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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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Isn't it clear as day to everyone what is going on with many courts and judges allowing the invalidation of late presidential election mail-in ballots in states nationwide?

And this vote disenfranchisement is coupled with the national slowdown of our mail in general with Trump mega-donor Louis DeJoy installed as head of the United States Postal Service and at this most crucial time, cutting back on new hirees, over-time, etc?

We have noticed that much of our mail pieces now have send out dates up to 9 or 10 days previous from their arrival to our home versus a normal 2 to 5 days. I'm serious and not making this up.

This is in California.

Are we seeing right before our very eyes a blatantly corrupt act of subverting our U.S. Postal Service to benefit the political gain of one presidential candidate - Trump - over another - Biden?

Of course we are!

And you would think these courts and judges who are allowing states to invalidate mail-in vote ballots that arrive later than normal election deadlines would realize the truth that much of our U.S. Postal mail service all across the country is being slowed like we have never seen before except during the absolute last minute crunch and chrush of Christmas cards and gifts which happens every year.

To appoint a rabidly Trump biased sychophant to head our national mail service at the most crucially important time of a presidential election is as blatantly corrupt as our United States Supreme Court's unprecedented shutting down the Florida Presidential vote count in 2001 by a 5 to 4 count, and superceding a 4 to 3 Florida state Supreme Court decision to keep counting their citizen's votes.

Al Gore won the 2,000 popular vote by over 500,000. Yet, the Florida vote count shut down invalidated that popular vote victory and allowed Bush to take their electoral votes by a 180 citizen vote margin.

The Bush biased SCOTUS intervention in the Florida vote count process in 2,000 was sickening. It will always be a shamefully corrupt political favoring act in my mind.

Mind blowing in it's blatant boldness.

H. Clinton won the 2016 presidential election popular vote count by well over 3 MILLION votes. That's a significant majority.

Most people believe there was foreign hacking corruption to somehow get just enough votes in Trump's electoral favor in selected states to take the victory from HC despite her significant popular vote victory. 

Michigan alone went to Trump by a mere 10,000 votes and it was reported that way more votes than that went missing in the Democratic voting district of Wayne County - Detroit.

Polls show most Americans feel there could be corruption in our vote count process this year. 

That is a monumental crisis in confidence with the most ominous implications.

What a sad point we have reached in our national fabric regards trust in our government. Hopefully this corruption madness will come to some degree of lessening this November.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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2 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

This 1988 analysis of Trump’s handwriting is terrifying

By Gerry Langer October 30, 2020


Felix Klein said, “In fact, the only writing that comes to mind that is as bad is Charles Manson’s.”

“As Trump’s re-election is looking more remote and his legal and financial predicaments are looming large and threatening to destroy him, I am left fearing how he might react to defeat. Being so desperate and vindictive, he is capable of extreme destructiveness, not just of our democracy and its governmental agencies, but as Commander-in-Chief much worse. This is the reason I am putting out an analysis that was done over 30 years ago, which resonates as uncannily accurate today. I can only hope that the danger we face is clearly understood, so we are prepared to fight for our country and our very lives.”

Steve Thomas

Steve, it seems only about a dozen or less of us are participating in this thread on a regular basis.

I also sense we are having a turn down in posting generally regards our main forum content as well.

I'm guessing the current fiery national political scene is dominating and even draining and exhausting most everyone.

Despite this, I think it is important to actually copy and paste the contents of the article you provide a link to.

Most readers here probably don't access the links you and I and others provide.

They are much more likely to just read our postings if they even do that.

However, the content of the article you link is so important in what it says about Trump from at least one world renowned graphologist, I think it's good idea to post the article content itself.

I hope at least some forum members read this piece. It is so incredibly accurate, prescient and actually scary.

Many have commented on the oddity of Donald Trump’s huge and illegible signature.  When Trump announced his candidacy,  I was reminded of the time in about 1988 when his handwriting was analyzed by Felix Klein, a world-renowned  graphologist, author and court-recognized document examiner. It was during a master-level seminar that I attended in NYC while pursuing my doctoral degree in clinical psychology. I had become interested in graphology several years earlier after reading that it was taught in European and Israeli graduate-level psychology programs and used clinically and for business personnel selection.  I was further intrigued after learning how clinical projective tests, such as the House-Tree-Person and Kinetic Family Drawings Test, shared many interpretative similarities with gestalt handwriting analysis. Although children learn cursive using a standard writing form template (New York schools through the 1960’s taught the Palmer Method or one of its derivatives), within a year or so most children’s writing starts to differentiate from that model. These writing changes, which are unconscious symbolic representations, can reveal a person’s developmental history, either positive, when their physical and emotional needs were met, or traumatic, if they were not.  Personality characteristics and subsequent behaviors are largely determined by our primal and childhood experiences, for better or worse.

Klein had presented our study group with a full page of Trump’s adult handwriting, with only his gender, age (about 40) and handedness (right), but without his signature which might identify him.  We were all taken aback, having not seen anything quite like it before, and we each took a turn analyzing it. After this exercise, Klein revealed who the writer was and showed us Trump’s overly large, narcissistic signature (with which we are all too familiar now, as he loves to show it off when he signs bills).  Klein began his analysis saying that Trump’s writing revealed his immense insecurity, aggressiveness and rigid inability to think and perceive the world accurately. He said Trump was grandiose, extremely narcissistic and paranoid, so much so that he considered him delusional. Moreover, Trump was unable to relate to other humans with any degree of emotional attachment or consideration. People to him were objects, only useful to feed his insatiable need for adoration and attention.  In looking specifically at his signature, Klein explained that Trump’s rigidly angular letter connections formed what he called shark’s teeth, which is indicative of rage and the capacity for extremely aggressive, acting out behaviors.

Now I should explain that Felix Klein was a very soft-spoken and mild-mannered gentleman in the old-school Viennese tradition.  However, as he continued to speak, he became visibly upset and agitated which surprised me.  Attempting to calm him, I said something to the effect that, since Trump was just a vulgar real estate developer, there was no need to get upset.  He continued that Trump was a very dangerous individual, capable of all manner of criminal behavior and was a menace to society.  He went on to say that Trump was hypomanic and determined to get whatever he wanted, describing him as a “screaming locomotive running down the tracks without brakes,” adding, “and God help anyone who tries to stop him!”  Once again I tried to talk him down without success, whereupon he stopped me in my tracks, with these unforgettable, exact next words: “I’ve probably examined well over 200,000 handwriting samples over more than 60 years, and Trump’s writing is one of the worst I’ve ever seen.  In fact, the only writing that comes to mind that is as bad is Charles Manson’s.”

To say I was dumbfounded would not be an exaggeration, but I have had a long time to reflect on why Klein became so upset, as this presidency has proven him right.  I believe Trump’s writing triggered such a strong emotional reaction because of the year Klein had spent in Dachau and Buchenwald concentration camps where he was forced to “entertain” his captors by analyzing their handwriting at their parties.  I cannot imagine if he were still alive how he would have reacted to Trump becoming president, not to mention his setting up his own “concentration camps” and traumatizing little children by separating them from their parents and placing them in cages.

As Trump’s re-election is looking more remote and his legal and financial predicaments are looming large and threatening to destroy him, I am left fearing how he might react to defeat.  Being so desperate and vindictive, he is capable of extreme destructiveness, not just of our democracy and its governmental agencies, but as Commander-in-Chief much worse.  This is the reason I am putting out an analysis that was done over 30 years ago, which resonates as uncannily accurate today.  I can only hope that the danger we face is clearly understood, so we are prepared to fight for our country and our very lives.

Gerry Langer, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist residing in Southern California.










Edited by Joe Bauer
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2 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

This 1988 analysis of Trump’s handwriting is terrifying

By Gerry Langer October 30, 2020


Felix Klein said, “In fact, the only writing that comes to mind that is as bad is Charles Manson’s.”

“As Trump’s re-election is looking more remote and his legal and financial predicaments are looming large and threatening to destroy him, I am left fearing how he might react to defeat. Being so desperate and vindictive, he is capable of extreme destructiveness, not just of our democracy and its governmental agencies, but as Commander-in-Chief much worse. This is the reason I am putting out an analysis that was done over 30 years ago, which resonates as uncannily accurate today. I can only hope that the danger we face is clearly understood, so we are prepared to fight for our country and our very lives.”

Steve Thomas

Steve, I share the sentiment.  I feel that when Trump loses, he will attempt to destroy anything and everything/everyone that has any possibility of holding him accountable.  This includes the entire government, any and all people he feels didn't bow down sufficiently.  This is why, I hope, there will be no "deals" made to not prosecute him upon departure (willingly or not).  If he is allowed to escape accountability, we as a whole will pay the price, and it will be steep.  It is only my opinion, but with the corruption he has accomplished thus far, he already deserves to be branded as a traitor and charged with treason.  If he is allowed to perpetrate further damage on our system by the circle of political enablers, there will be no succession of government - only revolution.  In closing:

“The execution of the laws is more important than the making of them.”

Thomas Jefferson, Letter to the Abbé Arnoux, July 19, 1789
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Unions discussing general strike if Trump refuses to accept Biden victory


“US unions have begun discussing the idea of a general strike if Donald Trump refuses to accept an election results showing a Joe Biden victory.

Such a move would be unprecedented in the modern era. There has not been a general strike in the United States since 1946 – and that was restricted to Oakland, California.

Sara Nelson, president of the Association of Flight Attendants, said a general strike could definitely be useful if Trump refuses to respect the election results. “What we’ve seen is people going about our business during the day and conducting mass protests at night, and that’s not going to be enough to make this president move,” Nelson said. “He will use those protests to further divide the country. We will have to do the one thing that takes all power and control from the government or anyone with corporate interests in keeping this person in office, and that is withholding our labor.””

Steve Thomas

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US Presidential Election 2020 - Election Main Markets

US Presidential Election 2020 - Odds To Win

10/31/205:00 PM


  • Joe Biden-175
  • Donald Trump+145
  • Kamala Harris+10000
  • Mike Pence+10000

All wagers have action

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54 minutes ago, Richard Price said:

Steve, I share the sentiment.  It is only my opinion, but with the corruption he has accomplished thus far, he already deserves to be branded as a traitor and charged with treason.  If he is allowed to perpetrate further damage on our system by the circle of political enablers, there will be no succession of government - only revolution.



I am getting the feeling that in these closing days, the more Donald Trump digs his heels in, the more people are starting to withdraw from him. I was reading this morning that he has even been leveling veiled threats against the Supreme Court; demanding that they "award" him the election.

There's a lot of people out there who gripe and grouse about the way things are, but when faced with supporting armed insurrection against the United States, they're going, "Whoa. I didn't bargain for this."

PS: I can tell Trump knows he is losing and is getting more desperate; no matter what he tells his rallies, because his language is getting cruder.

Steve Thomas

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On a slightly related note, down here in Georgia there was a scheduled debate between our Senator David Perdue and a Democratic challenger, David Ossoff.  At the last minute, Perdue has cancelled trying to use the debate to get his ideas across and swaying citizens from voting for the "Socialist" Democrat.  He is instead appearing with "Dear Leader" to again mispronounce Kamala Harris' name to the adoring fans whose vote he already has, and who don't care that he has lined his pockets the same as most Trump lackeys.

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Trumps Main Bragging Point Stock Market Drops Over 2,000 Points In 5 days!

Biggest stock market loss in one week since March.

There will be no mention of the stock market by Trump, the Republicans and Fox News from now until the election.

They will all pretend this record stock tumble reality simply does not exist.

Only mention the stock market if it goes up. Otherwise play reality possum.


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42 minutes ago, Richard Price said:

On a slightly related note, down here in Georgia there was a scheduled debate between our Senator David Perdue and a Democratic challenger, David Ossoff.  At the last minute, Perdue has cancelled trying to use the debate to get his ideas across and swaying citizens from voting for the "Socialist" Democrat.  He is instead appearing with "Dear Leader" to again mispronounce Kamala Harris' name to the adoring fans whose vote he already has, and who don't care that he has lined his pockets the same as most Trump lackeys.

Glad to see Ossoff tell it like it is, directly to Perdue's face. He called him a crook(using quite factual information) which so aptly applies.

After that a__ kicking, I wouldn't look forward to having another debate either.

Instead, Perdue will be a__ kissing his leader.


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Just voted today and I have to say I Must have some kind of white Privilege.

I see all those lines on TV for early voting.

I drove about four blocks to a local high school.  Walked into the gym, the guy checked my ID, directed me over to a machine.  Another guy showed me how to operate it.  I voted.  I was out in five minutes.

I will say this.  Gavin Newsom has done a nice job in making it easy to vote. There must have been at least 40 machines in that gym.  The only thing that bothered me was I got no receipt or paper print out.

BTW, I voted Green for Hawkins since Biden will take California by about 2-3 million votes.


PS I agree with Davidson above, Perdue got pasted by Ossoff in that debate.  That is why he will not show up again.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

BTW, I voted Green for Hawkins



I'm glad you went Green. I'm going to get a hybrid Gladiator when I'm 85.

Did I tell you that when Donald Trump got out of his voting booth, he announced that he had voted straight Republican? The only problem is that his Congressional Representative is Laura Loomer. She is a proud Islamaphobe who has been banned by Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, as well as Uber and Lyft.

Good job.

Steve Thomas

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1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:



Democrats are not showing up in Early Voting in Florida.

Miami-Dade, HRC had a 200,000 Early Voter advantage over Trump going in to election day.

Trump has a 66,000 Early Voter advantage in Miami-Dade as of the last update (I think yesterday.)

Interesting site if you like this sort of stuff. https://joeisdone.github.io/florida/

You can click on each county to see the "advantage" numbers.

The site is a little technical but anyone can figure it out. 

Also, it is updated every 20 minutes so the numbers change frequently.





Don’t believe it, gentle reader.  Republicans lead in early in-person voting, Democrats lead in early mail-in voting.


Total Voted by Party Registration

Party Count Percent
Democrats 3,130,430 40.0
Republicans 2,966,747 37.9
Minor 103,581 1.3
No Party Affiliation 1,621,275 20.7
TOTAL 7,822,033 100.0


Edited by Cliff Varnell
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3 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

       I'm a liberal Democrat and a supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement, but I, frankly, don't understand the rationale for these recent protests.  They seem to be playing into the hands of Trump and his proto-fascist thugs-- reinforcing Trump's BS about being the "law and order" candidate, etc.

      If the right wing goon squads want to parade around wielding guns and honking their horns, etc., why not simply chill out and let them look ridiculous?

      The mob violence is only hurting the prospects for meaningful reform.


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