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Trump-supporting Christian leaders and their Sunday messages





Brian Gibson, pastor and founder of HIS Church, spoke to his Christian congregation and online viewers

““So now I know some, some bad actors went in and I believe potentially there were antifa up there. I think more and more I know there were antifa up there, insiders up there that started that action.”


SACRAMENTO, California

The Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, the president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference who delivered a prayer at Trump’s inauguration and has also advised him, told his congregation Sunday that America needs to hear a message of repentance.

““We must repent for making the person who occupies the White House more important than the one who occupies our hearts. We must repent for permitting the donkey and the elephant to divide what the Lamb died for on the cross,””



The Rev. John Hagee of Cornerstone Church, a staunch supporter of Trump, did not mention the president by name but criticized the assault on Congress by what he called “a rebellious mob.”

“This is what happens when you mob the police. This is what happens when you fire the police.”

“This is what happens when you watch a policeman shot and belittle his sacrifice for the public,” he continued. “Wake up, America! America and democracy cannot function without the rule of law. We back the blue.”


The Rev. Tim Remington, the conservative Christian pastor of The Altar church, avoided specific references to Trump and the attack on the Capitol, but offered plenty of politically charged warnings.

“He targeted the media in particular for criticism.

“I rebuke the news in the name of Jesus,” Remington said. “We ask that this false garbage come to an end. ... It’s the lies, communism, socialism. I don’t know how we’ve put up with it this long.””


The Rev. Darrell Scott, the Black senior pastor of New Spirit Revival Center, did not mention the events in Washington.

Steve Thomas



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The Arnold video is going viral on more than one platform, Twitter, You Tube, FB.

Its in the millions of views already.

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13 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Hard to imagine it could have been cheating or hacking machines. So if it’s not divided govt philosophy it’s probably that she is somewhat popular, hard as that is to believe.

Paul, I'm on the same page with you 98% of the time and always have been.

You may think that I am trying to make something more out of the Susan Collins victory than her simply being more popular with her voters than the polls indicated.

Collin's Democratic challenger was consistently given a strong lead in these polls, up until the last month before the election. In that last month and right up to election day that lead vanished.

Collins challenger didn't do anything noticeably bad or have some negative expose that would explain such a quick turn around in those poll numbers.

All I can figure is that many people called in those Maine polls simply lied to the pollsters or wouldn't say who they were voting for. Hence the skewed poll numbers.

And those who lied or didn't pick a candidate in those polls were mostly Collins supporters anyway. They showed their true political colors at voting time and obviously they were Collins supporters all along.

Still, voting for Democratic presidential candidate Biden over Trump by a strong 9% margin and a similar margin for an opposite political party Senate candidate is an anomaly according to the Pew research article which said that now-a-days state voters usually vote down party lines with the Presidential vote and the Senate vote being of the same party.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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I've watched this four times.  It gets better each time. 

Very well thought out, well written and excellently delivered.

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Trump should not be impeached, he should be removed by the 25th Amendment, to get him out now. Has Pence or anyone around him considered the fact that if he's not removed now, Trump will pardon, along with Don Jr., Rudy, et al, the entire mob that attacked the Capitol Building? Trump is on tape saying he loves the insurrectionists they are "special." So when the pardons come, turning all the arrests and investigations into a joke, thank spineless Mike Pence.



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18 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

I have always felt huge misgivings about Schwarzenegger politically and personally.

Being a Californian and watching his 2003 campaign for Governer and listening to his campaign speeches, debate comments and press appearance sound bites I was about as turned off to him as I was Trump in 2016.

An authoritarian leaning right wing type ( "You lack DISCIPLINE!") he seemed to me to be ( like Trump) a narcissistic, fame spoiled and addicted egomanic who deludedly believed he was more like his exaggerated and fake movie heroes than not, and in this self-image fantasy he could somehow rescue the day just by walking into the Governor's office and being... well, the Terminator!

The state's too liberal democratic controlled legislative bodies ( Schwarzeneggar constantly insulted their manhood by calling them "Girly Men" ) will simply follow and obey him and his agenda by his sheer more manly movie star hero muscle-bound energy and aura will!

However, Schwarzeneggar's governor performance didn't turn out that way at all. In fact, it bombed! 

I still feel Schwarzeneggar was extremely unqualified to be our Governor and he really did a bad job. One of the worst in modern times.

He crowed loudly and constantly what a horrible job Grey Davis was doing and aggressively promoted his grossly underserved and sham recall to help himself win Davis's seat.

Yet, by the time Schwarzenegger left the California Governors office, California's unemployment numbers and deficit were far worse than anything Grey Davis had presided over.  "Double" that which AS inherited from Grey Davis!

All that criticism of Davis by AS was self-serving and ignorant BS.

Grey Davis was taken out by corporate interests. He was also the victim of a fraudulent energy crisis which the crooks at Enron helped set up.

Davis's recall was a corporate hit job. Just like the Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court Rose Bird recall. A brilliant lawyer friend of mine once told me that the Bird recall ( fakely worked up over the false flag issue of her stand on the death penalty ) was funded primarily by major insurance companies whom Bird was consistently ruling against.

Sadly, that's how things really work in the American political world far too often.

Yet, even I was moved by Arnold Schwarzenegger's desk side speech we see in this video. I actually got choked up a little with it's seemingly sincere highest humanitarian morals and American pride message.

His personal sharing of his childhood experience observing his Nxxxx following adult generation guilt and let down ( with accompanying wife and child beating behavior ) after their being influenced by lies and referencing them to Trump struck a chord as I too was a victim of a super violent stepfather ... and who hated JFK with a passion.

AS has always been a charmer with an incredibly magnetic and upbeat personality as obessively self-promoting as it was. I'll give him credit for creating his own celebrity fame.  His muscles and good looks deserving much credit.

His speech in this video seems to reflect a much more mature wisdom I want to believe is sincere and that is born out of not just self-pained and regretted life learned mistakes but his true respect and appreciation for the American constitution and what it and this country has provided for him personally as well as his family and most of his fellow Americans.


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1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

His speech in this video seems to reflect a much more mature wisdom I want to believe is sincere and that is born out of not just self-pained and regretted life learned mistakes but his true respect and appreciation for the American constitution and what it and this country has provided for him personally as well as his family and most of his fellow Americans.


The AS speech was exploitation, but it was world-class exploitation, worthy of Louis B. Mayer.  Serious competition for the future George Clooney video, no doubt in pre-production.

What would Charlton Heston's video have been like, I wonder.

Edited by David Andrews
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15 minutes ago, David Andrews said:

The AS speech was exploitation, but it was world-class exploitation, worthy of Louis B. Mayer.  Serious competition for the future George Clooney video, no doubt in pre-production.

What would Charlton Heston's video have been like, I wonder.

I want to hear more Jon Voight.


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4 hours ago, David Andrews said:

The AS speech was exploitation, but it was world-class exploitation, worthy of Louis B. Mayer.  Serious competition for the future George Clooney video, no doubt in pre-production.

What would Charlton Heston's video have been like, I wonder.

Or, God forbid, Clint Eastwood.

There must be a special, poorly-maintained golf course in Dante's Inferno for myopic old Republicans like Jon Voigt, Charlton Heston, Clint Eastwood, and Jack Niklaus.  All sand traps, rough, and no fairways.

At least Schwarzenegger won't end up there.  He'll be stuck in a mud pit with 'roid raging body builders and All Star Wrestlers.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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