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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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"Donald Trump was interviewed on the Nelk Boys podcast at his Mar-a-Lago resort.

The former commander-in-chief was asked how he saw Russia's invasion of Ukraine ending.

"Well, and I said this a long time ago, if this happens, we are playing right into their hands. Green energy. The windmills, they don't work, they're too expensive, they kill all the birds, they ruin your landscapes, and yet, the environmentalists love the windmills," Trump complained after being asked about a war in Europe."

Yup. We're playing right into their hands.

Stable genius.

Steve Thomas

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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:

"Donald Trump was interviewed on the Nelk Boys podcast at his Mar-a-Lago resort.

The former commander-in-chief was asked how he saw Russia's invasion of Ukraine ending.

"Well, and I said this a long time ago, if this happens, we are playing right into their hands. Green energy. The windmills, they don't work, they're too expensive, they kill all the birds, they ruin your landscapes, and yet, the environmentalists love the windmills," Trump complained after being asked about a war in Europe."

Yup. We're playing right into their hands.

Stable genius.

Steve Thomas

Yeah, but Trump is history.

Biden is president now. 

Are you satisfied with Biden? Putin has a lethal convoy headed to Kyiv. Biden promised not to intervene militarily, before Russia's invasion.

But Biden has declared a no fly zone...over the US.

Biden has called out the Army to deter the convoy...well, not that convoy, but a trucker convoy of US citizen-protestors, near DC somewhere. 

It seems to have escaped people on this forum, the story is not what Trump would have done, or what he said, or the 1/6 scrum. Trump is a nobody now, deservedly so. 

Biden is the president, and foreign-military policy is one area in which the president is supreme. What is Biden doing?


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This is Ulta-Secret, Super-Spy stuff.

Don't share it with anyone!

It's only because you are a friend and everything.

Former President Donald Trump was flying from New Orleans back to Palm Beach when he was forced to make an emergency landing. Now, he's asking supporters to send him money.

In an email to supporters mere hours after the news broke on his travel issues, Trump was asking them to pay for Trump Force One.


(Just as an aside, he had to hitchhike home)

Steve Thomas

Edited by Steve Thomas
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2 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

"Donald Trump was interviewed on the Nelk Boys podcast at his Mar-a-Lago resort.

The former commander-in-chief was asked how he saw Russia's invasion of Ukraine ending.

"Well, and I said this a long time ago, if this happens, we are playing right into their hands. Green energy. The windmills, they don't work, they're too expensive, they kill all the birds, they ruin your landscapes, and yet, the environmentalists love the windmills," Trump complained after being asked about a war in Europe."

Yup. We're playing right into their hands.

Stable genius.

Steve Thomas

For 5 years now I just shake my head at the thousands of crazy things Trump says that come across as him being so compulsively self obsessed and self promoting fixated to even delusional false reality degrees that he can't hold a conversation without injecting this into every response he gives.

The man can't hold a rational back and forth conversation because of his massive fear of being a loser insecurity issues. 

"I'm the greatest, I'm the smartest, I'm a genius, I'm the best, I'm always right, I'm a winner not a loser, I know more than the generals, I'm loved by so many, I can 'grab em by the p*$$y and they let me get away with it, I'm always being wronged and cheated, I'm ......... it never ends!

Trump IS the best in one area. He'd be the "biggest and best bore" at any cocktail party with his non-stop, one track self obsessed and self promoting line of conversation.

"Did I ever tell you I'm the best at ... well, you name  it ... I'm just the best!"



Edited by Joe Bauer
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13 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

So...Biden is a muddle. Biden has looked uncoordinated, flabby and weak on Ukraine.

Yeah, what's with Biden? Didn't he get the memo from Ben that after a year of his completely unneeded lecturing to us about the horrible history of U.S. military interventions, that Ben has decided he's now gung ho no fly zone in Ukraine?  So what's stopping Biden?
Biden has punk'd Putin in every aspect of the PR war for the last couple of months. He anticipated Putin's movements warned of false flag maneuvers and rationalizations Putin might come up with.
He's drastically devalued the ruble leaving Russian oligarchy and Russian elites scrambling, and honoring his treaties in place of a direct confrontation with Russia in Europe, and somehow has managed the most comprehensive corporate boycott the word's ever seen.
I like this article in Salon, the only small criticism I may make about this excerpt is in the second paragraph, we still may be in the early innings on how this will play out.

The value of Biden's efforts to solve the most complicated international crisis since the end of World War II is unrecognizable to those who support the arrogant, obnoxious efforts of Putin-wannabes who thrive in the dark cesspool of American politics. These are the devotees of spreading disinformation who declare they defend democracy while cheering the insurrectionists of Jan. 6. 

Biden has been crystal clear about his intentions: He means to economically strangle Putin into submission, avoid a wider conflict and strengthen our European democratic allies — leaving Russia weaker. His experience on the international stage during a lengthy career in public office has provided him with a unique perspective, and the skills to get this done. 

There are many in this country who decry experience, or say it doesn't matter. Biden's experience is proving otherwise, although the amount of bile that passes for political straight talk makes it next to impossible for the average uninformed American to understand the nuances of our current international crisis.

This lead to another Salon article about the Fox News coverage. Why should we have any hope, that Fox would grow up and start realizing the seriousness of the situation, and not just use the war as another opportunity to bash Joe Biden? It first talks about a Fox News reporter Benjamin Hall, on the ground in the Ukraine taking umbrage at that geeky, grousing Glen Gutfeld's depiction of the war coverage designed only to solicit an "emotional response " from viewers. Then it shows a few excerpts where a Fox News reporter Jennifer Griffin taking issue with Sean Hannity and other Fox hosts and guests depictions of the war. I was impressed. We could certainly see more of her  on "Fair and balanced" Fox news!
Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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6 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
Yeah, what's with Biden? Didn't he get the memo from Ben that after a year of his completely unneeded lecturing to us about the horrible history of U.S. military interventions, that Ben has decided he's now gung ho no fly zone in Ukraine?  So what's stopping Biden?
Biden has punk'd Putin in every aspect of the PR war for the last couple of months. He anticipated Putin's movements warned of false flag maneuvers and rationalizations Putin might come up with.
He's drastically devalued the ruble leaving Russian oligarchy and Russian elites scrambling, and honoring his treaties in place of a direct confrontation with Russia in Europe, and somehow has managed the most comprehensive corporate boycott the word's ever seen.
I like this article in Salon, the only small criticism I may make about this excerpt is in the second paragraph, we still may be in the early innings on how this will play out.

The value of Biden's efforts to solve the most complicated international crisis since the end of World War II is unrecognizable to those who support the arrogant, obnoxious efforts of Putin-wannabes who thrive in the dark cesspool of American politics. These are the devotees of spreading disinformation who declare they defend democracy while cheering the insurrectionists of Jan. 6. 

Biden has been crystal clear about his intentions: He means to economically strangle Putin into submission, avoid a wider conflict and strengthen our European democratic allies — leaving Russia weaker. His experience on the international stage during a lengthy career in public office has provided him with a unique perspective, and the skills to get this done. 

There are many in this country who decry experience, or say it doesn't matter. Biden's experience is proving otherwise, although the amount of bile that passes for political straight talk makes it next to impossible for the average uninformed American to understand the nuances of our current international crisis.

This lead to another Salon article about the Fox News coverage. Why should we have any hope, that Fox would grow up and start realizing the seriousness of the situation, and not just use the war as another opportunity to bash Joe Biden? It first talks about a Fox News reporter Benjamin Hall, on the ground in the Ukraine taking umbrage at that geeky, grousing Glen Gutfeld's depiction of the war coverage designed only to solicit an "emotional response " from viewers. Then it shows a few excerpts where a Fox News reporter Jennifer Griffin taking issue with Sean Hannity and other Fox hosts and guests depictions of the war. I was impressed. We could certainly see more of her  on "Fair and balanced" Fox news!


That is quite a missive you have posted. 

There is difference between a 20-year-long occupation of Afghanistan, on a mission no one understood (justifications evolved, or rather mutated constantly), and present-day efforts to deter a lethal convoy pointed at Kyiv. 

Yes, the US foreign-trade-military establishment is a creature of the globalist class. 

My guess is the globalists don't care that much about Kyiv, but the narrative has been stolen by Ukrainian resistance and the (deserved) image of Putin.

The globalists have no problem cozying up to Xi, who makes Putin look like Peter Pan. 

10 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

For 5 years now I just shake my head at the thousands of crazy things Trump says that come across as him being so compulsively self obsessed and self promoting fixated to even delusional false reality degrees that he can't hold a conversation without injecting this into every response he gives.

The man can't hold a rational back and forth conversation because of his massive fear of being a loser insecurity issues. 

"I'm the greatest, I'm the smartest, I'm a genius, I'm the best, I'm always right, I'm a winner not a loser, I know more than the generals, I'm loved by so many, I can 'grab em by the p*$$y and they let me get away with it, I'm always being wronged and cheated, I'm ......... it never ends!

Trump IS the best in one area. He'd be the "biggest and best bore" at any cocktail party with his non-stop, one track self obsessed and self promoting line of conversation.

"Did I ever tell you I'm the best at ... well, you name  it ... I'm just the best!"




Love your observations. 

But Biden is president now, and Trump is a nobody.  


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Harris urges probe of Ukraine maternity hospital attack, accuses Russia of 'unimaginable' atrocities

At what point do Western powers step in?

Will the lethal convoy pointed at Kyiv be stopped with a patchwork of economic sanctions (that are evidently porous, see China and oil).



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20 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

I don't think there's any doubt Trump will get charged.

How long the whole process takes in order to finally get a verdict is another matter...

If charged, will Trump, perhaps, flee the country in Trump Force One-- to Moscow or Pyong Yang? 🤥

Trump PAC Fundraises for New 'Trump Force One' Following Emergency Landing

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19 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

The Ukrainian's super-secret weapon is dumping chemical and biological munitions on themselves to embarrass Putin. Just like in Syria. Carter will be along to explain it to us soon. Putin is so misunderstood.

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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Speaking of Trump. Maybe it's time to lighten the load with some very sophmoric humor.

We'll entitle this one:  "Orange Man Mafia Don coming back from the links:"




Absolutely hilarious!

Thanks for the lightened load!

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