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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:

The original Heaven's Gate cult website is still online:


They respond to emails.


I attended a public meeting held by the two founders, Applewhite and the woman, in St. Augustine, FL in the late 70s. The cult was pretty obscure then, and what they were doing in St. Augustine I don't know unless it was part of a nationwide recruiting effort. My brother wrote for the true-crime magazines at the time, and he was in pretty good with the St. Augustine police. Two detectives attended this meeting, just to see what was going on, and my brother and I went with them. (It was the first time I would ever ride around in a cop car.) It was a small gathering and the two leaders didn't have much to say. Instead the main presentation was by this poor kid they had brainwashed. He was nervous and fumbled through a memorized speech, something about going to the next or second level. There was a Q&A session with the two leaders afterwards. I asked a question but I don't remember what it was and I don't remember the answer. After the meeting, we got in the detectives' car and followed the car that the kid left in. I don't remember who he was with, it wasn't the two leaders, but the detectives pulled them over. Since no crime had been committed, the intent was obviously just to scare this kid, which I thought was pretty unprofessional. (It was also unprofessional to have my brother and me riding in their car.) I don't know if it scared any sense into the kid or if he was one of the 39 cult members who committed mass suicide years later. But that was my one experience with a cult, the two founders and a brainwashed kid, before Trump's appeared on the scene, taking almost half of the country to the next or second level.


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2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

So did someone photoshop in Hunter’s  crack pipe?

We haven’t even gotten to the 14 year old Ukrainian girls yet.

Or but Hillary. 

In any event, I don't have access to software I once had or I could tell you if was photoshopped or not. It is curious that the data from the photos only links back to the tabloid though. 

We all know he has had drug problem for a good portion of his life. What exactly is the point of the photos, and what does that have to do with Joe Biden? Hunter obviously didn't take these pictures, but was somehow in possession of them? He took a picture of himself asleep with a crackpipe and then kept it? 

Also, is not odd that this information just happened to be on this laptop? All these incriminating photos, videos and emall found on the same laptop. One that was dropped off at a random trump supporting repair center and somehow ended up with Rudy, then the Post. 

You seem awfully blind for a guy who can connect every dot from JFK to 9/11. 

The way the group who has literally cried fake news for years to then turn around and champion this "story" is incredibly ironic and certainly telling.

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20 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

There’s a reason Joe Biden likes to vacation a 15 minute boat ride from Epstein’s Island.

Most of both St. Thomas and St. John are within 8 miles of Epstein’s Island.  
How low can the scurrilous Wheeler go?🍿

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52 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

The Tabloid is the NY Post. It has the 4th largest circulation in the country.


You forgot to mention he traffics children.

It’s in the Senate Report.

There’s a reason Joe Biden likes to vacation a 15 minute boat ride from Epstein’s Island.

Here is a clue, Joe has the same predilection for younger females as his son.

Try selling that to the Soccer Moms, and don’t be the Mark Zaid of this thread.


You forgot to mention what was actually been discussed.

I guess you can go but Hillary, but Benghazi, but #saveourchildren...

You could stop deflecting.

You could reply to questions being presented.


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1 hour ago, Ron Ecker said:

But that was my one experience with a cult, the two founders and a brainwashed kid, before Trump's appeared on the scene, taking almost half of the country to the next or second level.



We have to remember to be kind. There's going to be a whole lot of people that are going to need psychotherapy.

(There's a jobs program for you).

Psychotherapy with Former Cult Members

by Patrick O'Reilly
"A specialist in cults discusses a real-life example of a former cult member's struggle to recover from his traumatic experiences within the group, and offers treatment advice for this unusual and challenging population."
PS: I took a look at your home page. Good going.
Steve Thomas
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1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:


You have photos of Hunter Biden with a crack pipe and you are challenging their veracity; after you said you know he has a drug problem. 

I’m the deflector.


Considering this was about the dubious comparisons you made between this "story" and other releases which were definitely in the public interest before you then shifted the focus to crack pipes, and then to trafficking children.... 

I feel at the least a little disingenuous by not mentioning his drug problems. This in no way makes the photos genuine.

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1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:

It's funny how you guys keep getting "owned" by Trump.

It's mostly because you (Trump haters) have convinced your selves that you are smart.

  • Hunter Biden's Lap Top shows up in June/July 2019.
  • Then Schiff starts off the impeachment by reading what he thought was a verbatim Transcript of Trump Strong Arming the Ukrainian President.
  • The real Transcript shows Trump asking about the Bidens (father & son) corruption in the Ukraine.

Do you think maybe Team Trump had Biden's lap-top before the impeachment even started?

You guys fall for Trump's tricks every time.

  • How did impeachment work out for you?
  • How did the Russian Bounty story work out for you?
  • How did the Trump tax release work out for you?
  • How did the Covid virus that was supposed to kill him work out for you?

You guys have been being played since the Weiner Lap Top showed up in September 2016. The high value you place on your intellectual superiority over Trump and his deplorable, fly-over-country, supporters, makes it easy mess with your heads.

Remember when Trump kept interrupting Old Joe about Hunter in the debate, and Joe said,  

“My son did nothing wrong at Burisma. He doesn’t want to let me answer because he knows I have the truth,”

That quote will make a great commercial in the final week.



What is there you like about Trump? Refrain from digressions about Democrats.

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11 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

If Trump was a Movie character, he would be Al Czervik (Rodney Dangerfield) in Caddy Shack. 

Al Czervik has a sense of humor.

I defy anyone to produce a video of Trump laughing.

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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

What is there you like about Trump? Refrain from digressions about Democrats.

Good question.  What's to like about America's orange 45th President?

I'm, frankly, astonished that anyone with an IQ above room temperature would consider re-electing the guy.

Trump's corruption is bottomless.  The recent, landmark NYT series about his tax returns including, "The Swamp That Trump Built" (Part III) should win a Pulitzer for investigative reporting.

His deliberate mismanagement of the COVID pandemic is inexcusable.

His ongoing incitement of inter-racial conflict and domestic terrorism in the U.S. is absolutely inexcusable.

His sabotage of environmental protection and climate change mitigation is inexcusable.

His corruption of our elections-- including sabotage of the USPS-- is inexcusable.

His trickle down economic tax cut for billionaires and corporations is bad policy.

Little wonder that Trump fans in 2020 are focusing on trying to smear Biden.

That's all they've got.


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4 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

It's funny how you guys keep getting "owned" by Trump.

It's mostly because you (Trump haters) have convinced your selves that you are smart.

  • Hunter Biden's Lap Top shows up in June/July 2019.
  • Then Schiff starts off the impeachment by reading what he thought was a verbatim Transcript of Trump Strong Arming the Ukrainian President.
  • The real Transcript shows Trump asking about the Bidens (father & son) corruption in the Ukraine.

Do you think maybe Team Trump had Biden's lap-top before the impeachment even started?

You guys fall for Trump's tricks every time.

  • How did impeachment work out for you?
  • How did the Russian Bounty story work out for you?
  • How did the Trump tax release work out for you?
  • How did the Covid virus that was supposed to kill him work out for you?

You guys have been being played since the Weiner Lap Top showed up in September 2016. The high value you place on your intellectual superiority over Trump and his deplorable, fly-over-country, supporters, makes it easy mess with your heads.

Remember when Trump kept interrupting Old Joe about Hunter in the debate, and Joe said,  

“My son did nothing wrong at Burisma. He doesn’t want to let me answer because he knows I have the truth,”

That quote will make a great commercial in the final week.



Seems like all of those things cumulatively worked out to have the cowardly beta male down double digits in the polls, flailing, and trying to incite brown shirts to violence on his behalf when he loses.

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41 minutes ago, Andrew Prutsok said:

Seems like all of those things cumulatively worked out to have the cowardly beta male down double digits in the polls, flailing, and trying to incite brown shirts to violence on his behalf when he loses.

Andrew, speaking of digits and flailing.  Tiny hands comes to mind, among other things.

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5 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:


  • How did impeachment work out for you?

Giuliani's latest B.S. Ukraine smear failed. You can thank the Trump impeachment for that


5 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:


  • How did the Russian Bounty story work out for you?

Military Times poll: 38% of active duty troops have favorable view of Trump

5 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:
  • How did the Trump tax release work out for you?

ActBlue’s stunning third quarter: $1.5 billion in donations


5 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:
  • How did the Covid virus that was supposed to kill him work out for you?

Poll: Trump’s Covid-19 Diagnosis Boosts Support For Biden


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Interesting Wheeler's response  to Paul's question  about why Wheeler likes Trump. And then W.'s response to counter. With Wheeler , he's completely owned by "culture wars". He has a very  isolated perception of the other half, and by extension how he thinks we think.  Whereas W.'s response is  substantive, and  issued oriented. Wheeler's not at all, issue oriented.

The 'Q"movement begins with seeing pro choice people as "baby killers",  then it extends to the opposition leaders who have become pedophiles who rape and eventually kill young kids and drink their blood , and eat their adrenal glands to recapture youth. .

'Paul said: Mr Wheeler is too smart to be taken in by the gibberish he posts.  


I'm not sure you're right about that Paul. I'm not sure he has the solid grip on things you think. Of course, by now nothing he could say would shock us. But he falls prey to a lot of things. Are you sure he  doesn't believe this about 78 year old Joe Biden?

Wheeler:You forgot to mention he traffics children.

It’s in the Senate Report.

There’s a reason Joe Biden likes to vacation a 15 minute boat ride from Epstein’s Island.

Here is a clue, Joe has the same predilection for younger females as his son.


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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