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Let's face it: Mitch McConnell has the Democrats trapped

by Andrew O'Hehir, Salon September 23, 2021



“Republicans will pretend to run on fiscal responsibility but will actually run on a bunch of culture-war bullshit and promises to rig all future elections and unquestioned loyalty to a decrepit and defeated leader they all privately think is nuts. I'm sure looking forward to that, aren't you? “


In the year 22, 22...

Steve Thomas

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The results of the Arizona "audit" is going to be released Friday.

What they are going to say is that because Arizona;s vote counting process is so sloppy, it's impossible to know who won the election.

And this crap is going to go on and on and on.

Steve Thomas

Angry dispute between Republicans roiling final Arizona 'audit' report

Steven Rosenfeld, Independent Media Institute September 23, 2021



“Logan, Cotton, Pullen and Ayyadurai, however, will likely cast further doubt on the county's vote counting process—as Logan and Cotton did in a July 15 briefing for Arizona legislators—even as they concede that they have no evidence showing that Trump won. Whether the Senate's lawyers and Bennett can stop the report from perpetuating conspiracy theories or making factually sloppy or unsupported claims remains to be seen.”

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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

What an entirely depressing article. 

I agree. I only posted it here because of the reference to Oswald.

I remember reading at the time one of these guys boasted about blowing off the head of a woman in Iraq who was holding a baby at the time because she was between him and his target. A movie was made about this guy but this scene was not in it.

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Ben Shapiro is sort of the Steven Miller equivalent in privileged online right wing punditry.  Apparently he had great hopes for the California recall of Gavin Newsome and is now profoundly disappointed when it lost 2-1. He's spouting off about civil war, but knowing him. I wouldn't take it seriously. He's just pouting.


California ended up spending 276 million dollars on a recall election that was defeated almost 2 to one. Think of how many homeless people could be fed and temporarily housed with that money!

For over a year the recall Newsome movement put up their booths at highway junctions or sort of  picketed at freeway overpasses with signs. I saw a group  2 days after the election on a freeway overpass.I didn't get a good look, though one of the signs said Infowars.com.

i was driving around ranch country near Atascadero  Cal. the day after the election. It's very pretty country but right now bone dry. I saw this sign on the  side of the road.



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5 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Ben Shapiro is sort of the Steven Miller equivalent in privileged online right wing punditry.  Apparently he had great hopes for the California recall of Gavin Newsome and is now profoundly disappointed when it lost 2-1. He's spouting off about civil war, but knowing him. I wouldn't take it seriously. He's just pouting.


California ended up spending 276 million dollars on a recall election that was defeated almost 2 to one. Think of how many homeless people could be fed and temporarily housed with that money!

For over a year the recall Newsome movement put up their booths at highway junctions or sort of  picketed at freeway overpasses with signs. I saw a group  2 days after the election on a freeway overpass.I didn't get a good look, though one of the signs said Infowars.com.

i was driving around ranch country near Atascadero  Cal. the day after the election. It's very pretty country but right now bone dry. I saw this sign on the  side of the road.




     How did California Republicans manage to get this ridiculous, costly recall measure on a ballot?

     It sounds like another brainchild of one of the Koch-funded "think tanks."

     From what I've read, Newsom could have been deposed with less than 50% of the vote, and Elder could have replaced him with 24%.

      File it under, "minority rule," "the modern GOP war on democracy, etc."

      What's worse is the current GOP Debt-Ceiling Scam II in Congress this week -- a replay of the nonsense that resulted in a downgrade in the U.S. credit rating-- and a 10% plunge in the stock markets-- in the summer of 2011.

      I remember it well.

     Republican David Brooks wrote perhaps the greatest op-ed of the past decade that summer-- the ultimate take down of the Koch-funded Tea Party House.

     It deserves a place in the annals of American history.  (Re-printed for non-subscribers.)

The Mother of All No-Brainers

  • July 4, 2011

The Republicans have changed American politics since they took control of the House of Representatives. They have put spending restraint and debt reduction at the top of the national agenda. They have sparked a discussion on entitlement reform. They have turned a bill to raise the debt limit into an opportunity to put the U.S. on a stable fiscal course.

Republican leaders have also proved to be effective negotiators. They have been tough and inflexible and forced the Democrats to come to them. The Democrats have agreed to tie budget cuts to the debt ceiling bill. They have agreed not to raise tax rates. They have agreed to a roughly 3-to-1 rate of spending cuts to revenue increases, an astonishing concession.

Moreover, many important Democrats are open to a truly large budget deal. President Obama has a strong incentive to reach a deal so he can campaign in 2012 as a moderate. The Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, has talked about supporting a debt reduction measure of $3 trillion or even $4 trillion if the Republicans meet him part way. There are Democrats in the White House and elsewhere who would be willing to accept Medicare cuts if the Republicans would be willing to increase revenues.

If the Republican Party were a normal party, it would take advantage of this amazing moment. It is being offered the deal of the century: trillions of dollars in spending cuts in exchange for a few hundred billion dollars of revenue increases.

A normal Republican Party would seize the opportunity to put a long-term limit on the growth of government. It would seize the opportunity to put the country on a sound fiscal footing. It would seize the opportunity to do these things without putting any real crimp in economic growth.

The party is not being asked to raise marginal tax rates in a way that might pervert incentives. On the contrary, Republicans are merely being asked to close loopholes and eliminate tax expenditures that are themselves distortionary.

This, as I say, is the mother of all no-brainers.

But we can have no confidence that the Republicans will seize this opportunity. That’s because the Republican Party may no longer be a normal party. Over the past few years, it has been infected by a faction that is more of a psychological protest than a practical, governing alternative.

The members of this movement do not accept the logic of compromise, no matter how sweet the terms. If you ask them to raise taxes by an inch in order to cut government by a foot, they will say no. If you ask them to raise taxes by an inch to cut government by a yard, they will still say no.

The members of this movement do not accept the legitimacy of scholars and intellectual authorities. A thousand impartial experts may tell them that a default on the debt would have calamitous effects, far worse than raising tax revenues a bit. But the members of this movement refuse to believe it.

The members of this movement have no sense of moral decency. A nation makes a sacred pledge to pay the money back when it borrows money. But the members of this movement talk blandly of default and are willing to stain their nation’s honor.

The members of this movement have no economic theory worthy of the name. Economists have identified many factors that contribute to economic growth, ranging from the productivity of the work force to the share of private savings that is available for private investment. Tax levels matter, but they are far from the only or even the most important factor.

But to members of this movement, tax levels are everything. Members of this tendency have taken a small piece of economic policy and turned it into a sacred fixation. They are willing to cut education and research to preserve tax expenditures. Manufacturing employment is cratering even as output rises, but members of this movement somehow believe such problems can be addressed so long as they continue to worship their idol.

Over the past week, Democrats have stopped making concessions. They are coming to the conclusion that if the Republicans are fanatics then they better be fanatics, too.

The struggles of the next few weeks are about what sort of party the G.O.P. is — a normal conservative party or an odd protest movement that has separated itself from normal governance, the normal rules of evidence and the ancient habits of our nation.

If the debt ceiling talks fail, independent voters will see that Democrats were willing to compromise but Republicans were not. If responsible Republicans don’t take control, independents will conclude that Republican fanaticism caused this default. They will conclude that Republicans are not fit to govern.

And they will be right.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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3 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Do you think a careful look at the investment accounts of Congressional Republicans would give a clue what their plan is? 

Paul, I think their intent is obvious from the assault on voter rights.  They don' want Black, Native, Hispanic or perceived "foreigner's" to vote. 

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How did California Republicans manage to get this ridiculous, costly recall measure on a ballot?

     It sounds like another brainchild of one of the Koch-funded "think tanks."

     From what I've read, Newsom could have been deposed with less than 50% of the vote, and Elder could have replaced him with 24%.

      File it under, "minority rule," "the modern GOP war on democracy, etc."

W. It's part of the initiative , referendum and recall elective tools that have always existed in California. Specifically with the recall, someone correct me on this but i believe all someone has to do is get a petition signed by 1% of the eligible voters in the last general election and they can put the Governor up to recall. Which is insane, but what's even more insane is that if the public votes "yay" by any majority for recall, it invited in this case 46 candidates to run against each other where all the winner has to do is win a plurality which could be as little as 2% and he becomes Governor! In this case it was particularly bad for the incumbent party, the Democrats who aren't going to run candidates against Newsome because they believe he's been a good governor, and shouldn't be recalled in the first place..

They're going to change this, probably they are going to need 5% rather than 1% in the future to put the recall on the ballot. But that still doesn't fix a flooding of candidates where a winner could receive in the single digits and become Governor. There should be some kind of runoff, but I assume they created  it this way because they want to save some money on Special elections. In this case, Newsome comes up for re election again in a year!.



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Living in California my whole life and specifically on the Monterey Peninsula I can remember two other state political recall events in the last 30 years.

One of governor Grey Davis and the other of California Chief Justice Rose Bird.

Over night, there were tables and chairs set up in front of our post offices with loads of hyperbolic literature portraying Davis and Bird as the worst characters one could imagine.

Not just complete incompetents but with a deeper Rush Limbaugh type cloaked inference of their being extreme left, black coddling or even socialist commie sympathizing liberals  ... real boogie man stuff.

And these booths were staffed by mostly women who looked like they resided in the wealthiest area of Pebble Beach! Well dressed. Well coifed. Well spoken.

I believed these must be members of the local chapter of the Republican Women's club.

What befuddled me was the instant appearance of these well organized / high society staffed, bad boogie man scare promoting set ups. At the time, I wasn't completely unaware of California state political affairs and doings, and I had not heard very much about Bird and Grey Davis being so bad they needed to be thrown out.

And I really felt 90% of other adult Californians felt the same.

Guess, we had to be "educated" as to how bad, dangerous and damaging Bird and Davis really were!

Yet, both of these well financed, super hyped up scare campaigns worked!

Bird and Davis were embarrassingly tossed out on their rear ends!

A lawyer friend of mine once told me that one of the main financiers of the Bird recall effort were insurance corporations. Reason being Rose Bird kept ruling against them in her California Supreme Court cases!

However, the main wag the dog scare tactic message promoted in the Bird recall campaign was that she was ... against the death penalty!

She coddled MURDERERS!

Nothing mentioned about her insurance company defying legal decisions, of course.

When Davis was thrown out and replaced by "The Terminator" I did not know what the majority of voters of California thought he could do that would be so great we would all see that Grey Davis really was a complete boob.

As it turned out, Schwartzi was truly one of the worst governors California ever had!  When he left office, all the economic numbers usually cited in measuring a governor's leadership abilities and achievements were doubly worse than Davis's! Unemployment doubled. Deficit doubled. Crime, traffic, illegal immigration...all worse!

Both the Grey Davis and Rose Bird recall campaigns were shamelessly disingenuous, well financed, false flag sham affairs!

The Republicans are willing to put up hundreds of millions of dollars to finance these scare charades. Dems never do. Our most wealthy are more aggressive this way. 

The Brooks Brother riots in Dade County Florida, the violent Capital building insurrection, and now this latest recall scam in California are other examples of wealthy Republican financed political action extremities in trying to subvert our election process if their candidates lose...imo.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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 Interesting theory emerging today about the Haitian refugee "crisis" at the Mexican border.

Was it staged by Trump's political strategist Jason Miller?

We know that nothing riles up Trump's base as effectively as seeing dark skinned people amassing on the Mexican border.

But "how did 15,000 Haitian refugees from Brazil all end up at the same remote border location in Texas at the same time? 400 miles and at least a 7 hour drive from the coast. That's no accident or coincidence."

Conspiracy theories abound, but several center on Trump/GOP political strategist Jason Miller being in Brazil recently."


Evidence is piling up: Jason Miller organized a caravan of Haitian migrants from Brazil to create the recent Mexican border stunt


September 24, 2021

Evidence is piling up that Jason Miller organized a caravan of Haitian migrants from Brazil to create the "border crisis" that the GOP is talking about. Wouldn't it have been easier to just do something about the border issues while they could?


Edited by W. Niederhut
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16 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Paul, I think their intent is obvious from the assault on voter rights.  They don' want Black, Native, Hispanic or perceived "foreigner's" to vote. 

I wasn’t clear - I meant their intentions regarding the debt ceiling 

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It's not that Trump lost the election, it's that people cast terrible votes and didn't vote for him.

Trump tries to claim vindication after his own audit shows he lost: 'Many votes were terrible, terrible votes!'

by Brad Reed September 24, 2021



“While appearing on the "Real America's Voice" network, Trump said that the final audit results will show that he won the state, even though he really did lose it.

"They found many votes that were terrible, terrible votes!" Trump said. "In other words, they found that they were false votes, phantom votes, whatever you want to call them."”


Poor baby.

Steve Thomas

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