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3 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Trump improved over Romney by roughly 4% to 12%, among blacks, men and women. It’s probably why Trump won PA.

If Trump gets close to 20% the Dems are finished for a long time. It’s a function of Blacks being a solid 90% block for Democrats Traditionally. 


For a guy who has said this regarding polls:


Giving Pollsters wrong information is a Republican "thing" in practice. Not all Republican voters of course, just the more actively inclined. I doubt anyone on Free Republic has given a Pollster a correct answer since 1996.

and this:


"Ukrainegate"  = (Argue Trump should be impeached for (1.) "quid-pro-quo", then (2.) "Bribery", then (3.) whatever polls best, etc.) + (Schiff's Public Impeachment Hearing**)

You seem awfully confident in them now, maybe it's just a momentary bout of cognitive dissonance. 

By your own statements polls are manipulated by pollees(?)and used to push agenda items by pollsters. This poll though, we can trust this poll because...

In any event, I doubt Trump gets more than 10% of "the black vote."


Also, if what I have is correct, in that Trump had a 10% approval rating among black voters in 2019, 11% in 2018, and 9% in 2017; and it is now 41% then as a person who deals in statistical variance on a daily basis I would be highly curious and suspicious of this.


Edited by Mark Stevens
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Trump Prepping To Dispatch Federal Squads To More Democratic Cities, Warns Mark Meadows



"““You’ll see something rolled out this week, as we start to go in and make sure that the communities — whether it’s Chicago or Portland or Milwaukee or someplace across the heartland — we need to make sure their communities are safe,” he added.”

As justification for their presence, federal authorities have cited a June 26 executive order


by Trump directing them to protect federal monuments and buildings."

"All three cities named are run by Democrats."


Best voter suppression tactic I can think of.


Steve Thomas

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Mark Meadows. It's amazing how the Republicans on the Hill are willing not only to be bullied and silenced by Trump but will even lower themselves to work for him.

Isn't there a line in one of Shakespeare's plays, "The Donald doth make cowards of us all"?



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9 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:


To that end, I think the MSM has overplayed it's narrative that the mostly peaceful day-time protests of black people are synonymous with the mostly night-time riots of affiliated white groups and some opportunistic black youth. 

That’s a Fox News narrative.

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14 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

It’s always amusing to watch Fascists rationalize their Treason.  Civil war away, Wheeler...

I see the goose stepper in chief is laying predicates for sending federal troops against Democrats. Nazis. Hope all the Trump apologists around here have seen the light. I don't expect much from the usual confirmed fascists.

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26 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

I have you on ignore Cliff.

Can you stop stalking me. It's weird.

No need to reply, I won't see it.


I find Robert Wheeler’s fascism-apologia beyond bizarre.  Stalking him?  What a snowflake!

I’m OG Antifa.  Fighting fascism is what we’ve done for decades, no matter where it rears its ugly head.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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30 minutes ago, Ray Mitcham said:

Do you support the use of Secret Police as in Portland, Robert?

Exactly the question I want answered. 
in fact, Robert, I will put you on ignore if you don’t answer that question simply and clearly. Anyone who would answer Yes please speak up. This isn’t fun and games. 
I have seen this coming for several years now. My bet is most of you reading this have likewise. 
The question remains what exactly is it that we are witnessing? A madman in the White House who is masterminding the end of the Republic? I really doubt that. 

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28 minutes ago, Ty Carpenter said:

Where is the "secret police" narrative coming from? 

The secret part is not identifying themselves to citizens as federal agents.  Just beating them with batons, pepper spraying them or throwing them in rented mini vans to haul them off with out stating charges or reading them their rights.  Downright scary.  Storm Troopers.  Freedom of speech, right to assemble be damned.


And the prez is ready to send them to your city if it's run by "liberal Democrats."


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17 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

I can't say the same for the others that can't put me on ignore.

One can’t fight what one can’t see.

Wheeler wants to wage “war” but he can’t take the incoming.


Edited by Cliff Varnell
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