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Pete Mellor

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Everything posted by Pete Mellor

  1. Not sure that this is relevant, but just to complete the picture. Nov. '63 occupants on the opposite side of West 5th. Opposite to the Roberts' 2519, in 2518 were Roy & Margaret Benton. Opposite to the Paine's 2515, in 2514 were Allen & Priscilla Lewis. Opposite the empty 2511, in 2510 were Herbert & Mary Williams. Opposite the Schneider's 2507, in 2506 were James & Mary Goodwin. Opposite the empty 2503, in 2502 were Clarence & Mary Ponder. Just in case anyone recognises the name of a CIA agent spying from across the street. 👀
  2. Well, my copy arrived a day early (Thursday) so already through the first 100 pages. Pages that cover the W.C., H.S.C.A. & A.R.R.B. 'investigations' and documents their findings/conclusions. I'm fairly conversant with these findings, but I have found information on some things I had put down as hearsay, or had not come across previously, that the text has highlighted. To quote the back cover:- "This is a solid, credible presentation of evidence that more than one gunman shot President John F. Kennedy, written by one of the most careful and respected researchers on the JFK case. This book has none of the exotic speculation, dubious claims, and extreme ideological bias found in so many other books on the JFK assassination." Another four hundred or so pages to read, and I will look forward to future reviews of Michael's work on this thread. I'm enjoying the book so far. Congrats Mr. Griffith.
  3. You got it correct Marcus. Tune in, Channel 5 Sunday 19th @ 21:00hrs.
  4. According to Nancy Weiford's recent Dealey Plaza U.K. article, West 5th Street shows two properties empty on 22/11/63. 2519 occupied by Ed & Dorothy Roberts. 2515 occupied by Michael & Ruth Paine. 2511 Empty since 1962. 2507 occupied by Clement & Rena Schneider. 2503 empty 11/63.
  5. Me too Sandy. But no surprise. There are so many different versions of events in this case. We must live in a multiverse.
  6. No. In fact Fritz didn't question him, according to Frazier's Interview with Gary Mack in 2002. The interrogation of Frazier was with Rose & Stovall. After hours with the two detectives Fritz made his appearance with a statement for Wes to sign, which resulted in the threat of a fist fight. Wes was taken back to DPD HQ to undergo a polygraph test that Fritz wanted him to take. Who knows why? Maybe just because Wes had stood up to Fritz in refusing to sign any statement. Bent cops can also be vindictive. Rose & Stovall knew Frazier was telling the truth and in the clear because at the same time he was being interrogated, Linnie was also being questioned in a different room and their two stories matched.
  7. My conviction on the Vinson story exactly.
  8. No you are not Bill. I have every volume on Kindle.
  9. It is noted that Plumlee tells a very confusing, illogical story, with a complete lack of specifics, and that he has indicated that he has, in the past, used his imagination for the purpose of making his story more believable, i.e. in that he has admitted making up names of persons allegedly contacted by him. He has also stated that he was stood on Commerce St., next to the south knoll, but is nowhere to be seen in the Cancellare photograph. Like a WWII battleship under fire, he's making smoke.
  10. Maybe Roberts saw Bill Randle and his co-worker Berry Caster. They were together at Westbrook on Friday morning before making a 200 mile road trip to Austin.
  11. Just in case you thought you had heard it all. Also, never spoken of until Frazier told this on the Donald Jeffries American Unplugged Radio Podcast:- Buell spoke of what happened after the shots were fired, "I can't remember exactly how long it was before I decided to walk down those steps." Frazier recalled in 2023 to Nancy Weiford, "I think it finally hit me that Mr. Shelley and Billy had walked down the Elm Street extension." Encouraged by the safe movement of others on the steps, he started heading toward the railroad yards in search of his two friends. He hadn't even reached the double-gated chain-link fence where the depository mail truck was kept before he realised he had little chance to catch up with them in the crowd surging in the same direction. Reluctantly he decided to return to the TSBD. Frazier recalls that they had angled parking on the street in 1963. Cars were parked in a row angled in a southeast direction. Before he could turn around, he was suddenly startled by a man walking west and holding a rifle. "He wasn't a policeman. He was very well dressed. Very fine quality, much more expensive than a policeman could afford. Or the FBI and Secret Service dress code," he said. Frazier did not reveal this information until he published his autobiography 'Steering Truth' in 2021. He described the man as wearing light beige slacks with a white shirt and tie, light brown shoes, a brown coloured plaid tweed sports coat with a brown fedora. Frazier said the man proceeded toward a parked car, opened the trunk and placed the rifle inside. During that brief moment, Frazier also saw a pump shotgun resting there. Almost on autopilot Frazier turned around and headed back to the TSBD. He heard the car door open and close, the engine start and the car drive off. "I couldn't make sense of what I'd seen. I somehow put it out of my mind." In fact he was so flustered that it never occurred to him to alert a policeman. He didn't consider yelling out to anyone. He also says the memory remained suppressed until just a few years before he started to write his autobiography. (From Nancy Weiford's article in the 60th anniversary edition of DPUK's 'Dealey Plaza Echo'.)
  12. Agree, very thought provoking. Never heard of this crew previously! No details exist in the official records of any non-depository men working on 6th floor. Strange, when DPD police officers were taking names and details of Depository workers gathered around Truly's office on the 1st floor.
  13. On the 1st floor of the TSBD Frazier was questioned by a police officer about his whereabouts at the time of the shooting. He then fell in line with the other men to give proper I.D. & provided his contact details, both address and phone number to a 2nd officer. Shelley then announced that the men could leave & resume work on Monday morning. The men then left sometime around 13:30. (Frazier's W.C. testimony.) It is after this that the story, not just from Frazier, but also from DPD detectives Rose & Stovall as well as Detectives McCabe & McCarley of the Irving P.D. becomes a mish mash of times & events. Was Frazier in Irving when Rose and Stovall arrived at the Randle house? Or, was it Linnie May Randle who arrived home around 14:30 when Adamcik, Rose & Stovall arrived. Yet, we have Rose, Stovall & Adamcik at the Paine house with a report that a neighbour approached them at around 17:30 to say that her brother had driven LHO to work that morning and had seen him put a long brown package into the back seat of her brother's car. Did this event actually take place? Frazier insists no event took place. Frazier has insisted he was arrested at the IPC by Rose & Stovall. According to the official arrest record of the Irving P.D. McCabe & McCarley were contacted by Rose at 17:10, drove to the IPC & took Frazier into custody at 17:20. Rose & Stovall say they picked up Frazier at the Irving P.D. closer to 19:00. Sort that out.
  14. Michael has already suggested Doug Horne's 'Inside the Assassination Records Review Board'. A five volume set well worth adding. Mike Davis' 'The JFK Assassination Witness Index' & 'The JFK Assassination Evidence Handbook' (2018) are handy reference books. Noel Twyman 'Bloody Treason'. (1997). Jim D & Probe Mag. 'The Assassinations'. (JFK-RFK & MLK). Ray Marcus 'The Bastard Bullet'. Monograph (1966). William Davy 'Through the Looking Glass-The Mysterious World of Clay Shaw'. Monograph (1995).
  15. Me thinks thou doth think too much Keyvan. One thing we know for sure, Lee was placed there. Objection your honour! How do we know that? This would mean that Marina's father was a double agent for the CIA or Marina and the Russians had a hand in the assassination. Please, no.
  16. Channel 5 in the U.K, part of Paramount Global, is a co-producer with Guy Davies, who serves as executive producer. So, looks like I'll be able to catch this one. Thanks for the heads up Vince.
  17. & very modest. Sorry, at 70yo I've just taken up learning piano which is why I caught attention to your post.
  18. Ha! Didn't know that James, serendipity. & along came Blakey.
  19. According to Ruth Paine's WC testimony she stated that when she rang the TSBD to ask if there was a possibility of a job opening for Oswald, Roy Truly said he didn't know whether he had an opening, and that the young man should apply himself in person. Because Buell was working plenty of overtime at the TSBD, Linnie May Randle suggested that specific employer as a possibility to Ruth Paine. I don't see Buell Frazier being involved with any information of a job vacancy at the TSBD. Information please.
  20. Nancy Weiford contributed a two part feature article for DPUK's 'Dealey Plaza Echo' for the 60th anniversary two part edition. (Buell Wesley Frazier: A Person of Interest.) For that article, Nancy interviewed Buell Wesley Frazier back in March 2023. On the issue of Linnie's view of Wes' car & LHO putting the package into the back seat, Nancy writes:- "She eventually made several statements about this incident. Some details did not mesh with the line of sight she would have had either from the window or from the kitchen back door. The carport had long wooden slats on the north side that hampered the view of Wesley's car she would have needed to see in order to observe Oswald actually place the sack in the car. Later, she adjusted her original statement to indicate she hadn't actually seen him do that, but she heard the sound of the rear car door which was the only one unlocked. From that sound, perhaps she assumed he had placed the long sack inside the car." Oswald then appeared at the kitchen door, minus the sack that Linnie had seen him with through her kitchen window.
  21. In a CIA memo from the Chief of the New Orleans office, Lloyd Ray, to the Director of the DCS, Ray expressed his belief that the Garrison investigation was credible. After Garrison interviewed Carlos Bringuier on February 1st., 1967, Bringuier immediately requested an interview with Hunter Leake of the New Orleans CIA office. Bringuier informed Leake on February 2nd., that Garrison was conducting his own investigation of Oswald's role in President Kennedy's assassination and warned of the "communist propaganda" being spread that Oswald was "a pawn in a plot by U.S. rightist elements." Ray writes, "We believe that there is some truth in the allegation of the Garrison investigation and that the matter is under a discreet and sensitive investigation by the FBI. HSCA staff council Jonathan Blackmer authored a memorandum. Blackmer was the lead council for Team 3, the HSCA team responsible for the New Orleans and Cuban angles of the investigation. Blackmer concluded in his memo, "We have reason to believe Shaw was heavily involved in the anti-Castro efforts in New Orleans in the 1960's and was possibly one of the high level planners or 'cut out' to the planners of the assassination."
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