nicklaus's business dealings with Trump involve tens of millions of dollars. He is obviously of the same " can't make enough money" mind set as Trump. Birds of a feather as they say.

Wonder what Nicklaus's public explaining defense of the crashing Trump will be now that Trump is about to be forced out of office for the highest crimes and misdemeanors against his own country.

Of course, all of Trump's celebrity endorsers and defenders will also be hiding from any public questioning of their previous Trump idolization pronouncements.

Including the esteemed:

Roseanne Barr, Randy Quaid, Gary Busey, Mike Tyson, Kid Rock, Dennis Rodman, Dana White, Brett Favre, Tia Tequila, Chumlee from Pawn Stars, Willie Robertson, Jerry Falwell Jr., Loretta Lynn, Charlie "Tiger's Blood" Sheen, Tom Brady, Teresa Giudice, Stephen Baldwin, Weight Watchers legend Kirstie Alley, sassy cheerleader Moose Burger Momma Sarah Palin...etc. etc.

Golf legend Jack Nicklaus tweets endorsement of President Donald Trump: 'He has delivered on his ...
Oct 28, 2020



Edited by Joe Bauer
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6 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:


The 17th or the 20th?  We need all available National Guard and Police on hand the 16th through the 20th.  Along with choppers in the air.

Right-wing extremists vow to return to Washington for Joe Biden's inauguration (msn.com)

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3 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

From my understanding Alex Jones and Roger Stone were  major parts of this.

In fact, they were directing some of the shock troops on their way to DC and telling them to stop off in certain state capitols.


      Not surprised to hear that Roger Stone is involved in more dirty tricks-- except that this time, unlike his Brooks Brothers Riot, people are getting killed.

      Meanwhile, former NSC advisor, Dr. Fiona Hill, posted today that Trump has, in fact, solicited military support for his coup d'etat, prompting a letter of condemnation from former Pentagon chiefs.

      (Never thought I would see the day when I agreed with Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld about anything.)


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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

      Not surprised to hear that Roger Stone is involved in more dirty tricks-- except that this time, unlike his Brooks Brothers Riot, people are getting killed.

      Meanwhile, former NSC advisor, Dr. Fiona Hill, posted today that Trump has, in fact, solicited military support for his coup d'etat, prompting a letter of condemnation from former Pentagon chiefs.

      (Never thought I would see the day when I agreed with Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld about anything.)


Could you explain what Trump's solicitation of support from the military is all about?

Are you saying Trump was actually going to try some type of coup?


If so, he should be removed from office by Monday and charged with the highest crime.

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8 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Could you explain what Trump's solicitation of support from the military is all about?

Are you saying Trump was actually going to try some type of coup?


If so, he should be removed from office by Monday and charged with the highest crime.

Joe, I'm not W or speaking for him but the prez has already fomented a coup attempt that was poorly organized and failed.  Thank God.  I believe his solicitation of military support is in relation to future action.  We can only Pray the Pentagon chiefs stand by their letter of condemnation and refuse to participate in any orders from the prez regarding further sedition.  

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