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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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2 hours ago, Jake Hammond said:

Vaccine Theory and vaccine reality are two different things. The graphs showing the cases of the most vaccinated virus' over time all show that they were in rapid decline before vaccine introduction. If you'd like I'll dig out the graphs, I checked them myself with vaccine introduction dates. Changes in health care, sanitation, refrigeration, standards of living, disinfectant, soaps etc is what cumulatively got rid of health issues that vaccines ' solved' . Polio is the poster child of vaccines and even that only has an overlap with a decline in cases if you take the pilot test years as the start point. 

 Anyway, MRNa is something totally different and has been denied' vaccine' status previously by the patent office twice on the grounds that it isn't a vaccine, doesn't work and killed all its lab animals. Honestly, if it makes you feel better and safer to get it then do so. Placebos work and you may have no ill effects. Studies and data analysis now are showing that the jabs don't offer greater protection outside of the oldest and youngest people for a week or two - then its down hill after that and overall deaths are up, vaccinated people are dying at a higher rate ( when age corrected) than unvaccinated, Omnicrom is basically a weak cold and T cell production is virtually destroyed in the week after Jabbing takes place. 

 This is all aside from the heart issues people are having, the heart shows these issues up first for obvious reasons but long term will cause issues too. My friend went to her fathers funeral yesterday ( 71 but slim, fit and still cycling regularly) who died of a heart attack two days after the boost. No underlying conditions. The Funeral director literally said, " most of the deaths in the last month have been heart attacks with no underlying conditions, of all ages". There are signs on buses now in my area reading ' children have strokes too' - know how to react. I'm not joking and will happily share the images. 

 I know I've criticised this thread for political squabbling but I'm seeing people bullying others into taking an infinite amount of experimental jabs for a virus which has been less deadly than driving ( at my mileage and age) for the last two years. Happy to post images and graphs but I've also likened this thread to twitter or reddit before so I'd be slightly hypocritical. 

Newsflash, Jake.  I have a medical degree from the #1 ranked medical school in the U.S.

Who told you that sanitation and disinfectants prevented viral epidemics?

Do you know that 99% of recent COVID deaths in the U.S. have occurred in the unvaccinated?

Another question.  How would you go about determining whether reported adverse events following vaccines were, in fact, caused by the vaccines?

Any clue?

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

Newsflash, Jake.  I have a medical degree from the #1 ranked medical school in the U.S.

Who told you that sanitation and disinfectants prevented viral epidemics?

Do you know that 99% of recent COVID deaths in the U.S. have occurred in the unvaccinated?

Another question.  How would you go about determining whether reported adverse events following vaccines were, in fact, caused by the vaccines?

Any clue?

I'm happy to upload the graphs tomorrow. Newsflash. Whooping cough, diphtheria, typhoid , measles, scarlet fever..... all in a strong and steady decline way before vax intro and the intro didn't effect that decline. Its pretty simple.... find the graph, find the date of vax intro. , stare at screen. 

-  Did you know that , at least in the UK , you are now classed as unvaccinated if you haven't had the latest booster and if you die within two weeks of the jab you are also ' unvaccinated'. Recently a professor of mathematics ( risk analysis specialism) at Queens college conducted a study and found that even when not taking into account the two week 'unvax' classification absolute death figures for unvaxed are lower than vaxed when all potential variables are corrected. I'd send the link to the interview on YouTube but YT have pulled it obviously and I can't find it on google, shock horror. 

 Seen the latest Joe Rogan with Dr. Peter McCullough ? , seen anything by Dr David Martin recently ( 'manufactured illusion' is mind blowing   ? Dr. Dr Charles Hoffe ? Dr. Michael Yeadon ? The Dr. who invented Mrna technology ?

' adverse events' - please...heart attacks are through the roof and they're happening post booster to healthy people of all ages. I literally have two healthy fit friends who now have myocarditis. The Queens college study worked out that there were gluts of deaths within the 14 days of jabbing hidden by the categorisation of ' unvaxed'. If you have a medical degree you should really be using your gravitas for good and finding out the truth. 

Edited by Jake Hammond
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1 hour ago, Jake Hammond said:

I'm happy to upload the graphs tomorrow. Newsflash. Whooping cough, diphtheria, typhoid , measles, scarlet fever..... all in a strong and steady decline way before vax intro and the intro didn't effect that decline. Its pretty simple.... find the graph, find the date of vax intro. , stare at screen. 

-  Did you know that , at least in the UK , you are now classed as unvaccinated if you haven't had the latest booster and if you die within two weeks of the jab you are also ' unvaccinated'. Recently a professor of mathematics ( risk analysis specialism) at Queens college conducted a study and found that even when not taking into account the two week 'unvax' classification absolute death figures for unvaxed are lower than vaxed when all potential variables are corrected. I'd send the link to the interview on YouTube but YT have pulled it obviously and I can't find it on google, shock horror. 

 Seen the latest Joe Rogan with Dr. Peter McCullough ? , seen anything by Dr David Martin recently ( 'manufactured illusion' is mind blowing   ? Dr. Dr Charles Hoffe ? Dr. Michael Yeadon ? The Dr. who invented Mrna technology ?

' adverse events' - please...heart attacks are through the roof and they're happening post booster to healthy people of all ages. I literally have two healthy fit friends who now have myocarditis. The Queens college study worked out that there were gluts of deaths within the 14 days of jabbing hidden by the categorisation of ' unvaxed'. If you have a medical degree you should really be using your gravitas for good and finding out the truth. 


       You're a poster child for the old adage that, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing."

       You are presenting no credible, controlled data here.

       In comparison with your anecdotal anti-vax disinformation, here's a very recent, controlled, large scale study from your own British Medical Journal.  It's a huge sample population of roughly 5,000,000 young Danes.


       Guess what the Danish data shows about myocarditis?

       1.4 of every 100,000 young Danish people vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine developed myocarditis-- 48 people out of roughly 3,500,000 vaccinated, or 1 in 73,000.

       So, your two friends who allegedly developed heart problems from a vaccine were 2 out of roughly 150,000 who didn't.

       How do you like those odds?

       Incidentally, scarlet fever and typhoid fever are caused by Streptococci and Salmonella Typhi bacteria, respectively -- treatable with antibiotics.  My maternal grandmother died of Strep sepsis in 1926, just a few years before Fleming discovered penicillin. 

       Viruses are more difficult to kill than bacteria.

       Until recently in history, we had limited options for treating viral infections.

       So, vaccines for viral infections have been a true Godsend for humanity.  Anyone who grew up in the 1940s and 50s knows that to be true in the case of polio myelitis-- a truly devastating pathogen that kills motor neuron anterior horn cells, causing often irreversible paralysis.

       Perhaps the greatest vaccine success story in history is the original one-- Jenner's discovery of a vaccine for (cowpox) smallpox, in 1796.

      Did you know that many indigenous Native American populations were wiped out by smallpox in the pre-vaccine era -- along with millions of people throughout world history?

     Try reading something useful, for a change.

History of smallpox


Edited by W. Niederhut
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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

       1.4 of every 100,000 young Danish people vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine developed myocarditis-- 48 people out of roughly 3,500,000 vaccinated, or 1 in 73,000.

       So, your two friends who allegedly developed heart problems from a vaccine were 2 out of roughly 150,000 who didn't.


And I'm curious. How many were vulnerable to it anyway? Out of 100,000 how many would have developed it whether they got the vaxx or not? How many had underlying cardiovascular abnormalities? Let's see. Here's an idea:

The incidence of myocarditis is approximately 1.5 million cases worldwide per year. Incidence is usually estimated between 10 to 20 cases per 100,000 persons. The overall incidence is unknown and probably underdiagnosed.  In the United States, the frequency of myocarditis is difficult to ascertain as many cases are subclinical. In community-based populations, the prevalence and outcomes of myocarditis are unknown as epidemiologic studies suggest that the majority of Coxsackie B virus infections, an important cause of myocarditis are subclinical, thus following a benign course.

According to some estimates, 1% to 5% of all patients with acute viral infections may involve the myocardium.

The majority of patients are young and healthy. Individuals who are susceptible include children, pregnant women and those who are immunocompromised.

Here's another from NIH in 2009 on the troubling incidence of athletes developing MC:


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8 hours ago, John Butler said:


I didn't know this.  Thanks for the info.  Of course, those who wish to will discount this as anecdotal information.

My avoidance of the vaccine or government sponsored vaccines goes back to the 1950s when I was in elementary school.  I was forced to take polio shots which I would have avoided if I could.  Gerald Ford wanted to do another round of polio vaccines or at least he suggested it before the 1976 election.  It could be part of the reason Jimmy Carter won in 1976. 

Anyway, he was turned down on the new polio vaccine.  At the time that got me to thinking that there might have been something wrong with the polio shots we received in the 1950s.  Later information confirmed that.  By the 1980s there was very few things I thought the government was truthful about.  Today, that has changed to questioning everything!

It is a strange journey from believing Lyndon Johnson was the best president ever and who one day stand with the great presidents such as George Washington.  Yes, a strange journey when almost everything you knew has flipped into something else.

What Jake is saying is a reflection of what is happening in the UK too. Everybody knows multiple people with serious adverse reactions.
Media silent .... 

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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


       You're a poster child for the old adage that, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing."

       You are presenting no credible, controlled data here.

       In comparison with your anecdotal anti-vax disinformation, here's a very recent, controlled, large scale study from your own British Medical Journal.  It's a huge sample population of roughly 5,000,000 young Danes.


       Guess what the Danish data shows about myocarditis?

       1.4 of every 100,000 young Danish people vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine developed myocarditis-- 48 people out of roughly 3,500,000 vaccinated, or 1 in 73,000.

       So, your two friends who allegedly developed heart problems from a vaccine were 2 out of roughly 150,000 who didn't.

       How do you like those odds?

       Incidentally, scarlet fever and typhoid fever are caused by Streptococci and Salmonella Typhi bacteria, respectively -- treatable with antibiotics.  My maternal grandmother died of Strep sepsis in 1926, just a few years before Fleming discovered penicillin. 

       Viruses are more difficult to kill than bacteria.

       Until recently in history, we had limited options for treating viral infections.

       So, vaccines for viral infections have been a true Godsend for humanity.  Anyone who grew up in the 1940s and 50s knows that to be true in the case of polio myelitis-- a truly devastating pathogen that kills motor neuron anterior horn cells, causing often irreversible paralysis.

       Perhaps the greatest vaccine success story in history is the original one-- Jenner's discovery of a vaccine for (cowpox) smallpox, in 1796.

      Did you know that many indigenous Native American populations were wiped out by smallpox in the pre-vaccine era -- along with millions of people throughout world history?

     Try reading something useful, for a change.

History of smallpox


      Does anyone else around here find it annoying when someone simply ignores a detailed rebuttal by re-posting what was rebutted?

      In this case, I just took time to explain why Jake's friends with alleged vaccine-induced myocarditis would, apparently, be 2 cases out of 150,000 non-cases -- based on the Danish study at BMJ.  Quite an unusual coincidence.


Edited by W. Niederhut
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Interesting headlines, see below. 

I still wonder if a Western democracy can "beat" a respiratory virus. The UK just posted all-time high record new C19 infection rates.  How many years you want to go with this? 

Joe Biden warns of ‘winter of death’ for the unvaccinated, with Omicron ‘here now and spreading’

NFL postpones three Week 15 games due to COVID-19 surge


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38 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Interesting headlines, see below. 

I still wonder if a Western democracy can "beat" a respiratory virus. The UK just posted all-time high record new C19 infection rates.  How many years you want to go with this?


     Ask the vaccine refusers.

     We can't successfully manage a deadly viral pandemic in a society where a substantial percentage of the population is either too ignorant or too beguiled by ubiquitous disinformation to cooperate with necessary public health measures, including vaccination.  Under such circumstances, the virus will continue to replicate and mutate.

     How did we eradicate smallpox and polio in the U.S.?

    The evidence indicates that the COVID vaccines-- with appropriate boosters-- are protective against Omicron (and Delta.)  So, if a new wave of COVID mortality and morbidity is coming, it will primarily afflict the unvaccinated.  Biden is correct.

    Consider that over 99% of U.S. COVID deaths in recent months occurred in unvaccinated people-- with significantly elevated death rates in counties that voted for Trump.

     How do you explain that?

     Unfortunately, during the past 20 months, Trump and his Fox propagandists have succeeded in turning COVID denial-ism and vaccine refusal into matters of GOP identity politics.

      There seems to be an underlying, vague notion in the Trump MAGA-verse that the 2020 COVID pandemic was some sort of hoax, perpetrated to undermine Trump's presidency.

       Now that Trump is out of office, it has morphed into irrational vaccine paranoia and blaming Biden for the fact that Trump voters don't want to get vaccinated or wear masks.


Edited by W. Niederhut
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Never try to outsmart Darwin;  all the people that died from infection before antibiotics also had an immune system...

Wasn't quite enough, was it?


Paul- I definitely recommend the booster; the antibodies produced by your MRNA vaccine start to wane 5 months after the second shot, and disappear almost entirely by month 7.  And that booster not only ups your ABs levels, but gives another nice kick to your body's B and T cells.

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9 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


       You're a poster child for the old adage that, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing."

       You are presenting no credible, controlled data here.

       In comparison with your anecdotal anti-vax disinformation, here's a very recent, controlled, large scale study from your own British Medical Journal.  It's a huge sample population of roughly 5,000,000 young Danes.


       Guess what the Danish data shows about myocarditis?

       1.4 of every 100,000 young Danish people vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine developed myocarditis-- 48 people out of roughly 3,500,000 vaccinated, or 1 in 73,000.

       So, your two friends who allegedly developed heart problems from a vaccine were 2 out of roughly 150,000 who didn't.

       How do you like those odds?

       Incidentally, scarlet fever and typhoid fever are caused by Streptococci and Salmonella Typhi bacteria, respectively -- treatable with antibiotics.  My maternal grandmother died of Strep sepsis in 1926, just a few years before Fleming discovered penicillin. 

       Viruses are more difficult to kill than bacteria.

       Until recently in history, we had limited options for treating viral infections.

       So, vaccines for viral infections have been a true Godsend for humanity.  Anyone who grew up in the 1940s and 50s knows that to be true in the case of polio myelitis-- a truly devastating pathogen that kills motor neuron anterior horn cells, causing often irreversible paralysis.

       Perhaps the greatest vaccine success story in history is the original one-- Jenner's discovery of a vaccine for (cowpox) smallpox, in 1796.

      Did you know that many indigenous Native American populations were wiped out by smallpox in the pre-vaccine era -- along with millions of people throughout world history?

     Try reading something useful, for a change.

History of smallpox


I’ll upload a ton of hard data and studies later but I don’t have a whole load of time . I can link to loads of scientists and doctors who are very much against mRNA . If you do nothing else I suggest very strongly you  watch ‘ manufactured illusion’ , it gives the whole history of Covid 19 and really is eye opening . You won’t of course but I can at least try . 
You are referring to the dunning Kruger effect, or in modern parlance - the mid wit meme . It suggests that the most dangerous people are the ones convinced that they are an authority because they are of above average intelligence and knowledge . The issue is that this ignorance is total and complete and they cannot reason themselves out of their rigid self built narratives. 
…. I forgot to add water chlorination in to the reasons for decline in common Illnesses. I’ve found the graphs now and will upload over the weekend along with the vaccine introduction dates and other key dates such as mandatory health care and chlorination . Then we’ll look at the evidence. 

Edited by Jake Hammond
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5 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


     Ask the vaccine refusers.

     We can't successfully manage a deadly viral pandemic in a society where a substantial percentage of the population is either too ignorant or too beguiled by ubiquitous disinformation to cooperate with necessary public health measures, including vaccination.  Under such circumstances, the virus will continue to replicate and mutate.

     How did we eradicate smallpox and polio in the U.S.?

    The evidence indicates that the COVID vaccines-- with appropriate boosters-- are protective against Omicron (and Delta.)  So, if a new wave of COVID mortality and morbidity is coming, it will primarily afflict the unvaccinated.  Biden is correct.

    Consider that over 99% of U.S. COVID deaths in recent months occurred in unvaccinated people-- with significantly elevated death rates in counties that voted for Trump.

     How do you explain that?

     Unfortunately, during the past 20 months, Trump and his Fox propagandists have succeeded in turning COVID denial-ism and vaccine refusal into matters of GOP identity politics.

      There seems to be an underlying, vague notion in the Trump MAGA-verse that the 2020 COVID pandemic was some sort of hoax, perpetrated to undermine Trump's presidency.

       Now that Trump is out of office, it has morphed into irrational vaccine paranoia and blaming Biden for the fact that Trump voters don't want to get vaccinated or wear masks.


Quick question for you and all like you … how many boosters will you have before you wake up ? 
What frequency will this be ? 
More importantly, how long will you keep supporting the deliberate destruction of our economy, way of life, increased suicides, increases cancer victims etc…. For the unnecessary ‘ treatment’ of a coronavirus variant which is now weaker than a common cold  ?  
100 boosters ? 1 a week? Indefinite lockdowns ? 

Edited by Jake Hammond
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5 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


     Ask the vaccine refusers.

     We can't successfully manage a deadly viral pandemic in a society where a substantial percentage of the population is either too ignorant or too beguiled by ubiquitous disinformation to cooperate with necessary public health measures, including vaccination.  Under such circumstances, the virus will continue to replicate and mutate.

     How did we eradicate smallpox and polio in the U.S.?

    The evidence indicates that the COVID vaccines-- with appropriate boosters-- are protective against Omicron (and Delta.)  So, if a new wave of COVID mortality and morbidity is coming, it will primarily afflict the unvaccinated.  Biden is correct.

    Consider that over 99% of U.S. COVID deaths in recent months occurred in unvaccinated people-- with significantly elevated death rates in counties that voted for Trump.

     How do you explain that?

     Unfortunately, during the past 20 months, Trump and his Fox propagandists have succeeded in turning COVID denial-ism and vaccine refusal into matters of GOP identity politics.

      There seems to be an underlying, vague notion in the Trump MAGA-verse that the 2020 COVID pandemic was some sort of hoax, perpetrated to undermine Trump's presidency.

       Now that Trump is out of office, it has morphed into irrational vaccine paranoia and blaming Biden for the fact that Trump voters don't want to get vaccinated or wear masks.



That's the point---the US is a country (and I guess the UK, Germany also) where lots of people are apprehensive about vaccines and in general people obey authority on hit-or-miss basis. 

UK and Germany setting all-time records for C19 new infections. New York City also. 

Any public policy has trade-offs, and works with facts realities on the ground. 

If after all the remonstrations, strong-arming (get jabbed or lose your job), lockdowns, vaccine passes, travel bans...we see all-time record-high new C19 infection rates...then, yes, I say time to fold up the tents and go home. 

Light at the end of the tunnel? Who is to say the next variant will be even better at dodging vaccines? 

And even if the US population becomes perfect---the virus is global. Indeed, they say omicron came from South Africa. So one guy gets inside the US with the next vaccine-resistant variant....

My take is get the jabs you want, wear masks if you want, but life must go on. 











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