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Jeffrey Epstein Dies By Suicide Under Suicide Watch? Comparisons To Oswald's Death In Dallas Police Custody Inevitable.

Joe Bauer

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From the article: But we don’t know that he is dead.  This report on Intellihub might be a fabrication posted to attract readers.

Or it might be a false report put out by the deep state to distract attention from a suspicious suicide. James Jesus Angleton, head of CIA counter-intelligence, once told me that when the CIA pulls off something, it muddies the waters by placing different and conflicting stories in the media.  The result, he said, is that there is too much to investigate, and people end up arguing with one another over which story is correct, and the facts of the event are never investigated. Today with the Internet all sorts of stories can be put into play in order to cover an event in confusion.

When you hear someone trying to discredit a view by calling it a “conspiracy theory,” be suspicious.  The CIA invented “conspiracy theory” in order to control the explanation of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination by discrediting skeptics of the official explanation. 


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Donald Trump, Jeffrey Epstein and William Barr
Last winter, Mitch McConnell handpicked Bill Barr to “save the Republican Party.” If Barr could somehow navigate the party through all of Trump’s scandals, he saw a hefty monetary reward for himself in the private sector. Barr was pitched to Trump as the attorney general who helped resolve the Iran Contra investigation while downplaying his long professional relationship with Robert Mueller. By summer, few could foresee just how much of an intriguing pick Barr would be.
In 1974, shortly before resigning as headmaster, Donald Barr – William Barr’s father – hired a young Jeffrey Epstein as a professor at the Dalton School despite having no college degree himself. Oddly enough, around this time Donald wrote a science fiction novel involving child sex slavery. After Epstein’s dismissal from Dalton in 1976, he began his finance career at Bear Stearns before eventually managing his own fund for high wealth clients. Contemporary reporting suggests Epstein’s main source of wealth may have been associated with underage sex trafficking to rich and powerful men. The extortion and blackmail that ensued may have kept his investment fund afloat and guaranteed him cash flow.
Throughout the 1990’s and early 2000’s, Donald Trump, Jeffrey Epstein and Tom Barrack frequented the Manhattan and Palm Beach social scene together. Trump and Epstein were once called each other’s “wingmen” and Epstein even introduced Trump to his future wife, then Melania Knauss. In November 2004, Trump and Epstein had a falling out over a real estate deal. Epstein was readying a bid of $40 million for the Mansion de L’Amitie, a Palm Beach property, when Trump – privy to Epstein’s plans – came in at $41 million and snatched the property from him. Trump would go on to resell the property to Russian oligarch Dmitry Rybolovlev for $95 million four years later. In Siege, Michael Wolff implies that Epstein, furious at Trump, was ready to spill the beans on Trump’s shady sources of capital for the purchase. It’s curious timing that only a few months later Epstein would be ensnared in his first underage sex investigation.
In 2009, Bill Barr joined the law firm Kirkland & Ellis, the same firm that represented Jeffrey Epstein and a year earlier had negotiated the sweetheart deal with Alexander Acosta – himself a Kirkland & Ellis alumni who would go on to be a member of the Trump cabinet. Kirkland & Ellis continued to represent Epstein through 2011. It is for this reason that Barr initially recused himself from the Epstein case on July 8th. After consulting with ethics officials and speaking with Trump directly, a day later Barr issued a clarification that he was only recusing himself from the internal Justice Department investigation of Acosta and was still overseeing Epstein’s prosecution.
Shortly before the 2016 election, a woman came forward claiming she had been raped by Epstein and Trump in 1994 when she was 13. Another of Epstein’s accusers was lured into his sex ring while working at Trump’s Mar a Lago. Over the years Epstein has been personally associated with many of the world’s richest and most powerful men including Prince Andrew, Ehud Barak, Tony Blair, Bill Clinton, Glenn Dubin, George Mitchell, and Bill Richardson. Just a day before Epstein’s death, unsealed court documents named Dubin, Mitchell, Richardson, Prince Andrew, and Alan Dershowitz as being involved in underage sex with a single victim.
Epstein’s death undoubtedly comes as a relief to many powerful men. His death – less than three weeks after a failed suicide attempt or attack – in the same federal prison that recently housed El Chapo had conveniently given him little oversight the night of his death. As attorney general, Barr ultimately has supervision of the prison. Barr’s Justice Department reportedly has possession of films, pictures, and diaries from Epstein’s residences. William Barr, who just a month earlier un-recused himself from the Epstein case, now decides the fate of this evidence and the people it implicates – possibly his own boss. Will he indeed save the Republican Party?
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On 8/13/2019 at 6:06 AM, Kirk Gallaway said:

P.T.Barnum couldn't have pitched it better.

Geez, , Joe what do you gain by hyping this up so much? 



Kirk, like I mentioned in one of my first postings, I reached a point of outrage with the failure to protect Epstein by the Federal Prison system, resulting in his unlikely, truth robbing and justice cheating death and finally Trump's reckless retweeting of the Clinton Epstein death conspiracy connection theory that has compelled me to go rather bananas with this thread I admit.

I did this even knowing that the forum moderators may have decided to move this thread to our other political subject site.

And I wouldn't have objected.

I am a little surprised at it's allowance and the serious response participation of so many other members to it as well.

Yet, I can see that many of our forum members have reached a level of outraged frustration at the current federal political situation similar to mine ( with direct connections to the Epstein corruption story ) and who are feeling compelled to vent this as I have been doing here.

I am also sure many of us share a feeling of deja vu regards Epstein's death in police custody to Oswald's in Dallas in 1963.

I was outraged at the Dallas PD for their mind boggling failure in protecting Oswald back then as I am outraged now at our federal prison system for doing the same thing with Jeffrey Epstein.

However, I'll lay back from this ( hyping? ) now as your response ( I respect your contributions here tremendously ) has made me aware of how carried away I have become with the Epstein case.

I also believe though that we all should be more outraged at the unprecedented political conflict we are currently witnessing with the bullying balance of power abusing leaders in D.C. and especially the irresponsible no boundaries behavior and words of our commander in chief.

And as far as my writing a book?

I can't even write coherent threads and post responses most of the time. 

Respectively, JB.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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On 8/12/2019 at 10:33 PM, Rob Couteau said:

"Who Was Jeffrey Epstein Calling? A close study of his circle — social, professional, transactional — reveals a damning portrait of elite New York":


"Kissinger, Henry: Secretary of State and national-security adviser. Name found in Epstein’s black book. One of the century’s most notorious practitioners of cutthroat realpolitik, Kissinger served on the Council on Foreign Relations with Epstein."

Maybe those sex slaves had a reason to be scared about what might happen if they ever talked.

I am taking a break from the thread, however, just wanted to mention one weirdly disturbing coincidental fact reported in the link Rob provided above.

Rapist Bill Cosby's victim drugging Manhattan residence was "right across the street" from Epstein's own prolific sex abusing den ? 



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3 hours ago, Brian Schmidt said:

n 1974, shortly before resigning as headmaster, Donald Barr – William Barr’s father – hired a young Jeffrey Epstein as a professor at the Dalton School despite having no college degree himself.

This is apparently not true. I spent sometime researching it. Barr Sr. was in a dispute with the Board of Dalton over their desire to be more "progressive." (During the Wilson presidency someone described a "progressive" as an "idealist" without any principles. I saw him in a 1974 interview  with Benjamin Spock,and Edward Bloustein on PBS. He didn't seem the type to hire someone like Epstein and I started popping about. The website "amazing polly" (with 157K subscribers) did a  report:

New York Times: re Dalton: Barr Quits, stayed until June 1974: https://www.nytimes.com/1974/02/20/ar.

Complaint Dalton / Dunnan: https://www.courthousenews.com/wp-con...


"Now they are saying that ALL previous reports of Epstein working at Dalton from 1973-1975 are wrong. I look at that in the first half. In the second half I show you that Gardner P Dunnan may someday face legal trouble of his own - this guy has been involved in some questionable projects & activities and yet he keeps getting hired to work in education."

Barr's successor seems like the kind of guy that would hire Epstein.

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Epstein did in fact work there from 1974 to 1976, but it was Barr who hired him shortly before he left.  

"Donald Barr, Dalton’s headmaster and father of Attorney General Bill Barr, hired Epstein to teach math and science...Epstein was without a college degree when he was hired, but Barr, thought of as “no nonsense,” saw promise in the young man who was in his early 20s at the time."

Apparently the 'Epstein-Barr problem' is a running joke for the graduates of Dalton in the mid-70's.




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I find it fascinating that the media was so quick with their admonishments over associating this event with "conspiracy theories", and also that Epstein's milieu ties directly back to the Promise software /Octopus story which was a predominate "conspiracy theory" in the 1990s.

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Trump's quickly blaming the Clintons enabled the MSM to use that to dismiss

any talk of what they like to call "conspiracy theories," meaning they

don't have to discuss the obvious fact that Epstein was murdered

in federal custody. Trump cleverly manipulated the easily duped

and dishonest MSM into covering his own tracks, since he and

Barr are the parties responsible for the federal prison system.

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8 hours ago, Andrew Prutsok said:

Watch for selective prosecutions of Barr/Trump political enemies. Trump, Dershowitz, others will evade prosecution despite evidence and witnesses.

And selective leaks of Epstein's evidence, similar to what happened with Trump's misleading, "Nunes Memo," from the House Intel Committee that "did not look for evidence of collusion" and "did not find evidence of collusion."

Edited by W. Niederhut
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2 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

Those following this thread will find a good synopsis of articles and ongoing media coverage being presented by Russ Baker:



CBS needs to identify their source in the Shrieking From his Cell article.  "saying breathe Epstein breathe" is not "shouting and shrieking".  Who was shouting and shrieking, Epstein?  Did this happen before or after he was found?

The "announced on 4chan" 38 minutes before it was on ABC article is interesting.  FDNY says "not us".

Thanks for the link Larry. 






Edited by Ron Bulman
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BTW, this is really interesting.

Since Baden's name was announced to investigate the death, Mili Cranor's article on Baden at K and K is really getting some traffic.

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12 hours ago, Brian Schmidt said:

Epstein did in fact work there from 1974 to 1976, but it was Barr who hired him shortly before he left.  



FWIW- I find this timeline more persuasive, but perhaps in time, we will know for sure.


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