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12 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

 I thought it was just a scrum.  You know, just a bit of a tussle among players in a rugby match.  All forgiven over a beer afterwards.

I agree Ron,
Gee Ben it; looks like you're going to have to revise your UK definition of "scrums" being cute little chaps in scrum shorts to now include plots of shotguns and automatic weapons. Welcome to the big leagues!  Nice Call! 
heh heh
Ben's hoping Trump will lend credibility to his website that claims that Ray Epps masterminded the 1/6 Capital break in, that he's been preaching to us the last 6 months. Yes, that's a joke!
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  • Benjamin Cole


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15 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

But, if allowed, I will still retain a skeptical view of official-state-media narratives of 1/6. 

Well, it’s polite to ask the tyrants and bullies. 🙂 

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GOP Rep. Madison Cawthorn Cleans Gun During Veterans' Affairs Hearing

“Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) lived up to his claim to fame on Wednesday of being the youngest current member of Congress.”

by Jose Pagliery Political Investigations Reporter Jan. 20, 2022


“The House Veterans’ Affairs Committee took Wednesday as an opportunity to hold a virtual hearing on how toxic chemicals are killing U.S. soldiers. Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) took the hearing as an opportunity to clean his gun.”


Steve Thomas

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Hmmm....  Was this another "Deep State" op to purge patriots?   🤥

Trump campaign officials, led by Rudy Giuliani, oversaw fake electors plot in 7 states


January 20, 2022


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Interesting perspective on the investigative authority and power of the 1/6 committee. 

I was unaware the 1/6 committee can seize phone and bank records without a warrant or judicial review, or telling the people whose records were seized.

Yes, I remain skeptical of official state-M$M-media narratives regarding 1/6. 

There was a time when liberals disliked prosecutorial abuse or all-powerful Congressional "investigative" bodies. HUAC and all that. The ACLU actually used to defend freedom of speech.  

I understand for many, Trump was and is a polarizing figure. That is fine, all points of view have their merits. 

But after 9/11, the globalist security state was emboldened.  But there is always room for an even large number and body of intel agencies. See the phony 1/6 "insurrection." 

Sadly, probably this fight is over, and the civil libertarians have lost. The M$M is all in on a panopticon police state, along with globalist Donk lackies, and old-guard GOP authoritarians. 

Almost none of the true lessons of the JFKA have been learned. 


Edited by Benjamin Cole
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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Hmmm....  Was this another "Deep State" op to purge patriots?   🤥

Trump campaign officials, led by Rudy Giuliani, oversaw fake electors plot in 7 states


January 20, 2022


Yo, Ben, have Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald explained this new Deep State false flag op yet?

It looks like Trump and Rudy Giuliani were tricked into forging electoral ballots in several states in order to enable the Deep State to purge more patriots...  🤥

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10 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Yo, Ben, have Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald explained this new Deep State false flag op yet?

It looks like Trump and Rudy Giuliani were tricked into forging electoral ballots in several states in order to enable the Deep State to purge more patriots...  🤥


I trust the reporting of Glenn Greenwald more than that of M$M outfits, such as CNN.

Tucker Carlson---well, sort of a hit-or-miss. 

Carlson allows ideological or partisan dogma to cloud his views sometimes----IMHO.  

A lesson for us all, in Carlson? 

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Ben- You trust Russia-sympathetic Glenn Greenwald more than actual journalists?

My goodness. Sounds like you're conclusion-shopping rather actually looking for the truth.

There are plenty of verifiable facts that demonstrate there was a plot by Trump and his fellow conspirators to overthrow the United States. Watching those facts be laid out in prime-time on television is going to be a special kind of great.

I'll remind you once again, you're posting on a board that has a bevy of intelligent people, all of whom have familiarity with the ways conspiracies can be hatched. No ignorant rubes here...

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40 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- You trust Russia-sympathetic Glenn Greenwald more than actual journalists?

My goodness. Sounds like you're conclusion-shopping rather actually looking for the truth.

There are plenty of verifiable facts that demonstrate there was a plot by Trump and his fellow conspirators to overthrow the United States. Watching those facts be laid out in prime-time on television is going to be a special kind of great.

I'll remind you once again, you're posting on a board that has a bevy of intelligent people, all of whom have familiarity with the ways conspiracies can be hatched. No ignorant rubes here...

"Ben- You trust Russia-sympathetic Glenn Greenwald more than actual journalists?"---Matt

Yes, I trust Glenn Greenwald more than "actual journalists"---is that your description of people who work in M$M? 

I get a kind of Alice in Wonderland feeling. 

Dan Rather, Hugh Aynesworth, and Tim Weiner are "actual journalists." 

Yes, I trust unaffiliated outsiders like Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi or Aaron Mate more than M$M. That seems reasonable to me. 

I even harbor suspicions that Liz Cheney may present statist narratives rather than real truths.  Perhaps I am beyond redemption. 




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Draft Executive Order authorizing the Secretary of Defense to

"seize, collect, retain and analyze all machines, equipment, electronically stored information, and material records required for retention under” a U.S. law that relates to preservation of election records.


 (7) Thee appointment of a Special Counsel to oversee this operation and institute all criminal and civil proceedings as appropriate based on the evidence collected and provided all resources necessary to carry out her duties consistent with federal laws and the Constitution.

Her duties?

Her duties?

Who's duties are Her duties?

Hello Sydney Powell.

Steve Thomas

Edited by Steve Thomas
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        Historically, Republicans have supported voting rights-- since 1965-- even as recently as 2006, when 17 Senate Republicans who just voted against this week's John Lewis Freedom to Vote Act voted to re-affirm the Voting Rights Act.

        So, what happened to the GOP after 2006?  What explains the newfound GOP sabotage of the Voting Rights Act, beginning with the 5-4 Republican SCOTUS vote in Shelby v. Holder (2013) to block enforcement of the VRA on the grounds that it was no longer necessary?

        In a nutshell, it's about Koch control of the GOP after 2009.

        The Koch's Heritage Foundation has been the driving force behind state GOP voter suppression bills, and the recent Senate sabotage of the John Lewis Freedom to Vote Act.

Conservative Lobby Groups Prevail as Senate Keeps the Filibuster

While it lobbied to kneecap federal voting rights reform, Heritage Action helped write a host of state-level voter suppression bills.


January 21, 2022


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23 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Hmmm....  Was this another "Deep State" op to purge patriots?   🤥

Trump campaign officials, led by Rudy Giuliani, oversaw fake electors plot in 7 states


January 20, 2022


Thanks for linking this.  I thought it was an important development when the story first broke but had seen nothing more.  This makes it clear that it was an organized effort, originating in the Whitehouse sphere.

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