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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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On 7/17/2020 at 8:29 AM, Kathy Beckett said:

Yes, I had seen that. I had never heard of the guy before Trump retweeted his conspiracy theory, but he's living proof that you don't have to be very intelligent to be a game show host. Or to be president.



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9 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:



NPR's Sarah McCammon talks with acting Homeland Security Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli about reports of federal officers using unmarked vehicles to detain protesters in Portland, Ore.

CUCCINELLI: Well, we are - we welcome - the more investigations, the better. With as much lawbreaking is going on, we're seeking to prosecute as many people as are breaking the law as it relates to federal jurisdiction. That's not always happening with respect to local jurisdiction and local offenses. But, you know, this is a posture we intend to continue not just in Portland but in any of the facilities that we're responsible for around the country.


Steve Thomas

Thanks for this Steve.  So this is where the authority for Portland comes from?  "Potential surge activity".  I  don't think this is legal.  It is way too vague.

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6 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Bob, got the distinct impression you were talking about someone closer to home.😎

Robert, this FU’s for you:




Haha! In point of fact Rob is referring to misogynistic sub Reddits called The Red Pill developed some time ago by pick up artists which supposes that they're some sort of alpha male group who are superior "manly-men" but in fact are beta followers of whoever tickles their incel fantasies such as Roosh, Rollo Tomassi and a few others. Trump is who they fawn over at the moment because he has their magical "dark triad" of qualities namely: narcissism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism. It's exactly these traits that attract his followers to him like a low grade battered wife or child tries to make daddy happy. Sick. But you'll never here a peep of criticism because that could make daddy mad. Think about how Rubio put up with Trump insulting his wife and now he can't wait to stick his head up his a$$.

Fight Club is the closer movie example but only because they misinterpret the story which IMO involves the generational trait of many men who have been raised by women and no father. It's interesting and has some valid observations but is mostly emblematic of people like Trump. He's a good example of a clown who thinks he's an Alpha but really is just a rich thumb sucker who doesn't have a single shred of decency. The people who worship him fancy themselves the same, like a young boy emulates Mickey Mantle. Childish.

Edited by Bob Ness
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3 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Thanks for this Steve.  So this is where the authority for Portland comes from?  "Potential surge activity".  I  don't think this is legal.  It is way too vague.

This is a good article. I think they'll have a problem with Oregon's certification requirements and their refusal to identify themselves. Other than that they can pretty much do what they're doing it appears.


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From the Feder files: "Federal police, some in complete combat gear, some in plainclothes and without any identifying insignia or badges, arresting people on the streets of Portland...  and the state's Attorney General and the Governor and the Mayor all saying it's wrong but acting as if it's out of their control. I guess when the federal government turns lawless, the only remedy is the courts--in this case, the Federal courts---(that's why the appointment of so many conservative/right-wing federal judges is so pernicious).
This scene (which is happening in other cities, too) is right out of Russia or Nazi Germany. We're a hop, skip, and goose-step away from pure fascist dictatorship here. On the "plus" side, when you see these federal cops on the streets of an American city, it should horrify any citizen who has even a trace understanding of why and how the country was formed in the first place--and  mabye that will be enough to stimulate some people to vote against Trump who might have considered Biden too pale and centrist to vote for.

On the other hand, you've got protesters in Portland, most of them white, in non-stop demonstrations. And sometimes, it seems to me, that some of this marching and yelling and occasionally provoking the cops to their inevitable response is without any real, passionate substance (maybe it relieves the boredom and is an outlet for the impotent rage caused by ravages of Covid).
I remember people who acted this way in the Sixties-- Ostensibly it was for civil rights or against the war in Vietnam (which brought me out onto the streets many times). I knew a lot of the people who organized and participated in these street protests. Most of them were legitimately aggrieved but some just went out of their way to provoke the cops. They got a thrill out of it; it gave their lives meaning.
What worries me is that every time the country sees videos of these partially gratuitous on-going protests, it's worth x thousands of votes for Trump. And I don't mean his regular cult following--those who will vote for him anyway, I mean people who might not even like Trump but don't want to see complete anarchy and destruction in the country.

Obviously, the cops in most places have been trampling on people's rights forever. The police (and the army in some places) have always served the interests of the rich and powerful and victimized the poor and powerless. Taking to the streets in protest against abuse of authority is the right--almost, you might say, the duty--of any citizen in a Democracy. Even people who live in brutal dictatorships take to the streets when pushed far enough--France in 1789, in Russia in 1917,  China in 1989, etc.
But, what do you do if local police are unable to actually control the streets and keep the rest of the citizens safe? Is that what we want? In New York City, the cops have almost always been a law unto themselves--abusing their authority and breaking laws to get their way. BUT--having once been a probation officer in the city for some time in the Sixties and Seventies, I'm here to tell you there are some VERY bad people out there-- They are always out there, and they always have been; a small percentage of the population--no matter what their color or background or national origin--who choose to prey on the rest of us. So, we do need cops to make sure the rest of us are safe. But there's a constant need to keep them under control.
One thing is for sure, though...  Once Federal "police" (aka, the Gestapo or the KGB) take over, Democracy is dead as a door-nail."


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C. Schwartz - wish your excellent essay here could break through and be posted on all of our internet political news sites.

We so desperately need common good, common ground uniting coherency like this in understanding the current political/social situation happening all over the country right now.

It's more and more inflamed chaos with growing police state responses and justification.

Trump is the inflaming leader of this dangerous shift to extreme authoritarian rule with his constant divisive, scare tactic, anger inciting ( Americans against Americans ) rhetoric.

Can you imagine the national relief of anger fed tension, anxiety, fear, hate, divisiveness, threats, mistrust, unsureness, etc. when and if the conflict loving and stirring up Trump is finally removed from his constantly antagonizing and divisive anger working up reign as the "Inflamer In Chief" ... or "Bully In Chief" when he constantly personally insults and name calls others in every public announcement venue...press briefings, Twitter feeds, one-on-one interviews, etc.?

It's been like a constant anger and hate filled American against American instigating diatribe nightmare since January 20, 2017.

The peace and relief when it's over will be soooo prayer hands to the heavens "Thank You God" appreciated ...imo.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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3 hours ago, Chuck Schwartz said:

One thing is for sure, though...  Once Federal "police" (aka, the Gestapo or the KGB) take over, Democracy is dead as a door-nail."


I just hope we don't wind up with Argentina's Disappeared.

The federal agencies were denying they were arresting anyone.

Steve Thomas

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19 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

It's been like a constant anger and hate filled American against American nightmare since January 20, 2017.


I read an interesting article this morning that said that Trump is the culmination of a political movement that started with the overwhelming victory of Ronald Reagan over Walter Mondale in 1980. For forty years we have been living with the "smashmouth politics", take-no-prisoners, hyper-partisanship that the Tea Party movement brought with it and brought us figures like Tucker Carlson, Rush Limbaugh, Jerry Falwell, Stephen Miller and Dick Cheney, etc.

The article said that the American people are getting tired of it.

Steve Thomas

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11 hours ago, Ron Ecker said:

Yes, I had seen that. I had never heard of the guy before Trump retweeted his conspiracy theory, but he's living proof that you don't have to be very intelligent to be a game show host. Or to be president.



Fareed’s upcoming special report: “Donald Trump’s Conspiracy Theories,” airing Monday, July 20 on CNN at 9 p.m. E.T. and P.T. and on CNN International at 9 p.m. E.T. Featuring interviews with The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, The New Yorker’s Andrew Marantz, historian Tim Naftali, and more, Fareed’s latest special dives into the conspiratorial beliefs held by the president, the history of conspiracy-theory thinking in the US, and why it’s so dangerous during the 2020 election season.

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Inside Trump’s Failure: The Rush to Abandon Leadership Role on the Virus

The roots of the nation’s current inability to control the pandemic can be traced to mid-April, when the White House embraced overly rosy projections to proclaim victory and move on.



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It's true, Trump's lure to some was that he didn't talk like a conventional politician. But now it's like memorizing a deck of 52. I pretty much can predict how Trump will respond, or how little he'll really respond, to anything.

I've seen Mary Trump in several, interviews now. She is very smart woman who handles the shades of questions asked of her very adroitly. She comes off as a very savvy psychologist, much more so then then a lot the MSM's  psychologist darlings that are called to weigh in from time to time, who I often feel I could offer a better answer.

Having seen and read of a  number of Trumps. I didn't think such awareness could come from that family.  Though I realize that's probably not a fair thing to say.


Chuck, I'm in agreement with you. We certainly don't need another "law and order' Nixon white backlash right now. I heard Hannity lead his show with Portland. But I have been generally more impressed with how the public has digested the events of the last couple of months.  Are people more apt to see it as another deliberately planned Trump destabilizing tactic now, and condemn it? 

Just the same, the fewer acts  of vandalism, and law breaking now , the better.

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52 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:


I read an interesting article this morning that said that Trump is the culmination of a political movement that started with the overwhelming victory of Ronald Reagan over Walter Mondale in 1980. For forty years we have been living with the "smashmouth politics", take-no-prisoners, hyper-partisanship that the Tea Party movement brought with it and brought us figures like Tucker Carlson, Rush Limbaugh, Jerry Falwell, Stephen Miller and Dick Cheney, etc.

The article said that the American people are getting tired of it.

Steve Thomas

True.  However, tragically I don't think half of the country ( Trump's base) will ever get tired of it.

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