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2 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Knowingly denying the fact that an act of insurrection is in fact such, is that not insurrection itself? 

11.22.63 was an insurrection, but the M$M said it was a lone nut.

1.6.21 was some nuts, but the M$M said it was an insurrection. 

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In a revised filing of her receipts and disbursements with the FEC, Lauren Boebert lists her State as Utah.

This is an amended return, mind you.

Boebert represents a district in Colorado.

Way to go Lauren!


Steve Thomas


Edited by Steve Thomas
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7 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

11.22.63 was an insurrection, but the M$M said it was a lone nut.

1.6.21 was some nuts, but the M$M said it was an insurrection. 

There's an easier way through this.

It's called transparency.

That appears to be a huge problem with a certain individual/s who uses the same M.O. for all the sh__t they don't want revealed.

Does the fight for the release of income taxes sound familiar?


I'm quite sure that clown believes if he can delay it long enough, he'll be back in the presidency again and the 1-6 events- insurrection investigation will miraculously disappear.




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Chris , I agree with you 100%.  And , I believe that clown is taking direction from Russia, who wants to create divisions in the US via that rat. (there are new revelations about a trump server connecting to Alpha Bank, owned by russian oligarchs, directly linked to putin( the fbi got papers from an informant, but sat on them and the only person that the barr investigation issued an arrest warrant for was that informant- now that informant is going to talk in order to defend to himself).

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9 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

There's an easier way through this.

It's called transparency.

That appears to be a huge problem with a certain individual/s who uses the same M.O. for all the sh__t they don't want revealed.

Does the fight for the release of income taxes sound familiar?


I'm quite sure that clown believes if he can delay it long enough, he'll be back in the presidency again and the 1-6 events- insurrection investigation will miraculously disappear.




I dearly hope the GOP finds a candidate with some of Trump's virtues---his takes on China, "free trade" and illegal immigration control---but minus Trump's awful personality and character. 

BTW, in the US they keep talking about "labor shortages"---a wonderful thing for anyone who works for a living. It's a positive, not a negative, for 90% of the workforce. 

Under Biden, illegal immigration has soared. Keep in mind, the most aggressive immigrationists in US history were...the slavers. 

That's the new Donk Party. Tight with Silicon Valley, the globalists, the national security-Deep State, Wall Street and media.  They want more cheap labor in the US. 

It is possible to have three truths: Trump was a bad president, the Donks and 'Phants are completely corrupted by money, and the 1.6.21 narrative is hyperbole on steroids shot to the moon.  

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8 hours ago, Chuck Schwartz said:

Chris , I agree with you 100%.  And , I believe that clown is taking direction from Russia, who wants to create divisions in the US via that rat. (there are new revelations about a trump server connecting to Alpha Bank, owned by russian oligarchs, directly linked to putin( the fbi got papers from an informant, but sat on them and the only person that the barr investigation issued an arrest warrant for was that informant- now that informant is going to talk in order to defend to himself).

Thanks Chuck - I had not seen the breaking story about Alfa bank. I am familiar with Glenn Greenwald signing in to the conspiracy theory being pushed by Trump etc and Barr’s special counsel Durham that the whole Russia thing, including the Alfa bank link, was a Clinton anti-Trump made up story. In my opinion Greenwald is practically worthless now, and has long ago abandoned truth telling in favor of demonizing the Democrats. 
Meanwhile, right here on this stage, Benjamin Cole is pushing this narrative and others. I asked him to flesh it out because I wanted to see where he was coming from. He tries to draw an analogy between the lies about JFK pushed and supported by main stream media like WAPO, and their current anti-Trump collusion with Putin stories, or their coverage of Jan. 6, which according to Ben must likewise be deep state lies. The way I see this, it’s way too simplistic at best, and propagandistic at worst. He, and many others I know and read on the left, have bought into an agenda coming from the right. It’s insidious, because he and others are absolutely right about the sins of Empire, and about the many Democrats who are no better than Republicans when it comes to bipartisan policies as a nation at permanent war with enemies real and imagined. It hits a deep nerve. We demonize foreign actors while ignoring our own perfidy. The Putin Trump collusion story stinks, but is also reminiscent of the JFK Kruschchev story. Here’s the thing though. Trump is no JFK. He is 180 degrees opposite. He is a bully through and through, and he is now doing his level best with his phalanx of lawyers to keep hidden his role in the insurrection, and in the tax records of his criminal enterprise. It was the people behind Trump, the QAnons, the Mercers, Bannon and the whole ugly gang who resurrected the term Deep State and co-opted it for their evil purposes. So the Right has now positioned itself against this monster which they were central in creating. It’s been turned on it’s head, for the specific purpose of dividing the oppositional Left. It was our guy that invented the term, and I cannot imagine he would side with Trump and today’s absolutely crazy and dangerous Republican Party. So Ben, really, try to see that your efforts to paint today’s Democratic Party and their current President with the same brush will largely fall on deaf ears in a forum like this. 

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

It is possible to have three truths: Trump was a bad president, the Donks and 'Phants are completely corrupted by money, and the 1.6.21 narrative is hyperbole on steroids shot to the moon.  



      Here's the latest (archived) WaPo "1.6.21 narrative" about Trump's deliberate inaction during the protracted, violent attack on the Capitol by his fired up supporters.*  October 31, 2021.  No paywall.

      Congressman Mo Brooks told the mob to, "Go down to the Capitol and kick some ass!"  

      Frankly, you can't "both sides" this one.  I don't see anything at all here about Donks-- just 'Phants...  🤥 

      Not sure what Rupert Murdoch and his employees, Glenn Greenwald and Tucker Carlson, will have to say about this damning evidence, but I'm guessing that they'll say as little as possible.

     And I'm still waiting for you (and Tucker Carlson) to answer to my old question.   How could the failure of Christopher Wray's FBI to help prepare heightened Capitol security on 1/6 have conceivably benefited anyone but Donald Trump?  Please explain.

      Let's recall that Wray was Trump's own choice to run the FBI, after he fired both James Comey and Andrew McCabe for refusing to abort the FBI investigation of Michael Flynn's December 2016 phone calls with Sergei Lavrov.



For 187 harrowing minutes, the president watched his
supporters attack the Capitol — and resisted pleas to stop them.


For 187 harrowing minutes, the president watched his
supporters attack the Capitol — and resisted pleas to stop them.


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8 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:



      Here's the latest (archived) WaPo "1.6.21 narrative" about Trump's deliberate inaction during the protracted, violent attack on the Capitol by his fired up supporters.*  October 31, 2021.  No paywall.

      Congressman Mo Brooks told the mob to, "Go down to the Capitol and kick some ass!"  

      Frankly, you can't "both sides" this one.  I don't see anything at all here about Donks-- just 'Phants...  🤥 

      Not sure what Rupert Murdoch and his employees, Glenn Greenwald and Tucker Carlson, will have to say about this damning evidence, but I'm guessing that they'll say as little as possible.

     And I'm still waiting for you (and Tucker Carlson) to answer to my old question.   How could the failure of Christopher Wray's FBI to help prepare heightened Capitol security on 1/6 have conceivably benefited anyone but Donald Trump?  Please explain.

      Let's recall that Wray was Trump's own choice to run the FBI, after he fired both James Comey and Andrew McCabe for refusing to abort the FBI investigation of Michael Flynn's December 2016 phone calls with Sergei Lavrov.



For 187 harrowing minutes, the president watched his
supporters attack the Capitol — and resisted pleas to stop them.


For 187 harrowing minutes, the president watched his
supporters attack the Capitol — and resisted pleas to stop them.



I just do not see any connections between the 600-odd people arrested for being inside the Capitol and the Trump Administration. 

Those arrested appear to be lulus, largely.

This I get from reading primary materials and arrest reports, and prosecutions, and real-time texts and NOT reading M$M, including that fount of disinformation (see the JFKA) the WaPo

Not one arrestee has said they were taking covert orders from anyone in the Trump Administration. 

Some arrestees have pled they took encouragement from statements made in public by President Trump. But Trump also advised people to protest peacefully on Jan. 6. 

On the other hand, there is mounting evidence there were many, many federal infiltrators in Oathkeepers, the Patriot Boys and in the "Wolverine Watchman," the group that plotted (we are told by federal informants and assets, who were the majority of the group) to kidnap Governor Whitmer and "storm the (Michigan) Capitol."  That rhymes, no? 

Have you some primary-material type evidence of covert instructions between the 600 arrestees and Trump? 

I am open to read any and all primary materials. 

In terms of PR, 1.6.21 was a huge coup for the Deep State-media blob, much like 9.11.

Trump was the loser from 1.6.

I cry not for the detestable Trump, but that the M$M is so deeply corrupted by the national security-Deep State.

Remember, Brian Sicknick was bashed in the head with a fire extinguisher and murdered by racist Trump supporters, who were also heavily armed. 

(Actually, only one of those arrested on 1.6 carried a firearm...and who mysteriously was released on his own recognizance on 1.7, and prosecution against him appears to have been stopped or seriously stalled. That is Christopher Alberts.  Read the primary materials and please explain this situation to me. A federal plant? 

However, I will read the archived copy you suggest, and keep an open mind...as I recommend to all. 

And I recommend reading primary materials, rather than press accounts. Think about the JFKA---would you read primary materials or watch the CBS Special for info? 





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51 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


I just do not see any connections between the 600-odd people arrested for being inside the Capitol and the Trump Administration. 

Those arrested appear to be lulus, largely.

This I get from reading primary materials and arrest reports, and prosecutions, and real-time texts and NOT reading M$M, including that fount of disinformation (see the JFKA) the WaPo

Not one arrestee has said they were taking covert orders from anyone in the Trump Administration. 

Some arrestees have pled they took encouragement from statements made in public by President Trump. But Trump also advised people to protest peacefully on Jan. 6. 

On the other hand, there is mounting evidence there were many, many federal infiltrators in Oathkeepers, the Patriot Boys and in the "Wolverine Watchman," the group that plotted (we are told by federal informants and assets, who were the majority of the group) to kidnap Governor Whitmer and "storm the (Michigan) Capitol."  That rhymes, no? 

Have you some primary-material type evidence of covert instructions between the 600 arrestees and Trump? 

I am open to read any and all primary materials. 

In terms of PR, 1.6.21 was a huge coup for the Deep State-media blob, much like 9.11.

Trump was the loser from 1.6.

I cry not for the detestable Trump, but that the M$M is so deeply corrupted by the national security-Deep State.

Remember, Brian Sicknick was bashed in the head with a fire extinguisher and murdered by racist Trump supporters, who were also heavily armed. 

(Actually, only one of those arrested on 1.6 carried a firearm...and who mysteriously was released on his own recognizance on 1.7, and prosecution against him appears to have been stopped or seriously stalled. That is Christopher Alberts.  Read the primary materials and please explain this situation to me. A federal plant? 

However, I will read the archived copy you suggest, and keep an open mind...as I recommend to all. 

And I recommend reading primary materials, rather than press accounts. Think about the JFKA---would you read primary materials or watch the CBS Special for info? 





Your first sentence kind of stuns me.

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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

Your first sentence kind of stuns me.


These are cases against the 600 people arrested either for being inside or near the Capitol building on 1.6. 

If the federal government wants to charge any of these people with with conspiracy, that is, conspiring with Trump Administration officials, they can. 

So...where are the charges? 

Moreover, accusations and charges are not the same as guilt.

I prefer the standard "innocent until proven guilty in a court of law." 

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     I notice that the January 6th Insurrection deniers are now using your (above) mantra, "hyperbole," to describe the accurate reports of the January 6th attack on the Capitol... 🤥

    As for a conspiracy, there is now compelling evidence that Trump actively conspired to obstruct the certification of the U.S. election-- and his violent mob certainly believed that they were acting on Trump's orders to disrupt the certification of the election and even hang Mike Pence.

    As an example, before invading the Capitol, Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt tweeted, "Nothing will stop us....they can try and try and try but the storm is here and it is descending upon DC in less than 24 hours....dark to light!"

What if the truth about Jan. 6 is revealed — and the American people just don't care?

Republicans have thoroughly rewritten the history of Jan. 6— are the media and public too exhausted to resist?


November 2, 2021

Edited by W. Niederhut
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11 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


These are cases against the 600 people arrested either for being inside or near the Capitol building on 1.6. 

If the federal government wants to charge any of these people with with conspiracy, that is, conspiring with Trump Administration officials, they can. 

So...where are the charges? 

Moreover, accusations and charges are not the same as guilt.

I prefer the standard "innocent until proven guilty in a court of law." 

Do you know how many people were charged with treason after the Civil War?

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Sylvio , SVZ said "there's a war going on but only one side is fighting it." Stop worrying about offending people who are trying to overthrow the government, We've been worrying about them for a couple of hundred years. Start at 2:00.


If Trump runs again. Do you guys know all he has to do is primary 2 or 3 state governors or elect new state Secretary of States, (who run the state elections and are currently resigning from office) and if we have a replay of 2020, Trump will make up more BS about voter fraud but this time he'll have his people successfully throwing out the elections and put it to the one state one vote house of representatives? Then we'll have a real mess.
The general Democratic Party narrative seems to be sort of whistling by the graveyard, confident that Pro Trump candidates can easily win primaries but are poor in the general election. Are they that confident?  Their margins in both houses are so slim, they have no certainty, with the almost automatic turnover that occurs in the off year Congressional elections, that their majority will hold up at all.
Regarding the hearings, The Dems are again talking a tough game,
But if the gentlemanly rules of Congress won't allow them to  potentially imprison another member. Are they really going to protect us against fascists? If Democrats don't have a prayer of successfully prosecuting Trump they should say so. Or explain exactly what the follow up game is.
There are lots of other criminal suits  going on against Trump, but Trumps  lawyers can postpone them at least until after the 2022 elections.
Just the election fraud of Trump's phone call to the Georgia AG, is plenty enough to send Trump to jail and we have plenty of witnesses.
Are criminals going to be prosecuted?
It's as if the President is beyond prosecution and can do whatever he wants because prosecuting him and throwing him in jail would be too reminiscent of Banana Republics. And we're supposed to be above that but that's nonsense, besides there are many examples of industrialized nations throwing their chief executives in jail  including now France's Sarkozy has been sentenced..
No charges yet regarding Trump's phone call to the Georgia attorney general???? That's a slam dunk if ever there was one!
It looks as if AG Garland is hesitant to prosecute Banon for Contempt of Congress.
-Some recent tweets from Lawrence Tribe.
-There is a strong case against the former president and his co-conspirators under each of a number of federal criminal statutes. Hesitating to seek indictments at this point would be an abdication of duty unworthy of the U.S. Justice Department.
-We cannot have a system where a current president can’t be prosecuted, and then, because we don’t want to look backward, the former president can’t be prosecuted; that they’re somehow too big to jail.”
-The conspiracy incubated at the Willard hotel to overthrow the government that had just won the 2020 election was a federal crime. 18 USC sec 2384.
Bannon’s testimony would have to do with the planning of the events that led to the assault. If that’s an activity of the executive branch, it’s certainly not a legitimate one. Executive privilege doesn’t extend to hiding evidence of a coup.” Precisely!
-raises all the hoops thru which DOJ will jump in deciding whether to indict Bannon, including OLC memos and Nixon v. GSA. But the bottom line remains: Bannon must be indicted if the rule of law (and AG Garland’s credibility) are to survive:
-We’ve also learned Kevin McCarthy received money from Lev Parnas, the Rudy Giuliani sidekick whose money came through Ukrainian oligarch Firtash and who was convicted by a jury yesterday. And Oleg Deripaska seems to be involved. Hence Moscow Mitch, given Okeg’s Ky aluminum plant
-I worry that many Americans are still blind, as I once was, to the authoritarian impulses that now grip Mr. Trump’s party. Democrats need to step up to thwart them.”
-If it's right that AG Merrick Garland is reluctant to investigate former President Trump, then I agree that the AG is making a mistake of epic proportions. I hope and pray that Schiff is wrong about Garland. So odd that both were my students!
-News: House GOP leaders are recommending a “no” vote on the criminal contempt referral for Steve Bannon, House GOP whip Steve Scalise announced in conference this morning, according to a source in the room. @MZanona reporting
Tribe:No surprise there. Until the GOP becomes a genuine political party again and not just a pathetic and dangerous cult, it will continue to vote "no" on every effort to restore truth and to prevent another coup and insurrection
Eliminate the Filibuster-Not a tough call, if you ask me. If democracy topples, of what possible use will the filibuster be? And, make no mistake, if we let the filibuster block legislation to protect voting rights and preserve electoral integrity, democracy will be on the chopping block.
Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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